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by Terry Lamb We are on a bridge between two worlds. The old world is the vestiges of our past—some of which we want to keep. The new world is all the ways we have found to live with more purpose and harmony. The bridge is the Mercury retrograde that started on November 23, with the eclipses (solar, November 24; lunar, December 10) to tie off the old and open space for the new. It’s as if the universe especially contrived this for our benefit so we have a better chance than usual to get it right. These events from November will still be big news in December, but they have competition from a few others: Uranus’s station direct on December 9 and the Lunar Eclipse that carries its energy on the 10th. Mercury’s direction station on December 13 unleashes everything, so we’d better be ready for some action when this happens. It isn’t likely to be what we expect, but it will be what we need even if we don’t understand it at first. Part of this has to do with the huge forces that are in play now as the engine planets of the current Cardinal Grand Cross (Uranus and Pluto) come closer to their exact square. Venus is in the vanguard now, making first contact with everything—we approach life with our heart forward. Love is the great driver of the universe, and even when Venus is in the pragmatic sign of Capricorn, love shines through. She’ll be tying Uranus to Pluto for a sneak preview of the Sun’s contact with them December 21-28. Don’t expect this to be a calm or humdrum holiday season! We are closing many cycles now. Pluto is near the end of its yearly interaction with the Sun, with Neptune, Chiron, and Uranus also in their phase of integration and completion. Two planets are more active: Saturn is still winging into its new territory in the last third of Libra, and Jupiter is at the peak of its yearly round. Saturn continues to bring us lessons from our social world, especially our intimate ties. Our relationships must deepen or die, and we have one more year to get off the fence if we need it. While Saturn ushers in the ties that will lead us into the future, Jupiter brings us glimpses of the prosperity we can create and helps us cultivate its growth, as it participates in an intermittent Earth Grand Trine that is backed by the power of Pluto. Uranus and Pluto are vibrationally reactivating the rectifying revolution of the 60s, when these two planets of explosive force conjoined, at the launching of their roughly 100-year cycle. Five years ago, we thought people would never again take to the streets. Now it seems odd that they waited so long. We can’t forget Mars, which is entering one of its biennial retrogrades on January 23 (2012). It entered its retrograde shadow (the zone over which it will move backward) on November 18, and it has been sending signals ever since. During its retrograde, we learn how we need to adjust our use of force, either dialing it down or ramping it up. Since this retrograde is in Virgo, we will hear complaints of overwork and stress resulting in illness, as well as a tendency toward turning our aggressions inward in the form of self-criticism or -punishment. Observe well during December, and you will get more bang for the buck once the retrograde starts. (Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations here are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and times listed are Pacific Standard Time (UTC–8) after November 6. A "Void Moon" or "Void of Course Moon" (or "VOC moon" for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans. According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon's rulership), Taurus (Moon's exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) "performeth somewhat." Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and "you can take it to the bank." Another way of putting how this works is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get "unanswered success." That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied.
The Moon goes void of course at 3:27 am in Aquarius on a dreamy conjunction to Neptune, entering Pisces at 6:45 am, immediately connecting with Chiron to bring the blessing of healing to us. This also sets up a fertile minor grand trine with Jupiter (Taurus) and Venus-Pluto in Capricorn. It is especially useful for clearing conflicts or otherwise realigning relationships with others, especially long-standing issues. We know and can express our true feelings with more clarity and sensitivity than at other times. The Venus-Pluto conjunction begins a new yearly cycle of transformation in relationships. Friday December 2 The First Quarter is first up today, at 1:52 am/9°52 Pisces. This picks up the vibration of Mars, which the Sun also squares today—all three at the 10th degree of their sign. The energy of piercing the veil of illusion is strong today, and through the coming week, a fitting next step in the unfolding of this Solar Eclipse lunar cycle. This affects any mutable sign, and with Mercury still retrograde and marching into this juncture of energies, there will be many events that bring out truth and clarity. With Mercury at the North Node, there is a element that pushes us forward into the new, even if the break