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by Terry Lamb September opens on the crest of the Earth Grand Trine involving Jupiter, Pluto, and the fast planets in Virgo (Sun and Venus, with Mercury yet to come). Jupiter has just turned retrograde, giving us four months to bring this into full manifestation and fixing this most beneficial of aspect patterns in our life for the duration. While there are many rough currents and perilous leaps that we must make before year’s end, this grand trine does much to frame the process and invite us to use the energies creatively and prosperously. It’s a wonderful way to start a necessary new life as we walk through the 2012 time portal. The New Moon of August 28 carries this energy, so it is especially strong during September. It loses some steam by mid-month as Venus and Sun take us on another journey into the realm of Big Change when they enter Libra. Once again, the Cardinal Cross planets are activated: Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn. Mars lurks in late Cancer tll September 17, having spent its fuel on the Cardinal Cross during August, receiving a beneficial sextile from Venus on September 10 (25 Virgo/Cancer). This opens a door of opportunity for harmony and resolution in our relationships. If reaching clarity was the theme of August, September’s theme is “making it work”. Personal industry is especially helpful, and we will be goaded to engage in Virgoan-type, good ol’ fashioned work. The big release this month occurs on September 16, when Pluto returns to forward motion (is stationary direct). This completes 4-½ months of deconstruction so that reconstruction can take place. Since April 6 we have been shedding obstructions and delusions like so many old rags. This trip into the underworld (Pluto’s domain) has taken us into all the dark corners so that we can shed light on them and allow what’s fertile to grow. Now we bring our resulting transformation to the upper world, where we can move forward cleansed and renewed. Until December 28, we’ll be re-addressing situations that came up so far this year, but especially those that arose in late March-early April. The yearly rounds of the Sun with Chiron and Neptune are now past the halfway point, and our direction with respect to healing and the imaginal-invisible world is clearer even if our dilemmas not yet completely resolved. A peak of illumination comes as the yearly Uranus cycle culminates on September 25. Look at what reached critical mass on/around July 9 for clues as to what this brings. We start a new Saturn cycle on October 13, giving us six more weeks to complete the process of constructive activity we’ve been working on since September 30 last year. This has been a milestone year with Saturn, as it interacted with the Nodes at its conjunction to the Sun bringing up a huge decision point, a parting of the ways from one path and an initiation of another. What path did you choose? It is possible that the chosen path has not yet revealed its gifts and vindicated your risk, but this will come to full fruition in the coming year, as Saturn completes its next yearly cycle still in Libra. Relationships remain on the front burner, and that’s a good thing, because the potential for healing old wounds in the light of new connections has never been greater. A bright future is dawning for those who do their inner work. The context for this is the new reality that is dawning on our planet, and the need is great for each of us to share our unique insights in creating it. Each of us holds a piece of the puzzle and has something of great value to contribute. Even if you don’t know what that is, you are already giving it to a grateful planet and its inhabitants.
(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations here are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and times listed are Pacific Daylight Time (UTC–7). A "Void Moon" or "Void of Course Moon" (or "VOC moon" for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans. According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon's rulership), Taurus (Moon's exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) "performeth somewhat." Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and "you can take it to the bank." Another way of putting how this works is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get "unanswered success." That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied. At 10:35 am PT, the Moon gives us downtime, entering its void period in Libra on an idealistic trine to Neptune. This is brief, ending at 11:48 am with its ingress into Scorpio. The evening finds us in deep connection with the unknown, giving us access to insights leading to transformation, as the Moon trines Chiron and sextiles Pluto. The Moon in Scorpio makes contact with the social planets, which will be reflected in our interactions. Harmonious outcomes are also supported by the Sun’s trine to Jupiter, the last of the grand-trine connections to occur until Mercury starts the round again next Thursday. This is not the last chance for abundance to flow through these energies however, as Jupiter’s retrograde will give us many more doorways to developing prosperity. Scorpio Moon gives us an early take on Mercury’s third opposition to Neptune, as it squares these two bodies over the day. The clarity we found in early August comes up for adjustment, now fueled by more information. The Moon goes void of course at 12:42 pm, until it enters Sagittarius at 2:03 pm—great for a siesta. A trine to Uranus enlivens the evening, augmenting