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![]() Note: These influences are working during the entire mon th, and form a substrate for each individual day. March is a month of change and transition. In the northern hemisphere, the long-awaited awakening of spring begins to surge through all of life. It is an up-and-down, uneven process, and thus we have now an unpredictable season. Storms and blizzards, as well as warm sunny days can alternate. In this spring season, in Chinese medicine we see different diagnoses, seasonal remedies, and dietary changes to suit the new energy. Pisces is the featured sign in March. Pisces is a mutable sign which flows with change. It is a water sign, at home with snow, rain, and flood. It contains the entire cycle of life, and now we see it allfrom dormancy to bud to blossom, from ocean to clouds to rain. Pisces stimulates imagination, and as we feel renewed life rising in us, we can imagine new possibilities. Pisces is the last sign, and we see the final dissolution of the old year. Last years dead grass disintegrates, and tiny new green blades begin to break through into the sunlight. And spring comes bursting through like the high-spirited Aries ram which represents it. Our activities, our approaches to life, do reflect the seasons. Now we have the twin impulses of winding down the old at the same time as we are preparing to birth the new. Balance is difficult. Heaven and earth meet in March, and we are challenged to juggle both dimensions in all their myriad manifestations. Staying centered requires special focus now. Fortunately, the gates to spirit are wide open in Pisces, and if we can remember that spirit is our center, not only are we fine, but life can be magical. Those synchronicities of which James Redfield speaks can abound. This year we have Mercury retrogradein Piscesfor most of the month, so we have a special opportunity to meditate, to reflect, to turn inward, and to renew our communication with our higher selves. It is the perfect time to truly center ourselves before we move again into the fray. In April we can be prepared to gambol on the green hills with a new consciousness of who we are. Jupiter, too, turns retrograde early in the month, and supports Mercurys inward process. They both relate to mind and spirit. Mercury is focused more on the logical process itself, and keeping the connections well-oiled. With Jupiter, we are concerned about the content of our minds, and about the moral codes which guide our behavior. When Jupiter is direct, we are apt to ally ourselves with social groups whose aims and ideas are congruent with ours. When Jupiter is traveling retrograde, we turn inwards to recheck our own beliefs and guiding principles. We are more autonomous, and more questioning of group beliefs and of traditional teachings. This March, then, we can do a deep spiritual overhaul of ourselves. For Catholics, Ash Wednesday, March 1, begins a 40-day period of retreat before Easter. This is the perfect month for each of us to make our own form of retreat. Even Eclipse cycles are now in transition. Eclipses occur in pairs, on opposite sides of the zodiac. They occur in one polarity for about one and one-half years, and there are two (or one or three) about every six months. For each of us, whether or not we have planets in those signs, changes occur in the current polarity. For instance, did you notice a focus on both personal initiative and relationships this past year? Eclipses were in the Libra-Aries polarity of me and you. This month, at the Aries New Moon on March 29, we experience our last Eclipse in the Libra-Aries axisfor another nine years. This same month, at the Virgo Full Moon on March 14, we experience our first Eclipse of the Virgo-Pisces polarity. Here we begin a focus on general life alignmentto make ourselves better people. Work, service, and health have priorities now. The months changing Eclipse signs are, then, another way in which we can work on inner growth, and on integrating disparate parts of ourselves. In Pisces, we also have a special ability to visualize. We can, literally, create a new life and a new self with our thoughts and with our inner pictures. And our inner creations will be much more true to ourselves, due to the inner orientation of the strong mentally-oriented retrograde planets, Mercury and Jupiter. We have another very big help for visualizing. For the entire month, the planets Jupiter and Neptune are square one another. Both of them are rulers of Pisces, the old ruler and the new one. They work naturally with Pisces. These are the planets of dreams, and we can dream big. There are dangers with dreams. They can be completely unrealistic. Thus a grounding in reality, in the possible, is important. They can also be destructive dreams, and a moral compass is essential. Jupiter can help us make moral judgments, and