What drives the Russian President, and what will result from the chaos he’s unleashed? Alex studies the stars.
Political Astrology
Political astrology: astrological analysis of elections, political candidates, politicians, political parties, trends, issues, events, and forecasts.
Ketanji Brown Jackson, Astrological Profile
New Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s astrological chart predicts her appointment and bipartisan confirmation.
Astrology of a Russia-Ukraine Crisis
So what about this apparent march towards war between Russia and Ukraine? The stars say it.
Manchin Mishigas, Sinema Tsuris*
Why are these two senators such a headache for the progressive agenda and Biden’s administration? Once again, astrology offers insights.
Joe Biden’s 2021 Solar Return
There’s a lot going on, but not much to cheer about. A tough year for the Prez?