Astrological analysis of the virus outbreak and its potential spread or containment.
Asteroid Astrology
Astrological Profile: Bernie Sanders
Who is Bernie, astrologically speaking, and how are his chances looking for 2020? Alex analyzes the charts.
Political Apprentice, Season Four: Series Finale?
Will there be a Season 5 of this interminable show? The Inauguration Solar Return tells the tale.
New Kid on the Celestial Block: TNO G!kun||’homdima
Young activist-leaders Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai, and Emma Gonzales all have recently discovered TNO G!kun||’homdima, named after a Namibian protectress and fierce warrior for justice, prominent in their charts.
Joe Biden’s 2019 Solar Return: Victory Rising
Will victory belong to Joe Biden? Alex analyzes the Solar Return.