“Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking to be asking the question when you are the answer.” ~ Joseph Campbell
The August Watershed
August brings us to the exact midpoint of the year’s five eclipses. It’s the watershed between April 25/May 25 and October 13/November 3.It’s a vantage point to catch ourselves after weeks of ”everything all at once” and one thing after another. A time to ask ourselves:”What does now mean in the context of then?”
The Lunar Nodes of Fate are the flashpoints for eclipses, moving backwards through one pair of signs every 18 months. Currently falling across the Scorpio/Taurus fixed water/earth axis, aligned with a once in 19-year meeting between Time-Keeper Saturn and the North Node.
The North Node is considered indicative of our successful soul-driven navigational path forward and, in Scorpio, it indicates that the path to be carved out hinges on the proper development and application of the Plutonic Scorpio skills: emotional, psychological, intuitive, metaphysical, and sexual. The beneficial influence of the Taurus South Node, on the other hand, comes from channelling its strengths into the North Node path. Those strengths include: rock-solid boundaries, strong self-worth, money sense, grounding, practicality, an understanding of natural timing, and a strong sense of one’s comfort level. So the multiple aspects of the planets to the Nodes of Fate in August will keep returning us to our present point of evolution-like a flashing celestial cursor.
Just look at all the aspects to Saturn and the Nodes this month.
Key Dates
July 27 The Sun squares Saturn, Pluto trines the South NodeAugust 6 New Moon at 14 Leo square the Nodes 4 The Sun squares the Nodes, Chiron trines the North Node 9 Jupiter opposes Pluto 11 Mercury squares Saturn, Jupiter trines the Nodes 14 Mercury squares the North Node 17 Jupiter trines the North Node 20 Aquarius Full Moon |
There is a drawing together and consolidation of resources, energy and catalytic potential over this coming year, culminating in a Saturn-Venus-North Node conjunction at 8 Scorpio on September 18, 2013. For clues to what it will mean to you with the Sun, our Light, travelling through Leo until August 23, find the cusps of the Houses where the Fixed signs are placed.
- Leo: the area in your life where the potential of your creative power is most strongly focused.
- Taurus: where you can find the raw materials that you can use to stabilize, nurture and feed that creativity.
- Scorpio: where the tests, trials, and rewards will come in the guise of death and loss, signifying the unlocking of the door to your greatest potency.
- Aquarius: the area in your life where you can reach the greatest number of people and do the most good in sharing what you have accomplished on your path.
Where’s Your Growth Point?
One of the great transformative questions in psychosynthesis is:”What’s emerging?” Being able to identify what’s being born in you so you can midwife it, welcome it and embrace it is a masterful skill to develop. But to do this, first we have to look back to notice what’s gone and what’s still here. Since April 25, something has come out of nowhere and is taking shape in our lives.
Ask your unconscious mind, aka your invisible record-keeper:
- What‘s started but not finished?
- What’s in progress but not complete?
- What’s almost complete but not finished?
- What have I have been unable to start?
- What have I been unable to change?
- What have I started but not worked on?
- What’s seeking expression through me?
- What’s emerging?
None of us changes in neat, identifiable incremental steps. Some parts of us—physical, mental, spiritual—forge ahead or lag behind our chronological age. Our selves are always in flux—we’re “selving,” never the same person twice. If you’re interested in delving deeper, some really useful tools are:
- The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram; Nine faces of the Soul by Sandra Maitri
- Spiral Dynamics by John Beck
With the Sun about as far away from the last eclipse cycle as it is close to the next one we have nearly a month to evaluate and orient ourselves to our new state, both internal and external.
Lorna Bevan is a former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine and other publications. She works with clients across the world, combining Visionary Astrology with Master NLP Coaching. Her passion is giving her clients the tools to live their best life.
Lorna is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology.
She’s also a Jungian Psychotherapist and Master Coach qualified in NLP and Psychosynthesis.
She writes for the Cosmic Intelligence Agency as Agent 98 and for Daykeeper Journal and Infinity Magazine.
She is a Member of the Association of Professional International Astrologers, The Astrological Association UK, MBACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy ).
Lorna works to the BACP and APAI code and all sessions are completely confidential. Book a 2017 Reading with Lorna
Interesting article….one correction, Spiral Dynamics is by Dr. DON Beck, not John Beck. Everyone might also wantto look at Dr. Did Hawkins work, Power vs Force for his map of consciousness. Thank you Daykeeper Journal for all your columns.
Peace + Love = Expanding JOY