TNO Huya, discovered on March 10, 2000, is named for a Venezuelan rain god, although astrologers Eric Francis and Philip Sedgwick both note the existence of an Egyptian god of rituals, rites and offerings to the dead by the same name. But everyone does actually agree that the Huya we’re talking about—TNO Huya—is named for the Venezuelan rain god.
As the designation “TNO” implies, Huya is a Trans Neptunian (Kuiper Belt) Object, all of which thus far fall roughly into three groups: Scattered Disc Objects (SDO’s), plain old everyday Kuiper Belt Objects (KBO’s) which go their icy if merry way as they will, and Plutinos, a group of TNOs which are controlled by the vast magnetic resonance exuded by ice giant Neptune.
What this magnetic resonance amounts to is Neptune controlling Plutino orbits to effect what is known as a “3:2 influence,” which to most Earthlings means that for every three orbits Neptune makes around the Sun, Plutinos (which orbit beyond Neptune) make two orbits.
Astrologically, this doesn’t sound very remarkable until you begin contemplating what it means for a Plutino to be compelled to maintain a rhythm dictated by Neptune. Considering that the astrological Neptune defines the indefinable, we’re starting with a curious sense of contradiction right off the bat. If Neptune signifies something we can’t predict, how likely would it be that we could predict anything connected to or controlled by Neptune?
On first blush, the answer might seem to be “not likely.” But there are “rules” which apply to Neptunian concepts. And if we begin to those, the role of all Plutinos—including Huya—may become just that much clearer. Yet we do have to start with the concept that while we can appreciate a Neptunian idea, we can never quite entirely grasp it. Neptune is thus rather like fog—which is rather an apt description as with Neptune, the thing you think most likely true, isn’t—and the thing you think least likely may well end up being true. For those into Sherlock Holmes, this sounds like one of the famous detective’s statements: when all the likely leads have been eliminated, what remains—however unlikely—must be the truth.
That’s very Neptune. The trouble is that to get to that point in our thinking requires that we let go of knowing…we must, in essence, allow ourselves NOT to know. And that’s hard on the ego. What we want is a figment of our desire which, as we invest our ego in it, becomes an expectation. Considering that Neptune also rules all things idyllic and toxic, that gives us roughly the range of the problem, and thus how we emotionally react to how we feel when those expectations in which we have vested our ego are not met.
Thus we learn that Neptune asks that we not imagine we know the truth but allow it to be revealed, having faith that (inclusive of ego) we can weather whatever happens.
The reason to consider this is that if the orbit of any given Plutino is controlled by Neptune, the metaphorical/metaphysical meaning of any given Plutino involves these Neptunian teachings. And that does seem to follow. The mythic Orcus is a dispassionate conductor to the after-death underworld: where we go depends on what we have already done. It’s all about the facts as the stand. Ixion requires that we observe societal/intra-personal boundaries/standards of behavior. And Pluto (probably the best known Plutino) is all about wanting control, but when that functionality is only about what you want and devoid of awareness of how you affect others and the world around you? Then Pluto goes awry—often producing “blow ups” and explosions of various types with devastating results.
Each of these qualities hinges on the question of how much ego is invested in the process. When we go for the thing which is too much “all about us,” we end up on the short end of the stick: Ixion bringing not gains but losses, Orcus manifesting as repercussions/consequences of improprieties in choice and Pluto denying us exactly what we hoped to gain/maintain by holding on and trying to control everything.
Thus we know something about Huya. As a fellow Plutino, Huya is going to be yet another form of the “is it all about us?” ego test. And considering the myth is about a “rainmaker” that gives us the proverbial extremes of feast or famine.
Given that this “feast or famine” idea is a basic one, this suggests association with an early sign—those being most about personal survival. More specifically, it sounds a bit like Taurus, which is not only the sign of food (the food supply, restaurants, markets, etc.) but one’s general personal resources (self-worth, talents) and that internal security/self understanding which allows us to harness our abilities…which in time earn us all those things (the house, the money safely tucked in the bank, etc.) which allow us to feel secure in this world.
When we take this into the world of ego application, this suggests that Huya Rainmaker is about that whole process—making our way in the world. And since Plutinos can’t be “all about us,” that suggests looking at the charts of great entrepreneurs is a good place to see how Huya works.
