Crystal Pomeroy

Crystal Pomeroy offers personal in-depth astrological consultations. Crystal will analyze your chart and illuminate life’s mystery moments, either by looking at the chart as a whole, or by focusing on particular issues of importance to you. She offers a superb range of chart deep and insightful interpretations, including:
- Natal chart readings
- Solar returns and progressions
- Relationship charts
- Saturn returns
And much more! Get in touch with Crystal directly at .
Sara Diamond

In an astrological reading—which takes about an hour to 90 minutes—I present your natal chart and interpret, for you and with you, the particular set of symbols that appeared in the sky at the moment of your birth. We talk about the four elements (earth, water, fire, air), the four angular directions, the signs (qualities) and houses (realms of life) where the sun, moon and planets appear.
Your chart is yours for your entire life, yet we know that you are not the same person you were as an infant or as a younger adult: you have evolved! So, also, have the planetary alignments you were born with “progressed” through your life course. So, also, the cycles of “transiting” planets in the sky, over time, make new aspects with the symbols in your birth chart. We talk about the interplay between your particular chart and the changing “cosmic weather.”
Contact Sara here, or take a look at her web site,