Pelé, the extraordinary Brazilian known as the greatest soccer player of all time, passed away on December 29, 2022, his way lighted by the stars.
Alex Miller, Asteroid Files
Joe Biden’s 2022 Solar Return
As President, 80-year-old Joe Biden has already skated past some tricky astrological challenges. Can he keep going?
Astrology of Marriage Equality in the US: From Defense to Respect
Marriage equality—an astrological perspective on its long bumpy road to codification into US law.
Trump Indictment #1: Asteroid Files (Bilk, D’Arrest, and Swindle)
Is Donald Trump’s recent indictment for fraud anything more than window-dressing? The heavens tell all.
Queen Elizabeth II, An Astrological Obituary
She advised 15 Prime Ministers, interacted with 14 American presidents and 7 popes, but the long life and 70-year reign of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II came to a peaceful close on 8 September 2022.