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by Terry Lamb Change is in the air. In spite of the growing darkness tied to the coming winter, the planets are creating openings for us. We are wiser now, more tempered in our approach to the various situations in our life. We understand more—we know what won’t work through experience, as much as we know what will. We felt a big change as October ended, with Saturn entering Libra. We are now feeling the lift as it leaves behind the earth sign of Virgo in favor of airy Libra. Those with planets in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) are breathing a sign of relief as Saturn takes its weight off them. As it does, we begin a new, much-needed lesson in fairness, justice, and equality, plus any other skills we need to get along with others, like negotiation and collaboration. The aquisition of these skills may be made more urgent by circumstances that are emerging as early as this month, as Saturn makes its first of three squares to Pluto. The once-every-eight-year contact between these two planets juxtaposes power against rigidity—the irresistible force meets the immovable object. We see it in the world around us as posturing and position-taking, resulting in attack-defend situations—open conflict. Where recently disagreement often resulted in avoidance, people and nations will see no alternative but to engage, or feel they simply can’t back down. We must overcome fear reactions to unfamiliar circumstances and strong responses from others. People often feel a heightened sense of fear during Saturn-Pluto contact periods, giving us a chance to understand ourselves more deeply as we figure out how to respond to our fears. We will emerge from the process stronger and wiser when it is complete in August next year. While Saturn is at the beginning of its yearly cycle, most of the other planets are approaching the close of theirs. By November 5, all the planets will be direct (moving forward) except Uranus. Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune set the timing for us to finish our healing processes for the year. Since January, we have had the opportunity to clear some of our deepest imbalances in body, mind, and spirit. Now we understand these imbalances much better, and although some of the challenges will extend beyond this cycle, we know what’s going on and what to do. We will become more focused on this healing process as Mercury, the Sun, and Venus activate these planets throughout November. There is one other planet to watch right now—Mars. Mars is now in Leo, and also in the part of the zodiac over which it will later retrograde. It’s a good time to observe our ways of using its energies. When we express Mars in Leo, we feel enthusiastic, generous, loving, as well as aggressive or stubborn. We may be overly athletic, assertive, or romantic. We could over commit ourselves. If we overdo it, we may find ourselves out on a limb and have to pull back when Mars turns retrograde on December 20. It is worth watching now and tempering our actions with wisdom. Mars will be retrograde for nearly three months, until March 10. Since July 2008, there has been an intense interchange between Saturn and Uranus, juxtaposing sudden change against the status quo. The tie between these two planets is temporarily in abeyance, since Saturn is now in Libra, leaving Uranus behind. While they will reconnect next April and July, for now we get a breather. Uranus continues to introduce unexpected elements into our lives to hasten our progress forward. (Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations here are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and times listed are Pacific Standard Time. A "Void Moon" or "Void
of Course Moon" makes no significant aspects
until it enters the next sign. Its void period
is thought to be a poor time for starting new
projects or making concerted effort toward
existing plans.) Mercury squares Mars throughout the day, hearkening back to our experiences August 25–September 3 and giving us a chance to put the final touches on situations that started then. Our dreams will bring greater awareness of how to resolve relationship discord as the Aries Moon makes early contacts to Venus and Neptune. At 5:30 am, the Moon goes void of course, giving us a long but busy day to organize and complete in preparation for the Full Moon. When the Moon enters Taurus at 4:45 pm, we’ll be ready to turn our focus to new initiatives with greater chances of success. We’re busier than ever as the Moon reconnects Mercury and Mars with intensity for a hurry-up morning. This culminates in the Full Moon, which occurs at 11:14 am, with the Moon at 10°30' Taurus. A Venus trine to Neptune allows us to put relationship matters on the back burner if we must; however, the energy is there