[Editor’s note: we are delighted to publish this article by Alex Miller, with thanks to Alex and his website, Alex’s Asteroid Astrology, an incomparable resource for asteroid-related astrology. There you’ll find in-depth astrological analyses of breaking events, as well as the astrological meanings of many mythic named asteroids.]
The glow of Democratic keeper-of-the-flame Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), former ranking member and now Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, flared brightly on Thursday March 28, 2019, when the California congressman responded to his GOP colleagues’ calls for him to resign in the wake of the release of the Mueller Report, which Trump allies are wrongly asserting “exonerates” the President.
In a blistering five-minute takedown which brilliantly laid out the case for Trump’s culpability, malfeasance, and unfitness for office, Schiff masterfully reminded Americans of exactly what the stakes are in this Constitutional crisis, the depths to which the Republic(ans) has sunk in condoning or tolerating this violation of presidential norms and common decency.
A stalwart critic of Trump’s Russia ties and of his maverick behaviors both in office and out, Schiff painstakingly enumerated the multiple compromising acts and statements which tied the President to the Kremlin’s interests, questioning whether, even if this did not rise to the level of a chargeable offense, GOP members found the conduct to be acceptable:
My colleagues might think it’s okay that the Russians offered dirt on the Democratic candidate for president as part of what’s described as the Russian government’s effort to help the Trump campaign. You might think that’s okay.
…You might think it was okay that [Don Trump Jr] took that meeting. You might think it’s okay that Paul Manafort, the campaign chair, someone with great experience running campaigns, also took that meeting.
…You might think it’s okay. I don’t. You might think it’s okay that, when it was discovered a year later that they had lied about that meeting and said it was about adoptions, you might think it’s okay that the president is reported to have helped dictate that lie. You might think it’s okay. I don’t.
…You might think it’s okay that the president himself called on Russia to hack his opponent’s emails, if they were listening. You might think it’s okay that, later that day, the Russians in fact attempted to hack a server affiliated with that campaign. I don’t think that’s okay.
…You might say that’s all okay. You might say that’s just what you need to do to win. But I don’t think it’s okay. I think it’s immoral, I think it’s unethical, I think it’s unpatriotic and, yes, I think it’s corrupt, and evidence of collusion.
… But I do not think that conduct, criminal or not, is okay. And the day we do think that’s okay is the day we will look back and say, that is the day America lost its way. [For the complete speech, go here.]
Schiff has been a grain of sand in the Trump Oyster for some time, an irritant which has caused the Bully-in-Chief to elevate him to the pantheon of patriots whom he deems worthy of a deprecatory nickname, calling him, in typical third grade style, “Schiff-ty Adam” and “little Adam Schitt.” His latest kindergarten slur is to describe him as “pencil-necked.”

Born in Framingham, Massachusetts on 22 June 1960 (no time available), Schiff’s family moved to California when he was in high school, and he has represented the state in Congress since 2001. The importance of the Golden State and the nation’s capital are easy to see in his birth chart, with asteroids California and Washingtonia conjoined each other and both at station, embedded factors in his psyche and important foci of his biography. Washingtonia at 26 Libra turned direct the day after he was born, and California at 13 Scorpio followed suit four days later.
Also at station is asteroid Adam, which turned retrograde at 21 Aquarius two days before his birth. Persons with PNAs (Personal-Named Asteroids) representing themselves which are at station often find themselves as the center of attention, leading lights in whatever field they choose to express themselves.
Accompanying Adam is asteroid Achilles, also stationary at 24 Aquarius (having turned retrograde June 10 at that degree). Achilles with Adam establishes Schiff as a fighter and champion, but also someone capable of exposing the inherent flaw or weakness in others—vulnerabilities which threaten to destroy them. This Schiff certainly did with his verbal indictment of the President and his associates.
With Mercury at 25 Cancer conjoined, not only natal asteroid America at 28 Cancer, but the US Mercury at 24 Cancer, Schiff speaks for the nation. With asteroid Russia here at 23 Cancer, we see the rhetorical theme that has brought Schiff into prominence.
