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by Terry Lamb October begins with a lull. Mercury the activator is direct, and slow. It is not a time of reduced activity, though: instead we get caught up because no new situations arise. This is in the general context of completions, as the planetary cycles of Jupiter, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (all but Mars and Saturn) wind down. In everyday terms, we work within the parameters established earlier in the year to resolve known factors. If something new arises, it is related to either Mars or Saturn interactions with your chart. Two planets change direction this month—Jupiter and Chiron. Travel companions all year, they will be joined by Neptune in its station in early November. These three have given us a heavy dose of Aquarius, with its populism, love of community, and desire for freedom, but also its coldness, argumentativeness, and knee-jerk reactionism. With so many planets there, we are doused with cosmic contrariness until we are quite ready for a new vibration. As these planets return to forward motion, we get to move forward again with the situations that became blocked up in May and June—now better prepared. Saturn and Uranus hooked up for the third time in mid-September to add more eye-rolling extremism to the healthcare debate. The level of incivility and prevarication was intensified by the lurking Mercury-Pluto square. These patterns cast their shadows into October, as Saturn and Uranus separate (but not for the last time) and Mercury makes its third contacts with Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, related to its September retrograde. These contacts indicate that there are lingering questions in our lives and the world around us, especially the healthcare debate. We are in the midst of a huge battle between government by and for the people, and government by and for the corporations. The front for this battle is healthcare reform, but the issue runs very deep, striking at the very heart of civilization and how it has been envisaged and structured for the past 110+ years. This is the hand of Pluto in Capricorn at work, and we will see the battle morph in October as the healthcare debate winds down and the bill reaches completion. Will the people win, or the corporations? The symbol people's cause is the public healthcare option; if there is none, the corporations will have won for the moment, but they will be surprised when the people do not give up as they have before. This face-off will become starkly apparent when Saturn enters Libra on October 29. This immediately puts it in the "room" with Pluto in early Capricorn. Their square in early in this cardinal sign will be powerfully felt and dynamic in effect. The cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are activating, and the most active area of the cardinals is at 0—where Saturn and Pluto meet. Although Saturn backs into Virgo for a final swipe at those of us with late mutable planets, this is the opening salvo of a pivotal line-up that we will work with intensely through 2016. It is important to remember that we are moving into the second American Revolution as Pluto nears the position it was in when the United States was born. Because of this, all the hidden issues and weaknesses of our nation are coming to the forefront, forcing us to draw on our virtues and strengths. No matter what happens with healthcare reform, the challenges will keep on coming, but so will the opportunity to grow and change in positive ways, until Pluto leaves Capricorn in 15 years. As in April-July, several planets are once again at the same degree of its respective sign as October opens. They are triggered in unison (with varying aspects), giving a cluster of contacts at near-simultaneous times. This occurs most strikingly on October 4, when Mercury, Mars, Neptune, and Uranus cross paths at 23°56'. With the Full Moon also on the 4th, we can expect plenty of excitement to challenge our cool heads. On October 16, Mars enters Leo, starting the retrograde clock ticking. While Mars does not begin backward travel until December 20, it returns to 0 Leo when it turns direct on March 10. This begins the "period of observation", when actions we take have a greater chance of backlash in our lives if not taken with the needs of others in mind. In Leo, the weakness is hidden feelings of inferiority that come out as arrogance. Approaching life with humility and seeing beyond others’ apparent arrogance to the frightened person underneath are keys to turning your Mars retrograde experiences into successes. In relationships, we have opportunity after peril. Around mid-month, we experience events which could feel like rejection (or unexpected interest) from others. If we do not go into automatic withdrawal, we will have the opportunity in the second half of the month to form a tighter or more committed bond. This is true in business and family ties as well as romantic. (Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations here are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and times listed are Pacific Standard Time. A "Void Moon" or "Void