So let’s start with Bill Gates (b. October 28, 1955), whose Huya is at 1 Leo and conjunct Uranus at 2 Leo. Considering Leo is about “creation” and Uranus is “change, discovery, innovation” on one hand and all things electrical (including computers) when we try to “concretize” it (tangible things being very Taurean) that’s right away a pretty good delineator for the man who (in true Neptunian style) would abandon an expensive education in favor of days, weeks and months of writing computer code….Which just happened to turn out to be Windows, a program which few would argue has done the Uranian job of innovating our world while helping people by the billions. And yes, it also made Mr. Gates very, very rich. But that’s the Neptunian point—if you will not put your ego first, your ego may benefit as part of the greater concern.
This is also the secret of Pisces, by the by—the sign associated with “passive income” (royalties, dividends, annuities, pensions, etc.)
Moving on…Hugh Hefner (b. April 9, 1926) has Huya at 26 Gemini conjunct his 25 Gemini MC, a conjunction and position which speaks volumes (excuse the pun!) about the business of publishing. In addition to that, being in opposition to the Galactic Center (the GC being the black hole at the center of our local Milky Way galaxy), this is also a statement about seeing another (Gemini) point of view—and posing questions thereby.
Given that Huya has an orbital period of 247 years and how the past 247 years have been particularly polarizing in the area of sexuality, Hefner’s taking the stand that the “image” of the female body is a thing of living art asks, indeed challenges our presumptions about sexuality as a means by which we should or shouldn’t value people. Is he objectifying women or virtually deifying the glorious quality of their essence? And if you think the former, is that you, or is that Hefner?
And is this something we should know about Huya—that it provides the means but not any exact definition of how one uses what is offered. If it rains, do you plant tomatoes or roses? If provided with a computer, what do you use it for? Do you buy Playboy or not? Does Hefner define whether readers are male or female, straight, gay or celibate? And who knows—there may actually be people who truly read Playboy JUST for the articles.
Next, let’s look at the chart of CNN’s founder, Ted Turner (b. November 19, 1938). His Huya is at 11 Cancer, conjunct natal Chiron at 9 Chiron. Chiron is always a symbol of “difficult necessities,” and in a first decanate (degrees 0-9) tells us this is about things which happen and “making it happen.” With his Huya being second decanate (degrees 10-19) this lends an emotional bent—so the combination is about things which happen which matter. With Huya necessitating doing something which has “impact on others,” that Turner founded an organization all about going out and getting the facts (removing the expectations) which has blossomed as it expanded to include everything from hard-core politics to entertainment, science, finance, health, sports, culture in its coverage—this among other things expresses Turner’s Huya/Chiron as not presuming to know what other people (Cancer = people, populations) find interesting and important in their lives.
Is Huya necessarily a societal sign? In other words, for us to have the benefits of/as “rainmaker” do we have to do something public? Maybe, maybe not. What may be in play here is a matter of scale: the smaller your circle of “others” that you benefit, the less rain. So maybe it all depends on what you want and are willing to work for.
Another interesting presentation of Huya occurs in the chart of Oprah Winfrey (b. January 29, 1954) whose Huya at 28 Cancer is conjunct her South Node at 23 Cancer which is in turn conjunct Uranus at 20 Cancer. This entire “chain conjunction” occurring in the third decanate (degrees 20-29) tells us that this is not just about others, this is really about what she puts out into the world. Granting that many (if not most) people will think of Huya “rainmaker” as a key to wealth and possible fame, Ms. Winfrey’s drive to empower others in part as reaction against her own difficult beginnings (which she then revealed to the world) tells us that while great riches may be part of the reward rained up on us by our Huya, so is a sense of satisfaction that you’ve done something with your life that you (personally) think worthwhile.
And that’s Neptune too: as secondary ruler in Pisces, Neptune is strongly associated with our own ability to dare to feel, own, plumb and learn from not just our own emotions, but how we feel when we witness the lives of others (or serve as a witness to them). This is why Pisces is so associated with mercy, charity, connectivity, compassion and the “higher calling” which asks us to set our Selves (and our egos) aside in order to benefit lastingly.
And just a note about this statement: while one’s “higher calling” can be “God-oriented,” it certainly doesn’t have to be. Religion isn’t Piscean; religion is a set of codified thoughts—”a teaching”—and therefore Sagittarian. The faith and belief required to vest one’s self in a religious teaching? Or anything/anyone else we may come to believe in or have faith in? That’s the Pisces part. To give up thinking we know everything is to risk the uncertainty which comes with being vulnerable and believing in anything. Or anyone. That’s Pisces.

