The Moon will catch up with the Sun to begin a new lunar cycle at nearly 21 Scorpio, on November 13 at 1:27 a.m., West Coast time.
At this season, when the Sun traverses Scorpio, it’s time for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere to get ready for winter’s harshness. Whereas Scorpio’s opposite sign of Taurus is about harboring material possessions, Scorpionic resilience lies more in the domains of emotional and psychological security.
Intensity is a key word for Scorpio’s modus operandi. Scorpio is of the fixed modality and the water element. I’ve often likened Scorpio to the kind of murky, watery substances found at the bottom of a dark lagoon. But lately, I’m thinking of Scorpionic processes more broadly: not just doing shadow work, but also diving deep and drinking from a fresh, bottomless well. If Scorpio’s manner is intense, it’s because it holds not just darkness and intrigue but, more so, a breadth of courage to face whatever comes one’s way.
The sign of Scorpio has two symbolic planetary rulers, and both of them are fierce. Traditionally, Scorpio is ruled by Mars, a red fireball, named for the Roman god of war, associated with combative, or at least assertive, action. (Mars’ other home sign is fiery Aries.) Since Pluto was discovered in 1930, it has been seen as the modern ruler of Scorpio. Pluto’s discovery coincided roughly with the development of psychoanalysis as a philosophy and practice for self-understanding.
The November 13 lunation will be an intense one because the Sun and Moon will be closely joined with Mars, now also in Scorpio. Three or more planetary bodies traveling in one sign is called a stellium. Each of the players in a stellium intensifies the messages of the others.
The few days following the November 13 New Moon will be ideal for setting intentions with Scorpionic themes: investigations, facing fears and obsessions, purging oneself of what’s not necessary, and getting ready for the darkest part of the year. When a New Moon is in Scorpio, it’s time to uncover one’s true emotions. With Mars in Scorpio, too, it might mean the kind of emotional introspection that’s raw and brave. Scorpio is one of the “feminine” or yin signs, meaning that it is inwardly drawn. It’s a type of inner warrior, no less courageous than if one’s struggles are directed outwardly. Whereas Libra, the sign preceding Scorpio, is all about partnerships, Scorpio’s path is more solitary.
By transit at this New Moon time, Uranus, now in one of its retrograde periods, is at 21 Taurus, opposed to the Sun, Moon and Mars. Uranus brings unexpected twists of fate and an urge for freedom. The energy of a Uranian transit with the luminaries can be erratic and rebellious. But whatever happens need not be an outer event, as individuation is mostly a process of introspection, perfect for this Scorpionic season.
Also at this time, the Sun, Moon, and Mars are forming a harmonious trine aspect with Neptune in its long sojourn through watery Pisces. Neptune is the planetary force of dreams, visions, and also mysteries and confusion. By the light of the New Moon, may we receive some new, illuminating insight into things that have been hard to understand.
Later in November, the Sun will ingress the sign of Sagittarius. At the November 13 New Moon, there’s a hint of the coming Sagittarius season because Mercury is already in the early degrees of this mutable fire sign. Mercury is the Winged Messenger, presiding over learning, thinking, and making one’s voice heard.
The mandate of the Scorpio New Moon is to look deeply at one’s own psyche and emotions, and to not shy away from difficult issues. For all of this, Mercury is an intrepid guide. Especially while traveling in the wide lens style of Sagittarius, Mercury’s quest is for knowledge and wisdom on questions like these: What is the whole, raw truth? How can I find it? And, then, how can I best speak it?
Blessings for the Scorpio New Moon!
~ Sara

Sara R. Diamond, an astrologer based in the San Francisco Bay Area, is a life-long student and practitioner in several esoteric paths. Her style of astrology combines modern-psychological astrology with insights from traditional astrology. Sara is also an estate planning attorney. In addition, she has published four books on right-wing movements in the United States and earned her Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. You are invited to contact Sara via her website at www.SaraDiamondAstrology.com.
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