Asteroid indicators abound in the charts of both the shooter and victims of this preventable tragedy.
Asteroid Astrology
The Biden Documents Fracas: Astrology of a Paper Chase
The discovery of classified documents in Biden’s home and office at Penn… how and why did this happen, and will it muddy the waters for a Trump prosecution?
The Kevin McCarthy Debacle—Astrology of an Historic Vote for Speaker of the House
And an answer to the big question: is Speaker McCarthy’s torturous election process emblematic of the next two years in Congress?
Pelé: An Astrological Obituary
Pelé, the extraordinary Brazilian known as the greatest soccer player of all time, passed away on December 29, 2022, his way lighted by the stars.
Joe Biden’s 2022 Solar Return
As President, 80-year-old Joe Biden has already skated past some tricky astrological challenges. Can he keep going?