Tensions continue to increase on the border between Ukraine and Russia, where more than 100,000 Russian troops have recently been stationed in what appears to be a build-up to an invasion. Russia began a piecemeal takeover of its neighbor in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea, followed by further border incursions into adjoining Ukrainian enclaves dominated by its military and local separatist groups wanting to reunite the two nations, as they were under Soviet hegemony. Reports that families of Russian diplomatic staffers in Ukraine were evacuated in early January heightened the sense of impending crisis.
Rather than wait to see which way the Russian bear lumbers, analyzing his moves in hindsight, the purpose of this article is to assess the situation in advance of open hostilities, to determine how likely they are, and when they might commence. Most of the principals in the unfolding drama have exact or close PNA (Personal-Named Asteroid) matches we can use to evaluate probabilities, including asteroids Russia and Moskva (Russian for Moscow, its capital); Ukraina (for Ukraine) and Kiev (its capital); Vladimir and Putilin (for Russian president Vladimir Putin); and Volodymyr and Zelinsky (for Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky).
January and February 2022 is a fraught period generally for these entities, with five out of six of their asteroid referents coming to station in this two-month span. Stations focus planetary energies in a particular sector of the zodiac, and dominate the astrological landscape by being the still points upon which the rest of the sky revolves. They become the loci of terrestrial energies and events, for good or ill, with the station itself constituting a literal “turning point” in the affairs of the associated namesakes. As such, it’s quite remarkable to see PNAs representative of so many of the major players of this conflict in flux over the same general time period, implying that major shifts and changes are forthcoming. In essence, what’s happening is that positions and circumstances are becoming entrenched (stations) as each side draws its lines, coming to conclusions about the other, but not overtly reacting.
In judging the effect of celestial stations on terrestrial events, the direction of the shift, whether retrograde or direct, does not necessarily have bearing on the course events will take. The overriding factor is that a change is taking place. That said, sometimes the direction indicated does give clues to the results. There may be some cosmic method to this asteroid station madness. Take note of the dates when these cosmic events occur – January 3, asteroid Zelinsky goes retrograde; January 13, asteroid Kiev goes direct; February 8, asteroid Ukraina goes retrograde; February 18, asteroid Moskva goes direct; and February 28, asteroid Russia goes retrograde.

Now analyze the data. This pattern constitutes a pair of January events which are ten days apart, followed by a break of almost a month, then a series of three February events, each ten days apart. This suggests an acceleration of developments in early to mid-January; a “thaw” where the status quo is maintained; and another flurry of activity beginning in early February. The first three events in order represent Ukrainian markers, the final two are Russian. This suggests that the initial action is focused on Ukraine, then shifts to Russia.
The station dates which have already occurred as of this writing (January 22, 2022) have yielded the following manifestations:
- Asteroid Zelinksy stations retrograde January 3, 2022; on January 2, US President Joe Biden reaches out to Zelensky in a phone call to Kiev, to reaffirm US and allies’ support for Ukraine, stating they will “respond decisively” to any further Russian aggression. (Asteroid Bida at 26 Cancer is semisquare asteroid Zelinsky at 10 Virgo, with Bida also exactly sextile asteroid Kiev at 26 Taurus, while asteroids Washingtonia and Volodymyr conjoin at 0 and 9 Scorpio, and asteroid Whitehouse squares from 0 Aquarius.)
- Asteroid Kiev stations direct January 13, 2022. On January 10, the US and Russia hold bilateral talks about the situation in Ukraine, on January 12 a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council is held in Brussels to address concerns. Russia deems both meetings “unsuccessful.” On January 14, Ukraine experiences a massive cyberattack on government websites, including the foreign ministry; Russian hackers are suspected. The sites were blocked with images of crossed-out Ukrainian flags and maps of the nation, with the message, “Ukrainians! … All information about you has become public. Be afraid and expect worse. It’s your past, present and future.”
Putin’s mind seems made up, but there is still the chance that pressure is being applied only to obtain concessions from the West, such as a guarantee that Ukraine will never be admitted to NATO. The failure of the mid-January talks is not surprising, with diplomacy hampered by a retrograde Venus, and Mercury also turning retrograde on January 14, snarling communications generally.

