Astrological Insights, April 2010
April promises to be a month of transformation. Several significant planetary transitions occur, challenging us to find novel recipes to make use of their nourishment. One of the key features of the month is the opportunity to reconsider past decisions and rewrite our history or reframe the latest new chapter of our lives. Sometimes we need a do-over.
If you didn’t get all your clearing out and organizing done while Saturn was in Virgo, you’ll get another shot at it when Saturn goes back into Virgo on April 6. Since October 29, we’ve been experiencing the latest directive from Saturn—get your relationships in order. Now we get to go back and rework what was left over from the previous two years. Even though you may already know what Saturn in Libra is bringing to you, chances are good that you have some serious Virgo work to complete. This is essential groundwork for your next great plan in life. If it gives us a sense of relief to have this “extra time,” it also takes us back to unresolved dilemmas leftover from 2008-09.
These dilemmas will involve the Saturn-Uranus opposition that we have been learning through since mid-2008, with previous peak dates of November 4, 2008, February 5, 2009, and September 5, 2009. We still have two more contacts to go, one of them on April 26 at 29 Virgo/Pisces. By now, we should have at least gotten used to whatever issues these planets brought out in our lives. An odd combination of structure and freedom is beginning to emerge, perhaps in a startling form. It isn’t over yet, but we have more insight than we had before about how to find our way through the maze.
We have one more sign change this month when Healer Chiron enters compassionate Pisces on April 19. Although it re-enters Aquarius for 7 months on July 20, we get a glimpse of the healing that can come through unity consciousness for three months. Following in the wake of Uranus, where Uranus has cleared an energetic path, Chiron will fill it with healing light. We also feel inspired by a new vision of our own healing journey during this time—one that will take us through 2018.
Pluto’s yearly cycle started on December 24 when the Sun conjoined it in early Capricorn. By now the Sun has distanced itself enough that we have a perspective on what we’re transforming this year, but we’re probably still up in the air about how it’s going to happen or what the outcome will be. We get another big clue around the April 6 when Pluto begins its five-month retrograde period. This ties in with events of March 20-26, a “set-up” period before the retrograde begins—you can get a refined sense of what the retrograde has in store from your experiences then as well.
Pluto’s not the only planet to retrograde in April: It’s time for another of Mercury’s backward passages—this time from April 17-May 11. When Mercury is retrograde, it’s like having a little Cosmic advisor whispering in our ear. If we listen, we’ll get great insights and learn a huge amount about the area of our chart that is being transited at that time. Mercury also absolutely reflects the seed thoughts that our mind has put out over the past three months so that we see how to adjust our mental frame. This retrograde is in Taurus, affecting Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius the most.
We can make the most of this month’s energies by being open and flexible—and don’t forget to listen to the little voice in your ear!
(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations here are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and times listed are Pacific Standard Time.
A “Void Moon” or “Void of Course Moon” (or “VOC moon” for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans.
According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon’s rulership), Taurus (Moon’s exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) “performeth somewhat.” Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and “you can take it to the bank.” Another way of putting how this works is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get “unanswered success.” That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied.
Maya’s rule of thumb was, “In making a close call, I look at the moon’s final aspect, just before it goes void of course. This shows how the situation will end up.”
Daily Astrological Forecast
Moon in mid-Scorpio today brings us a soaring trine to Jupiter, the only planetary event of the day. Expand your horizons!
The Scorpio Moon finishes its journey through the depths by contacting Uranus, Neptune, and Chiron early on, our dreams infused with healing messages. The Moon enters its void-of-course period at 8:19 am, giving us only the briefest of respites because it enters breezy Sagittarius at 9:52 am. We’ll feel energized, productive, and prosperous as our lunar companion sextiles Saturn and trines Mars over the remainder of the day. We’ll also feel like shifting gears mentally when Mercury enters Taurus at 6:06 am. You’ll feel more harmony with the universe if you slow down a little now. Impatience is the alternative.
Venus reaches a square to Mars in the wee hours, posing the question: “How far have you come since mid-October?” Chances are, it’s very far indeed, and this is important to recognize as we press onward in life. Looking back gives us a chance to integrate what we’ve learned and feel gratitude for the gifts we’ve received from the universe. This goes a long way toward balancing off the longing we may experience today. Relationships are tested, and strong ones will easily withstand the challenge. The Sagittarius Moon boosts our confidence as it trines the Sun, while an evening square to Jupiter activates our imagination.