Note also that Schiff’s asteroid Russia exactly conjoins a natal pairing of Saturn with asteroid Karma in Donald Trump’s chart, while Mercury exactly conjoins Trump’s Venus. This emphasizes Schiff’s role in investigating (Mercury) Trump and calling him to account for his past bad acts (Karma) in his career (Saturn), notably those relating to finances (Venus).
Schiff’s Mercury is also involved in a Grand Trine with asteroid House at 25 Pisces and a paring of asteroids Karma and Adams (an “Adam” variant) at 23 and 24 Scorpio, establishing Schiff’s (Adams) fated (Karma) role in Congress (House (of Representatives)) as someone who rectifies the balance (Karma). Adams/Karma’s opposition to asteroid Lie at 24 Taurus transforms the Grand Trine into a Kite pattern, giving its energy a focus and guiding its manifestation with Lie as the “string” of the Kite, identifying deception and fraud as its emphasis.
And again, note that this Lie exactly conjoins Donald Trump’s natal Midheaven. Note also that Schiff’s natal asteroid Moskva (Russian for “Moscow”, its capital) falls at 17 Taurus, exactly conjunct Trump’s own Lie, so the focus on the president’s deception relating specifically to Russia is heightened.
A basic antagonism between these two men can be seen in Schiff’s natal Sun/Venus conjunction at 1 Cancer, squared natal asteroid Troemper, our celestial referent for The Donald, at 3 Libra. Despite the Venus contact, there’s no love lost between these two! Another indicator of general skepticism and job-related conflicts with the Oval Office can be seen in asteroid House’s close square to asteroid Whitehouse at 26 Sagittarius, which, opposing the Sun, suggests this is a personal antagonism, one which Schiff feels at his core (Sun).
Schiff’s Sun is sextile both Mars at 1 Taurus and Pluto at 3 Virgo, with the Sun on their midpoint, again marking Schiff as a powerful (Pluto) champion (Mars) for whatever cause he espouses. That Sun and Mars are also at the base of a Yod, or Finger of Destiny, with asteroid Truth at 0 Sagittarius on its Apex; this suggests a fated (Yod) life path (Sun) of energetic advocacy (Mars), with facts, veracity and authenticity (all Truth) as the goal (Apex).
Broadly conjoining that Russia/Mercury/America grouping is asteroid Arachne with asteroid Schiff, at 14 and 17 Cancer, opposing Vesta and Saturn at 13 and 16 Capricorn. Arachne/Schiff indicates an ability to organize and correlate complex, intricate detail, disentangle facts, and see patterns (all Arachne), all with a focus on a career (Saturn) spent in service to others (Vesta).
Yet another synastric contact appears, with Schiff’s natal Schiff conjunct Trump’s natal Nemesis/Bilk combo at 16 Cancer, suggesting that Schiff has a role to play in bringing about Trump’s downfall or ruin (Nemesis) based in his fraudulent dealings (Bilk).
When Adam Schiff launched his remarkable anatomy of Trump’s Russian connections on March 28, transit asteroid Schiff at 8 Virgo conjoined asteroid America at 12 Virgo, both opposing an exact Neptune/Mercury pairing at 16 Pisces, and forming a loose Grand Cross with transit asteroid Truth at 18 Sagittarius, opposing transit Nemesis at 18 Gemini.
This astrological configuration affirms Schiff as a representative for the country (America) in highlighting (opposition) the deceptive (Neptune) rhetoric and statements (both Mercury) of the administration and its strained relationship (square) with the facts (Truth), and how that potentially leads to its self-undoing (Nemesis). Transit asteroid Lie at 25 Pisces is an exact match for Schiff’s natal House, and in square to transit Jupiter, emphasizing the Big (Jupiter) Lie (Lie) which Schiff called attention to in his Committee (House) speech.
Asteroid Adam at 4 Leo is stationary, having turned direct 12 days previously but still at that degree; from there it conjoins Schiff’s natal Nemesis at 8 Leo—his ability to cause another’s downfall—and also Trump’s Pluto, his power base, which also relates to scandal, crime and corruption, at 10 Leo.