Two solar connections are also currently coloring the general outlook globally. Since December 26, through January 29, the Sun has been conjoined asteroid Nemesis. On the one hand this combination focuses on rivalry, competition, blocks to progress or the identification of enemies, adversaries and opponents; on the other, there is a thrust toward cosmic justice, divine retribution and vengeance. It’s a bad time to act the aggressor, lest reprisals ensue.
But in the midst of this, there is a simultaneous spur to rash action, perhaps making it more difficult to avoid reckless decisions and responses. This is represented by the Sun’s conjunction with asteroid Icarus, noted for an inability to accept good advice and to undertake rash, reckless acts heedless of the consequences. This applies from January 18 through 24, which in this instance could signal either action taken to initiate hostilities, or a final decision to do so in the near future. Russia itself (“born” 12/25/91 at 5:19 PM UT in Moscow, in the aftermath of the dissolution of the Soviet Union), is naturally susceptible to such impulsive acts, with its 3 Capricorn Sun conjoined by Icarus at 0 Capricorn – risk-taking is a central, core part of the fabric of the nation.
And Vladimir Putin (born 10/7/52, no time available) is especially vulnerable to reckless disregard for the consequences when it comes to Ukraine, with natal Icarus at 24 Scorpio, in a cluster with asteroids Kiev (Ukraine’s capital), Volodymyr (for its current president, Volodymyr Zelensky) and Donbass (for Donbas, the disputed border region) at 26, 27 and 29 Scorpio respectively, squared a triple conjunction of Pluto at 22 Leo with asteroids Ukraina and Washingtonia at 25 at 26 Leo. This suggests a power struggle (Pluto) and possible devastation (also Pluto) with Ukraine (Ukraina), supported by the US (Washingtonia), without due consideration of the costs (Icarus) incurred by crossing the border (Donbass). Icarus in this mix prompts Putin to act rashly, perhaps even irrationally.
This Scorpio stellium also appears in two additional major configurations. First, at the apex of a Yod, or Finger of Destiny, with inconjuncts to asteroids Vladimir at 26 Aries and Moskva (Russian for Moscow) at 25 Gemini. This seems to suggest that the fate (Yod) of Putin personally (Vladimir) and his country (Moskva) are bound up in border disputes (Donbass) with the Ukrainian government (Kiev), especially while headed by Zelensky (Volodymyr), with Icarus here encouraging irresponsibility and lack of control.

The second pattern is a Grand Trine Kite, with the Scorpio stellium trined a grouping of asteroids Achilles and America at 22 and 23 Cancer, and TNO Chaos at 29 Pisces, with asteroid Russia exactly opposed Chaos from 29 Virgo, at the String of the Kite, directing its energies. There is again the implication that ill-advised (Icarus) reactions toward Ukraine (Kiev) could provoke the US (America), exposing Russia’s (Russia) underlying vulnerability and weakness (Achilles), resulting in that nation descending into confusion, disorder, even anarchy (Chaos).
A series of extended conjunctions may impact the timing and outcome as well. “EC’s” are protracted periods when points remain in combination, due to their orbital patterns, and are fairly common among asteroids, which travel at similar rates of speed, allowing for weeks, months, or even years of comingled energies. These types of conjunctions may manifest in several ways – sometimes, an alliance of sorts is formed between the bodies, with cooperation and a united focus the key. At others, to use the old saying, “familiarity breeds contempt”, and the energies generate friction, conflict which is inescapable, enmeshment and irresistible irritation, like rubbing a tongue over a sore tooth.
To begin first with what we might call celestial “deep background” relating to this situation, there are currently two primary groupings of transiting asteroid energies, which are naturally opposed in the terrestrial sphere of politics, but bound together in the cosmos. The first, remarkably, relates to a triple conjunction of asteroid Karma with both Vladimir and Volodymyr, representing the Russian and Ukrainian presidents (these are also somewhat interchangeable, with Vladimir the Russian version of the name, and Volodymyr its Ukrainian counterpart). Vladimir has been traveling within ten degrees of Karma since April of 2020, with Volodymyr joining the party that September, and will be together until this March.
While they have not always been conjunct each other, with Vladimir running ahead and Volodymyr behind, both have been within orb of Karma throughout. This indicates an extended period where their fates are intertwined; what one does affects the other. They are yoked, unable to fully separate, and the ramifications of their individual decisions and actions are far-reaching and consequential for both, with an added component of predestination, or at least predisposition.

