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Mayan Metaphysics

by Crystal Pomeroy


This month, the Sun will reach its zenith at noon in Mayahab (land of Mayas). The nahual, or hidden energy, of the fiery orb symbolically evolves into a different bird each season, each bird representing a different psychic process. As mentioned in our article at Summer Solstice, the Summer Sun is related to Grandmother Eagle, a mature creature of power. Although Butterfly is not a bird, she is classified with them as a sacred winged one, whose special attributes are the lightness and subtlety with which she moves her wings, persisting until she reaches the stars.

These two beings empower different kinds of aspiration and achievement: you can soar to the Sun like the eagle, and from there to the Infinite with the butterfly.

A traditional manner of connecting with this portal is to prepare symbolic figures with amaranth or sunflower seeds, which fill you with this special blessing as you eat them.

The seed confection is best made out of doors in the sunlight, at midday if possible. It can be enriched with a background of drum music.

Elements for the Sacred Seed Confection

  • Incense
  • Mixing bowl
  • Large spoon
  • 2 cups amaranth or sunflower seeds
  • A cup of corn flour
  • A half cup of honey (or more if needed)
  • “     “     “  cocoa powder
  • A jigger of tequila or rum
  • A cookie sheet or other large tray or plates, with wax paper spread on them

Creating the Sacred Seed Confections

  • Begin playing your drum music, which should continue throughout the ceremony.
  • Light your incense and present it slowly to each of the four cardinal directions as you say,

This an offering for the essences of the Four Cosmic Directions and their presiding essences, whose blessing we request as we synchronize with the Crossing of the Eagle and the Butterfly.

  • Put your amaranth or sunflower seeds in the bowl, and hold it up to the Sun, saying,

Grandmother Sun, these seeds are your children, filled with your nurturing energy. Charge them now with your rays, so that the spirit of the divine eagle and the cosmic butterfly may join in them and nurture us with divine aspiration and achievement. 

  • Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until they become thick and viscous.
  • Form small figures from this mixture, knowing as you do that they are charged with the essence of Butterfly and Eagle. These may be pairs of wings (Butterfly on the left and Eagle on the right), suns or just small spheres.
  • Set them on the wax paper. Place your hands on top of the candies and repeat something like, Sacred Eagle and Butterfly, fill this confection with your power and through it strengthen me to aspire and achieve my cosmic heights.
  • Eat one of the sweets, and visualize the essences of eagle and butterfly fusing within you as you do.
  • Refrigerate the tray with the figures.

Each day after breakfast, take a moment to reiterate your will to aspire and achieve your own soul heights, and clarify just what those aspirations are for you. Then put your hands on one of the sacred seed sweets and repeat the Eagle and Butterfly blessing before eating it. See the energies of these sacred winged ones merge in you and receive the power.    

  © Copyright 2001-2012 Maya del Mar, Daykeeper Journal,
Crystal Pomeroy.
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