So we have these charts of people who have “made rain” in ways which reflect their Huya. It’s also interesting to note that each of their Huyas is also in what astrology calls a “stressed” configuration. Far from the “pop astrology” idea that only “easy” aspects like trines produce success, this suggests human beings need some degree of stress if they’re to accomplish great things. Maybe necessity is the mother of invention, but stress motivates achievement when we get out of own way? Or more to the point, when we get our ego-oriented POV out of the way? Maybe.
In Bill Gates chart, Huya is part of a t-square with an Aquarian Chiron (societal/systemic need) and an intercepted Scorpio Sun at the configuration’s “challenge point” (the “t”). Given that interceptions often realistically manifest as an internalized “I can see it…” and/or indicator of talents or qualities we may be reticent in but will triumph through if/where/when we use them for the benefit of others (which is very Huya-sounding in itself), this makes Bill Gates someone who “bypassed” the expectations fostered by traditions/traditional models. He could see how it would work and be worth to others (how very Neptune/Huya/Scorpio Sun)—and thus make him someone OF worth (i.e., important and extremely well-to-do).

In Hugh Hefner’s chart, Huya is inconjunct a Scorpio Saturn (hello, sexuality as career issue?). His Huya is also square(ly) challenged by change/breakdown/breakthrough/innovative Uranus at his Descendant. With the Descendant being the image of what he would put out (yes, I said that) into the world and in time leave as his legacy, the testy/testing square aspect plus the adjusting/inconjunct aspect with a Huya in “communicating the thought” Gemini gives him as the iconic spokesperson (Uranus/Descendant) involved in a career (Saturn) all about “adjusting” the Scorpio norm he found coming in.
As for Ted Turner, we’ve already noted his Huya/Chiron in Cancer conjunction as one foundational drive: the needs of the people. With Huya square his Libra Mars in 10th we also get “I bet I can do this no matter what anyone says,” with the square again emphasizing a testy, testing challenge, his willingness to tackle same and (oh by the way) his difficulties in marriage, marriage as an institution being a 10th house matter with Libra always speaking to/about one’s choice of partners. He likes strong (testy, testing) women but probably gets testy and tested by them too.

The rest of Turner’s Huya configuration is a complicated mélange: Huya inconjunct Aries Saturn, Huya opposition Vesta in Capricorn (square Saturn) and Huya trine Pallas/TNO Chaos in Pisces (sextile Vesta and semi-sextile Saturn).
The Huya opposition Vesta emphasizes “service to others”—which would be not just the “product” Turner’s organization, but those his organization looks at in the course of every news day and the tone of the organization. Add in the adjusting inconjunct to his feisty Aries Saturn and no wonder Turner’s cable news network (CNN) has become famous for calling companies, potentates and others (including Turner) out on what they do.
Adding Pallas/Chaos to this configuration makes Ted Turner a man whose attitude (and probably mouth!) are entirely capable of getting him into—and out of trouble. The sextile between Pallas/Chaos and Vesta is a definite strength in this profile, telling us Ted Turner always “knew” (Pallas) his “new idea” (TNO Chaos) would work because it was a service people needed (Vesta opposition Huya/Chiron). Pallas/Chaos sextile Vesta also tells us this would be a man capable of enduring the rough-and-tumble news business, replete with what it takes to get the facts—and face them. For better and worse, we thus all now get to know what’s happening in our world. That’s Ted Turner’s Huya/Chiron.

In Oprah Winfrey’s chart, Huya is in a Grand Cross—four interlocking challenging squares which all being in square also form two oppositions. The Cancer Huya/South Node is the uppermost point in her chart, telling us it’s the most “public” or “visible” part of this figure. Opposing Huya is North Node/Chiron: a “you really need to do this” command of first astrological water which in the Capricorn is again public. This positioning of the zodiac’s most public signs in the traditionally lower/private part of the chart makes matters concerning the “private part of life” one’s public business, providing we are willing to grapple with the world in a very personal way.
