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![]() by Boots Hart In the broadest of terms, we're still in the middle of a very tempestuous cycle. If I say, think about how primal Japan's earthquake and tsunami were, you will just about have it. Those events, metaphysically translated, are our upwelling emotions, the washing away of things we have known and how so many things we have thought of as "the ground beneath our feet" have been really, truly shaken. This process didn't end with getting past the eclipses of June and July. In some senses, those events were merely tripwires for our recognition of what's at stake and how serious the stakes really are. Bearing this in mind, October is a month which begins somewhat in the ilk of what the inestimable Bette Davis might have referred to as a "bumpy ride." And that jarring starts promptly on October 1, as Ixion and the Moon's North Node come into conjunction at 16 Sagittarius, directly across the zodiac from fixed star Rigel, a symbol of teaching, lessons and learning better. With the North Node being what we "should do" and Ixion being incidents/situations which stem from, typify or evoke feelings of entitlement, we either deal with those who feel entitled, or with the results of our own entitlement. Either way, this is unlikely to be any picnic. With the Moon in Sagittarius on October 1, it's likely that some ideal or idealized notion is getting tested. And unbeknownst to us (also known as "whether we like it or not"), it should get tested! Those who are repeating "you should know better" infractions will suffer the most now. And in most cases the "victim" will be some naïve belief or ego stance. If you're brave enough to learn from today (resigning yourself to the power of a greater process), tomorrow can be better. But fail in that, and tomorrow (the real one or proverbial one) will nail you to a wall. As transiting Venus meets up with Juno at 21 Libra on October 2, a desire or willingness to stand against disruptive impulses (yours or those of others) arises. Is this good? Is it foolhardy? To understand that, we look for “modifying players” in this astro-picture. And in this case, there are a lot of them! We'll start with Black Moon Lilith (societal denial) at 21 Aries. It's sitting side-by-celestial-side with Eris (discord) at 22 Aries, putting both these symbols in a challenging opposition to that Libra Juno/Venus. Plainly with Juno/Venus in Libra there is something to be presented or negotiated with others. In order to do that…or to do that effectively, requires some degree of Eris disruption or discomfort to the (Aries) self. The big trick here is the Black Moon in Aries part: to the degree we are denied by others, that's about us, not them. But it sure isn't going to feel like it's about them! And that's not all…with Haumea (the desire to "shift" one's stance) at 17 Libra PLUS structural/reality oriented Saturn at 18 Libra and conclusion-drawing Rhadamanthus at 19 Libra…the question is, what is real and who can be depended upon and who is being honest—if anyone is! Personally, dealing with life honestly is best. And yes, headway can now be made. But we will all need to be realistic not just about ourselves but others (and the willingness to be realistic on both sides and/or together) to get anywhere. For many, this will become a call for "reinventing." And if it does, don't just try to repackage yourself or your aims…unless you enjoy resistance and rejection! In this figure, Rhadamanthus—a symbol of things already done now being judged—gives us the sure-fire signal on what to focus on. And much needs changing now at a primary level—in terms of what we think is "true." There's a marked tendency to (want to) see your own reflection through "rose-colored glasses" here…and where things are good that works well. Unfortunately, here we have the moment where what isn't working is what we become unwilling to deal wit,h and what is working we're willing to tinker and improve. That's backwards! Where you are avoiding conflicts and disagreements (principally with your Self) and trying to deflect responsibility (off that Self), Saturn/Rhadamanthus will now point out the need to put that Self out there. And while you can invest yourself in disliking what others do, think, say or decide, the real question is whether YOU want to succeed—particularly in the long run. That's very important here as these two symbols are both "long run" emblems. So this period is not just about the moment but about building for/into the future. There's a lot of energy in the air. The fact that not everyone is feeling all that peaceful becomes even more pointed as October 3 arrives and Mars (at 8 Leo) squares Jupiter at 8 Taurus (conjunct fixed star Hamal). Part of this square is about whether you have learned to be independent (Jupiter/Hamal). Against that we have another question: have you learned to harness your independence in some meaningful or useful fashion accepted and supported by others? All this happens as Sun-in-Libra conjuncts Diadem (the crowning glory), which suggests that this is a day which just "tops everything." And that can be good or