Gemini is a light-hearted air sign. Seriously, it’s time for some fun.
Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, 2022: Full Light Obscured, and then Revealed
The May 15 Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse illuminates the path of the warrior—not primarily the war-maker, but the peace-and-freedom-fighter, the creator, the nurturer, as well: we need each others’ strength.
Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse: In the Garden of Love and Delight
Taurus New Moon, partial solar eclipse, and Beltane. Light your fire!
Libra Full Moon, April 2022: The Liberating Balance of Self and Other
The Libra Full Moon of April, 2022: the ultimate fulcrum between Aries’ innocent, energetic me-me-me and the instinctive harmonies of Libra.
Aries New Moon, March-April 2022: Healing in Fire and Light
The Aries New Moon that straddles the end of March and the beginning of April offers fiery illumination and healing.