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by Terry Lamb Since the 1990s, August has been a month of tension and transition, and this August continues the pattern (which will go on until the outer planets clear Pisces). However, this year brings drama multiplied because of nearly simultaneous contacts to the triple conjunction in Aquarius. It’s "triple your pleasure, triple your fun" in mid-month, just like in January and May. This occurs as our government seems set for a sea change. Obama, who is the personification of the nation’s hope (and the Aquarian planets), has to decide whether he is willing to use the bully pulpit to accomplish what he wants and knows is right for the US. Will he stand up for real healthcare reform (with a public option)? Will he push for an environmental regulation bill that doesn’t strip the EPA of its power and put the power of carbon regulation in the unregulated hands of Wall Street? Will he fire up the people so that the legislators are forced to look past the moneyed lobbyists who threaten them with political death? On the political level, this is the showdown that is coming into form. It is doubtful that Congress will take its recess on the 3rd, with the pressure to pass a healthcare bill before they leave. This put them in session as the planetary crescendo begins to build. Our internal tension is amplified whenever two or more heavy planets (Jupiter and beyond) are activated at the same time. This erupts into external events as we attempt to relieve the tension. We want change, we ache for change to stave off or relieve unpleasant circumstances—or resist the changes we fear will come. This is understandable as the Sun reaches its opposition to the outer planets, which are lined up in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. This makes June, August, and September times of turmoil year after year, when we’d like to be relaxing and enjoying warm days and balmy nights. In late June, the Sun opposed Pluto in Capricorn; in August it opposes Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune in Aquarius; in September, Uranus in Pisces. In between is a series of quincunxes that precede and follow the oppositions, assisting in the preparation for the opposition, then debriefing us and pushing us into disseminating our new understanding into the world. In August, we will learn something we never knew before. Since Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune came together we have the opportunity to heal our Great Wound. We are experiencing this on an individual level, for sure; but we may also participate in it on a group, even a world level if we look beyond on our own four walls. Many people are in the midst of deep internal change, and August will be a turning point in the process. We have the opportunity to decide how much we are willing to take on, how much we will get out of this pattern, with the choices we make this month. On August 5, we have the third of three eclipses, a "weak" penumbral eclipse similar to that in July. However, as we found, this was anything but weak in its power to effect our lives because of the planets co-involved. This month will be little different, as the Sun reaches toward its oppositions on August 14–17. Meanwhile, there are plenty of quincunxes to go around, and the fast planets carry water for the slow ones, completing contacts that are not quite exact. Powerful times means the potential for great change exists. If the planets were in weaker formations, we would not have the leverage to create what needs to happen now in our lives. Quincunxes are frequently associated with health issues because we experience more stress when we feel "in between." We may feel as though there’s something just beneath the surface that needs to come out but we can’t get to it. Emotions are often the tool by which we can bridge the gap between inner and outer realities. Given its speed, we are never far from a Mercury retrograde. Mercury enters its retrograde zone on August 16, but we won’t feel it until it slows down perceptibly about a week later. This sets up two story lines that will play out in September and October, but they begin in mid-August, so be aware of what you are projecting with your thoughts then (as always). During its retrograde, Mercury feeds back to us what we have done with our focus, and the ante is high this time because of the number of contacts it makes. One of Mercury’s contacts will be Pluto, which is very slow now and stations to direct motion in early September. Observe your experiences when it makes its first square to Pluto on the August 26, as this will feed one of the key story lines for you in September-October. This will also play out in a particular way in world affairs and national politics. We will see the impact economically, as Mercury tracks over the Venus-Jupiter conjunction of the US chart, as a waver in the recovery. This could be good news if the strategists finally become convinced that no recovery is safe without substantial new regulation. There is a chance for this. Mercury also makes an early reconnection between Saturn and Uranus, the planets that sponsored last fall’s economic collapse. If the Uranian stimulus package is followed up with Saturnian regulation, the next downward shift will not be as deep. Once again, because the outer planets are at the ends of their signs (except for Pluto), the action times occur when the fast planets reach the later degrees. This means that this month the Moon will often transit empty sky in the early-to-mid degrees of a sign. (Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations here are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and times listed are Pacific Standard Time. A "Void Moon" or "Void