of Course Moon" makes no significant aspects
until it enters the next sign. Its void period
is thought to be a poor time for starting new
projects or making concerted effort toward
existing plans.) Thursday October 1 The Moon in Pisces encounters an empty sky until it opposes Venus late in the day. This makes for uninterrupted time to complete your day’s tasks, although put-off communications could create evening tension. The Moon remains in Pisces, finding more heavenly playmates, bringing perspective. We feel more tension as we deal with the deeper issues in our lives. An opposition to Mercury, conjunction to Uranus and opposition to Saturn bring our fears to the surface. A trine to Mars eases our anxiety, showing us a helpful course of action. As the Moon gets ready to leave Pisces, it makes its final contact in the sign, at 8:29 pm when it enters its void period for the rest of the day. However, in Pisces the void Moon still makes useful connections for us if we want to use this period. The Moon continues its void period in Pisces until 2:21 am, when it enters Aries, reaching immediately for a square to Pluto to vivify our dream state with wisdom from our deep unconscious. We feel rushed upon awakening as we hurtle headlong toward the Full Moon at the end of the day. The Full Moon is in the degree of 11°09' Aries and occurs at 11:10 pm. It is flavored by a sextile to the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius, which the Sun also trines. These contacts show us the way to gracefully fulfill our dreams. We will be goaded by an unsettled feeling though, as the Moon also quincunxes a Venus-Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Virgo. This will bring new awareness about something that needs healing in our lives, which can then be released through the Aquarian planets. In the chart cast for Washington, DC (at 2:10 am October 4), the Full Moon opposition falls in Houses 3 and 9, with 11 Leo rising conjunction Obama’s Sun. This emphasizes how much the people will be relying on our president for their identity and optimism. The Sun falls on the US Saturn-Sun square, highlighting the challenges we face to be a nation of equals instead of haves and have-nots. This will be a watershed Full Moon, and the healthcare reform bill will take on its final shape (for now) during this lunar cycle. The Sabian Symbol for 12 Aries is "a triangularly shaped flight of wild geese." This speaks to the coordinated effort and beauty that even the wildest of life forms cannot but create. Even in the most chaotic situations or hopeless circumstances, the laws of the universe apply, and the sacred dance of life occurs. Over all is the will-to-good that acts as a spearhead piercing the veil of darkness. With Aries, we have the courage and focus to champion a cause and succeed because we know that we follow universal law. There is an unusually high number of contacts today, as a number of planets come together at 24 degrees of their sign. Mercury sextiles Mars to form the base of a yod to the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune conjunction. This highlights the ambiguity that makes our chances of success uncertain, or at least unknown to us. Mercury then opposes Uranus to bring an unexpected turn of events. Solve the conundrum that arises, and you’ll have your path to success better defined. Mars gives an assist—something we can do to make a difference. Venus also quincunxes Jupiter, Mars and Neptune. We feel confused about relationships; actions taken now to clear up misunderstandings don’t hit the mark. The Moon completes its travel through Aries with sextiles to Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune, buoying our mood with a sense of possibility. At 10:46 pm, the Moon’s square to Mars opens the Moon’s void-of-course period and gives us a break until mid-morning tomorrow. At 9:33 am, the Moon enters stabilizing Taurus and applies to a trine to Pluto to lend meaning and intense focus to our day’s efforts. Benefits will flow! The Moon proceeds through Taurus, but encounters no planets until late afternoon. A square to Jupiter makes us strive to bridge the gap between dreams and reality, and a late trine to Venus grants a pleasant mood and easy relations with our nearest and dearest. Moon continues to contact the trio in