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![]() by Boots Hart Politics, gyroscopes and the study of planetary motion all deal with spin. And so will all of us this month. April is likely to be full of "spin"—of various types. You may find yourself spinning, there’s so much to do. Or you may get into just spinning your wheels, getting nowhere. Or your mind may be so full, it’s spinning. And since all things work in all directions, let’s not forget—you just may get spun. And who knows—you might enjoy it! Or not… The point here would seem to be about recognizing our own cognizance. We are after all, not spectators in our lives—we are our own parade. Yes, we can be spectators, but when we step aside and become an onlooker we should always remember that means we’re not fully involved. Or maybe vested is a better word. This month, all the why’s, what’s and wherefores of what we do become more apparent. All begins on a somewhat appealing (if not without issues) tone with Venus in Taurus, a period which functions best (and most rewardingly in every sense) when personal gains evolve through better understanding of yourself and your capacities. And with Mercury entering Taurus and the shadow of an upcoming retrograde on April 3, though you may feel an overhanging sense of "gotta get this done," it’s unwise to press too hard. Mercury doesn’t actually go retrograde until April 18(17th, if you’re in the Americas or Pacific Basin) but things which don’t resolve naturally before/by that time are probably best left (if possible) until Mercury comes out of retrograde on May 11—at which point we may learn “why” waiting was beneficial. Okay…maybe not fun, but beneficial. Into all this we next add the wee matter of a transiting Venus/Mars square from April 1 through April 7. Classically a pairing which is not "just" about romance but the nature of the "creative spark," Venus squaring Mars from Taurus to Leo can manifest as anything from star-struck/star-crossed lovers to healing of relationships (romantic or platonic) to having to work through differences which pit desire against long-term security. Money and private partisan politics (read: personal power issues) may also prickle like the dickens too. Since this is a square with Venus being the faster-moving planet, the astrological (not to mention the common-sense) rule involves remembering what the goal (i.e., desired result) really is. Another frequent and perhaps annoying theme may be the "do you want to be happy or right?" syndrome. And a suggestion: if and where you feel backed into an emotional corner, try stepping forward. Actively take on the part of peacemaker. Venusian kindness, not Mars assertion, leads the way here (by definition as Venus is the faster-moving planet)…thus, inspiring and motivating others not through what you like but by demonstrating how you understand gains much good will and leads to swifter and warmer accomplishments. Not that you should expect clouds to part and heavenly choirs to sing no matter what you (or others) do. Uranus in Pisces has been all about unsettling times testing our ability to weather emotional tides. And with Neptune in Aquarius (with Chiron adding a "do it even if you don’t like it or know how" note), conflicts based in "should’s" and ideals have for the past few years been simply all the rage. And yet…so much hasn’t gotten done. Have you noticed? As all three of these symbols press now to the end of their respective signs, we can expect the fervency of rhetoric and posturing to get truly obtuse. Against this will come an increase of need. Why? Because all three of these symbols are about improving ourselves as individuals so that we can contribute to the greater society which in turn allows (or doesn’t allow) us to have the life we want, be that as an individual, family, special interest group, nation or planet. Given that Neptune’s negative is to be "blind" about things (against the positive of getting your ego out of the way), this process isn’t going to be easy. Or comfortable. Uranus will move into Aries next month in tandem with various things "breaking out" of the mold. Or out of the dark. Or out of the social subconscious. Some are to be expected to be upset to the point of rashness during this time. Others will rush into a "quick fix" which proves at least somewhat counter-productive. Neptune/Chiron asks us to allow that we do not know, but that we must try to find a way in spite of not knowing. Diligence is called for by Chiron and altruism required by Neptune. We each have something to contribute. No one should hold back. No "group" is an island; the separatism which has become so prevalent has been wonderful to the extent that it has allowed each person, each group, each society to understand itself better, but the Whole does not function unless individuals contribute to the group (mid-range collective) and all groups are contributing and functional members of the Whole. To do otherwise is to arouse/evoke Neptune negativity: disappointment, failure, and loss where ideals get crushed by a reality which leaves everyone with the disturbingly realization that they’ve been too biased, too selfish and too blind. Bearing this in mind, Uranus-Neptune/Chiron will be in a tight semi-sextile throughout April with a particularly grinding moment occurring on April 13. Semi-sextiles being notoriously hard on egos, this suggests that all of April is a time when egos get tested, humility and altruism are included with every serving of Humble Pie and uncertainty—and our ability to tolerate same—becomes part of the overall lesson. With this as the general start and dynamic background, Pluto goes retrograde at 5 Capricorn on April 7 conjunct Charybdis (April 6 in Greenland and points west). Pluto being the symbol of emotional transformations we experience as a result of interactive involvement, with Charybdis in the chart often appearing to be a call to not back off lest nature/the nature of something overcome you and/or your efforts there’s something of a possibly volatile contradiction in the works here. All stations which turn to retrograde are about "reconsideration" of some sort—the energy is being turned inside which asks us to reflect, reconnoiter, rebuild, regroup or just plain consolidate on gains. With all this married with the emotional/reactive symbolism of Pluto and Charybdis, what you have done may now turn on you. Or you may finally get past some emotional blockade and "get" how to move ahead. Both of these ideas reflect 5 Capricorn as a degree highlighting the need not to be so absorbed with our own thoughts/actions that we miss important cues. And as always, remember that stations (especially those of generational or outer planets) always begin and extend beyond the actual station day by a couple of days. Also that stations often reflect "turning points," in life when they aspect your chart with any acuity. But wait—there’s more! On that self-same date of April 7, Saturn retrogrades out of Libra back into Virgo, making things more private by virtue of Virgo being below the "zodiacal horizon" no matter where it falls in your chart. So this is a seconding of the Pluto-going-retrograde "turning within" vibe. Just in the interest of thinking back and take mental notes, Saturn began its retrograde on January 13 and first entered Libra (leaving the "private" zodiac hemisphere) back in late October, 2009. Ring any bells? Moving on. Are you someone who likes seizing the opportunity to do something new? If so, the New Moon at 24 Aries on April 14 may be your ticket to adventure. And even if you aren’t the intrepid explorer type, this may be a moment when some bit of news changes your point of view, plans—or whatever else. No matter which type you are, since the bigger astro-picture has Medea (selfish love which undermines) standing just ahead of this New Moon at 25 Aries (strident pride versus intelligent courage) the implication is that thinking things through and considering consequences is important now. But then you knew that….right? After all, Mercury is just about to go retrograde, remember? The degree of the New Moon itself (24 Aries) is an interesting one, too. It’s all about creative energy, and specifically a "flavor" of energy which often gets focused into sexuality. But when so focused it tends to become selfish, lacking in compassion and empathy—the archetype of which is given in this symbol as the "inadequate or abusive mother." There’s a sense of being "on probation" here which when combined with a New Moon suggests trying something out or testing a new way of dealing with something rather than making the concrete commitment, which again is worth noting what with Mercury about to go retrograde. Because Mercury is in Taurus, though the "other" may seem to be the issue, Taurus tells us that the crux of this matter (at least in your life) is about you. So! How well do you match the person you really want to be? Speaking of Mercury’s station/retrograde, that occurs on April 18 (17th in the Americas and Pacific Basin). So when we give the station two days on either side, that means the vital station "period" begins on April 16 (the 15th in the Americas—happy Income Tax due-day US citizens!) and ends on April 20 (or 19th in the Americas and Pacific Basin)—basically just as the Sun enters Taurus and Chiron enters Pisces. Chiron will be in Pisces until February 2017. During this time need, and the need for compassion, understanding of and faith in others will be highlighted as surely as Chiron’s 2005-2010 passage through Aquarius highlighted the need for everyone to work as a team in this world. And see how well that went? Chiron is one of those cosmic bug-a-boos which highlights what we should but never want to do. Name a Chirotic issue in someone’s chart and they’ll snarl or get upset, telling you they have no earthly idea how to get that done. Chiron "feels" a lot like the North (lunar) Node, though Chiron tends to be about others (or society) where the North Node is more about you and what you (personally) should do with your particular life if you really want to end up where you claim you want to end up. With Chiron in Pisces the tendency is going to be to think narrow, local, me/mine with boundaries placed highest based on what I know when solutions encompass more than you can conceive of from where you start and (importantly) are virtually unknowable until you tackle the job. Sweet, right? As for the Sun moving into Taurus, that’s an echo of the whole Mercury retrograde vibe, underscoring the need to consider what you can do to better life, your life, or your opinion of yourself as a participant in life. With things no doubt tense and in some areas really difficult, Sun in Taurus is also the universal way of testing your values. So okay, what are your values? Come April 25 (April 24th in the Americas and Pacific area), Venus enters Gemini, inviting us all to expand our capacities and find better ways of getting where we want to go. A Gemini Venus favors negotiations (provided you don’t rush/are mindful of Mercury being still in retrograde), planning, "worthwhile discussions" and just plain fun get-togethers for the pleasure of happy times. This influence also favors media which stirs one’s mentality or imagination and the bettering of self through knowledge however that’s gained. So, do that research! Enroll in a school! Look into that next big step you really want to take! But before you rush out and go anywhere, be aware of one other item—namely that come April 26, retrograde Saturn in Virgo opposes Uranus in Pisces—with Uranus conjunct Medusa. Given that Medusa and Pisces both have much to do with how we handle Neptunian fantasies/fantastical desires (with Medusa bringing in questions of how we honor our responsibilities) this suggests that over the next couple of months (Saturn opposes Uranus again on July 26) the functional quality of how we go about what we do in life is going to get tested. This Saturn/Uranus opposition has been with us for quite a while though it’s fallen out of aspect during the last six months or so. Associated with the worldwide recession, this connection is yet another way life is telling us that uniqueness and individual gifts are given us so we have something to contribute to a greater societal whole while finding our place in that whole, not so that we can secure our freedom by destroying that of others. The last item of the month is a Full Moon at 8 Scorpio on April 28. The Moon being at 8 Scorpio "highlights" (or maybe exposes?) juxtapositions and/or imbalances between intelligent compromise and passionate yearning, revealing "blind spots." With the Moon conjunct KBO Deucalion, questions surface. Are we on a "right" path to satisfy our inner moral compass? Sun conjunct Mercury at 8 Taurus suggests how likely it is that feelings of defensiveness may surface. And how tempting it may be to act out of "blind instinct.’ Yet this can also be a time of opportunity if you find/invent new ways to embrace a spirit of negotiationandcompromise which, far from boxing you or anyone else in, will give everybody the opportunity to live up to their highest potential. Thus goes April. And soon will come May. But that’s a different tale for a different day. Namaste, all. Boots Hart, CAP
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