Saturn in Leo can help us visualize real consequences of our fantasies. Neptune in Aquarius asks us to center on the common good. Most of the work of March is inner work. The most helpful outer world concerns are about having good models which can help us raise the quality of our inner lives. Look for books, movies, music, experiences in nature or with the arts, lectures or seminars which can inspire. Our spirits can grow much in breadth and depth during this month. The Pisces New Moon cycle is when we create our dreams for the coming year. And in this year, 2006, the opportunity to create constructive visualizations is extraordinary. We do have a wild card, howeveran unruly Mars. Mars is especially important now because it is connected with Aries, the very prominent Solar Eclipse sign, as well as the Spring Equinox sign. Mars seeks challenges. It takes the initiative, and can create challenges. Now it is in Gemini, Mercurys sign, and is undoubtedly confused by the retrograde condition of this inner-oriented Piscean Mercury. However, Mars must act. That is its nature. Well, during March and April, Mars is in an unusual condition. We can see in the night sky that it is higher than the ecliptic track, on which the planets travel (from Earths standpoint). Mars is out-of-bounds. It is a loner, creating its path in the heavens, away from the cooperative vibrations of the other planets which leave their track on the ecliptic. It acts on its own, loosed from its usual restraints. It reminds me of the United States, keeping itself in relative isolation from the rest of the world, and able to do this because of its geographical isolation. Still, with a Gemini Mars dominating the U.S. relationship house, it is impelled to interact with others. Mars in the seventh house rules the nature of our relationships with other nations, and the nature of Mars is to act, not cooperate. Mars tends to be very instinctual. This out-of-bounds Mars will act through the U.S. this March, for it will conjoin the U.S. (warlike) Uranus around March 10-12, and it will complete an old Mars cycle for the U.S., and start a new one with the Aries Solar Eclipse. In addition, that New Moon in Aries on March 29 gives Mars the green light for go. Mars is still out-of-bounds when we experience the U.S. Mars Return. This, then, sets the condition of the U.S. Mars for its new one-and-one-half-year cycle. The character of the month itself changes at Equinox. Energy is suddenly more outgoing and aggressive. Then in quick succession, Mercury turns direct, we have an Aries Eclipse, and Pluto turns retrograde. That last week in March can be confusing and disorganized. Keep that journal handy! For the remainder of the year, we will need all the centering which we can achieve during Mercurys retrograde retreat! Do take advantage of it.
WEDNESDAY MARCH 1 March comes in robustly, and sounds its Piscean theme loud and clear. Intuition, seeing below the surface, and psychic energy are all very strong today. So is independence, the independence of seeing things your unique way, and acting on that. This inner independence sets us up to listen to and trust the inner eye which is the months focus. In addition, we just had our Pisces New Moon, and we are beginning a peak month of visualization and planning. Moon is still traveling in gung ho Aries, but Mercury turns retrograde at 3:30 p.m. EST. This crucial turning point tends to slow things down, and add hitches and glitches to life. We are apt to be particularly undecided, even with Moon in assertive Aries. By nighttime we recover, and we are ready for a deep and serious conversation. Mercury retrograde in Pisces can be confusing, because our thoughts are welling up from the unconscious, hard to decipher. However, we do have the X-ray vision of Pluto at work. Pluto encourages extremes, and we can either get a handle on where we can apply effective leverage in life, or we can go off the deep end. Pluto with Mercury is also prone to obsession and compulsion. Moon in Aries allows instincts plus needs for action to prevail, which can lead to hasty behavior, with perhaps later regrets. The heavens remain turbulent, and the world is making major shifts now. Hopefully steady Taurus Moon can help us to center ourselves. This is an in-between day; yesterday we had a Mercury station, and tomorrow we will experience a Jupiter station. Stations are always destabilizing. We are now gathering much food for thought during these days of slow Pluto squaring slow Mercury, lingering in this transformative connection. Minds may feel too full. However, best not to make decisions now. Let the issues of this time percolate until Mercury turns direct. Again, the journal can be helpful. This is a day for just plugging ahead and doing our work. On Monday we can begin to act on the new streams of thought flowing through us. Moon remains in