Aquarius, squaring Chiron and Neptune before dawn to infuse our dream state with symbolic antagonists to overcome. Sextiles to Uranus and Mars brighten up our prospects, while trines to Mercury and Saturn make it easy for us to gain from new opportunities. We’ll be in the right place at the right time. Mercury conjoins Saturn at the end of the day, inspiring us to plan, structure, and organize. The Moon enters Gemini at 2:46 pm, going void of course at 10:19 am. However, feel free to engage in significant activity, as Moon in Taurus still "performs" when void of course. A Venus quincunx Chiron shows us what can be healed in a relationship that needs repair. The Moon in Gemini forms an air grand trine with the Sun and Jupiter that colors the whole day with opportunity and expansive energies. Make the most of it! The biggest event of the day is a Venus opposition to Uranus, adding a strong dose of the unpredictable to our interactions today. Embrace it, and opportunities may flow. Mercury makes us less logical, more socially sensitive when it enters Libra at 8:48 pm. Meanwhile, our Gemini Moon reaches the planets late in the signs: a square to Venus and Uranus intensifies the unexpected aspects of our interactions, with squares to Saturn and Mercury to remind us of our humanness. Trines to Chiron and Neptune create the opportunity for an uplifting healing release if we surrender to the moment. The Moon enters a very brief void period at 6:35 pm, which ends at 6:48 pm, when it enters Cancer. A Moon opposition to Pluto gives us a deeper understanding that makes us happy for what we have. As Jupiter slows down to make its station on Monday, a Sun trine augments our feelings of freedom and hope for the future once again. We’ve been through a long, dark period, where factions have been lined up one against another. While reconciliation of opposites may not be perfect, when people feel good agreement is easier. Mercury makes its third square to Pluto, the last of a series that occurred in conjunction with Mercury’s retrograde. We’ll be drawn back to issues and processes that began the last week of August and intensified in the first part of September. Resolution is possible now, even as we see the way ahead to future plans for success if we date to build on our dreams. Although the Moon wings through Cancer, it makes no aspects today. The Moon spends most of the day in Cancer, entering its void period at 6:37 pm (although this can be disregarded because of the Moon’s strength in Cancer). The first event of the day occurs at 1:56 am, the Last Quarter Moon at 18°10' Cancer. We’ll feel its activation as we rise, with the potential for a high level of productivity as the Moon trines Uranus, sextiles Venus, conjoins Mars, and sextiles Saturn. At the end of a truly smooth and flowing, yet energizing day, the Moon enters Leo (10:02 pm). The energy of the First Quarter Sun-Moon square benefits again by trines from Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune to the Sun, but the Moon in Cancer adds an awkward element to the contact. We may be able to see a path to our dreams, but what about our need for security? We may feel a bit raw from our past experiences, uncertain that the risk will pay off. However, being aware of our feelings allows us to make choices that bring happiness, whatever that means to us. In this chart, Mercury has returned to its square to Pluto, first visited in the last week of August. Issues that arose at that time are finally resolved now, or if not, coming to a plateau until new factors develop. With Mars sextiling Saturn, look forward to a productive week ahead. Cast for Washington, the chart has 20 Virgo rising, near Neptune in the US chart and Mars in Obama’s. Hard work and background activity finally bring results in the healthcare reform legislative process—or at least a substantive step on the way. There’s a grand trine to this chart’s MC from the Sun and Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune to usher in cooperation and real results. There will be an emphasis on the plight of the "common (wo)man", as unions and blue-collar workers are spotlighted. "A fragile [young lady], representative of proud old blood, is wed by a . . . priest to an eager youth of the new order," is the Sabian Symbol for 19 Cancer. (M.E. Jones version) This sounds like the progressive caucus being wed to the Blue Dogs in the Democratic Party in order to pass healthcare reform. In our own lives, we need to wed old ideas to new. This creates a new beginning, not an end, of growth. Two planetary events set a strong and positive tone for the week. Mars sextiles Saturn, an engine of productivity and resourcefulness that we’ll feel for several days. Jupiter finally returns