Daykeeper Journal Online, Astrology, Consciousness and Transformation

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New Year Reflections
by Maya del Mar

2002, YEAR OF THE HORSE, is an Emperor Year, and a Horse Year. Picture the Emperor, riding forth on his spirited horse to take charge of his domain. This is each of us. This is a year of planning, organizing, overseeing, looking to the future—but at the same time with daring, courage, and a sense of adventure. ACTION is the key word. This is an excellent year to strike out on your own.

Horsepower, e.g. automobiles, may be featured this year. We’re on the edge of a revolution in cars.

FEBRUARY 2002, SATURN-PLUTO UPDATE. "Why is life so difficult now?" is a question I hear frequently. It’s really simple to say, hard to experience. Simply, Saturn and Pluto connected mean WORK, and they are more or less opposing one another for the years 2001-2002.

Saturn in opposition puts pressure on our efforts from an outside source. Pluto in opposition brings crisis situations that originate from outer circumstances over which we have no control. Either one or both of these circumstances can spring from within ourselves as well, as when someone does do hard work in crisis because they choose to do so. Rescue workers fall in this category. But mostly we feel individually that life is full of problems, difficulties, and losses during these times.

Those readers who follow Daykeeper have heard me talk about this powerful configuration extensively, for it is the marker of our times. Saturn’s basic concern is sound structure. Pluto’s is inexorable evolution, where transformation occurs at a very deep level. Saturn wants to build soundly, and this takes work. Pluto is in charge of birth and death, both of which also require work.

Hard and difficult work, related to deep issues, is our challenge now. The Pluto-Saturn combination results in deep structural transformation at every level, from the world as a whole down to the individual. Indeed, it is work.

Yoga is an excellent outlet for these energies. The book which I reviewed last month, The Saturn-Pluto Phenomenon by Michaud and Hilverson, is very helpful for us to get acquainted with and be more accepting of Saturn and Pluto.

When will it end? The peak of the action is from August 2001-June 2002. However, with lead-up time and follow-through time, we feel its effects strongly for the entire two years. The Daily Success Guide pinpoints times of special activation of the Pluto-Saturn opposition.

2001 was a year of much dislocation. This year, 2002, is a year to put things back together in a new or revised way. The lively horse can carry us where we need to go.

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