our expression of spontaneous joy, but don’t overdo it: a square to Chiron suggests a potential for health consequences that will have a negative impact on tomorrow’s important events. In this moment, all is well—have fun! The flagship event of the day is the First Quarter Moon, at 10:33 am/11°51' Sagittarius. This is the degree of the June 1 Solar Eclipse (in opposite-sign Gemini), so we can expect echoes of our experiences then to be cast forward to now. Anything that has been left hanging may be advanced or resolved now. This is a decision point for many, especially where relationships are concerned. We will feel the urge to change our decisions, to reverse our direction, or to reconsider the impact of past behaviors in order to achieve different results in the future. In the chart cast for Washington DC, Sun-Venus are on the Midheaven (MC), placing the role of women, especially working women and military wives, in the spotlight. The President’s wife (Michelle Obama) and her role in his leadership may be highlighted as well. The economy continues to be a concern, sputtering along in spite of bumbling human efforts to revive it. The media continue to be a source of confusion, dispiriting the public; although some outlets offer clarity and insight, this is the exception rather than the rule. The First Quarter Moon at 12 Sagittarius has the Sabian Symbol of: “In a curious allegorical transformation, a flag becomes an eagle, and the eagle becomes chanticleer triumphant.” ME Jones version) Mindless patriotism or a true celebration of freedom and what it takes to be free: This is the choice we have on this American Labor Day weekend. The American worker, devalued and despised by business, may be celebrated as the backbone of a free society, yet this foundation of American life is shifting before our eyes into a shadow of what it once was. Similarly in our own lives, there may something of substance that is more a mask than a reality. Piercing to the truth brings positive results. We get another take on the truth on this Labor Day as Moon trines Mercury and sextiles Neptune. Allow yourself a quiet moment to let this sink in as the day passes. The Moon is void for about 90 minutes from 5:31 pm until 7:03 pm, when it enters Capricorn. Let it soothe you as it sextiles Chiron, and do what you need to support your well-being, inner and outer. The Moon in Cardinal Capricorn, shoots off sparks as it contacts Uranus and Pluto in the wee hours. Our dreams may hang over into the day so as to spur our actions most beneficially, as Moon recreates the Earth Grand Trine by carrying Pluto’s energy to Jupiter, then the Sun over the extent of the day. Use it well! A forgotten responsibility, a project delayed—while we sleep, the Moon finds Saturn, and we discover a new task for the day. A moment of truth where relationships are concerned: This feeds our interactions with others through the 13th. Steps to build the new or refresh the past can be taken now. The Moon goes void of course at 1:35 pm until tomorrow morning. It’s okay to complete actions for the rest of the day, especially where physical effort is involved, since Mars will continue to energize us. We finally get the final bit of understanding that has eluded us since August 2. Now we only need the right timing to move ahead. That comes at 10:58 pm PT when Mercury enters Virgo, the sign of its rulership and exaltation. Actions are especially well-favored now through the 17th as Mercury repeats the Earth Grand Trine of late August-early September. At 2:42 am, the Moon enters Aquarius, motivating us to act, even though at least one obstacle should not be disregarded. Wait until tomorrow, and the path becomes easier. As Aquarius Moon trines Saturn, we feel confident and detached enough to take actions that we might otherwise avoid. Go ahead! Do it! The Moon in Aquarius takes us on journey into idealism as it conjoins Neptune, then enters its void zone at 10:32 am. This is brief, lasting until 12:26 pm when it enters Pisces. Over the day, we learn how to take what we know to change what we have in a harmonious way. All interactions and connections with others today are significant—pay attention. The Moon makes a minor grand trine with Pluto and Jupiter, augmented by Mercury to form a kite, that extends over the weekend. Use it well! It brings a big opportunity to manifest something substantial and transformative. We do not have to work at it. Rather, it comes as a result of past actions, so let it flow! We lead off with the Full Moon, which peaks at 2:27 am PT/19°17' Pisces. This chart takes us on an instant replay of last week’s process, only more so—the energy is intensified by the Full Moon, so a decision we were considering then seems imperative to make now. This continues to carry the theme of June 1’s Solar Eclipse but emphasizes the drive to move forward more than holding onto past misperceptions. This lunar event also carries the abundance energy of the Earth Grand Trine, now formed with Mercury, but we must activate transformative processes if we are to get the full bounty of this pattern. The Moon makes its final contact in Pisces at 6:45 pm, void of course until 11:49 pm upon its entry into Aries, although we can still use lunar energy for action during this time. In Washington DC, the chart of the Full Moon shows a turning point being reached in healing a wound with another nation that considers the US an adversary. This only means that the problem is clarified, not that it is solved. The markets will give the country a bumpy ride, but someone is