to direction motion when it makes its station at 9:36 pm. Now we can begin to use what we’ve learned over the past five months to leave our wounds and weaknesses behind, to fulfill our dreams. In the world around us, this signals a shift in events related to the swine flu. Mass vaccination programs will begin around this time. Still in Leo, we’ll awaken with mental acuity after the Moon sextiles Mercury in the early morning hours. With the bulk of the planets in late degrees, the Moon finally picks up on them as it nears the end of Leo. An opposition to Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune over the day bring out deeper insights to the final hurdles we must leap before we are ready to walk the path we’ve been carving out for ourselves. A sextile to the Sun allows us to integrate our awareness for future success. The Moon’s void-of-course period commences at 2:21 pm and gives us the rest of the evening off. Coloring the day is a Sun trine to the nearly stationary Chiron, bringing a soothing peacefulness to our healing process. At 0:45 am, the Moon enters industrious Virgo, filling our dreams with productive activities as she trines Pluto shortly after. We can fuel our daytime pursuits with the fruits of our unconscious labors to make the most of today—focus, determination, and sensitivity to our deepest needs. At 3:40 pm, Venus enters Libra, one of the signs it rules. This generally brings better outcomes for agreements and social events and activities over the next month. Venus adds more emphasis on the cardinal crisis of identity when she squares Pluto today. Others may not have our best interests at heart, even if they think they do. It’s ideal to wait until another day to finalize agreements, if possible. Insecurity is at the heart of all problems. An emotional jolt comes later in the day when the Virgo Moon opposes Uranus, but it just may wake us up to a reality we’ve been avoiding. Lots of action today, as the Moon reaches the later degrees of Virgo and launches into Libra. It connects the dots between the separating Uranus and Saturn while we sleep, then goes void of course on a softer sextile to Mars at 3:18 am. There’s no need to hesitate when we arise, however, as our fair damsel of the night enters Libra at 3:29 am. It immediately reiterates the Venus-square-Pluto, bringing back memories of yesterday’s unresolved relationship matters—and all before sunrise. During waking hours, Mars finally enters a field of play where it is more comfortable when it enters Leo at 8:33 am. We’ll feel more secure, and disagreements will be less emotionally charged now that he’s left behind Cancer, the sign of his fall. We get the heads-up that Neptune is about to make its direct station when the Sun trines it. This gives us the chance to see our dreams coming to fruition if we take the time to look at the big picture. We’ll feel invigorated in the evening with Mars’s advent into Leo and a Moon-Mercury conjunction in Libra. Let’s dance! The Moon provides the only activity today, granting us insight, optimism, and sociability as it trines Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune from its position in Libra. Its final act of the day is its New Moon conjunction to the Sun at 10:33 pm and 24°59' Libra. This is also the last contact the Moon makes before leaving Libra, so it is void of course until it enters Scorpio tomorrow. The New Moon brings us to a turning point that ties to July’s eclipses. The Sun and Moon both sit square to the lunar nodes, so it’s time for a decision, maybe a tough one. Any left over issues from mid-summer will come up now. However, the energy knots of the past few months are unraveling, and now we can follow the paths that open to their happy endings. We are wiser, stronger, better prepared because we can see the big picture now. In the chart cast for Washington DC (where the New Moon occurs on Sunday morning), the Sun-Moon conjunction is found in the third house, with 15 Leo rising. This once again puts President Obama’s Sun at the horizon. He has been on a steep learning curve this year as a young president, but he is a quick learner. As Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune turn direct in the opposite sign to his Sun sign, his new savvy will become more overt, and he will be able to broker agreements between bitter factions. The nodal pattern of this chart falls on the US’s Mercury-Pluto opposition, indicating that the power struggles of the past few months are coming to a critical juncture, and legislators will have to make peace in order to move forward. With natal Mercury opposed to Pluto, argumentation has always been heated and differences of viewpoint difficult to reconcile. We confront the most powerful