bad. (Even good AND bad!) Moreover, there's a new question being added to the pickle: have you learned to lead and/or be taken seriously…or do you rely on others for validation? You may have decided what direction you want to grow or go in, but now life is telling you if and where you haven't keyed in on some important factor without which, you won't get the reactions you want to get! This confluence of factors continues evolving through October 6 when, as indicated by Mercury and Saturn conjuncting at 19 Libra, things "get serious." Black Moon Lilith (you denying society's opinion, or society denying you approval) is conjunct Eris (discord) exactly at this moment…WITH Sedna at 22 Taurus. Yo ho, folks…this is what might well be called a moment where "immaturity"—which can be either lack of knowledge, lack of experience OR an unwillingness to grasp and accept how life works—gets in our way. Seeing that Libra (the “I/thou” principle) and the Black Moon are involved, this is not just about you—your "group" or your "world" are involved here. So yes, you can resist the truth of what is expected and “acceptable.” But if you do, be aware: that that isn't going to change how the world works, only your ability to work in this/your world. Struggling with ourselves apparently is going to continue, as October 7 has the North Node conjunct Ixion in Sagittarius…with Jupiter in Taurus (retrograde) tightening its big red conjunction on Hamal. This Taurus/Sagittarius inconjunct is what astrologers call an “eight-six” harmonic. With Jupiter (the "doing" planet) in a first decan (0-9 degree) position, we know that what we do creates the emotional reaction and response (North Node/Ixion) and that only when we please others are we going to get what we want in return. And that Jupiter is retrograde? That makes it either a moment of the lesson being delivered, or learned—take your pick! Don't expect to like this moment, but yes, do try to deal with it anyway; with an Aquarian Moon rolling over Damocles, Nessus and towards the end of the day, Neptune, there is a "letting go" which is required. And as October 7 becomes October 8 and the Moon moves into Pisces and hits Chiron, Fomalhaut and ultimately, asteroid Hel, the fight we fight is really one of emotional discomfort…or to paraphrase the old phrase: we are fearing fear itself. The good news? The stakes are not really all-or-nothing. They just feel that way. Venus enters Scorpio at 5:51am (UT/+0) on October 10, suggesting a "working things out," probably with ourselves. We're still feeling crunchy, as signaled by Mars entering the orb-of-trine to the North Node (what needs doing/effort required) without yet coming into position to sextile the South Node (productive action/interaction) until October 11. In other words, we can want the "easy part" but it isn't going to happen yet. For those prone to procrastination in the hopes that everything will become easy, think again: those who delay now, pay later. October 12 is an interesting date for a couple of reasons. For one, transiting Mercury (in Libra) trines Neptune (retrograde) in Aquarius. Anyone who knows astrology knows that Neptune/Mercury connections can be fanciful and inspirational—or deceitful. So this is great for romance and fun times where nothing but pleasure is at stake…but definitely problematic if you're looking for the easy way out at any level. That the Aquarian “degree number” involved here is 28 also recalls that 28 Aquarius is the degree Neptune will go direct at come November 9 and remain in…until January 4, 2012. So insecurity and disappointment, illusion and willingness to deny problems…they will all be with us through these next months. Allowing yourself not to know—the great Neptune lesson—is fine. To the degree that you're prone to "pronouncements" or "blind optimism" this becomes a difficult time—or the road to one. And it's not the facts which are tough…it's your inability to tolerate anything but hard facts you like which lead to the need to be deluded. This moment leads to the 2:07am (UT/+0) Full Moon of October 12 at 18 Aries, suggesting that lots of people will now be "enlightened," be seeking solutions or having things "spotlighted" for them. And let's not forget…this being roughly six weeks out from our next solar eclipse suggests some issues are now truly being shown up now as non-functional or in need of a "rethink." Some will thus find this a truly grounding moment when what was indefinite now becomes "real," while others become deeply disappointed. The short-run difference between these poles starts back at the 4 Libra New Moon on September 27—a New Moon all about whether certain life factors were functional or not, which being at 4 Libra picked up a great trail of signposts at 4 degrees of various signs which we've discussed elsewhere. So here's the deal…where you've been realistic, things culminate now and you now move into a next phase. Where you've kidded yourself about viability, life points out the flaws in your latest version of "the plan." Either way—including if things do go your way—this is not the end of a process. Nor is it assurance of smooth sailing. Why