with the old is difficult. At 10:06 am, the Moon is void of course, although in Pisces Moon still functions with no applying aspects. In the chart cast for the US, it looks like snow, perhaps a big storm, is due in the Eastern Time Zone. This or something else on home turf will affect the economy and the ability of the central government to function, as well as the well being of the local people. “As a tiny fleck of dust in the sky, the aviator sails across the horizon in absolute mastery of these higher realms” is the Sabian Symbol for 10 Pisces, the First Quarter Moon’s degree (ME Jones version). This suggests a focus on air travel, perhaps a heroic “save” by a pilot. We can all master the higher realms of consciousness, experiencing peace and perspective. Saturday December 3 At 5:51 pm, Moon enters Aries and immediately startles us as it connects with a Uranus that is emphasized by its direct station. We get a glimpse of what’s coming on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which occurs in tight timing with Uranus’s station. Since it is returning to forward motion, we will get an indication of soon-to-come releases from confining circumstances. Sunday December 4 The Moon in Aries finds a cluster of planets across the arc of the day, but the main action is Mercury, which reaches the halfway of its retrograde as it conjoins Sun. This brings to a peak our awareness of what the retrograde is about. Now we can take action more confidently. Hasty responses could be triggered that we’ll be finalizing over the coming weeks as Mars retrogrades. The Moon recaptures our perhaps wavering resolve to move forward based on the well of deep feeling we recently began to tap. Inconvenience and brusqueness may serve a greater good. Monday December 5 Moon continues in Aries, as Venus makes a beautiful trine to Mars, completing a process in romance and reconciliation that will lead to future harmonies. Don’t let self-doubt in the door. Tuesday December 6 At 3:13 am, the Moon is void of course in Aries filling our heads with sweet dreams on a sextile to visionary Neptune, entering Taurus at 6:34 am. This lends the healing touch of Chiron as it reactivates the Earth Grand Trine of Mars-Jupiter-Pluto, giving us the chance to cultivate the plans we have for future prosperity. Wednesday December 7 This is another Earth Grand Trine day! Enjoy the feeling of creativity, hope, and expansion, and let your relationships flourish as Moon reconnects Venus to Mars. Thursday December 8 Moon once again uses Neptune as the gate to its void period, at 3:40 pm. We may feel overwhelmed and unclear about our actions and their consequences—a sure sign to still ourselves. Clarity will return once Moon enters Gemini at 6:52 pm, bringing ingenuity with it via a sextile to a powerful Uranus, now stationary. A square to Chiron challenges us to untie the knots of a health imbalance that still needs attention. Friday December 9 The Moon’s sojourn in Gemini continues and gives us maximum perspective as it opposes Mercury and picks up the situation that has been evolving since last Friday as it squares Mars. Challenging emotions could threaten our forward motion—blend and stir, pause, then take informed action. All the actions are about our release from a perceived captivity, as Uranus returns to forward motion at 11:05 pm. We have been held since early July and gaining our freedom by inches since early November. After tomorrow’s Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, there is no holding back! Saturday December 10 The Lunar Eclipse reaches its peak at 6:36 am/18°11' Gemini. The nature of this event is shaped by Uranus and Mercury as both planets are returning to forward motion and beaming their energies to us double-strength. This creates a beautiful Air Grand Trine with Moon-Saturn-Neptune that we get to play out for the coming week, a lovely foundation for resolving the rough patches that arise as the truth continues to come out. In the chart cast for the US, Venus rises, promising a softer feel to the national identity. Despite the federal recess (unlikely to adjourn on schedule/December 8), there is hidden activity in Congress. Recess appointments are likely to mock-inflame the party out of power and their media lapdogs. The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is at 19 Gemini, whose symbol is “In a museum, a large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom.” Hidden treasures lie just beneath the surface, even of our planet. Like the hidden temples of Damanhur, wisdom will be revealed as humankind is ready to accept it. We too will feel deep wisdom resonate through our lives this week. Sunday December 11 At 2:25 am PT, the Moon enters its void period in Gemini, regaining full voice and vitality when it enters Cancer at 5:26 am. This is when the full force of Uranus’s station direct will be released, through the Moon’s immediate square to it. This energy release is carried forward to the fertile ground of Jupiter and the deep transformative process we are experiencing through Pluto, supported by the healing energies of Chiron. This is a power day—use it well. Monday December 12 Today’s theme is relationship action, as Moon, still in Cancer, sextiles Mars and