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by Terry Lamb If October was a time of stabilizing a new reality, November is a time to make further changes based on our new stability. There are numerous key events spread out over the month, and topping the list are those of November 23-24, when Mercury’s station retrograde coincides with the latest, greatest Solar Eclipse. The result is that this month is about completion and healing, as we get a break from the Cardinal emphasis that has had us periodically transfixed over the past two years. This eclipse continues the series in Gemini-Sagittarius, and the theme remains “movement through reversal”. Through Gemini, we experiment and discover both sides to every issue. Deciding which way to go comes through our experimentation. This often involves surprising reversals in direction, whether prompted by outer events or inner revelations. This is a powerful eclipse because of the energy stored up prior to its release. Some of this stored energy comes from our stories that developed early this year in the early degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). This process began February 20-24 with a conjunction in early Pisces (Chiron/Mars/Mercury/Sun) with a lovely square from the Moon in Sagittarius to top it off. This may have revealed a deep wound so that it could be healed. This energy came up again in late June and late July-early August. Now we are picking up the thread of this healing journey with a series of events at these degrees: the Solar Eclipse (December 24), Mercury Stationary Direct (December 13), Mars’s opposition to Chiron (November 12), and Mars Stationary Direct (April 13, 2012). Suffice it to say that what we experienced around the previous dates is prologue to a breakthrough that will occur in the coming months. Eclipses can heralds events that occur from about two weeks prior to the eclipse, and may take up to 18 months to fulfill. Eclipses disrupt the normal flow of solar energy to Earth. The ancients knew the eclipses to be times when the energy currents that flowed around the planet on ley lines, were disrupted, much like a solar flare disrupts radio communication. At the very least, this is a time to observe our experiences and contemplate their effects on our world. We may do well to simply ride the wave of energy that comes. However, this is a powerful time to take action if we feel that action is called for; it will have deep and far-reaching effects—a factor to be welcomed rather than feared if we have primed the pump for change. Mercury’s retrograde feeds into this process as well, since it is just starting its 3-week retrograde as the Solar Eclipse occurs. Its primary interaction being with Mars, the theme will be words spoken in haste, and the need to forgive ourselves and each other, and to apologize. What drives us is the need to free ourselves of the burden of having to be right. Two of the planets’ yearly cycles reach critical points of release in November as well, when Neptune and Chiron return to forward motion after five months of retrogradation. They signal a passage or turning point in a long-term process of developing inner attunement. Patience, faith, and subtle penetration have characterized the manner by which this healing has occurred. Now we begin to see results. Through this, Venus and Mercury are traveling companions, softening the experience, even though harsh truth is sometimes the pathway to release. As the energy builds toward the crescendo of the eclipse, we can prepare by stripping away doubts and misconceptions that weaken us when we need to be strong. It’s time to trust our intuitions, especially those that came in the moments of clarity before things got complicated. Doubt is an unnecessary undermining influence that makes every step harder to take and has no basis in our true self. Late in the month, we re-engage with the Cardinal pattern as Venus enters Capricorn, now the vanguard of the triggering planets. This means that love leads us through our transformative process. It’s never been a better time to follow your heart—in fact, it’s become essential. (Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations here are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and times listed are Pacific Standard Time (UTC–8) after November 6. A "Void Moon" or "Void of Course Moon" (or "VOC moon" for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans. According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon's rulership), Taurus (Moon's exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) "performeth somewhat." Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and "you can take it to the bank." Another way of putting how this works is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get "unanswered success." That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied. We catch the tail end of the weekly storm as the Moon squares Saturn from its position in savvy Capricorn in the wee hours. Mercury finally reaches its square to Neptune to reconnect us with what’s true from an inner perspective. The Moon smoothes things over with harmonious sextiles to Mercury and Venus before it goes void of course at 2:00 pm. Its void period ends at 3:08 pm, when it enters inventive Aquarius, enlivening us with pleasant surprises from Uranus and the urge to expand in a challenging way from Jupiter. At 1:51 am, Venus enters Sagittarius, sign of the traveler. Mercury follows suit at 9:54 am. The First Quarter Moon falls in between at 9:38 am/9°55" Aquarius, capturing the urge to take a deep understanding and express it in a loving but truthful way. We know what lies ahead, what needs to be done over the next two months to build prosperity and expand our world. Now we need to take actions that find the balance between faith and the reality of appearances. Both Venus and Mercury reach a square to Chiron, bringing to a head the need to heal that was uncovered last month. This present the opportunity to get to the core of the problem and release it, if this has not already been done. The chart cast for Washington DC speaks for the US: With Sun on the Midheaven, Jupiter on the IC, and Pluto rising, the emphasis is on leaders and leadership, particularly the vision of President Obama. Although his actions will seem to follow a separate track from those of #occupywallstreet, his populist message dovetails. His leadership will show the way forward. Weather extremes are distracting but not devastating. The First Quarter Moon fulfills the Sabian Symbol for 10 Aquarius: “A man of stature has been catapulted into ephemeral popularity, and unspoiled he plans further achievements.” (ME Jones version) This represents a Zen moment, when despite pressures to believe in the godlike image others may have, we need to stay in touch with our humanity. The more we lack self-confidence, the more we seek superheroes to reassure us. We may project the abilities we wish we had onto our leaders and celebrities, instead of seeing the truth that they lie in ourselves. Venus and Mercury unconsciously inspire us to see and act on the truth as they each trine Uranus before we rise. The Moon in Aquarius helps us find the objectivity to stay the course in our relationships and lends us the confidence to take a risk we’ve been ruminating on since at least midsummer. The Moon goes void of course at 8:41 pm, until 0:18 am tomorrow morning. At 0:18 am, the Moon enters unifying Pisces, highlighting our ongoing healing process via a conjunction to Chiron as we sleep. It brings the fortune of ingenuity as it creates a minor grand trine with Jupiter and Pluto—use it to grow your Sacred Garden. Harmonies rule the day as Moon in Pisces trines the Sun, an energy that lingers as the Moon enters its void period at 1:05 am. You can use the day productively, or make it a time to relax and integrate past experiences. Mercury enters its retrograde shadow (3°51' Sagittarius). Our communications and connections now will cast a shadow into the coming weeks. Mercury in Sagittarius tends to want to skip steps and may speak hastily. This will not go over well at this time. Unwittingly, we may be misunderstood. It’s our choice until events take over once the Moon enters Aries at 11:02 am PT. It could be a day of surprises as she encounters Uranus and Pluto. Keep your plans flexible for the best result. It’s easier to communicate with truth, clarity, and elegance today, but we may also notice a desire to be alone. Although the Moon is inactive while in mid-Aries, Mars makes its opposition to Neptune. This can bring an emotionally tinged insight, that comes just in time for you to use it. This ties in with experiences of early-mid August. We get a chance to look at ways in which we are acting against our own interests today, as Moon opposes Saturn, but we also take it in stride. At 9:46, the Moon ends its useful time in Aries, going void of course. It reactivates when it goes into Taurus at 11:45 pm PT. Neptune has been virtually stationary for about two weeks; it finally returns to forward motion at 28°08' Aquarius/10:55 am. It has been retrograde since June 3, establishing an inner space where we have been developing the skills to understand “what’s happening to us”. Today is another all-star day, when several significant planetary events occur simultaneously, rendering for us a complex event with many facets and implications. Following the lead of Neptune, Chiron returns to forward motion at 0°39' Pisces/3:12 pm, after turning retrograde on June 8. This is a turning point in a healing process. At 8:15 pm, Mars enters Virgo, sign of the grain goddess. Mars will apply itself with vigor to precision, service, and nurturance. Mars will be in Virgo from today through July 3, 2012. It immediately brings us to focus on letting go of something that developed over February and early June. Both these events are magnified by the emotions we feel as the Full Moon reaches its peak at 18°05' Taurus/12:16 pm PT. This plays into the Neptune-Chiron process, which makes their energies strong already. We will feel urged to act on a decision, perhaps one that we think is long overdue. It may feel like moving mountains to make it happen, but once you pierce the veil, you’ll see it give way easily. In the chart cast for the US, Pluto directly on the Midheaven suggests that there will be a world event that affects the President and his standing. This could be something expected, such as the removal of all troops from Iraq, and affects all of humanity in some way. Whatever happens