of Course Moon" makes no significant aspects
until it enters the next sign. Its void period
is thought to be a poor time for starting new
projects or making concerted effort toward
existing plans.) Moon finishes its sojourn through Sagittarius today, but not before it makes a plethora of contacts. It starts with a square to Saturn to darken the mood of our pre-dawn dream state, but proceeds to daytime harmonies to Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune for a retrospective sense of contentment about the progress we’ve been making in our healing process. We feel hopeful about the future in spite of unresolved issues that stay in the background for the moment. As the sun descends, we feel the restlessness of the Moon’s square to Uranus, but a trine to Mercury at 10:42 pm soothes our anxieties as we enter the Moon’s void-of-course period. This gives us the excuse to relax and do nothing of consequence, even though we could when the Moon is in Sagittarius. Relationships may feel wobbly as Venus opposes Pluto; the other shoe drops on a situation that arose in early July. At 1:08 am, the Moon enters wise Capricorn, immediately preceding its conjunction with Pluto to pull us deeper into the unconscious before waking. When the Moon opposes Venus, it gives us another chance at peace in our connections with others, as we see things from the other person’s viewpoint. An apology may in be in order. Mercury enters Virgo, one of its signs of rulership, at 4:07 pm. Our minds will function more logically now, and we can draw on pragmatism more easily in the coming weeks. All is well, and pragmatism rules, as Mercury trines Pluto and the Moon trines Saturn. Agreements and good outcomes are possible today, and any plans we make today will be well-structured. The sole aspect of the day is a Moon sextile to Uranus at 6:21 am, which opens the Moon’s void period. We may feel enterprising or inspired, but it is best to wait until the Moon enters Aquarius at 2:08 pm before taking action. The sole contact today is the Lunar Eclipse, occurring on the Full Moon timed for 5:55 pm at 13°43' Aquarius. Even though this is a culmination of energy and illumination, the tension continues to build as the Moon heads toward the planets in late degrees. In Washington DC, the chart for the eclipse occurs at 8:39 pm, 16 minutes before the exact Full Moon. Both charts have late Aquarius and the Aquarian triple conjunction rising. Because these planets are angular, their effect is magnified. Because Obama so symbolizes these planets for the nation, it is likely that the president will be seen as the key to who we are now, and that his actions on and around this eclipse will be seminal to where the nation heads next. With Jupiter as the strongest planet at the time of the eclipse, (and opposing his Uranus-North Node conjunction), he could show strength and leadership. However, Chiron-Neptune are also involved, and they will challenge him to get over a need to please that has thus far undercut his ability to prevail politically. What’s more, this eclipse/Full Moon falls on the day after President Obama’s birthday and one degree away from his Sun-Neptune square. This emphasizes the process of developing political fortitude. He has been responding by becoming the salesman-in-chief to meet the challenge, a necessary step if he wants his policy on healthcare to be represented in the bill that is being developed by Congress. This may mark the beginning of a tougher stance toward conserva-Dems and whining Republicans. The Sabian Symbol for 14° Aquarius is, "A long and heavy train climbs the steep mountain grade and at last a tunnel offers a shortcut to the other side." (ME Jones version) We are all carrying a burden up a steep mountain in some way, something that makes us feel heavy and tired. We have the opportunity now to "cut across" the wheel of karma with this situation and lighten our load more quickly, but it entails making a journey where we will not be able to see our progress or where we are headed. We must accept on faith that we are being taken to the destination we have been seeking (or a better one). Even if we are disappointed in the turns of events in the world, we can trust that the universe will lead us to a better, if currently unknown, place. The wake of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse brings warm tides as the Moon trines Mars, then conjoins Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune by the end of the work day. The dilemmas and challenges that have presented themselves since the New Moon Solar Eclipse on July 21 may not all be resolved today, but we can see possible roads to resolution. At 5:20 pm, the Moon goes void of course, giving us a welcome evening of relaxation and recovery. At 2:34 am the Moon enters Pisces, reactivating our motivations and inspiring action based on the inner reality that Pisces is so attuned to. Insights are gained as Moon sextiles Pluto before we rise, then expressed as she opposes Mercury all day. A late trine to Venus is capped off by a Mercury-Venus sextile, filling the day with the perfect harmony of head and heart. We can use this pattern very productively