The second extended conjunction is even more long-lived, but began more recently. Since 1 August 2021, asteroids America and Moskva have been within ten degrees of each other, and will remain so until 2 February 2024, a full two-and-a-half years of forced interaction, during which the US and Russia are likely to be at loggerheads frequently. Compromise and cooperation is another possibility, but seems unlikely given their history together. Yet we may find that the exhaustion of continual tension and friction brings both parties to the table, and in time leads to a resolution of outstanding issues and some form of reconciliation.
In the meantime, however, their proximity just complicates the present crisis. And a third extended conjunction may just set the seal on the ultimate outcome. This involves a union of asteroid Putilin, our closest celestial referent to Putin, and Mars, named for the Roman god of war. Incredibly, just as the situation in Ukraine threatens to boil over, Putilin and Mars are coming together for almost six weeks, from January 10 through February 20. Their exact conjunction occurs January 31, in the fraught period between Venus’ direct station on January 29 and that of Mercury on February 3, barely a week before Ukraina stations direct on February 8. Will Putilin with Mars push Putin into war? If so, then the critical period would seem to be late January into early February, as celestial events unfold chockablock, each adding fuel to the fire and increasing the likelihood of action.
Of course, there is also another player with a more than nodding interest in the outcome – the EU, or European Union. Here, too, we see an extended conjunction which depicts the conflict and its root cause, with asteroids Russia, Europa and Donbass travelling within ten degrees of each other from mid-November 2021 (just as the situation began to deteriorate with massive Russian troop movements to the Ukrainian border) until early August 2022. Currently in mid-Libra, this triple conjunction is moving ever closer to a joint square with Pluto, with stations for each body occurring at 23, 24 and 25 Libra respectively, on February 15, 28 and 21, further heightening tensions (square) and promoting intransigence (stations) on both sides, with potentially devastating consequences (Pluto).

To make matters worse, asteroid Ukraina is currently retrograding over TNO Chaos at 27 Gemini, with its station at 24 Gemini on February 8 within orb of conjunction, and a final third pass to ensue. This creates chaotic, confused circumstances for the beleaguered nation, resulting in anxiety among its populace. As well, both Moskva and America in early Cancer are heading back toward Chaos, arm in arm, and while they do not retreat so far as to conjoin it exactly, their respective stations within orb increase the timeframe where they are subject to its influences. Mars, bringer of war, opposed Ukraina exactly on January 20, and moves on to oppose Moskva on January 28 and America on February 1, with squares to Europa on February 24, and Russia and Donbass both on February 27.
Two more points to consider: asteroids Gunn and Bomben, cosmic stand-ins for the tools of war. Bomben (for bombs, bombing) is currently moving from Aries into Taurus, where it will enter Uranus’ orb, beginning January 23 through March 20, with their exact conjunction on February 21. Uranus rules bombs and explosives, as well as shootings generally, so their union is not productive to the cause of peace.
Gunn (phonetic match for “gun” and representing firearms generally) is another stationary point, turning retrograde January 24 at 21 Virgo, from where it squares Ukraina at 26 Gemini and also forms a Grand Trine Kite pattern with trines to the Nemesis/Pluto conjunction at 25 and 26 Capricorn, and asteroid Kiev at 26 Taurus, with Neptune at 21 Pisces as the String, exactly opposed Gunn. Neptune here suggests the possibility of an espionage or behind-the-scenes component to the situation, perhaps a “false flag” event intended to create a casus belli and provoke conflict.
Finally, let’s take a brief look at the chart for Ukraine itself (24 August 1991 6 PM EEDT, Kiev, Ukraine; Rodden rating AA). The importance of relations with Russia is easy to see, with asteroid Moskva at 22 Scorpio conjoined the 20 Scorpio Midheaven, Pluto at 17 Scorpio, Damocles at 19 Scorpio and Mars at 25 Scorpio. This denotes Russia (Moskva) as a looming threat (Damocles) and potential source of war (Mars), with devastating results (Pluto), including the power to destroy (also Pluto).

