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Portal Exercises


Mayan Metaphysics

by Crystal Pomeroy

Chac Mool Hummingbird Autumn Equinox

September, month of the Autumn Equinox, is a portal to dimensions beyond the physical. In Mayahab (land of Mayas), precipitation and sunlight begin to diminish, while the earth prepares for its time of rest.

In tune with the cosmic environment, the Mayans paid special attention and respects to those who had made their transition. In fact, although the portal to the beyond is acknowledged throughout autumn, the original Mesoamerican Day of the Dead is on Fall Equinox (and was later moved by the Spanish colonizers).

The dimension beyond physical life is not seen as something terrible, to be repressed or shut away. On the contrary, it forms part of dreamtime, the subtle realm we visit each night while sleeping. If you wish to contact someone who has moved on before you, travel in the astral, or visit angels or other spirit guides, your dream work this month can be a particularly effective launch pad.

The following exercises are closely adapted from Mayan practices to facilitate such adventures. They direct the achieving will power of Left and Right Sacred Hummingbirds, to lift your being beyond the confines of lower impulse on the portal of sleep. Be sure and keep a notebook or journal by your bed to write your dreams on wakening.

As you lie down to rest at night:

  • Inspired by the options suggested above, connect with a place beyond the physical you wish to visit, or a teacher or loved one you wish to connect with.

  • Ask for the protection of the guardians of that portal (Archangel Michael is a trustworthy protector for interdimensional travel).   

  • chac moolLie down in bed and get into a position of Chac Mool (see illustration of Maya-Toltec figure at right), on your back with your head on a pillow and both hands forming a circle around your belly-button, as though you were holding a small bowl.
  • Turn your head to the left, and breathe in deeply as you visualize a hummingbird  just left of your base chakra (located at the groin), which then winds its way up your torso, snaking from one side to the other. The hummingbird within can pause briefly at your heart, from which you send your intent (the destination or being you wish to visit) before it continues ascending, finally exiting through your crown chakra (top of head), from where you also project your perception in symbolic flight, out your bedroom and towards the space or encounter you have chosen.

  • Hold your breath to the count of 3, turning your head to the right as you release it, completely emptying your lungs as you connect again with Sacred Hummingbird, this time just right of the base chakra, and repeat the upward movement, touching your heart before projecting your intention out of the crown chakra.

  • Repeat the above breaths and visualizations a total of 13 times.

Just as with any other dream work, the clearest results come with repetition and disciplined recording or writing down of dream perceptions each morning. If you apply these exercises throughout September, you will no doubt have some very interesting experiences that will be part of your personal and planetary preparation to move through the portal of 2012 on a wavelength that can only be reached through the softer dimension of dreamtime.

As the present equinox portal reminds us, we can choose to begin anew. From the perspective of dreamtime, all our lineal calendars are but part of the matrix, a false construct. In poetic irony, as we synchronize our inner life with it, and insist on daily application until a new furrow in mind has been opened, this construct becomes a point of departure to something beyond; stone figures and calendars seem to open doors to a place beyond space, where reality is indistinguishable from magic.

 At a time when humanity has come to a crossroads, in need of solutions beyond our reach, let us ask: Could the solutions lie within the interdimensional reach of dreamtime? 

  © Copyright 2001-2012 Maya del Mar, Daykeeper Journal,
Crystal Pomeroy.
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