She advised 15 Prime Ministers, interacted with 14 American presidents and 7 popes, but the long life and 70-year reign of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II came to a peaceful close on 8 September 2022.
Alex Miller, Asteroid Files
Liz Cheney: Astrological Profile
Pulling back the astrological curtain on the current personification of political courage in America.
Into the Heavens & Under the Sea: The Dual Passing of Nichelle Nichols and Pat Carroll
Astrology of the dual passing of Nichelle Nichols (Star Trek) and Pat Carroll (Little Mermaid)—birth, death, and careers.
Gunning for America—Asteroid Gunn in Action
Asteroid Gunn, the SCOTUS gun carry decision, and guns in America.
Uncanny Astrology of the Highland Park Killings
The stars tell all in this tale of modern American life and death.