prospering. The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon degree of 20 Pisces is: “The window of the farmhouse yields its view of soft purple fields, the table set for a quiet supper.” (ME Jones) We are now inclined to enjoy simple comforts and serene environments, a retreat from the complexity of the world. The nurturance routines of daily life and the seasonal rhythms by which we gain food provide comfort and sustenance that cannot be over-valued. As the yearly harvest comes in and we build our new forms and paths of abundance, we can make sure that we cherish Earth’s bounty and all the hands that bring it to us — and live sustainably as possible. We’ll be inspired to action upon awakening, as Aries Moon connects with Uranus and Pluto early on. There’s another shoe to drop tomorrow with its square to Saturn, but we get a whole day to work out how to deal with that. Moon continues in Aries, giving us a clear perspective on what we need to do to fulfill our responsibilities and create more stability as it opposes Saturn. We are supported by Mercury’s trine to Jupiter, completing the Earth Grand Trine contacts for now. We have a clear understanding of what this is about for us, so now we can take action with confidence. At 7:40 pm, Venus enters Libra, sign of her dignity. This also heats up the Cardinal Grand Cross again, relationship-style. A reckoning is due if we are not at peace with others. At 10:11 am, Moon enters its void period in Aries, but not before challenging us to act and to dream, as it touches base with Mars and Neptune. At 12:25 pm, it enters Taurus to open the door to the Earth Grand Trine again. We’ll benefit by a late-day trine to Pluto, which deepens our awareness of what opportunities still beckon us, remaining to be fulfilled. Taurus Moon continues to magnetize the Earth Grand Trine with a conjunction to Jupiter, then completes the process with a trine to Mercury in late afternoon. It’s another day of manifesting bounty and blessings. This is augmented by the release we’ve all been waiting for, Pluto’s station direct at 11:23 am/4°53' Capricorn. This gives us more available energy and impetus to transform what needs changing in order to build the future. Venus reaches the first of the Cardinal Cross planets when it opposes Uranus before we rise, enlivening our dreams and motivating us to create a new, more vital and supportive social environment. If our relationships do not provide this, we will see it now in startling ways. We must be willing and prepared to let go as we resolve this, even if we ultimately don’t have to. Our courage is sustained by a trine to the Sun; don’t let others confuse you as Moon makes a late square to Neptune. Step away if you lose your clarity, until it returns. Moon in Taurus ends its active phase in this sign at 0:09 am, entering Gemini at 1:06 am PT. This brings harmonies to us, and we see ways to work with the new information we’ve gained. However, we can’t hide from the truth: Venus’s square to Pluto today makes sure of that. At 6:51 pm, Mars enters Leo. This opens new options for us, and we discover new ways to resolve previously unsolvable problems as Mars makes its way through this sign. Moon continues through Gemini, bringing support from others with a trine to Saturn, but be cautious about relying too much on logic as it squares Mercury. The Moon in Gemini reaches its Last Quarter square to the Sun to mark the final week of this lunar month, at 6:39 am/27°15' Gemini. This takes us back to the eclipses of June, when this degree was triggered in multiple ways. The emphasis is on decision points and relationships, once again. Did we make the right decisions then, or do we need to reverse something? Chances are, we are seeing at least one situation in exactly the opposite way from how we understood it then. Between last week’s Full Moon and this event, we are passing the midpoint between sets of eclipses, a turning point in consciousness that we do well to take advantage of. Outcomes look good if we tie our highest ideals into our decisions. It is possible to fulfill the dreams we hold close to our heart, if we believe in them. The Moon moves into Cancer at 11:53 am, after entering its void period at 9:34 am. It brings a new take on old dilemmas as it squares Uranus and opposes Pluto, reactivating our long-term Cardinal Grand Cross transformations through emotional responses. In the chart cast for the United States, our dreams of national unity are also realizable in a peacetime setting. Tolerance and detachment are key qualities. President Obama is in the spotlight, as he takes on a new initiative in support of America’s workforce and domestic productivity. This is a relatively quiet week when the good news can rise to the surface, but there are hidden forces at work in the media, that unwittingly weaken the country and give strength to potential adversaries. At the Last Quarter Moon’s degree of 28 Gemini, the Sabian Symbol is, “A man is leaving a courtroom with mixed feelings of relief and determination: He has just passed through bankruptcy.” (ME Jones version) Sometimes it is necessary to renew ourselves by making a fresh, clean start. Ending something may be sad, but it is needed when the energy for it has died. This opens the door to new possibilities and revives creativity, optimism, and growth. The Moon continues its sojourn through Cancer, reaching Venus to bring us new information on our current social situations. Our projects of expansion and enterprise are given a boost today as well, as Moon sextiles Jupiter. A square to Saturn shows us a peek