This stellium T-Squares the Moon with asteroid Ukraina at 22 and 15 Aquarius, and Jupiter with Mercury, Venus and asteroid Donbass at 25, 26 and 28 Leo (Donbass exactly cojoins Mercury at 26), and the national Sun at 0 Virgo. This binds the essence or core (Sun) of the nation (Ukraina) and its people (Moon) to the principles of conflict (Mars) and destruction (Pluto), though there remains hope that a political solution (Jupiter) may be derived via discussion or treaty (both Mercury) and diplomacy (Venus), centering on the disputed region of Donbas (Donbass).
Worse, this pattern has been activated in recent months by the Lunar Eclipse of 19 November 2021 at 27 Taurus, which also exactly conjoined Ukraine’s natal asteroid Bida (bringing out a Grand Cross), perhaps the one ray of light in this situation, implying as it does the active support of the current US president. Bida gets its “booster” in the form of second Lunar Eclipse, which at 25 Scorpio on 15 May 2022 opposes it, and also exactly conjoins Mars. Consecutive eclipses activating the planetary energy representing war and conflict is not a good ground to build a lasting peace. Note also that these eclipses activate Putin’s Scorpio stellium of Icarus, Kiev, Volodymyr and Donbass, perhaps impelling action.
As well, the pivotal role Putin has to play in the nation’s fate is seen as asteroid Putilin at 21 Capricorn, conjoined the 16 Capricorn Ascendant. Putin has already altered the “face” of the country, its very geography (its public image, ruled by the Ascendant), by his annexation of Crimea, as seen in Putilin’s tight square to asteroid Crimea at 20 Libra, conjoined Gunn at 17. Putilin’s exact opposition to asteroid Karma at 21 Cancer creates a T-Square, and suggests fate is at work in this crisis, with the consolation that at some point, these actions will have to be accounted for.
PNAs representing the two external powers most involved in the crisis are also receiving eclipse activation at this time. The Solar Eclipse of 19 December 2021 at 12 Sagittarius conjoined natal asteroid America at 16 Sagittarius, while the upcoming Solar Eclipse of 30 April 2022 at 10 Taurus will broadly conjoin natal asteroid Russia at 4 Taurus. America’s sextile to Ukraina at 15 Aquarius offers support to the country generally, though the sextile aspect is likely not energetic enough to provide boots on the ground. The US government’s support of Volodymyr Zelensky personally is expressed as asteroid Washingtonia at 27 Cancer, conjoined asteroid Volodymyr at 26 Cancer and sextile asteroid Zelinksy at 28 Virgo. Asteroid Putilin opposes Volodymyr from 21 Cancer in the sky, just as Putin opposes Zelensky on the ground.

Putting it all together, it certainly looks like war is in the offing in eastern Europe, sooner rather than later.
[Author’s note: in one of the ironies of the cosmos, both Putin and Zelensky have asteroids for their respective capitals at station in their nativities, suggesting a pivotal role in national government. Putin’s natal asteroid Moskva at 25 Gemini turned retrograde three days after his birth, and is in a Grand Cross with squares to asteroid Russia at 29 Virgo and TNO Chaos at 29 Pisces, opposing Mars exact with Karma at 26 Sagittarius and asteroid Gunn at 29 Sagittarius. He also has asteroid Putilin at station, trine the 14 Libra Sun from 15 Aquarius.
Zelensky’s (born 25 January 1978, 2 PM MSK, Krivoj Rog, Ukraine – Rodden Rating AA) natal asteroid Kiev at 0 Gemini turned direct nine days before his birth, trine the 5 Aquarius Sun and squared Saturn at 28 Leo. An unlikely politician, Zelensky began his career as a popular television comic, and was actually cast in a sitcom as President of Ukraine, four years before his successful run for that office. His comedic roots show in asteroid Thalia (named for the Greek Muse of Comedy) at 18 Sagittarius, conjunct Neptune (acting, fantasy) at 17 and the Descendant at 21 Sag, trine the Moon at 17 Leo; and asteroid Hilaritas (Roman for cheerfulness and the root of our word “hilarity”) exactly conjunct asteroid Zelinsky at 23 Scorpio (with Uranus – ruling television – at 16 Scorpio) squared Saturn at 28 Leo, ruling career.]

Alex Miller is a professional writer and astrologer, whose website AlexAsteroidAstrology.com offers a trove of info on the role of asteroids in personal and mundane astrology. He is the author of The Black Hole Book (available on Amazon.com) and The Urban Wicca, former editor of “The Galactic Calendar,” and past president of The Philadelphia Astrological Society. His pioneering work with Black Holes in astrological interpretation began in 1991, when his progressed Sun unwittingly fell into one. Alex’s books and writings are available on his website. Alex can also be reached for comment or services at .
Thank you for this deep, fascinating article. Using your rich information I’ve noticed that Putin’s Icarus is at the midpoint between Biden’s Mercury and Sun, the latter also joining the US natal Pluto that is now in orb of its recent return.