opposes Venus. If you missed last week’s Venus-Mars trine opportunity to connect, today offers us another window to do so. Tuesday December 13 Cancer Moon finishes its active period with a square to Saturn, going void of course at 8:05 am. Don’t let doubt cloud your morning. Once you find your optimism, you can still take action until Moon enters Leo at 1:48 pm PT. We are challenged to find new solutions to issues of expansion—too much or too little—and here they are, right in front of us! Mercury’s return to forward motion is a relief. Now we can go back to ordinary levels of truth in our lives, rather than the fever pitch of revelation and disclosure that has us still flying. We can do much to assimilate our new reality into our daily life by the end of the day. Wednesday December 14 The Moon continues its sojourn in Leo, finding the empty sky at mid-degrees today. We have a day to integrate and assimilate the intense activity of the past three (or however many) weeks. Thursday December 15 The Moon continues to emphasize joy and optimism in Leo, carrying supporting harmonies from Sun and Saturn. Vagueness becomes clarity if we let it seep in during the afternoon’s Moon opposition to Neptune. This commences the Moon’s void-of-course at 5:20 pm, lasting until 7:58 pm upon its movement into Virgo. The door is opened once again to the Earth Grand Trine/Sacred Garden energy of fertile development—tend it well. How does your garden grow? Insights into what heals us come from a Moon opposition to Chiron in the midst of this. Friday December 16 The Moon continues in Virgo and makes contact with Mercury, Pluto, and Mars. Overnight, the voice of truth may cut through cognitive dissonance and bring the peace of a singular understanding of what’s real for us. We have the day to act on it in harmony. Saturday December 17 The Moon reaches its Third Quarter closing square to the Sun, bringing a “crisis of integration” regarding events of the past three weeks, at 4:48 pm PT/25°44' Virgo. Love is highlighted, as Moon trines Venus in Earth and reconnects her with Mars one more time. With Saturn involvement, it suggests a practical restraint when it comes to the materialism frequently associated with the holidays. All our stresses now come from other times—past or anticipated futures. In this moment, all is well. At 6:29 pm, the Moon enters its void period with a warm, fuzzy feel. In the chart cast for the nation, there is an indication of values changing toward the intangible and a population nestled in their homes thankful for what they have. Time out for play and sports does not completely distract from the bigger issues at hand. President Obama uses this time out in the legislative schedule to use his pen on executive orders and recess appointments. The Third Quarter Moon at 26 Virgo carries the Sabian Symbol of “A boy with a censer serves near the priest at the altar.” We pause now at the threshold of a new solar year, experiencing the grandeur of life and our roles as co-creators of our reality. A sense of wonder at the mysterious nature of the hidden universe humbles us, yet gives us hope and purpose. Sunday December 18 At 0:06 am, the Moon enters Libra and becomes a vehicle for the restless planets in the Cardinal signs: Uranus and Pluto. A sextile to Mercury softens the flow, but as Venus squares Saturn we may be more concerned about how we’re going to pay for all this on many levels. Monday December 19 A harmonious triple interaction of Sun, Moon, and Saturn brackets our day in possibilities. It’s a good day to connect with others—authenticity flows naturally. Events today will feed our relationship process in the coming year. Tuesday December 20 The Moon in Libra is active in the wee hours, infusing our dreams with insights from the invisible world. Her void period starts at 1:49 am, lasting till only 2:33 am with her entry into Scorpio. Contacts to Jupiter and Pluto highlight earthbound matters of prosperity and manifestation of our purpose, with a dash of Chiron’s healing energy to top it off. Venus enters Aquarius to lighten our touch in love. We are less concerned with rules and agreements, more able to stand outside our emotional states. Connections with Jupiter and Uranus today help us find the balance. As Sun sextiles Neptune, it’s good to remember that we live in a world of possibility. We’ll have a tendency to review the year in terms of our spiritual growth process, a part of integrating our new wisdom into the next cycle. Wednesday December 21 Moon in Scorpio makes contact with Mars to smooth our entry into the day, then leaves us alone to enjoy it. At 9:30 pm PT, the Winter Solstice/Yule (Summer Solstice in the southern hemisphere) arrives, and the new year begins as the Sun enters Capricorn. This opens the door to the Twelve Days of Yule, when we can set our intentions for the twelve months of the year, one for each day. Use your actions during this time to “fix” your intention into your life. Thursday December 22 The Moon’s productive period in Scorpio ends with its void period at 1:49 am on a wistful square to Neptune, and enters Sagittarius at 4:03 am. Illuminated Earth energies dominate today, as Sun trines Jupiter in earthy Capricorn-Taurus, the opening signal