Ten years. Ten years! This September 1 we celebrate the completion of our tenth year of publication.
My mother, Maya del Mar, the master astrologer who founded Daykeeper online, would have been proud, thrilled and overjoyed. On behalf of all of us, including Maya, I want to say a huge thanks.
Without you all, dear readers, it wouldn’t happen. Your support, kindness, enthusiasm and loyalty have provided the inspiration to continue this important work. Without you, simply, there would be no Daykeeper.
Many thanks as well to our wonderful regular writers, Jessica, Alex, Terry and Boots, whose insights and eloquence fill every issue.
Very special thanks to my sister Crystal, whose generosity of spirit and of pen contribute mightily to every bit of Daykeeper in many ways, both tangible and intangible.
Each year as September rolls around, I remember the genesis of this web site. It was born during a yearlong class my mother and I took together in plant spirit medicine. If you can imagine the dry scent of golden summer grasses, add an astringent whiff of bay laurel, a dash of the peaceful whisper of creekside willow boughs, the gradual emergence of bright sun dispelling a layer of cool gray Pacific fog… take all this, and interweave with my mother’s deep, decades-long study of astrology, her eloquent writing, and her passion to understand how the stars affect us all, personally, politically, spiritually… that was the beginning.
I’m so pleased we’re all here enjoying and celebrating the growth of the seeds that were planted then.
Long may we continue!
with love,
Dear Susan, Congratulation on this aniversary in memory of Maya. I do remember visiting her in Sausalito and she reading my chart, with our shared Uranian emphasis…
I am grateful to you to continue sending me Daykeeper with its interesting articles by excellent writers.
May the next 10 years be equally insightful. What would we do without this knowledge of the starts guiding mankind?
Blessings, Gabrielle