It is a rare event, only every two or three years, when the Moon is full four times in one season. We will have one of these seasonal Blue Moons, in Aquarius, on August 22 at 5:02 a.m. on the West Coast. It will be the third of four Full Moons between the June solstice and the fall equinox. Later that day, on August 22, the Sun will ingress into the sign of Virgo.
This Full Moon will occur with the Sun at 29°36′ Leo, and the Moon at 29°36′ Aquarius. The 29th degree of any sign is called the anaretic degree, or the “degree of fate,” right before a planet or luminary changes into the next sign. If you’ve got natal planets at the 29th degree of a sign, or by transit, there is a feeling of finality. It’s time to get something done, finished, to do it right this time. It feels like there’s no time to waste, at this peak moment. It’s like a ripe peach about to fall from a tree.
This Full Moon will be conjoined by make-everything-bigger Jupiter, also in Aquarius. Whatever you’ve got that needs to be finished or finally learned, there’s expansive Jupiter right there, opening a window. Jupiter is currently in a retrograde period. It’s like going back over a previous lesson or getting another chance at an opportunity once missed.
We look to the ruling planet of the sign any planet or luminary falls in. That’s called dispositorship. Jupiter and the Moon in Aquarius, at this lunation, are ruled by Saturn which is also in its airy home sign of Aquarius, having to do with groups, collectives, ideas about the future. Saturn gives structure and limits. This Full Moon may be about 29th-degree-type endings, but it’s not about going overboard. Lessons to be reviewed and digested may be hard, stoic, mature. That’s Saturnian.
Modern astrologers consider the outer planet Uranus to be the dispositor of planets in Aquarius, and that is worth considering, as well. Uranus is a major player all this year and into 2022 as the Saturn-Uranus square is the dominant outer planet transit. Saturn represents the status quo. The Uranian agenda, for people and groups, is to become free and uniquely weird.
At this Full Moon, Saturn will be in a trine with Venus, which entered its airy home sign of Libra on August 15. Venus is associated with love and beauty, but there’s a flip side, and that is conflict, and also, everything that is done to negotiate conflict. A trine, or approximately 120-degree angle, is formed between planets of the same element. They like and help each other. Libra, the balance, is about connections with partners of all kinds, be they harmonious or conflictual. Saturn in Aquarius gives structure and calls for hard work, effort, and commitment in the Venusian realms of how we relate to anyone other than ourselves.
There’s another trine in the sky at this Full Moon: Uranus is in trine to Mars and Mercury, which joined up in earthy Virgo earlier this month. Mars initiates. Mercury is vocal, a translator, a networker. There is work to be done, with scrupulous Virgoan attention to detail. With Mercury-Mars in trine with Uranus, the lightning bolt, you may find yourself giving or receiving some kind of an unexpected message.
Uranus, Mars and Mercury are also all in a wide trine with Pluto in Capricorn. There are so many possible manifestations. The unexpected messages may have to do with power and authority. Or they may be about something once hidden, that is now culminating and finally revealed, in the light of this Full Blue Moon.
Blessings for the Full Moon,

Sara R. Diamond, an astrologer based in the San Francisco Bay Area, is a life-long student and practitioner in several esoteric paths. Her style of astrology combines modern-psychological astrology with insights from traditional astrology. Sara is also an estate planning attorney. In addition, she has published four books on right-wing movements in the United States and earned her Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. You are invited to contact Sara via her website at www.SaraDiamondAstrology.com.
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