On Sunday, 21 November 2021, a man broke through barriers and drove his red SUV wildly through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, killing six and injuring more than sixty others. The suspect, Darrell Brooks, 39, was well-known to local police, a repeat offender who had just been released from jail two days prior on a thousand-dollar bail after arrest on a domestic abuse charge. Brooks had been accused of trying to run down his girlfriend with the same SUV. Witnesses said that Brooks swerved through the parade route in a zig-zag pattern, apparently attempting to hit as many people as possible. Police recovered Brooks and the damaged SUV several hours later; he was arraigned on multiple counts and bail set at a more reasonable $5 million.
Among the six dead were an 8-year-old boy, Jackson Sparks, and three members of the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies, a grandmothers-only dance troupe: Virginia Sorenson, 79; Leanna Owen, 71; Tamara Durand, 52, who was marking her premiere parade performance with the group; as well as one of their spouses, Wilhelm Hospel, 81, who facilitated the group’s appearances. Bank teller Jane Kulich, 52, also perished; she was representing her employer in the parade.

911 calls date the incident to shortly after 4:30, and a chart cast for 4:32 PM CST in Waukesha, WI depicts the story in fine celestial detail, as always. Vehicular homicide is suggested by a conjunction of asteroids Requiem, named for the funeral mass for the dead, and Carr, phonetic match for “car”, at 4 and 5 Virgo, in trine to TNO Ixion at 0 Capricorn, named for the first murderer in Greek myth. CNA (Compound-Name Asteroid) Darrellstrobel, one of several PNAs (Personal-Named Asteroids) which can be used to identify suspect Darrell Brooks, appears at 5 Taurus, creating a Grand Trine and tying the driver to the deaths and his means of accomplishing them. A Kite pattern is formed by Carr/Requiem’s opposition to asteroid Brooks, the suspect’s last name, at 10 Pisces; this “string” of the pattern directs its manifestation and indicates who or what is driving it.
Also conjoined Darrellstrobel is asteroid Child at 11 Taurus, with an exact pairing of Uranus with asteroid Jackson at 12 Taurus, all opposing Mars at 15 Scorpio. Uranus rules accidents and crashes, Mars rules violent death, and Child with Jackson represents the youngest victim, Jackson Sparks, aged 8. Jackson’s older brother Tucker was also injured (as were 15 other children), but is recovering from a fractured skull. This polarity becomes a Grand Cross with the addition of Saturn, ancient lord of death, which at 8 Aquarius is exactly on the MC, making death the focus of all eyes in the moment.; and asteroid Tamara at 11 Leo, for victim Tamara Durand.

Brooks is also represented by CNA Darrellparnell at 16 Libra, which conjoins asteroid Atropos at 19 Libra, named for the mythic Greek Fate who severs the thread of life at death, and squared Pluto, modern ruler of death and homicide specifically, at 24 Capricorn. With Atropos is asteroid Soren at 21 Libra, a shortened form of victim Virginia Sorenson’s last name, with asteroid Virginia exactly opposed Atropos from 19 Aries, forming a T-Square with Pluto. Conjoined Pluto is asteroid Leani at 26 Capricorn, for victim Leanna Owen. Virginia is at station, having turned direct just two days previously, indicating a literal “change of direction” for Virginia Sorenson.

Owen is also represented by asteroid Owens, which at 13 Sagittarius conjoins asteroid Lachesis, named for Atropos’ mythic sister, who determines the span of life, at 16 Sag; and by asteroid Owen, which at 28 Taurus conjoins the 3 Gemini Ascendant, and opposes the Sun at 29 Scorpio, making her very visible in the moment and highlighted for the time period, for good or ill. Also in the spotlight is asteroid Jana, for Jane Kulich, which at 27 Leo forms a T-Square with the Sun. Lachesis/Owens further squares asteroid Brooks at 10 Pisces, uniting victim and killer.
Also connected to the suspect is asteroid William (English version of the German Wilhelm), for Wilhelm Hospel, which opposes from 9 Virgo, conjoined asteroid Anubis, named for the ancient Egyptian deity governing funerary rites, at 13 Virgo. Also with Anubis is asteroid Kulik, a second PNA for victim Jane Kulich, at 12 Virgo; and asteroid Sparks, also for Jackson Sparks, at 21 Virgo.

The Milwaukee Dancing Grannies were especially vulnerable, with dancers in general highlighted for the time, by asteroid Terpsichore at 23 Scorpio, named for Greek Muse of dance, conjoined the Sun and Mercury (ruling cars) at 29 and 25 Scorpio. These appear at the Apex of a Yod, or Finger of Destiny pattern, with inconjunct aspects to asteroid Osiris at 29 Aries, named for the Egyptian god of the dead, and the Moon at 27 Gemini, ruling women (fully two-thirds of the victims were female).
The holiday-related setting of the Christmas parade is depicted by asteroid Yule at 3 Aquarius, conjoined Saturn and at the Apex of a second Yod, with inconjunct aspects to asteroids Rip at 3 Cancer (which functions as a death indicator in the form of the acronym RIP, “Rest In Peace”, a common tombstone inscription) and asteroids Carr with Requiem at 4 and 5 Virgo, which combines three death indicators with a vehicle and the season being celebrated.

Over the past 15 years I’ve analyzed more of these types of stories than I care to recall, but what always stands out is the prominence of death indicators, asteroids representing the name of the perpetrator and its connectivity to those of the victims, and the “clumping” together of victim asteroids, in proximity celestially as well as terrestrially.
Truly, “As Above, So Below.”

Alex Miller is a professional writer and astrologer, whose website AlexAsteroidAstrology.com offers a trove of info on the role of asteroids in personal and mundane astrology. He is the author of The Black Hole Book (available on Amazon.com) and The Urban Wicca, former editor of “The Galactic Calendar,” and past president of The Philadelphia Astrological Society. His pioneering work with Black Holes in astrological interpretation began in 1991, when his progressed Sun unwittingly fell into one. Alex’s books and writings are available on his website. Alex can also be reached for comment or services at .
A few other dates related to this event:
-Waukesha incorporated as a city Feb 4, 1896
-Darrell Brooks born Feb 21, 1982 (Pluto almost exactly conjunct the city’s Chiron)