for a romantic evening if we can soften our mood after a hectic day. With Neptune near its station right now, this energy beams into us with great power and may open the door to long-term benefits. The Full Moon chart shows tension building toward a big result as Mercury and the Sun press ahead toward squares to the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune conjunction. Even though we have a clearer bead on the future now, there are still elements of the unknown we must incorporate into our decision-making process. The Venus-trine-Neptune eases our anxiety, and we know it will somehow turn out all right. In Washington DC, the chart for the Full Moon has 4 Pisces rising, putting emphasis on foreign relations and international business relationships. This chart enables President Obama to work behind the scenes to accomplish his goals. Negotiations which rely on secrecy are likely to be successful in the coming week, although we are not likely to hear about them right away. The tensions facing the nation now are a flare-up of old concerns—health care reform and the expression of populism as a constructive force versus fear-based “astro-turf” movements. The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon at 11 Taurus describes, “A woman, cool in sunbonnet and simple garments, is leisurely watering long rows of flowers in full bloom.” (ME Jones version) This emphasizes our focus on situations already in full expression. Although the harvest is still in the future, we’ll be able to see the beauty in each of them and anticipate their success. This will be evident in our personal lives as well as public affairs. The Moon in Taurus lends stability and determination to our mood as we manage overnight restlessness and early-morning challenges while the Moon squares Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune. We’ll have ingenuity at our disposal to create win-win solutions, however, with a sextile to Uranus in the midst of these contacts. At 10:05 am, the Moon goes void of course. However, in Taurus, we can use this energy in an enterprising way: actions taken will be successful without negotiations being necessary. Plan well, and you can use this to your advantage. At 8:53 pm, the Moon enters talkative Gemini, boosting the sociability factor through Thursday. We start with a late trine to Saturn, informing our thoughts with objectivity and balance as we retire for the day. At 10:10 am, Neptune returns to forward motion at 23°41' Aquarius. Since it turned backward (retrograde) on May 28, there’s something in our lives that we’ve surrendered to in order to accomplish a goal that will bring spiritual healing. Now as we receive a concentrated stream of Neptune’s energy, we will check in to see how well that healing process is going, perhaps have a deep healing experience. The Moon feeds us with harmony as a solo sextile to Mars fills the day. We’re halfway through the current four-month Mercury cycle today, as Mercury catches up with the Sun while we sleep. We’ll be alert and talkative, but may lack perspective in decision-making. The Moon smoothes our way through the day with trines to Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune, and Venus, making a grand trine in Air that extends into the evening. Social contacts today will be unusually beneficial, with a little surprise at midday prompted by a Moon square Uranus. At 7:47 pm, the Moon enters its void period, encouraging us to spend an evening internalizing our experiences and rejuvenating through relaxation. At 11:42 pm, the Moon enters Cancer, setting the stage for action when we are ready to pick up the gauntlet again. Our nurturing Cancer Moon suggests comfort food to start our Friday efforts, especially after troubling dreams as the Moon squared Saturn and opposed Pluto in the wee hours. Insights are stored in the unconscious that we can access later via intuition to solve the problems in our lives. The rest of the day flows well, with no intervening planetary events for the rest of the day. The wind is at our backs as we get trines all day to feed our activities. Everything we engage in will be easy to accomplish—even too easy. The Moon makes this harmonious contact to the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus to create the second grand trine in a week, this one in Water. Although the Moon goes void of course at 2:26 pm, don’t let that stop you from being active—your efforts will still bring beneficial results. The Moon enters Leo at 2:23 am, opening the doorway to a high level of planetary activity. These energies are more strident as the Moon contributes to an emphasis in fixed signs. We may seem stuck, notice stubbornness in others, or feel like we’re being tested. This is emphasized by Mercury’s square to Jupiter, which starts a week-long focus on solving