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Mayan Metaphysics

by Crystal Pomeroy

Chac Mool Hummingbird Autumn Equinox

For the Maya and other native Mesoamericans, we are players in a universal dance. The skies with their lights and cycles are cosmic invitations to move, to expand awareness. The seasonal darkness evokes the inners depths from which the new light of intentionality will spring just before dawn on December 21. 

This December is the last before the end of the current Mayan Long Count. Some researchers consider the upcoming solstice to mark the exact shift date, however historic analysis makes points to the next Spring Equinox as a more probable date (see Mayan Metaphysics for 2012 for details). In either case, this will be the last Winter Solstice before the change of the Long Count, which happens to coincide with a new, 26,000 year precession cycle, making this a particularly potent portal of change.

The astrological influences this month focus on the energy wave connected to the home: the house we live in, our psychic abode and our planet.

To build a personal altar as a way of synchronizing your inner and outer spaces with the Sacred Presence, in preparation for the cycles ahead. You may have mixed feelings about altars, due to their association with sacrifice in much religious programming.

Change this energy and make it fun: prepare it as you would a room or bed for a beloved, honored guest, with whom you have a mutually joyous connection. Play music, hum or chant while you do. Apply or adapt the following guidelines that Mesoamerican practice for this time, including playful details of your own:

  • Build three tiers. These can be three small tables, wooden crates, shoe boxes or whatever combination you devise.

  • All three levels should have fresh flowers, water and candles.

  • The top tier is focused on the divine: native essences that are especially present in the astrology for this year’s Solstice are best represented in symbols, objects or pictures of hummingbirds, the Sun, the planet Venus, and a dark Madonna. You can also use your preferred sacred symbols. Keep incense here for lighting according to the suggestions shared below.

  • The middle tier represents you and your home, yourself, your family, and planet earth, so have pictures and/or symbols of these.

  • The lowest tier is for those who have gone before you to the invisible realm of Spirit: put pictures of departed dear ones you wish to bless, along with some of their favorite food or drink.   

Remember: build your altar as a joyful act of love, centered in your intention to open your spaces to Spirit.

When you are finished setting it up, consecrate it as follows:

  • Light your incense as you say,

This is an offering for Ometeotl (Ome-ay-tay-oetl), the Divine Mother-Father whose presence abides in all levels of my existence.

  • Light your candles saying,

This light reflects the flame of love that shines in hearts around the world, and the radiance of the Sublime that fills us and surrounds us now and always.

  • Kneel or sit before your altar for five to seven minutes, as you let your gaze fall on the different levels of your altar, repeating words like those that follow, slowly and with contemplative attention:

I behold the Sacred Presence that fills all space… my home… our Earth… and the existence of dear ones who are on another plane, but connected to me in the circle of sacred blessing. Omnipresent Good surrounds us and embraces us, insuring that we connect with the highest and the best in the cycles ahead. My recognition of this presence has sealed us in the circle of Almighty Good.

  • When you are done, you may put out your incense and candles, to save for use the following morning.

Each morning, from now through New Year’s, light the incense and candles and repeat the prayers and steps suggested above. (On Solstice, Christmas and New Year’s Day, you may choose to leave the incense and candles burning.) In the evening, go before this sacred construction and spend your last few waking minutes contemplating and mantralizing as previously suggested.

According to Mesoamerican tradition, all of life is connected. Those who made their transition are not lost, but still very much alive and resonating with us from a different dimension. The earth, the sky, all of creation is considered to be vibrant with intelligence and is known to respond to our thoughts. If you enjoyed the ideas shared here, don’t leave them on the shelf of good intentions. You have been graced with a cosmic portal, and as a subscriber to this journal, with information to receive it in synchronicity. Begin getting your elements together and begin now to set up your own Mayan altar, or something similar, so that this special Solstice Season may catch you well-aware of the abiding Presence, and united in blessing to thousands around the world who are keeping a candle lit at this singular portal we have been called to share from the dimension of Infinity.

  © Copyright 2001-2012 Maya del Mar, Daykeeper Journal,
Crystal Pomeroy.
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