Donald Trump’s problematic 2023 solar return chart.
Political Astrology
Political astrology: astrological analysis of elections, political candidates, politicians, political parties, trends, issues, events, and forecasts.
Hybris, Nemesis, Damocles, Karma: Justice Comes for Trump
Key asteroids of self-made karma and undoing mark Donald Trump’s indictment chart.
Donald Trump and George Santos: Justice 2, GOP 0
The stars turn, and fates are revealed.
Tennessee Turmoil: An Astrological Perspective
Astrological analysis: the sudden expulsion of two young black Democratic legislators in Tennessee for joining a youth protest seeking an end to gun violence.
The Kevin McCarthy Debacle—Astrology of an Historic Vote for Speaker of the House
And an answer to the big question: is Speaker McCarthy’s torturous election process emblematic of the next two years in Congress?