The morning is full of surprises as Moon reaches for an afternoon square to Uranus, but the afternoon is mellowed by sextiles to Neptune and Chiron. This is the last contact before the Moon’s void period starting at 4:41 pm, but don’t stop what you’re doing: Moon in Sagittarius is still productive. After she enters Capricorn at 6:07 pm, we feel her square to Saturn as a pensive mood. Our relationships are soothed as we get to the heart of the matter and discover that love is not lost when Venus trines Pluto. A Mercury-square-Mars makes words less useful in communicating and sets us up for a learning process during Mercury’s coming retrograde, as Mercury contacts Mars two more times in the coming weeks.
The Moon deepens our awareness in wise Capricorn with a conjunction to our nearly stationary Pluto and trines to Mercury and Venus over the day. We’ll link head and heart through wise understanding, a combination that smoothes the activities of the day.
Powerful energies culminate today when Pluto makes its retrograde station at 7:33 pm, bringing new awareness and intensifying transformation in our lives. While transformation occurs in the invisible world, today we get a glimpse of what’s going on there, and what we’re creating. Mercury assists by giving us access to the Underworld through the mind, as it trines Pluto.
The Moon squares the Sun at 2:37 am/16°29′ Capricorn to bring the Last Quarter Moon, opening the final week of the lunar cycle. This will bring back to us events we experienced in January and forecast those coming in July on the solar eclipse. With Pluto stationary retrograde in this chart, a powerful week lies ahead, but it does not have to be catastrophic. Transformation will be the theme, and a story will begin to develop in your life that will last through May 19, so pay attention to developing plot lines. The intense energies of Pluto are released through a trine from Mercury; this creates an unavoidable awareness of something that needs to be addressed. Moon in a sextile to Jupiter opens the door to the release and transmutation of old hurts and corrupt beliefs that keep us stuck in old behaviors.
In the chart cast for Washington DC, Jupiter rises in Pisces and rules the chart. With the strength of the party in power confirmed by the passage of healthcare reform, the image of the US has never been better. This strength will have immediate benefits in both domestic and foreign activities. For the legislature, this is a watershed moment. The President enjoys high public approval ratings again, and the healing of the American culture (and so that of the world) continues.
The Sabian Symbol for 17 Capricorn is, “A mature but long-repressed young woman is bathing surreptitiously in the nude and finding a release in spirit.” (ME Jones version) Finally, we can be who we are, even if we are quiet about it. This is often the best way to strengthen our core nature, as well as effect a transformation of the world around us. When the repressed young woman finds her true expression of self, she does so for every being on the planet.
A sextile to Uranus at 1:18 am ends the productive time for the Capricorn Moon, but the ensuring void of course period is over by 5:51 am with her entry into objective Aquarius. This opens a day filled with planetary activity. First and foremost, Saturn makes its re-entry into Virgo at 11:55 am, where it stays until July 21, giving us a chance to finish that closet-clearing (whether metaphorical or literal). After it enters Aquarius, the Moon invigorates a day of action as it trines Saturn, opposes Mars, and squares Mercury.
Are you getting attached to anything? Moon in Aquarius will let us know through our dreams when it squares Venus just after midnight. An evening sextile to the Sun smoothes the path to accomplishment and allows us to integrate the lessons learned over the past three weeks.
The Moon in Aquarius flies toward conjunctions with Neptune and Chiron at the end of the day, magnetizing healing energy to us all day long. The Moon enters its void period at 5:50 pm, which lasts until 6:48 pm, when it enters dreamy Pisces.
A feeling of awkwardness hangs in the background as Mars quincunxes Pluto today. We know there’s something more than meets the eye, but we can’t quite put our finger on it—yet. Otherwise, it is a day of balance and serenity, as Moon makes nothing but sextiles—to Pluto, Mercury, then Venus. Enjoy!
With the only contact today a Moon-conjunct-Jupiter, the pressure is off. We’ll feel confident, expansive, joyous, energized. What’s not to like?