of future challenges in relationship, but we do not need to take them on now. Whatever we focus on today flows smoothly as the Moon flies through harmonious contacts with Mercury and Sun from its position in Cancer. At 6:22 pm it enters its brief void period, entering Leo at 6:55 pm. A conjunction to Mars and trine to Uranus makes for a lively evening, or at least one of intuitive insight leading to artful activation. At 2:05 am, Sun enters Libra, the Autumnal Equinox and Cardinal Ingress that signals a substantive shift in world affairs. This reset of consciousness carries a powerful trine between Mars and Uranus that makes dramatic action easy—perhaps too easy. Rashness or spontaneity? We have to decide what prompts us. Actions, even rash ones, may be preferable to remaining in old, stuck situations. Use this energy to pry yourself loose if needed. The Moon moves on through Leo, making us aware of the risks inherent in our direction but emboldening us to take them anyway as she sextiles Venus. The Sun in Libra will emphasize the power of right relationship in our lives as it moves toward its conjunction to Saturn, starting a new yearly Saturn cycle in October. The Moon wings through the latter degrees of Leo today, making a wee-hour sextile to Saturn to lend instructive energy to our dreams. Recalled, they support our plans for future harmony. The Moon goes void of course at 7:40 pm on an imaginative opposition to Neptune, entering Virgo at 9:49 pm. Dream away! The Virgo Moon fills in the gap to recreate the Earth Grand Trine energies again, making trines to Pluto and Jupiter by midday. It’s time to continue building our future. At 2:09 pm, Mercury enters Libra to add emphasis to the Cardinal Cross process already activated by Venus and the Sun. The Sun begins to take us into these energies when it opposes Uranus today, an energy that has been building dramatically since Friday. This is the halfway point of the yearly Sun-Uranus cycle, a culmination of insight and awareness that comes through unlikely events. Although volatile, this energy is sure to bring us back to alignment with inner harmony and the best path to our goals. The Moon goes void of course at 12:47 pm, until late tomorrow, the longest of void periods this month. Use this time to take a break, get organized, plan, and complete projects. Mercury follows the example of the Sun, opposing Uranus today, to add startling new understanding. Time to think outside the box. The Moon enters Libra at 9:51 pm, reactivating us and turning our thoughts to the future as we head into the New Moon. At 4:09 am PT/4°00' Libra, a new lunar month starts with the New Moon. This carries considerable volatility as it comes carrying the energy of oppositions to Uranus from Sun, Mercury, and Moon. The Moon reconnects everything, bringing integration of what it all means in our life just in time to make contact with the other Cardinal planets, Pluto and Venus. A harmonious sextile to Mars keeps us on our feet and shows us the way through, which will be played out in the coming month. Despite the challenges, there are harmonious alignments that will help us find the best path. In the chart cast for Washington DC, the New Moon rises, with the other Cardinal planets also highlighted on the angles. This suggests tension with other nations, as a transformation is taking place at home among the people. The party out of power is in disarray in response to the situation, and there is potential for extreme weather conditions in the east of the country augmenting the drama. President Obama will be the Diplomat in Chief, whose effectiveness will not be immediately apparent. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 4 Libra is “a group of young people sit in spiritual communion around a campfire”. Underneath all the masks we wear, inner unity is possible. We should look for inner harmony and alignment—spiritual communion—as a support when conflict arises. Conflict is born of feelings of separation, which are a sign that fear has taken control. The Sun and Mercury click off the next step in the Cardinal activation process as they square Pluto today. This is part of the general build-up of energy that has occurred starting on September 23, and one that we will make it through despite the challenges. This will open doorways to completing processes begun last December, when profound and complex situations were established in our lives. Another level of understanding is reached today as Mercury carries its take on what’s happening to the Sun when they conjoin. Moon in Libra connects with Saturn, and we find a way to work with the rules and limits. Agreements are possible now. Don’t give up on what you believe is possible. You’ll see how this may still be created as Moon trines Neptune to open its void period at 6:52 pm. The Moon enters Scorpio at 9:05 pm. Mental resolve and the urge to act find accord when Mercury and Sun sextile Mars over the day. A new understanding infuses our awareness; our feelings move us profoundly, and we find within a desire to act. Yet, Venus’s conjunction to Saturn tempers our confidence and leads us to follow accepted protocols in furthering our cause. Moon in Scorpio deepens the experience and keeps us on track. We must relieve our emotional tension, some of which extends back to at least July. The sole contact today is the Scorpio Moon’s square to Neptune at 7:18 pm. Enjoy the calm, allow things to settle. This opens the Moon’s void period, which lasts until it goes into Sagittarius at 9:42 pm.
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