Taurus, and we want to be productive. But the pictures around us are changing almost too fast to integrate, and we may find ourselves pulled in conflicting directions. The best solution may be to just stick with necessary jobs and regular routines while the changing worldview percolates deep within. So far this month weve had a grand air trine, which means lots of thinking, talking, planning. With air signs, we bombard the airwaves with communication. Today this chattiness is augmented by Venus entering air sign Aquarius, and Moon moving into air sign Gemini. With Venus and Moon, talk becomes more intimate, and much of it occurs with people in our daily lives. This is a day for close and friendly communication. We will have much to talk about. First Quarter Moon at 17 Gemini occurs at 3:16 p.m. Pisces New Moon is filled with visions, dreams and images. Gemini breaks these fantasies down into discrete pieces which can be grasped by the mind and put into logical order. However, Mercury, which is associated with Gemini, is now retrograde, and squaring Pluto besides. We will each have very individualistic ways of breaking down and transmitting information. We talk, yes, but talk is cheap. (Well, not necessarily. The GAO has disclosed that the Bush Administration has spent $1.6 billion on public relationsi.e., spinfor 7 out of 15 departments during this last year and a half.) Anyway, the atmosphere now is not conducive to agreements. Or, if agreements are made, their bases will undergo changes. The morning is good for deep research and heavy thinking. It would be well to get going on a project which you can continue after Moon goes VOC, at 11:09 a.m. EST. (This means that West Coasters do best with an early start!) Moon remains in Gemini, and VOC Moon in Gemini is excellent for inner work and for brainstorming. We are apt to find ourselves continually distracted during this time. Even so, creative ideas may come flashing into our minds. Jot them down for later follow-through. Moon enters Cancer at 5:38 p.m., and home and family begin to tug at our hearts. Cook a nourishing dinner for yourself and loved ones tonight. Moon in Cancer keeps our focus at home. Security continues to be on our minds, and some brilliant ideas about the real meaning of security may come to us. This includes economic security, which we may see in a new way. We continue with the water flow, which adds to our psychic sensitivity and enhances our intuition. Trust your inner self, and follow its guidance today. This can be a very satisfying day. Water, water, water. Our lives are flooded with feelings and memories. Old family conditions may become vivid now. Energy, especially soulful communication, flows very easily. At 3:41 p.m. EST, Moon goes VOC. Relax with those, and in a place, where you are happy and nurtured. Moon is in passionate Leo today. It joins Saturn, which is a subduing influence, and as it does so it highlights one of the big configurations which is with us all weekend, i.e., Venus conjoining Ceres in early Aquarius, very close to Chiron in Aquarius. Saturn, the Teacher, has charge of this day. Spending time with friends is a good way to manifest todays energies. We can be nurtured and healed through special friendships. Our approach to todays connections is serious and thoughtful. Issues regarding the distribution and content of food may come to our attention, especially genetic modification, which carries far more risks than Monsanto would have us believe. This is a big day. Moon continues in Leo, which can make the most of the days drama. The fixed grand T-cross is in play, showing conflict and possible crisis. Saturn still opposes the Venus-Ceres conjunction, indicating opposition, perhaps from government, to a community good. Most excitingly, Mars squares (challenges) Uranus to impulsively create a volatile situation. This aspect shows proneness to reckless behavior and to accidents. This square stresses the Mars and progressed Sun in the chart of Bush. Deep change moves along easily, as Leo Moon trines PlutoPluto now located at the Galactic Center. At 10:36 a.m. EST, Moon goes VOC and remains VOC until it enters Virgo at 5:23 p.m. We begin then to gear up for the potent Full Moon. Energy is intense. Moon traveling in Virgo stimulates all of our sore points in mutable signs. Today we are reminded of the aggressive Mars-Uranus square. Now it is joined by Strategist Pallas Athena in the government sign of Capricorn. We are apt to feel irritable, and perhaps angry. Full Moon at 25 Virgo occurs at 6:35 p.m. EST. This Full Moon is a Penumbral Eclipse, visible in much of the world. This is the first Eclipse of our Virgo-Pisces Eclipse series, which will finish in February of 2008. Virgo-Pisces is associated with realignment and with service, including the military services. Health, healing, and animals are also part of Virgos domain.