Aches and pains may surface, signaling that there is an issue that needs clearing—this as Saturn quincunxes Chiron today for the second of three times. The Moon spends a brief early-morning period void of course in Pisces, from 5:51 – 6:30 am, after which it enters pioneering Aries. This takes us into the depths of consciousness as she squares Pluto, allowing us to understand what is happening in the hidden world. A trine to Mars lightens things up later in the day, giving us a boost of energy and optimism.
Moon continues in Aries as a dark moon, as it heads toward Wednesday’s New Moon. There are no contacts today, so the world gets simpler for a while.
The Moon reaches the Sun at 24°27′ Aries/5:29 am, marking the New Moon and setting the energy for the coming month. Woven into the fabric of this month is a healing process, as Moon is moving into a sextile to Neptune and Chiron, the base of a yod with Saturn. Saturn is a major focal planet as it begins to engage in an opposition with the conjoining Jupiter and Uranus, for a powerful moment of awakening and release. The Moon sextile to Chiron occurs at 3:28 pm and opens the Moon’s brief void-of-course period. This lasts until 3:55 pm, when Moon enters placid Taurus.
In the chart cast for Washington DC, 3 Gemini rises to place Saturn in the 5th house of children, risk, fun and games, and the Senate. With Jupiter and Uranus in the house of the House of Representatives and political factions, a dynamic interchange regarding legislation is indicated, with stresses from hidden money sources (lobbyists and banks). This is undoubtedly about regulation of the financial markets. However, Obama is a strong advocate, and with his persistent effort progress will be made, although completion is still in the future.
At 25 Aries, the Sabian Symbol is, “A double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings.” At the beginning of a new cycle, we make promises (to others, ourselves, the universe) that carry a profound intent that is not always explicit when we make it. Later we discover what we really meant—and got ourselves into! As this lunar month unfolds, we will discover a deeper context to our promises, more deeply moving and transformative than we had at first dreamed. This will also be true of those in leadership positions.
As Moon in Taurus trines Pluto and squares Mars before sunrise, our unconscious truths and desires become known through dreams. Upon waking we’ll be well-focused with nothing but a Moon conjunction to Mercury to fill the day. However, with Mercury very slow and about to station, this could bring up clear insights into unsettling realities—from not being able to make a deadline to unrealistic personal or communicative expectations. Accept the situation as it is.
Moon spends all day in Taurus, encountering most of the planets in the zodiac today. Before we rise, a conjunction to Venus and sextile to Jupiter calm and sweeten our dreams, giving us a sense of confidence that spills over into the day. The day is void of contacts until evening when disquieting, perhaps confusing, experiences come our way through contacts to Neptune and Chiron. They lead us to deeper understanding as Moon harmonizes with the soon-to-connect Uranus and Saturn. The Moon goes void of course at 9:57 pm, although we can still use this void period productively. She enters Gemini at 11:08 pm, ending her void-of-course.
At 9:06 pm, Mercury goes retrograde at 12°38′ Taurus. We’ll feel this as an intensification of focus in one area. Weather patterns often come to a standstill during Mercury stations, and the jet stream can become fixed so that a particular weather phenomenon hits a single area, such as a string of storms over one section of coastline. This can happen in our own consciousness as well. With Mercury retrograde in Taurus, the challenge is to keep energy moving, or the stagnation can bring energy collapse and create more stagnation. Moon in Gemini helps us today with its liveliness, augmented by a sextile to Mars—get out and play! Venus sextiles Jupiter to bring special tenderness and joy to our encounters with others.
As the planets separate from their cluster of January-March, the Sun brings us fresh perspectives when it sextiles Neptune. We can see into the invisible world to discover what we are creating. The Gemini Moon squares Jupiter to scatter our energies a little—or is that multi-tasking?
It’s not on your calendar, but it could cause confusion and discontent when the ambiguity of a moderately strong yod reaches us today. Saturn is at the peak (apex), with the Sun sextile to Neptune and Chiron at the base. We’re re-examining the healing processes that we must engage in to attain better balance on every level of our being. Are we eating well enough? Are we taking care of our spiritual and emotional needs? Rather than worry, use this as a time to simple expand your awareness and know that you will rectify your path as events unfold. This effect will be noticeable on the 18th-20th.