The twin squares to Huya come from a Libra Neptune opposing Sedna in Aries, which is a perfect picture of being “singled out.” This can indicate someone who is endemically lonely, a “stand out” in every wonderful sense—or both. Sedna being all about being shaped by our youth and the struggle to mature (see April 2009 Daykeeper article, “Sedna: Uniqueness in Perspective”) makes Winfrey someone who knows how easy it is to fall prey to life, other people…even one’s own, very human weakness. That she’s turned it all to rain making by being vulnerable enough to remain “regular folk” (Cancer) while giving her (Libra) audience a sense of supportive mutual nurturance (Libra/Cancer/Aries) while using that as a business (Capricorn) foundation for her own life (Aries/Cancer)? How very Huya.
Having entered Scorpio on November 13, 2004, Huya has since moved through Scorpio’s first decanate, an area of the zodiac all about our choice of risk and the emotional experiences which come of the risks we choose. It came into that decan after just over four years of transiting Libra’s third and most worldly decan, an area of the zodiac where we weather what others think of what we do and who we are. These are interesting comments on President GW Bush’s first (Huya in third decan/Libra) and second (Huya in first decan Scorpio) administrations. It’s also a rather pointed comment—if not a warning—to the current (US) Obama administration, an administration which was voted in just as Huya reached Scorpio’s second (and most emotional) decanate in November 2008.
Remembering that Scorpio is where we emotionally risk the nature of, and our belief in, our own values (including the need that we’ve chosen to accept whatever risks come our way)…to have Huya transiting Scorpio’s most self-reflective and thus possibly recriminating sector of this sign, which itself is all about risking human self-worth, is something Obama’s administration was bound to face. And if the lesson of Huya is to take what happens to us and use that as impetus, motivation and means by which we turn negatives into positives, then current economic and ecological woes are distressingly fertile proving grounds.
But in the bigger picture—and as a means of understanding how Huya passages work—it’s worth noting how these men have been presented with Presidential powers in historical moments which ask them to turn various national difficulties to positive purpose not just for their own sake, and not just for America’s sake—but for the sake of the world. In grappling with these problems they are called upon to test their own latent qualities: their Huya.
When we get past ourselves (or maybe get out of our own way) we succeed all the way around. Not forever—as we have seen; financial success does not guarantee you won’t encounter other problems. But maybe once we learn to handle our “Huya Process” we then know we are capable of gathering our potentials together and setting off the rain yet again? Is Huya thus what people think of as the mark of “a winner”? Maybe. But then again, there are those who rise high only to then fall far and farther.
Currently, Huya remains in Scorpio’s second (and most testy/testing emotional) decanate. And there it will remain, slowly ratcheting up the sense of need until November, 2012…at which point it will move into an evocative if anxiety-provoking public emotional arena (Scorpio’s last ten degrees) where stakes are really high—and so are the rewards.
The best parallel we have for this to look back to the 2000-2004 period, a time of ballyhoos and grandstanding in a world which gave us reasons a-plenty to want to earn, and if that didn’t work, to simply bluff or show off. That was Huya in the third decan of an air sign—air signs being all about the concept or theory of the thing: what it looks like, sounds like, or is made out to be. The sign in question being Libra, theories and concepts were “interactive,” so it wasn’t about what we think of ourselves, others were involved. But it was definitely all the idea of the thing: the image, the reputation, the status (and thus all symbols thereof).
Like Libra, Scorpio is a third quadrant “interactive” sign. But where Libra is theoretical, Scorpio is emotional. So try substituting “the feeling” for “the idea” and you may glimpse the future.
Another point: because of Huya’s highly elongated, “egg-shaped” orbit, for the past few years it has actually been inside Neptune’s orbit, which among other things may give us a clue about cosmic engines behind the rise of “fundamentalist” (scriptural literalist) movements of recent years. If Huya is “in front of” (closer to us) than Neptune, that would put Neptunian compassion and humility “behind” Huya’s “I need to do something about this!” hands-on sort of vibe. Seen in strictly spiritual/religious terms, this would tend to de-emphasize the “have faith in a greater process” part of belief systems in general and indeed bring self-assertive “literalism” to the fore.
Understanding that helps us also understand other evolutionary trends—the struggle between self-reliance and reliance on any “helper/support” system and the hard-core “me-ist” entitlement which in becoming generally “militant” (Huya is in power-mongering Scorpio!) takes the form as anything from reed to arrogance to simple selfishness whether in a personal, public, private or global venue. What we are seeing now is what happens when the Huya urge to “do what I need to do” takes total precedence over Neptunian “caring about humanity” issues—which in a celestial setting is the Plutino getting “ahead” of its controlling planet.
