On August 8, at 6:50 a.m., on the West Coast, we’ll have a New Moon in Leo, the fixed fire sign. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and it’s the height of summer in the northern hemisphere. Like the Sun, Leo is the spotlight. It cannot be ignored.
We may look to our own natal charts for the particular house (area of life) where Leo resides for a glimpse of where we might best initiate a renewed focus on Leonine themes of creativity, courage and joy.
At this lunation, the Sun and Moon will be in close proximity to Mercury, also in Leo. Mercury represents our ways of thinking and also our voice. On August 1, Mercury was in the heart of the Sun, a phenomenon called cazimi. On August 8, Mercury will still be lit up by the Sun and Moon.
Ancient astrologers considered a planet conjoined with the Sun to be in a state of “combustion,” its energy burned up or diluted by the brightness of Sol. Mercury so close to the Sun was interpreted as a temporary blight on Mercury functions. In a natal chart or by transit, Mercury in combustion with the Sun was seen as making a person less capable of expressing oneself. That’s a very old idea and not one shared by modern astrologers. But it’s worth thinking about as Leo, ruled by the Sun, wants to be seen and heard, by others. At this lunation, with Mercury, Sun and Moon in Leo, one might have a stronger than usual urge to get one’s message across. If anything’s blocking that, all the greater the desire to be heard, seen, and recognized.
Of the fire signs, Leo is of the fixed modality, and the predominant mode of this New Moon is fixity. Each of the 12 zodiacal signs is categorized by element (earth, water, fire, air), by polarity (yin or yang) and by mode (cardinal, fixed or mutable.) Fixed signs at their best are about building and preserving. At this New Moon, with the fire of Leo and Mercury in Leo as well, what do you want to create? Where do you find joy, and what would it take to muster up some courage to go for it? Leo is the lion-hearted.
Auspiciously, this year’s Leo New Moon falls on 8/8, a day of good luck, in a period called the Lion’s Gate when the Earth and the Sirius star system are aligned. I have not studied this phenomenon, but many astrologers and numerologists do. 8/8, the Lion’s Gate, is thought to be a “portal” for magical energy to enhance the realization of our wishes at this time. I’ll take it!
At this lunation, the Sun and Moon will be opposed by Saturn, currently in Aquarius, fixed air. Saturn is the force of structure, limits, effort. With Leo’s fiery desire for creative expression, there are also necessary boundaries. Saturn gives that.
All this year and into 2022, Saturn and the outer planet Uranus (in fixed earth, Taurus) are in a square aspect to each other. The old and the new are clashing in seemingly irresolvable ways both personal and collective. The Saturn-Uranus square is the dominant transit of our current time.
The Leo New Moon of August 8 punctuates this transit, forming a fixed T-square with Uranus at the apex.
Uranus is about unexpected disruptions of the status quo. I want to say: “Be careful! Things are hot!” And also: “Watch for sudden opportunities for breakthroughs!” Both are possible. Uranus is in the fixed earth sign Taurus until 2026. That gives us a bit of grounding, at least.
At this New Moon, the Sun, Moon and Mercury will be moving toward an opposition with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and beneficence. Jupiter made a brief foray into the water sign of Pisces on May 13 of this year, and then during a period of retrograde motion, Jupiter moved back into Aquarius as of July 28, continuing until December 28. Aquarius is associated with our collective, humanitarian impulses. It reflects rational, abstract, even detached thought. It’s the opposite of Leo, a cooling counterweight to fire.
That’s a welcome balance to the intensity of these times.
Blessings for the New Moon,

Sara R. Diamond, an astrologer based in the San Francisco Bay Area, is a life-long student and practitioner in several esoteric paths. Her style of astrology combines modern-psychological astrology with insights from traditional astrology. Sara is also an estate planning attorney. In addition, she has published four books on right-wing movements in the United States and earned her Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. You are invited to contact Sara via her website at www.SaraDiamondAstrology.com.
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