for both action and understanding. The Moon continues to transit Pisces, hooking up with Mars by square and Saturn by opposition late in the day. This brings stress that presages our experiences early in the week when the impending Mars-Saturn square will reach exactitude. There’s no sense worrying about things we can do little about now. Putting the issue on the back burner will give a painlessly derived new perspective by Monday morning. The Moon completes its active period in Pisces with a punch as it makes a conjunction to Uranus, then goes void-of-course at 5:44 am. Early morning restlessness may disrupt our desire to sleep late but bring new ideas for successful outcomes. Until the Moon enters Aries at 1:23 pm, we may prefer to relax rather than take on new projects, but we can be more industrious since the Moon performs in Pisces. The mid-afternoon is punctuated by a Moon square to Pluto, giving us clues to coming transformative events. We may gain important understanding of how to manage events that will come up in September. We feel lively and optimistic as the Moon moves further through Aries. The day is not without its excitement, as she squares Venus and gives us another perspective on our recent relationship challenges. We may not have time to pay attention to that, however, as Mars finally reaches its square to Saturn. Disorganization may meet with deadline to create critical mass and a scramble to manage our affairs with more structure and neatness. Over-commitment may also play a role. It’s all about the Moon today, as all harmonious contacts give us time to emotionally assimilate new circumstances. It starts with a trine to the Sun, followed by sextiles to Mars, Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune—all before it starts its void period at 1:04 pm. We get the rest of the day to fall back and regroup, until the Moon enters Taurus at 9:50 pm. A trine to Pluto caps off the day with deep understanding of long-unanswered questions. The Moon makes its eager way to Venus all day, as it travels through Taurus alone and unchecked. We get to choose what we want to do with our day—if there are no leftovers from the past to deal with. The Last Quarter Moon at midday is sandwiched amongst a legion of other contacts. The Moon in Taurus trines Mercury as we sleep, painting our dreams the color of truth. A Mars-trine-Jupiter rushes us off our feet in mid-morning, lending a spring to our step and invigorating our day’s tasks. The Moon harmonizes with Saturn and Uranus over the day to bring ingenuity to problem-solving, but squares to Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune increase the stress level as deeper issues come to light, making a break essential to gain perspective. The Moon enters its void period at 8:17 pm, although we can still engage in fruitful activity because Taurus is the sign of the Moon’s exaltation. The Last Quarter Moon’s waning square to the Sun occurs at 21°09' Taurus, at 11:55 am, creating a T-square with the Aquarian triple conjunction. This opens the door on the Sun’s oppositions to these planets, which occurs over the next four days. It creates resistance to change, even as we feel overwhelmed by the need for it and sort out what to do. There is an equal need to focus on the mutable planets as Mercury begins to engage Mars, Saturn, and Uranus. Have we found our own sweet spot between the old and new realities (economies)? In the chart cast for Washington DC, early Sagittarius rises and puts Mercury-Saturn at the Midheaven and the Sun in the 9th house. This engages the president in his role as Commander-in-Chief and turns our focus toward foreign powers, both friendly and inimical. Although domestic issues continue to distract, they are placed on the back burner as international diplomacy takes a front seat. Events in Central America/Colombia, Congo/Central Africa, Taiwan, and a possible storm in Hawai’i are indicated by the astro-locality map of this lunation. South Asia and the Middle East are also activated by the fixed T-square. The Sabian Symbol for 22 Taurus is, "A white [dove] flies straight and fearlessly over a broad body of troubled water." (ME Jones version) Strength comes to us when we feel a sense of mission or purpose to our tasks. We (and our politicians) will feel inspired by the dire need of those they are commissioned to represent. At 3:25 am, the Moon enters Gemini and speeds through the sign without contact today. However, the Sun makes up for it when it reaches its opposition to Jupiter, marking the halfway point in its yearly solar cycle. This is the culmination of our expansion through the sign of Aquarius. We are reaching toward our most extensive expression as this day passes, and the next two months will reveal the form of our success. This is the first of three oppositions as the Sun makes contact with the other planets conjoined in Aquarius, Chiron and Neptune. All of these will fit the theme of healing that we have been working with this year. The Moon makes multiple contacts today as it makes it way through the last half of Gemini. Most significant is the fact that it triggers the mutable T-square involving Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and Uranus. This creates tension that can result in anxiety, scattering, and wasted energy—or high levels of activity resulting in accomplishment. Tension-related health problems (headaches, etc.) may also occur. Trines ease the flow, however, between