will make his popularity go up. Mars is on the star Regulus. This confers great power on a leader; it could be a celebrity or a senator, or both. The Sabian Symbol for 19 Taurus is, “A newly formed continent is seen, fresh and green within its setting of interminable ocean.” (ME Jones) A new frontier of awareness can lead us to see our planet as if for the first time, as the Sacred Garden that it is. We can cultivate our own sacred garden during this time as well, as Jupiter and Pluto bring fresh insight into how to live in harmony with all. At 8:27 am, the Moon goes void of course in Taurus, although it does not become ineffective. This lasts until its entry into flittering Gemini at 12:10 pm. Overnight, Mars reaches its opposition to Chiron, providing a reflection on events of late February and June. This opens the doors to healing misunderstandings and energy imbalances that developed at those times. Insights may infuse our dreams, and events related to this may have reached us as early as the 10th. The Moon in Gemini enhances our understanding when it opposes Mercury and Venus. Gemini Moon bridges the gap between Saturn and Neptune to create a Grand Trine in the social Air Signs. It’s a great day to connect with others who are significant to us; and anyone we meet today may become significant in our lives. The Moon is void of course from 7:43 pm, until it moves into reflective Cancer at 11:19 pm. Moon in Cancer makes the Cardinal Connection again, heating up our awareness of the big changes afoot around the world. With sextiles to Mars and Jupiter, we feel more able to deal with it — and to take action. This is an activist day. We tune in to how love informs our direction in life as Venus conjoins North Node, a moment of truth. Mercury in Sagittarius drops the other shoe when it conjoins North Node: Now we can talk about what we feel. It’s time to tell the truth. Moon continues in Cancer, using our feelings to motivate our purpose, but there is another goad—our conscience is advising us too, thanks to a contact with Saturn. The Moon is void at 9:22 pm PT, although still useful in taking action. The Moon makes its way into optimistic Leo at 8:17 am. Mars trines Jupiter, opening the Earth Grand Trine energy to us again. This will boost our self-assurance and optimism. The Leo Moon adds to our confidence today as well, although there’s just enough self-interest to keep us from completely overwhelming ourselves with activities. This is an excellent day to start a physical training program or take on a task that requires high levels of self-esteem. The Moon’s trines to Mercury and Venus bring silk to our speech and allow the truth to come through. It’s a great day to resolve conflicts. Before the Moon goes void of course in Leo at 11:06 am, it makes its Last Quarter square to the Sun at 7:09 am/25°55' Leo, signaling the last week of this lunar cycle. It’s time to ponder and integrate what we have done and learned. This also takes us into the dark of the Solar Eclipse; the normal solar force field is being disrupted, and we are taken deep inside in preparation for a new start. We are likely to be thinking about what has happened all year long, with special focus on June, the time of our last set of eclipses. Key in the coming week is the stability of knowing what to do, perhaps in a big way, as Mars is re-creating the Earth Grand Trine with Jupiter and Pluto. The Moon leads us to resume contact with the world when it enters Virgo at 2:19 pm, re-stimulating the Earth Grand Trine that has been available intermittently since late August. We’ll be inspired to tackle practical tasks and projects. Mars enters its retrograde shadow when it reaches 3°41' Virgo today as well. Choices and circumstances that are established starting now will feed our experiences once it turns retrograde on January 23, 2012. What will catch us out is overly aggressive use of Virgo energy, such as over-attention to detail, (self-)criticism, or overwork. With Mars trines to Jupiter and Pluto also a part of the process, we are most likely to overwork due to taking on too much in our enthusiasm to move forward. In the chart cast for the US, following through on current initiatives is featured. There are distracting events and public activities, which may be fear-driven as Pluto rises. Jupiter on the IC suggests dry, balmy weather in the east—an Indian Summer. At 26 Leo, the Last Quarter Moon invokes the Sabian Symbol, “A perfect rainbow forms slowly in the summer rain as the sun begins to break through the rather thin cloudbanks.” (ME Jones) This is a time to enjoy what life on Planet Earth has to offer. Appreciate all that you have in this moment and find joy in little things if the big things are not in balance. Attitude is everything. Let the sun of your joy break through the clouds of your doubts, and a perfect rainbow will form in your heart. The Moon in Virgo completes its reiteration of the Earth Grand Trine when it trines Pluto, giving us another day of creativity and productivity. Internal conflict could make us irritable late in the day — don’t project it onto someone else. The Sun makes its waning square to Neptune, a once yearly contact that signals the close of our annual cycle of spiritual development and creative development. We