demons of our national character during this lunar month. An ongoing disagreement with a foreign power is likely to begin to be resolved. At 25 Libra, the Sabian Symbol is "The sight of a [fluttering] autumn leaf brings to a pilgrim the sudden revelation of the mystery of life and death." No matter how deeply entrenched a faction is in its self-delusion, each individual is being educated by nature and their inner, wiser self. Moments of revelation bring surprising results, and we could see a surprising change of heart for the better amongst those who seem hopelessly resistant to the greater good. This is true in our personal lives as well as the world at large. The Moon enters Scorpio at 7:23 am, drawing us into a period of deeper feeling in a search for meaning and purpose. It is quick to square Mars, still in early Leo—don’t burn the pancakes! A simultaneous sextile to Pluto in mid-morning sets the tone for the day. We want to accomplish something, but we may feel lazy enough to put it off. Honor your need to relax if you’re working too hard. The recuperative time will pay off later. The Moon traverses an empty sky until reaching Jupiter at siesta time. We will feel goaded to getting something accomplished rather than take a nap. In the very late evening, Moon squares Chiron to take us on a healing journey deep within. Plans of enterprise and outreach combine with heightened intellect as Mercury trines Jupiter, for the first harmonious contact between these two mental planets in many weeks. This is a good day for agreements, especially where mental activity is important. Our Moon in Scorpio reaches the planets in late degrees before noon. A trine to Uranus opens our perceptions to new possibilities, while a square to Neptune could raise doubts but provides a valuable reality check. On a sextile to Saturn, we learn how to use our insights productively, but we should wait because the Moon’s void period begins now, at 11:57 am. At 1:49 pm, when the Moon enters Sagittarius, we feel adventurous, and we are in harmony with the universe as Moon trines Mars to boost both optimism and vitality. Still in Sagittarius, the Moon hooks up with Venus early and Jupiter late to create a minor grand trine. This provides a smooth flow of energy by which we can create, expand, and commune with others. The sky’s the limit, as long as we don’t fall prey to Jupiterian over-reaching. The Moon wings through the latter part of Sagittarius, reaching the customary late-degree cluster. This starts with sextile to Chiron and Mercury, continuing the minor grand trine energy of yesterday, adding the spice of healing and a taste of ingenuity. The healing stew takes on even richer flavors of renewal as Mercury perfects the trine to Chiron over the day. Squares to Uranus and Saturn bracket a sextile to Neptune to school us once more in using the power of the outer planets in daily life. The Moon sextiles the Sun, entering its void-of-course at 11:39 but simultaneously enters Capricorn to re-initiate the power of productivity in our lives. At 11:44 pm, the Sun enters Scorpio, bringing a more serious and committed tone to our actions and intentions for the coming month. Now it’s time to think about what the winter months have in store for us—have we set aside enough of the harvest for the inward turn we will unconsciously make? The Moon in Capricorn enters the Underworld when it conjoins Pluto in the depths of night. Our invigorated dreams will bring unhampered insight throughout the day with no other planetary connections to embellish it until a Moon-square-Venus in late evening. This is not a good time to resolve relationship conflict, but it is a good time to be respectful of others’ viewpoints. Harmonies rule the day, as the Sun sextiles Pluto and Mercury trines Neptune. Although they operate independently, these contacts do not contradict each other. They are augmented when the Capricorn Moon sextiles Uranus at bedtime for a full-spectrum dose of the outer planets. We have access to every subtle energy today if we open our inner doors to them. Use them to see into what 2010 will bring your way. Unsettling awareness finds us in the wee hours, whether we are awake or asleep, as the Capricorn Moon squares Mercury. We’ll have assimilated this by sunrise, just in time to engage in a highly productive period as Moon trines Saturn. Make good use of the morning, because we lose our steam when the Moon goes void between 11:15 am and 12:08 pm, just enough time to clean up before taking on the next initiative as the Moon enters Aquarius. At 5:43 pm, the Moon reaches its First Quarter square to the Sun at 2°44' Aquarius. This sets the stage for Saturn’s entry into Libra, as if the Moon is waiting in attendance. While