Sounds a little bit like the rampant toddler, doesn’t it? But what happens when that toddler is the world…or the adults in charge of the world…or the adults in charge of children…or the companies in charge of operations which run our world natural and technological…or any kind of institution, party, government, corporation or movement which is throwing a tantrum as the world looks askance saying “until you can get over thinking it’s all about you, you need to be in a time out!”?
Where will it all end? And more importantly, when will this all end? Answer: 2029. Come 2029, Huya will again move beyond Neptune as it reaches early Capricorn—right about where fellow Plutino Pluto is now, as recently highlighted by the June 2010 lunar eclipse. As a matter of fact, in that year 2029 when Huya finally retreats out beyond Neptune, that June lunar eclipse will be at 4 Capricorn—the same degree as the 2010 lunar eclipse, marking out a clear “operational period” during which we are apparently meant to learn how to operate in beneficial Huya terms.
Or to put it another way: how to make rain without flooding ourselves out.
When discovered, Huya was itself in a Grand Cross. It was opposed by discordant Eris, the assertiveness of Mars, asteroid Child (defenselessness versus egocentricity) and asteroid Lilith (that which the more we deny in ourselves becomes more powerfully dangerous). Huya was also square/challenged by Vega (charismatic speech) and Hel (terrible choices) on one side, and similarly challenged by Typhon (primal urges) and Scylla (monstrous resistance) on the other.
No, not pretty. But yes, oh so very human! We see it in the world, and probably the best thing we can do is try and see it in ourselves. Remember, the point of a Grand Cross is not to resist anything, but to utilize everything in equal measure for positive purposes. And if we’re talking about Huya, that can’t start and end with you, however strong your desires may genuinely be.
Like all “new” points, years of statistically reliable research and use of Huya in charts is the only way to confirm the full breadth of its effects. Yet in considering Plutinos as a class, it may be useful to think of them as verbs in our celestial sentences. Using Pluto as the example simply because we know it best, Pluto’s key words are transformation and obsession. Both are about control—or more precisely lack of control, which is an interesting sleight-of-hand reference to Neptune: that which you think most true (that idea that you have control?) is the illusion. As secondary ruler of Scorpio, Pluto transforms our lives for the better when we have made our choice of where and how we should initially invest ourselves well (assertive Mars as first ruler of Scorpio). When we choose badly, Pluto symbolizes denial and destruction. When we choose well in terms of who we are and who we should be/become, Pluto symbolizes the creating of something we could not have done all alone.
The Pluto puzzle being active is all about who we want to become is very interactive. And thus, Scorpionic. That Huya seems to be about who we are in terms of the reality of our self understanding and ability/willingness to harness and use our resources (or human resourcefulness) brings us back to this idea of Taurus—and more specifically, as Huya as the “Taurean verb.” What we have to use or can develop in ourselves, that’s the innate level of Taurus: it’s concrete to us in that it’s there and we can use it (well) or not use it (well). That’s Venus and how well we use those Venusian properties…the use it well or not well? That’s probably what leads us to the “verb” of what becomes of the Taurean sector of our lives—the Huya of it all.
With Huya, we will probably tend to think in terms of have/not have…the barrenness and desiccation, a proverbially “dry well” in such desperate need of rain. But ultimately, given that Huya is in every chart, the lesson is not that we are destitute, but what we need to draw on in ourselves and relinquish as being only about us so as to see difficulties in a new and “possibility-laden” sort of light. You know, the light which allows us to take lemon and with a little rain water make enough lemonade not merely for ourselves, but enough to quench the thirst of others?
When we are the rainmaker, everyone benefits and no one goes thirsty.
And Huya to that.

Boots Hart is an ISAR-certified astrologer of 30 years’ experience, with some 20 years as a magazine and online columnist.
Writer by habit and philosopher by bent (some say very bent…), Boots is a metaphysical science geek spiritualist—a person as inspired by the workings of time/space as touched by the often painful adventures of mankind. Through writings public and private, her aim is to use astrology as cipher, helping us understand. Can we learn how to live a happier life? What does that take? Why are the times as they are? These are the questions. And that answers can be gleaned from cosmic cycles and the reflections of those in our lives? That would seem to be part of our journey—the one path we all take and walk together.
Thank you for the compliment, Margaret. More to come, and soon!
beautifully done and offered