the Moon and Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune. These permit us to see the big picture and find enterprising solutions to the challenges that arise. At 11:19 pm, the Moon goes void of course with a square to Uranus, finishing up the day with excitement then an overnight rest period. At 6:13 am, the Moon makes its entry into its home sign Cancer. With so few planets in early degrees, its sole contact today is an opposition to Pluto, fostering a broader perspective on our life. The Sun opposes Chiron today, giving us increased access to a healing breakthrough. Today we may feel like a fish with a bicycle, awkward and in-between as Mercury quincunxes Jupiter. This Virgo-Aquarius contact can be used to advance our technical abilities, but oddly, it is not the best day to try to complete technical tasks. This is is emphasized by the Sun's opposition to Neptune today as well. Some contacts add grace and ease, however—a Sun sextile to Mars, Moon conjunct Venus and sextile Mercury-Saturn. We’ll have a serious and logical mind if we want to make plans. Anything that we approach systematically will benefit by our focus, but we may have difficulty putting our attention toward one thing. At 0:09 am, the Moon enters its void period in Cancer, a down time that ends at 6:57 am when it makes its ingress into Leo. This void period can be used, however, since the Moon is in its rulership. It’s all about Uranus today, as three contacts are made to this planet of erratic energy. The Sun’s quincunx, Moon’s trine, and Mars’s square make for a day of unexpected even volatile events. At least we’ll have emotional support. Quincunxes abound today to create a yod with its apex on the Aquarian conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune. Mercury and Venus are key as they form a sextile, giving us the opportunity to ground our vision of the future into the thoughts and words of the blended heart-mind. This energy can be grounded through Saturn if we can find the harmony between Virgo and Aquarius, since Jupiter quincunxes Saturn today for the second of three times. Although there is considerable ambiguity in our situation, our attempts to work with the resulting creativity will bring rewards. We get help from Venus’s sextile to Saturn and the Moon’s opposition to the three Aquarian planets, giving us perfect receptivity to the creative spirit. The yod pattern with Mercury and Venus continues, today pointing at Chiron and Neptune, clarifying our dreams and how we can adjust them to accomplish our goals. The harmony of head and heart afforded by the Mercury-Venus sextile opens the door to healing awareness: breakthrough is possible now. The New Moon occurs at 3:02 am, in the degree of 27°22' Leo. This is also the final aspect before the Moon’s void-of-course, for a beginning that is also an ending. A sextile to Mars activates our dream state before the New Moon. At 7:00 am, the Moon enters Virgo, then makes a trine to Pluto to add depth and pragmatism to our thoughts as we pour our morning coffee. A New Moon that precedes a void-of-course will leave us feeling like the detective who finds a vital clue revealed at the end of a series episode. We’re waiting to see what happens nex,t now that we know what’s really going on. Dramatic events in foreign lands continue to engage the country. In Washington DC, the Sun and Moon are rising, as Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune are setting. Saturn-Mercury conjoin in the second house, forming a grand trine with the Midheaven and North Node; Venus in Cancer fills in the top of a kite as it conjoins the South Node. This suggests that healthcare reform with some teeth is passed through Congress by this date. In spite of the Leo-Aquarius opposition on the Ascendant-Descendant in this chart, there are numerous harmonies between the planets to suggest positive outcomes to whatever challenges the nation faces. At 28 Leo, the Sabian Symbol is "Innumerable little birds have settled down upon one large tree; they chirp happily to each other in endless rows." How happy Americans will be if true healthcare reform is passed, where a public option creates real competition instead of a health insurance cartel! We will feel more secure as well with the opportunities presented to us now in our personal lives. We get a surprise awakening as Mercury opposes Uranus in the wee hours of the morning. We may have vivid or disruptive dreams. The Moon moves through Virgo, its conjunction with Saturn stimulating a serious mood. A late sextile to Venus ends the day on a peaceful note. It’s a change-up day, as both the Moon and the Sun move into new signs. The Moon makes three contacts that infiltrate our dreams: an opposition to Uranus, a conjunction to Mercury, and a square to Mars, reiterating the contacts made over the past two weeks. The Moon enters a brief void-of-course period on the square to Mars, at 4:44 am, which ends at 8:12 am with its movement into Libra. The tone of the day shifts and intensifies as the Moon squares Pluto in mid-morning, its last contact for the day. Harmonies are available to us, especially in relationships, as Venus trines Uranus. Positive results from unexpected events are possible now. At 4:39 pm, the Sun enters Virgo, the last sign of summer. The air cools more at night and becomes drier. Our Libra Moon works its way through the empty sky until it reaches an evening trine to Jupiter. We feel more buoyant and