relationships have been through a time of estrangement, they revive new and improved after their prodigal members wandered the wilderness in search of meaning. On the wings of Venus’s trines to Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune, promises can now be made and fulfilled. In Washington DC, the First Quarter chart has 19 Gemini rising, the US’s Mars placement. The people are ready for action, and ready for the healthcare reform battle to be over. Will the people get what they want? If trines to healing planets Chiron and Neptune at the MC are any indicator—yes they will. With the Sun in fixed Scorpio, decisions come more easily than they did in Libra. Yet again, the role of President Obama as leader is key to events, and he will be successful in his endeavors this week. Focal points of action will be in foreign affairs as well as commerce and the welfare of the people. The Sabian Symbol for 3 Aquarius is "a deserter from the Navy stands suddenly aware of the . . . truth that freedom is never the result of compromise." (M.E. Jones version) Is the sailor who has left his unit really free, or just as tied to it as ever because it still defines him? Rudhyar calls this "a crucial repudiation of a collective status which has become unbearable". This brings to mind the issues surrounding the freedom to choose how to care for our own health. Mandatory health insurance and forced vaccination for the swine flu are both issues that may be faced now, and some brave souls will be as the deserting sailor, choosing freedom over compromise. In our own lives, we must be sure we are true to our inner nature. An air trine perfects as the Moon trines Venus in Libra and conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius, heading toward Chiron and Neptune. This fills the entire day with a rosy glow. Don’t be surprised if you feel more like talking on the phone than putting your nose to the grindstone. Follow that instinct: Any social contacts today will bear fruits for many months, if not years, to come. The air trine completes at noon today, but the energy keeps flowing in harmony with our desires. It’s another good day for human connection—make the most of it. At 0:22 am, the Moon goes void of course in Aquarius, until it enters perceptive Pisces at 0:45 am. It catches up with Pluto by sextile and the Sun by trine to create another minor grand trine to flavor our day. We’ll be able to use our drives and passions to fuel our goals and actions now. This experience is super-charged by Mercury entering Scorpio at 3:09 am and Venus trining Jupiter in the evening. The icing on the cake is a Mercury sextile to Pluto to add the power of intention to the power of passion and attraction already in operation. We encounter thornier issues today as the Sun hooks up with Leo Mars by square and our Pisces Moon reaches toward a conjunction to Uranus. The Sun-Mars adds persistence—or is it stubbornness?—to our interactions today. We’ll feel that our direction and intention is being tested, but we are the ones putting it to the challenge. Moon-Uranus injects an element of surprise at 9:56 pm, when the Moon enters its void period. It’s time for a break. However, the biggest event of the day is Saturn’s ingress into Libra, the sign of its exaltation, at 10:09 am. We’ll feel lighter, more objective and optimistic, as we sense a new energy that we must dedicate ourselves to incorporating into our lives. Although we’ll get another shot at Saturn in Virgo next year, for now we get to try out our Libra legs on the ship of life. With so many planets in early degrees now, the Moon stays void of course until 10:56 am, when it enters Aries. This is our first encounter with the emphasis in cardinality since Saturn entered Libra yesterday; the Moon triggers our first experience of Saturn squaring Pluto. This is likely to be felt by many as a brush with hard reality triggering fear, but we can use it to prompt courageous action. The key is to tap that Libra objectivity and couple it with cardinal courage. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. The result may be a far-reaching but insightful shift in direction. A Moon trine to Mars late in the day fortifies us for the tasks ahead. All of this is mixed with the blessing of healing release as Chiron makes its direct station at 9:46 pm. Whatever blockages we have faced in life or inside ourselves over the past three years, Chiron now opens the door to freedom if we can let them go. The Moon in Aries meets a gentler force field through sextiles to Jupiter and Chiron. A feeling of grace permeates our mood, renewing our trust in the universe as we pay homage to the spirit world on Hallowe’en.
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