to Jupiter’s station direct in three days. Expect the unexpected when Sun hooks up with Uranus in mid-afternoon, and reduce volatility by letting things (like traffic) flow around you. Lunar harmonies to Uranus, Venus, and Mercury ensure that fun will be had by all! Friday December 23 The Moon continues its adventures in Sagittarius with a square to Mars. It sounds like hard work for a good purpose. Saturday December 24 Before the Moon completes her stay in Sagittarius, she creates a Minor Grand Trine with Saturn and Neptune to help us ground our dreams into reality. Her void period commences at 3:36 am but it ends at 5:47 with her movement into Capricorn. This opens the New Moon energy, which becomes exact at 10:06 am PT/2°34' Capricorn. This is a highly charged New Moon, presaging a month of dramatic events. The Moon reiterates the Sun-Uranus square, carrying the energy forward to Pluto to foreshadow our experiences of the 28th as well as the coming year of transformation. We’ll have a vision of our life in all its breadth, depth, drama, and potential. The universe is sending messages at this juncture in time. A sextile to Chiron helps us find the way through. In the chart cast for Washington DC, world events intrude on a government in sleep mode. There are activities just beneath the surface that benefit the nation. There will be a clamor and cry in reaction when the legislature reconvenes in January, and it will take weeks to months to work out the wrinkles of what is being enacted as misunderstandings are dispelled. The New Moon at 3 Capricorn is represented by, “The human soul, in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment.” We are being reborn in the yearly sense as the light begins to grow again; but there is also a rebirth of the spirit that is happening as Earth aligns its cycles with the Galactic Center. What a marvelous time to reinvent ourselves, to be alive! Sunday December 25 At 2:09 pm/0°22' Taurus, Jupiter returns to forward motion after its four-month retrograde. This permits us to fulfill the promise of the seeds we have been planting in 2011 for a new future. The Moon finds the sweet spot in Capricorn, spurring us to easy and constructive action with a trine to Mars. Monday December 26 The Moon in Capricorn helps us clear doubt and fear as it contacts Saturn, going void at 5:36 am. Its entry into Aquarius shows us what’s around the corner with our efforts to expand our world. There’s still work to do. The good news is that we can see how we are uniquely equipped to do what is needed. Tuesday December 27 It’s an easy, calm day as Moon in Aquarius connects with Mercury, the sole connection of the day. It’s a great time to talk things out. Wednesday December 28 The Moon once again connects Saturn and Neptune, providing insights from the hidden world that bring deeper understanding of our relationships. At 1:32 pm PT, the Moon is once again void of course, giving us downtime until 3:45 pm with its ingress into Pisces. Visionary optimism, augmented by a conjunction to Chiron, is juxtaposed to deep feeling as Sun conjoins Pluto at 11:41 pm/7°14' Capricorn, for a profound healing experience. We can tap our yearning for meaning and authenticity and how we need to transform our lives in order to manifest them in the year ahead. Thursday December 29 The Moon in Pisces supports our creative process in dreaming our new life into existence as it reconnects Sun and Pluto before we rise. Friday December 30 Moon continues her stay in Pisces, going void of course at 5:37 am, but it’s your choice whether to enjoy the netherworld internally or to act in the visible world, since she still activates events in this Jupiter-ruled sign. Saturday December 31 At 1:48 am, the Moon goes into Aries to stir up the Cardinal juices again. An early conjunction to Uranus brings flashes of insight into our dreams that can be brought to useful awareness as the day waxes and the Moon moves into a dynamic square to Pluto. Mercury and Mars square each other as well, suggesting that discretion is the better part of valor, and actions are better delayed. This feeds into the First Quarter Moon at 10:15 pm/10°13' Aries. Fortune and clarity are supported by the contacts the Moon has yet to make, a Minor Grand Trine involving Mercury and Venus. Mercury leaves behind its retrograde shadow today as well. In the chart cast for the US, the emphasis is on authentic versus fake news and the challenges that working Americans face. The downside to bringing down the corporations is that many people work for them. The President focuses on family and may be able to take a working vacation. The population is feeling subdued by the holidays in progress and by the national/world transformation that is afoot. The Sabian Symbol for 11 Aries is: “The president of the republic or ruler of one’s country is presented.” (Jones version) People look to their leader for direction and confidence in times of uncertainty. They sense safety or danger, depending on that leader’s character and actions. In this time of transition between the seasons, we can take a leadership role in our lives to cast the year ahead in our own vision of what we want it to be.
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