The night will bring vivid and useful dreams as the Moon makes five contacts before it goes void-of-course at 3:21 am:
- Sextiles to Neptune and Chiron for a healing awareness;
- Squares to Uranus and Saturn for a heads-up regarding our ongoing shake-up of old structures;
- A sextile to the Sun shows us what’s developing on this lunar cycle.
The Moon’s void period is brief, lasting until its entry into Cancer at 4:39 am. This leads into an enlightening opposition to Pluto that we’ll begin to feel immediately even though it does not culminate until mid-afternoon. At 9:30 pm, the Sun enters Taurus, toning down the heady feeling of spring for a more earthy, sensual experience. At 11:31 pm, Chiron enters Pisces. Now the emphasis on healing modalities will shift from mental patterns and group consciousness to energy patterns and empathic (unity) consciousness.
The Moon continues in nurturing Cancer, creating harmonies along the way as she sextiles Mercury and trines Jupiter. The contact to retrograde Mercury will bring the voices of the gods to us in louder tones, making sure we get the message of this three-week retrograde period.
It’s harmonious dreams all through the night, as the Moon completes its passage through Cancer in the wee hours. With a sextile to Venus and Saturn, a trine to Uranus—we get soothing insights to the solutions to our dilemmas, which may not be dilemmas after all.
The lunar void period begins at 7:07 am and lasts until 8:42 when Moon enters Leo (although this void-of-course can be used productively). Once in Leo, the Moon reaches the Taurus Sun, completing the First Quarter square at 11:20 am/1°32′ Leo. This will be an week of high activity, with the Moon early in its sign before a series of contacts are made. Mercury retrograde is about to square Mars to suggest an uneven flow of energy—whether overflow or blockage. The Sun also moves toward a square with a Mars still slow from its retrograde. Because Mars is still in its retrograde shadow, we are still resolving matters from mid-October through mid-March.
In the chart cast for Washington DC, 26 Leo rising places Neptune and Chiron on the descendant, where they represent international public opinion, relations with foreign powers—especially adversaries. Healing relationships are being built behind the scenes with nations where there are disagreements with the US, especially mending those thrown away during the Bush administration. The gathering energy of the Saturn opposition to Jupiter-Uranus is focalized in the houses of finance and economy. This suggests an intensified focus on regulation of the banking and financial industry, with a vigorous effort to change the status quo. What will stand out is how well the big banks are doing while regular Americans are in crisis without help or compassion from them. Middle East negotiations are ongoing, but no results will satisfy right now, with Mercury retrograde affecting them. However, positive transformation is afoot in many areas.
The Sabian Symbol for 2 Leo brings us, “Several children are having a holiday together: An epidemic of mumps has given them new, not unpleasant fellowship.” (ME Jones version) Situations that seem odd or unfortunate often bring together elements of life that would not otherwise have mixed but that need to in order for the creative force to fully unfold. It is the nature of the universe to be ironic. Keep your eyes open for silver linings and golden opportunities this week.
On Earth Day, Moon in Leo creates animated dreams as it conjoins Mars and squares Mercury before dawn, the only events of the day.
The Moon is busy today, and we will be too. Before its void-of-course starts at 8:35 am, the Moon connects Venus, Neptune, and Chiron (to form a T-square). This activates our contact with the invisible realms and communicates through images about love and well-being. With Venus perfecting its square to Neptune today and Chiron on the 25th, this is a three-day experience. Examine your reality for feelings of abandonment—releasing them will allow natural connectedness to emerge. Let the images flow! The Moon is void until it enters Virgo at 11:24 am. Our hearts are gladdened, our gratitude deepened by trines to the Sun and Pluto. Our excitement is sparked when Venus sextiles Uranus today as well.
We seek stability in relationships today as Venus trines Saturn—and it’s a good day to restructure anything that’s out of balance. Feel like doing a thorough house-cleaning? That’s Venus-Saturn at work too. Moon in Virgo trines Mercury (retrograde) to complete the earthy, organizing and constructive feel of the day. At 10:05 pm, Venus enters Gemini and shifts the energy to a more light-hearted tone.