not? Because of two other factors, one of which concerns the fact that this Full Moon happens during Earth's yearly Orionid meteor shower, a period known for the "learning of new things" and when we assess what we can "shoulder" in life…or what we should be shouldering in life. The other note (which may be more to the point) is that this Full Moon at 18 Aries is the first of six Full Moons which will fall at 18 degrees of successive signs: a clear notice that ego is at stake during these next months to come. And yet…it's ONLY ego. With all that said, done and felt, October 13 arrives and Mercury plus asteroid Nemesis move into Scorpio. Are you being putting "thoughtful effort" into things? Are you finding solutions which work for everybody? Are you willing to point out the flaw with certain plans even if doing so doesn't charm those around you who are merely looking to feather their own nest? Everyone will be into control at the moment, and the magic is that difficulties encountered are merely a challenge: can you change your perspective? Where you meet up with resistance, consider which idea is the more “narrow.” That one isn't the answer! Underneath it all, this is all about values and a willingness to stand up for your own while accepting that other people value things differently…and that's all right. With Neptune just sitting at 28 Aquarius, be careful of agreeing for the sake of agreement. Think things through. Be willing to call others out when their aims are all about control and power and not about working functionality. October 14 hands us Sun-Rhadamanthus-Saturn conjunction at 20 Libra—the "20" part of which tells us something is moving beyond our personal control now. We are moving from days where we have direct input into a period when we respond to and learn from the responses of others. As October 14 becomes October 15, Venus (bringing things to be), Europa (getting carried away) and TNO Deucalion (finding the moral way) all coagulate together in Scorpio opposite Jupiter/Hamal in Taurus. This sets the scene for situations which test our sense of proportion and priority. For some, this will be a fun, exciting and opportunity-filled time. But since October 17 has Mercury opposing Jupiter as the Sun opposes Black Moon Lilith, it is the wise person who doesn't go "overboard" here. Do so and negative "exposures" may well result! So we toodle on about our business until a bit of a glitch hits on October 21 as Pallas arrives at 29 Capricorn and there conjuncts Hybris, presenting us with a moment of either "knowing emotional entitlement" or “knowing” emotional entitlement (i.e., when you see it). Are you prone to saying "yes, and so what?"? Or are you the one who sees the excess and says "that would be nice, but no"? As October 22-23 arrives and the Sun conjuncts Juno (domestic leadership) at 28 (then 29) Libra in an inconjunct to nobody's favorite fixed star Scheat (public rejection), our reality of integrity, will, proportion, honesty, selfishness and responsibility get tried on for size…often in the full sight of others. Scheat is the tricky symbol here: sometimes the very thing it symbolizes resistance to is true (Galileo had a big Scheat problem: people got so mad when he said the Sun was the center of our solar system that he ended up under house arrest!). The real question is thus, who are we really…and is that who others want to deal with? Then again, do they want to know the truth or are they just into what feels good, forget all those pesky facts! The Sun entering Scorpio on October 23 at 6:31pm (UT/+0) tells us that the real way forward involves the "allowing for different values" that we talked about a couple of paragraphs back. But let's be real: trust is hard-won under Scorpio influences. Leo Mars currently moving into a sextile with Saturn in Libra suggeststhat much can get done, providing that communication functions openly in both directions. Where there have been problems in this regard, a New Moon at 7:57pm (UT/+0) on October 26 at 3 Scorpio may signal a bit of a turning point as this lunation is complemented by Atlantis. Atlantis is all about how scary (maybe embarrassing?) it is to let go of old stances and adopt new ones. But it plainly possible. However this works for you, the October 28 Jupiter (retrograde) trine Pluto (direct) in sync with Pallas (wisdom) leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius plainly signals a shift from structuring with a focus on commerce and the personal or ”close,” to the more universal economic "systemic" sort of thinking. Realizations of this moment—as signaled by Jupiter's being in retrograde—begin with the Self and our recognition that we cannot "secure" our own safety and stability in isolation. That which we ignore, ostracize or pass up becomes our competition…sometimes even our enemy. As the Moon hits the North Node (at 14 Sagittarius) and asteroid Hel goes direct (at 6 Pisces) on October 30, what needs to be done is obvious. Our difficulties aren't over yet but at least we're now primed to be aware. That's more than a decent place to start. Boots Hart, CAP
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