optimistic about the new week and the new lunar cycle. The Sun assists us by trining Pluto, indicating that support is available for the changes we want to make. The Moon goes void in Libra at 11:10 am, but not before it makes a square to Venus and trines to Chiron, Neptune, and Mars, setting our morning mood to dreaminess. This gives us a breather until 12:16 pm, when it reaches Scorpio. Our emotional energy deepens, becoming submerged as we seek insight. This is assisted by sextiles to Pluto and the Sun, as an afternoon minor grand trine forms. Still in Scorpio, the Moon makes no aspects today. Other, more significant contacts fill the day, though, as Mars and Mercury begin afresh in new signs. Mars starts by entering Cancer (the sign of its fall) at 10:16 am; then Mercury enters Libra at 1:18 pm. These two planets, newly in cardinal signs, square each other before bedtime. We may feel uncoordinated, even be accident-prone, especially if we rush to manage the activities that arise. We will feel pressure to deal with new situations that come with this new cardinality. Volatile energies gather as Mercury and Mars approach a T-square to Pluto. This forms over the day, adding tension that cries out for release. We will feel it internally as a pressure to act, but it is better to wait if we can. Mars’s opposition to Pluto brings the potential for violence in the world, as well as accidental incidents. But by staying focused and grounded, there is no need to fear this energy. The Scorpio Moon adds emotional power to our experiences with squares to Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune, but finds harmony with Saturn and Uranus to ground the energy safely. The Moon is void of course from 11:34 am, when it makes a relief-giving trine to Uranus. This gives us down time until she enters Sagittarius at 8:16 pm. The last aspects of the day are a Moon trine to Venus and sextile to Mercury, for happy endings. Venus in Leo makes its second quincunx of the summer to Pluto, the final bracket in a transformation of relationships that has been culminating since July 6 and reached a peak in tension on August 1. We’ll have a clearer sense of where our ties with others are headed now, what the potential for continued growth is. At 4:42 am, the Moon reaches its First Quarter (waxing) square to the Sun today, at 4°21 Sagittarius, the only other contact of the day. There’s much more to come however, as both luminaries head toward all the slow planets that are at late degrees. The air still crackles with the Mars-Pluto opposition, and we’ll be focused on responding to related events over the remainder of the lunar cycle, especially the coming week. A reckoning with the need for dramatic change is coming as signs of economic stagnation and corruption in the financial industry persist. In Washington DC, we find 17°20' Virgo rising and Saturn on the Ascendant, Uranus on the Descendant. This means that the American public will be confronting challenges from foreign shores, front and center. This is likely to take the form of higher prices, say, for oil or other commodities; or for borrowed money. There may be a disruption in financial support from a nation that is having its own troubles. As we look ahead to the increased fuel needs and time of curtailed employment for many during the winter months, the unaddressed weaknesses of the US economy become highlighted. The Sabian Symbol for 5 Sagittarius is "An owl is gravely perched high and deep in . . . an old . . . tree, solitary on a point of land." (ME Jones version) This emphasizes our ability to engage in wise observation from a place of safety and solitude. If we allow ourselves to retreat introspectively, we will gain from new insights. This suggests a lull in the ordinary level of commerce as people assimilate new factors into their lives from a safe place. As Mercury slows for its next retrograde, Venus catches up and completes their second sextile of the month for a blissfully calm and balanced mind today. The Moon, still in Sagittarius, brings a mixed bag of tricks, with squares to the intensifying Saturn-Uranus opposition and sextiles to the conjunction in Aquarius. We feel pressure that can be relieved with optimism and centeredness. The Moon’s final aspect in Sagittarius is the square to Uranus, bringing its void of course period at 10:26 pm, although the Moon in Sagittarius still brings results when void. The Moon enters Capricorn at 7:44 am, just time for a productive day. Early on, a conjunction to Pluto brings greater awareness of critical factors in our lives. As the Moon revives the energy of the Mercury-Mars-Pluto T-square, we revisit the tensions of earlier in the week; however, a trine to the Sun brings a sublime end to the day. With no exact aspects today, we have a restful Sunday. The Moon collects harmony as it moves toward tomorrow’s positive contacts. The Moon in Capricorn hooks into the Saturn-Uranus opposition, with positive results as it makes a trine to Saturn and a sextile to Uranus. An out-of-tune note is played by Saturn as it quincunxes Chiron, ensuring that we don’t forget the healing process we must persist in pursuing. The Moon goes void when it sextiles Uranus at 11:10 am, giving us an afternoon respite that we can use to regenerate ourselves, getting caught up on detail work or getting a revitalizing health treatment. This lasts until she enters Aquarius at 8:43 pm.
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