Today’s events tie in with the bigger picture in your life: Whatever you started on April 4 becomes significant today, as Mercury makes its second of three contacts with Mars today. This ties into matters we have been working with since mid-October. Sun also trines Pluto, smoothing your path to transformation, which began December 24 and was intensified on April 6. As if that weren’t enough, Moon opposes Uranus and conjoins Saturn, making today the most powerful day for the 4th of 5 Saturn-Uranus oppositions. The conjunction to Saturn ends the Moon’s productive period in Virgo at 11:20 am, starting its time void of course. This lasts until 1:16 pm, when it enters gracious Libra. A trine to Venus brings social pleasures, while a late square to Pluto may make us want to hibernate and feel our way through the Underworld.
Saturn and Uranus make their fourth opposition today, out of the five contacts they have from November 2008 through July 2010. This forms part of an ongoing process of restructuring our lives that we have been experiencing and expressing. Calm and center yourself to make the most of this contact. Today’s connection does not need to stimulate any sudden change or urgent action. Steady does it. The Moon, still in Libra, sextiles Mars today to support calm constructive action that is informed by the lessons learned over the past six months.
Our Libra Moon reaches her final contacts before leaving the sign when she trines Neptune for a peaceful healing experience. She goes void of course at 12:45 pm, until 3:28 pm when she enters Scorpio. This gives us an afternoon off after very short lunar down times this month.
Moon in Scorpio harmonizes with Pluto in the early morning to infuse our dream states with deep knowledge from the unconscious mind. Being prepared to write it down will enhance your memory of your dreams. At 5:18 am, the Moon opposes the Sun to bring the Full Moon at 8°07′ Scorpio. This ties very tightly with Mercury, which is conjoining the Sun by retrograde today as well. This brings significantly more benefit as we gain deeper than usual insights into what’s really going on in our most challenging situations. The invisible and unconscious realms are especially accessible to both heart and mind, making it possible to see past imbalances and replace them with harmony. This commonly involve action over the next few days. This also reiterates the Mercury contact with Mars, bringing forward the theme of understanding that we gained from the recent Mars retrograde. In some way we are learning to permit the true self to conduct our affairs, displacing the ego—this theme continues to thread its way through our lives.
In Washington DC, the chart had 15 Gemini rising. This places emphasis on Houses 12-3-6 (work, commerce, and hidden influences) as well as 5-11 (the legislature, sports, organizations). President Obama is symbolized here by universalizing Neptune-Chiron. He has consistently shown his growing ability to take the broader view and this will continue. The legislature is at odds with public opinion, and aggressive factions continue to rile up various groups (including the minority party). The Full Moon provides a release valve for stored-up energy, and gives a way out of a sticky dilemma.
The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon at 9 Scorpio is, “A dentist is hard at work.” Some processes in the coming week will require very precise use of our skills at human interaction. Delicate communications may be needed, but these could be one-sided (remember that the dentist’s patient cannot talk). Keep this in mind if the balance of power in uneven in your favor—give the other person a chance to respond. This also signifies that the unconscious wordless communication that takes place in all interactions is more powerful than the words.
We feel a bit awkward today about the way things stand in our relationship(s), and while it is tempting to try to fix it, waiting for the right opportunity will keep you from digging a deeper hole. The Moon makes several contacts before going void of course at 5:39 pm. A trine to Jupiter reminds us of the good things that are still happening in our lives, even if they are not on the front burner, while a square to Neptune stimulates our awareness of what is out of harmony and needs balancing to get back in the flow. Moon reaches Saturn and Uranus by sextile-trine, releasing tension from the pressure to balance existing structure with the need to renew those structures. At 7:36 pm, the Moon enters carefree Sagittarius—what a relief!
Moon in Sagittarius opposed to Venus brings new understanding regarding our significant relationships of all sorts—including that with ourselves. A trine to Mars in the evening brings harmony to all our interactions.

For more than 20 years, Terry Lamb (M.A. Linguistics, UC San Diego; C.A. NCGR, EEMCP) has been helping people to understand how cycles and energies work and interact in their lives. She augments her astrological acumen with energy medicine, Yijing (Chinese Book of Change), cosmology, psychology, and a broad range of health and spiritual studies.
Terry is among the nation’s most knowledgeable, insightful, and engaging astrologers. With pragmatic optimism and compassion, Terry’s approach has helped clients and students find their own way to “walk among the stars”. She is dedicated to using astrology as a way to create our future and free ourselves from “fate”. She goes along with Abraham Lincoln, who said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
Her unique approach to astrology can be learned through her home study and apprenticeship programs (contact her directly).
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