a puzzle in our lives. This could be a “healing crisis," and will contribute to the year-long road we’ve been traveling to improving our health and circumstances. A Venus sextile to Pluto reminds us that we have the support of others as we go through big changes. The work week starts with an early-morning Last Quarter Sun-Moon square at 7:56 am in Leo, increasing our awareness of what remains to be accomplished in the coming week, before the new lunar cycle begins. Greater understanding means more efficient action, but there’ll be several disruptions to the day’s plan, as the Moon makes challenging contacts all day. Don’t expect to get too much of your to-do list completed. At 6:43 pm, the Leo Moon makes its final contact and begins its void-of-course period, which lasts for the rest of the day. The chart for the Last Quarter Moon suggests a week of dealing with obstacles, but the good news is that they can now be cleared from your path, as the Sun and Mercury combine with the Moon to trigger the planetary cluster in Aquarius (Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune). This is mollified by harmonious trines of the Sun to Uranus and the South Node. Even though we encounter difficulties, they can be used to resolve deep and long-standing issues in our lives. This holds true in Washington as well. With 10 Capricorn rising, the pattern focuses on the actions of the legislature, specifically the House of Representatives. Often considered an ineffective body, this time they will stand firm and create a breakthrough for needed reforms in government. False enthusiasm for budgetary concerns will be displayed, but this is a diversionary tactic, shown by Mars in the 8th house. Many inaccurate numbers will be thrown around this week. At 18 Leo, the Sabian Symbol creates the image, “An instructor in chemistry is conducting an experiment before his class, in the midst of a maze of apparatus.” (ME Jones version) Jones describes this as “the proper appreciation and utilization of knowledge”. This would be a refreshing development in light of all the “fake facts” that are thrown about on Capitol Hill. We may also find our own version of fake facts that we or someone in our lives is relying on. This is a good time to make sure we are realistic in our understanding of any situation we face. The Moon enters Virgo at 5:30 am, making us more analytical as we engage in our daily activities. Balance and harmony rule as the Moon trines Pluto and sextiles Venus, the only contacts it makes today. Sun square Jupiter and Mercury square Chiron both intensify the healing process that activated on Sunday and completes next Sunday. The Moon continues in Virgo, bringing a day-long opportunity period as it sextiles the Sun and Mercury, with added perspective from an opposition to awakener Uranus. These form a backdrop supporting our investigative skills, as Mercury makes a trine to Uranus and a square to Neptune. These promise at least one “aha!” moment, if we take the time to dig around for the truth. At 11:13 pm, the Moon makes its final contact while in Virgo, giving us some down time that lasts through mid-morning tomorrow. Before the Moon enters Libra at 9:22 am, we can work on tidying up and integrating activities of the past few days. Deeper truths about the new situations we face will emerge around midday at the Moon conjoins Saturn and squares Pluto. What we learn may jar us but is important to resolving the matter. Fear could be a factor that clouds our ability to see things as they are. Dispel fear, and solutions will emerge. Today brings hope and remedies to our dilemmas, as the Moon sextiles Mars and trines Jupiter and Chiron. Remember that a change in perspective is often all we need to find a way out of a corner. While we sleep, the Moon sweetens our dreams with a trine to Neptune, then enters its void period at 3:10 am. We live “between the worlds” until it enters Scorpio at 2:24 pm, after which a sextile to Pluto gives us insight into how to be more effective in solving our biggest problems. Our intuition will border on genius as a Sun-trine-Uranus sparks us all day. Saturn makes its first of three squares to Pluto at 6:42 am, motivating us to delve deep within to find our most powerful problem-solving skills. Key to this will be objectivity, which is the antidote to fear, a common human response to Saturn-Pluto interactions. A Sun square to Neptune finalizes the healing focus we’ve been working with over the past week. It could also contribute to a feeling of confusion, reminding us to wait to take action. The Moon remains in Scorpio, conjoining Venus early to encourage a lazy morning. An afternoon square to Mars gives us the impulse to act, but it is best expressed in play while we sort out the deeper matters at hand. At 4:28 pm, Mercury enters Sagittarius, making