The stars offer an incontrovertible perspective on the felony trial and conviction of the former president.
Political Astrology
Political astrology: astrological analysis of elections, political candidates, politicians, political parties, trends, issues, events, and forecasts.
Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction: Astrology of the American College Protests
An astrologer looks at the university protests against US support of Israel’s war in Gaza—and discovers it ain’t just Uranus and Jupiter in on the action.
Eclipse Notes: Of Bombs, Bonds and Bridges
The astrology: a devastating shock attack, a surprising reduction in the former President’s required $454 million bond, and a freak accident causing a major bridge to collapse.
Happy Birthday, SCOTUS
What can we expect from the Court as we celebrate its 235th birthday?
The Death of Alexei Navalny
How did the Russian opposition leader die? Alexei Navalny’s death chart suggests poison at the hands of Russian dictator.