want to part the veils of the unknown and put our confusion behind us. Moon in Virgo brings out the static in our situation overnight, and we could wake up grumpy. We feel everything come together by 2:21 pm, as Moon sextiles Sun and goes void of course until it enters Libra at 5:16 pm. This begins the weekly process of stimulating the Cardinal planets, starting with Uranus this evening. Surprising events lead to penetrating insights as the Moon approaches Pluto. Moon in Libra reaches Pluto before we wake, infusing our dreams with underworld riches. We learn what is really driving our behavior and those around us. Harmony and flow pervade the day, as a number of contacts occur: Venus sextiles Saturn, helping us find the constructive path to building our relationships. At 8:08 am PT, the Sun enters adventurous Sagittarius. This opens the doorway to the eclipse energies more fully—we feel pulled deeper into our center. The Moon ends its stay in Libra constructively, connecting Mercury, Saturn, Venus, and Neptune harmoniously, creating a productive minor grand trine that emphasizes easy flow in social situations. It’s a good time to make proposals, agreements, and apologies. From 3:04 pm, the Moon is void of course, until 5:58 pm, when it goes into mysterious Scorpio. A late connection to Jupiter brings a deeper perspective to our efforts to expand our horizons. Several significant planetary events fill the day, making it wise to go easy on our plans for the day. Sun squares Chiron and trines Uranus in the wee hours, filling our unconscious with all the clues we need to make optimum use of the curve balls life is throwing at us. Mars reaches its trine to Pluto, finishing off the Earth Grand Trine that has been with us since the 10th. Don’t feel you have to do everything now or today, even though Mars may create a sense of eagerness or urgency. It might be desirable to wait, since Mercury turns retrograde at 11:21 pm/20°07' Sagittarius, until December 13. This is not a time to put off all normal activities, but a time to be more conscious of the actions we take and more thoughtful in speech. The Moon in Scorpio provides emotional support with harmonious contacts. The Moon finishes its time in Scorpio in a puff of smoke and mirrors as it squares Neptune, going void at 3:05 pm, until entering Sagittarius at 5:57 pm. After a trine to Uranus to ease the energy shifts, we experience a Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 10:10 pm/2°37' Sagittarius, which will establish new circumstances that will influence us for at least six months. Key to our successful use of these energies is the need to focus on healing and accepting the changes that are afoot. It’s time to get on with things. Under an eclipse the normal flow of solar energy is cut off, and we may feel cut away from our usual relationships and circumstances. This allows us to start afresh, taking with us only those situations that will serve us in the days ahead. In Washington DC, the eclipse occurs on the 25th/1:10 am ET. The eclipse itself is emphasized, and the largest factor in play is communications, commerce, and the media. There are populist forces at work that will play a huge role in coming months. The economy as we know it continues to stumble along. The Sabian Symbol for the Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 3 Sagittarius is, “Two men playing chess.” Chess is a game of war. There is a complex unconscious game of chess being played between factions in the economic crisis—corporations versus the people. This is also seen in the behind-the-scenes contests between politicians and corporations. Competitiveness is a strong energy now in our lives as well—one we do not have to participate in and which creates the false sense of winning and losing. As the Moon continues to transit Sagittarius, it reaches a square to Mars before dawn, enlivening our dreams. Don’t let a sense of urgency crowd your day as a lack of planetary activity gives us a chance to assimilate. At 4:36 am, Venus enters Capricorn, bringing common sense considerations to how we share our love with others. Before the Moon completes its sojourn through Sagittarius, it brings us another minor grand trine that enhances social events and activities. It enters its void period at 4:06 pm, lasting until its entry into Capricorn at 7:04 pm. There’s lots of emotional surprise as Venus, Moon, and Uranus come together in the early evening, but there are happy endings at bedtime with a trine to Jupiter. Moon in Capricorn reconnects Pluto and Mars to refresh our sense of what we need to do to accomplish our goals. Changes are afoot. Venus helps us out with a trine to Jupiter. Our Capricorn Moon loads our plate with plenty to do today as she squares Saturn—perhaps we took on too much. Feel free to make adjustments. The Moon is void from 3:01 pm until 11:02 pm, the time she enters breezy Aquarius. In Aquarius, Moon brings us a blend of challenge and ingenuity to sort out the latest puzzles in our lives. Still in Aquarius, the Moon connects head, heart, and pragmatism to create a productive approach to our current dilemmas. This could be a moment of truth, where we realize that we need to come from humility in approaching others.
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