humor more available to lighten our mood and lift our spirits. We may also be prone to jump to conclusions or skip steps while it is in this sign. Changes in mood are heightened as we experience several Moon aspects before the morning expires. The Moon in Scorpio squares Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune before making its final aspect in the sign, a conjunction with the Sun at 11:14 am. This is the New Moon, marking the start of a new lunar month, full of novel ideas and initiatives. These will be born out of the challenges we’ve faced over the past week, as we’ve had a series of interactions with the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius. These planets are helping us heal wounds and misunderstandings held deeply in our nature. As they become a part of our past, we have the strength and optimism to move ahead with plans postponed by pain or doubt. The coming month will be one of rejuvenation and release. The Moon goes void of course at 11:14, giving us down time until it enters Sagittarius at 9:22 pm. In Washington DC, the chart of the New Moon has 26 Pisces rising, placing Uranus on the Ascendant and Pluto near the top of the chart (the Midheaven). Americans will respond to startling events in ways that change the world’s image of who we are. Barack Obama will make at least one important decision or pronouncement this month (especially this week), behaving more masterfully than usual. This likely to involve situations that the President has been working on since early in the year but became more critical in June and early September, such as economic recovery and regulation, health care reform, and the situation in Iran. Tensions with the nation’s adversaries will be on everyone’s mind. The leaders of the government may be surprised by the vigor of the public’s response to decisions made with too little regard for the well-being of the citizenry. The Sabian Symbol for 25 Scorpio is, “An x-ray machine . . . makes . . . a fine diagnosis possible, and a life is preserved.” (ME Jones version) We have a greater ability now to penetrate to the truth of a situation, even where there is a smoke screen of falsehood or many complex factors to consider. The Moon makes the only contacts of the day from its perch in Sagittarius. While we sleep, a sextile to Saturn and conjunction to Mercury feed our unconscious with useful plans for future productivity. For the rest of the day it zooms toward a trine to Mars, prompting us to act with enthusiasm and confidence, even though the object of our actions may deserve a more cautious approach. Still in Sagittarius, the Moon makes contact with Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune by sextile, giving us a chance to put some old wounds and obstacles behind us. A square to Uranus shakes us awake and reminds us that the universe can bring unexpected events at any time to free us of old limitations. The Moon goes void of course at 6:46 pm, but in Sagittarius, we can still access her activating energies if we so desire. Still, it can’t be bad to take the night off. If relationships have been a little discordant or awkward over the past few days, it’s down to fear about letting go of old patterns. If you back off, it gives your partner/friend/family member room to change. This is up as Venus squares Mars today and brings a heightened sensitivity to what’s going on, which leads to breakthrough. The Moon enters Capricorn at 7:01 am, triggering the Saturn-Pluto connection over the day to bring out our need for change. It’s good to face the truth, knowing that we have time to resolve whatever gaps we see in our lives. After an intense day yesterday, we get a break today. The Moon makes one sweet contact, a sextile to Venus. It’s time to enjoy life and remember all we have going for us. The Moon gives us more happiness as it sextiles Uranus and the Sun to make up a minor grand trine that arches over the day. Play, show your spunk, don’t be afraid to trust your intuition. You’ll be right on the mark. At 7:04 pm, the Moon’s void period starts and lasts until 7:11 pm when it enters Aquarius. The Sun enters adventurous Sagittarius at 8:23 pm, lifting us from the restorative and cleansing depths of Scorpio ready for action. A Moon trine to Saturn adds a peaceful finish to the day. The Moon in Aquarius brings head and heart together when it sextiles Mercury in late afternoon, the sole contact of the day. Any planning, writing, or organizing we want to do will flow smoothly, although relaxing may result in greater productivity in days to come. Today is chock full of activity as the Aquarius Moon conjoins Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune. Venus gets drawn into the mix as well, making its first square to this threesome. We’ll see ways in which our relationships need mending, even