Transit asteroid Adams at 2 Taurus squares Adam, combining these PNA energies, and conjoins both Uranus at 1 Taurus and asteroid Washingtonia at 6 Taurus, all points opposing asteroid Veritas at 8 Scorpio, with Schiff (Adam, Adams) sending shockwaves (Uranus) through the capital (Washingtonia) by his truthful plain-speaking (Veritas, Latin for “truth”). Note that Veritas is also exactly sextile transit Schiff and exactly squared his natal Nemesis.
Transit Achilles at 21 Aquarius is about to return to its natal degree, reinforcing Schiff’s ability to expose another’s weakness, and is exactly conjunct natal Adam, doubling down on their natal pairing, with its potential for enacting this role which is so personal to him. Transit House within orb from 19 Aquarius defines the venue for Schiff’s speech.
Transit Troemper at 18 Capricorn conjoins both transit Saturn and Pluto at 19 and 22 Cap, inaugurating their year-long triple conjunction, and initiating the penalty phase (Saturn) for Trump’s corrupt practices and crimes (Pluto). Transit Whitehouse at 28 Taurus conjoins transit Mars exactly, prefiguring Schiff’s challenge (Mars) to the occupant of the Oval Office (Whitehouse); these are conjunct Schiff’s natal Lie and Trump’s MC, both at 24 Taurus, with Schiff’s natal asteroid Kassandra also here at 27 Taurus, exposing the administration’s (Whitehouse) lack of credibility (Kassandra). Transit Damocles in square from 27 Aquarius shows the doom hanging overhead for the White House.
It was a moment of sterling clarity in an atmosphere of lies, deception, fraud, misdirection, and illusion which has permeated the government and the nation for two years. Would that every elected official could find the intestinal fortitude and ethical fiber to speak Truth to Power as succinctly and directly as Adam Schiff.

Alex Miller is a professional writer and astrologer, whose website AlexAsteroidAstrology.com offers a trove of info on the role of asteroids in personal and mundane astrology. He is the author of The Black Hole Book (available on Amazon.com) and The Urban Wicca, former editor of “The Galactic Calendar,” and past president of The Philadelphia Astrological Society. His pioneering work with Black Holes in astrological interpretation began in 1991, when his progressed Sun unwittingly fell into one. Alex’s books and writings are available on his website. Alex can also be reached for comment or services at .
In light of the actions of this president and the administration I’m so grateful for representatives like Adam Schiff for speaking truth to power and exposing the corruption that threatens our democracy. Wake up and face reality, our democracy is at stake!!!
I am ashamed of adam Schiff. He lies and is a dishonest person. He is not a likeable person. He is not helping this country.
The ONLY person who is a serial liar is DONALD TRUMP.! Don’t want to call him President Trump, because he has brought shame, and constant corruption filled with lies to this privileged title… Trump has NO integrity…which is what the office of the President should represent.
Gee Donna- you are sure taken in by the mass liar and conman pretending to be president. Russia is totally part of everything that’s gone on. Funny considering the fear the USA had for Russia for so many years and is now ignored.
Donna, you are absolutely right about Pencil Neck….he is a disgrace to this country and its people. First it was ”quid pro quo” it did not work, then it is blackmail and now it’s bribery…all this will not work either…they have absolutely no facts to back all this up…! The whole thing is full of holes and a hoax! They are damaging the judicial system…and there chance of being elected by the people…who in good conscience would elect Biden, Hillary, or Obama for a third term (which is simply asinine! All they are doing is accusing an honest man of their malfeasance.
Reps. Adam Schiff definitely has the Trump Derangement Syndrome. He is obsessed with impeachment.
Rep. Devin Nunes is a true profile in courage!
To each his own…!
Schiff’s natal Pluto at 3Virgo is conjunct Trump’s progressed Sun.
Which makes me think that Schiff feels compelled to do a “deep cleaning.”