though we may need to wait until another time to stitch things up. Take the evening off—the Moon enters its void period at 7:36 pm. Although the day starts with the Moon void of course in Aquarius, it enters Pisces and reactivates at 8:09 am. Productivity and opportunity are the rule of the day, as the Sun makes its opening sextile to Saturn. We will naturally turn our attention to whether we are taking the steps necessary to create future successes. Although we’re still in the developmental stages, our ideas should be taking form by now. The Moon adds emphasis to this process by reminding us of our deepest desires and how we can manifest them in our lives, as she sextiles Pluto before making its First Quarter square to the Sun at 1:39 pm. This spurs us into new actions to fulfill this month’s plans, started last week. With 1 Gemini rising in the Washington DC chart, the Sagittarius Sun falls in the 7th house of foreign powers and affairs. Communications will be highlighted with states that are not necessarily friendly to the US. There is a chance, however, for happy outcomes as Venus trines Uranus and ties into the nodal axis. This brings to mind the Copenhagen summit on global warming; although it doesn’t start until December 7, the buzz will have started by now. What’s more, this chart indicates that there will be fruitful behind-the-scenes discussions that will lead numerous misguided protests and plenty of noise from ego-driven naysayers. The Sabian Symbol for 3 Pisces is, “a petrified forest, an eternal record of life lived long ago.” The record of past ages proves what happens when we slip out of balance, individually, culturally, and as a species. This week, the veil between the present and past is thin, and we can get in touch with hidden factors from our history that keep us stuck in illusion. The Moon continues in Pisces, bringing out our restless side with a square to Mercury, communicating that something needs adjusting to bring us back into internal harmony. Lost objects can be found and relationships brought back to life if we’re willing to approach things in an unusual way. The Moon enters its void period at 6:17 am on the US Thanksgiving Day, although in Pisces it does not hamper good outcomes. This period spans the day, until 7:11 pm when the Moon enters Aries—we won’t even think of work! Our enjoyment quotient will be raised by Mercury’s trine to Mars, setting the stage for a Fire grand trine over the next two days as the Moon connects these two planets again. Make sure the turkey is well cooked and put away promptly to avoid contamination issues. This is a possibility with Venus square Neptune in late afternoon. Snow and fog are sure to delay or deter travel in some locales under this contact as well. Still in Aries, the Moon’s opposition to Saturn in the wee hours suggests that old wounds could have been opened in the wake of family gatherings. This is a great opportunity to release and heal old patterns rather than accepting them. A trine to the Sun sets the stage for turning away from unhealthy aspects of the past and living in our true, Divine nature. Today we reach that Fire grand trine, topped off with sextiles to Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune to form a kite pattern! This is the ultimate opportunity configuration. Don’t be concerned so much with taking action as focusing on rejuvenation through playful pursuits. We may be a little too bold in spending, however. Don’t let even the best-ever sale prices tempt you to go beyond your budgetary limits. After 3:33 pm, when the Moon goes void of course, actions taken are less likely to be something that sticks in your life. Purchases made on a void Moon more frequently result in refunds and returns. When the Moon enters Taurus at 2:34 am, we get a new lease of life—or at least activity. The only planetary juice we get today comes in the form of early harmonies, as we experience a Mercury sextile to Jupiter and a Moon trine to Pluto. Social contacts will be warm, and optimism high. There is much to be thankful for, including a memorable holiday weekend. As the Moon continues its path through security-conscious Taurus, it makes several contacts over the day, permitting progress in ongoing situations. We may experience some regret or concern over our weekend’s expenditures, resulting in the desire, if not the need, to return some items. It is important to honor our need for security rather than conform rigidly to holiday traditions that don’t work for our current financial situation. Look for more meaningful and less expensive ways to celebrate the season, and you could end up with the best year-end period ever. Mercury square Uranus brings new ideas and creative inspiration on ways to achieve your new objectives.
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