Moon is in Libra, and after our big eclipse, we look for balance. This is a sober, yet sociable, day. We can solidify any relation commitments (or uncommitments) which we made yesterday. On the West Coast, the night is particularly loving and romantic. Moon continues in peacemaker Libra. It is easy to do what we want to do todayor at least talk about it. Vibrations are excellent for negotiation and compromise today. Do it early, for power conflicts are in the air beginning early tomorrow morning. Disturbing images may, unbidden, well up from the depths of the subconscious tonight. Sun squares Pluto at 6:05 a.m. EST to mark the first turning point in the annual Sun-Pluto power cycle. This cycle began last December 15-16 when, in the U.S., there was a multitude of actions clamping down on rights. But at the same time, information began to emerge about the extent of the Bush Administrations secret surveillance activities. And Latin American countries began to assert their independence from the IMF. Moon sextiles Pluto, so power shifts now should have a fairly smooth road. Intense energy continues, as Moon in Scorpio squares Saturn in Leo, and then all of the bodies in Aquarius. Challenges today can feel overwhelming, mainly because Scorpio has an emotional need to control and dominate. Quarrels with loved ones can develop, perhaps due to willfulness. This evening Mercury squares Mars. This is like having a chip on the shoulder. We are supersensitive to anything said to us, and ready for an argument. Hold your tongue now, for in a few hours communication can be smoothed out, and all is well. Moon continues in impenetrable Scorpio, keeper of secrets. This morning we can touch the mysteries of life and death, and view life from a wide and deep perspective. Channels are open to intuition, and to psychic phenomena. Our openness to emotional depth gives us feelings of pleasure in our strength. We can resonate to the ocean now, and if possible a trip to the seashore would be very satisfying. Moon in restless Sagittarius makes fine aspects, and we can complete something this morning. Just afterwards, we make a fresh start, for Sun enters Aries to begin the spring season. For many in the world, this is the first day of their new year. For all of us, Spring Equinox is a very big power gateway. The day force has finally won out over the night force.
Solidarity is, in fact, the key to effective action now. We carry through with yesterdays bright, bold energy. Easy aspects today move us right along on our chosen track. With Moon in Sagittarius we are outgoing, eager to learn, and a bit reckless. This attitude can also bring luck our way. Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn occurs at 2:10 p.m. EST. Moon is VOC in Sagittarius this morning, until it enters Capricorn at 10:36 a.m. EST. That is when the real work day begins. Moon continues in ambitious Capricorn. Capricorn has a talent for making ideas real, useful, and profitable. These qualities are a boon to Aries, who is full of ideas. We work hard and happily today, and accomplish much. Accomplishment is important to Capricorn. Moon enters a long VOC period at 6:30 p.m. EST. Relax on your laurels tonight. Its Friday and Moon is VOC this morning. Were not as effective as we were yesterday. Moon, still in Capricorn, is not attracted to just flowing with it. But try it this morning. Moon enters Aquarius at 2:21 p.m. EST. Here it aspects Sun and Saturn, who want to get on with it. So after our short pit stop, we are back on track. Now our social connections, those which help us pursue our aims, become important. Goody! Mercury turns direct this morning, at 8:24 a.m. EST. This is another step in moving ahead. The activities, contracts, agreements, etc. which we have kept on hold now have a green light. Mercury turned retrograde under a strong water influence, which aided its reflective process. Now it turns direct under a strong fire influence, which will support the new actions which will emerge. Big visions continue to beckon us, and we do want to share our excitement with others. Moon goes VOC at 10:18 a.m. EST, and enters Pisces at 3:33 p.m. However, similar visionary energy and sharing needs extend throughout the day. This has been an extraordinarily creative weekend. Its good preparation for the upcoming Solar Eclipse on Wednesday. Eclipses do eclipse some condition, and we weve had a special opportunity this weekend to evaluate what should go and what should stay. Loving and visionary energy continues. This is a super day to envision the kind of world in which you want to live. There are times when visualization is particularly effective, and this is one of those times. Make some quiet time for contemplation and appreciation. We had an energetic night and early morning. If we are not able to release appropriately, and that includes self-righteous stances, we may have encountered some conflict. At 10:20 a.m. EST Moon goes VOC, and at 3:31 p.m. it enters Aries. Again, those VOC hours are excellent meditation times. Since yesterday we had some new input from Pluto, King of transformation. This is special, because Pluto right now is in a very powerful stationary position in the heavens, ready to turn retrograde tomorrow with the Eclipse. What do we ponder in regard to power? Our power? State power? How are power sources related? Tonight we are apt to be in a serious mood. Remember that our bodies and psyches are extra vulnerable at this dark-of-the-moon time. This vulnerability is amplified by the high voltage energy of the Eclipse and of the stationary Pluto. Nurture yourself. Eclipse New Moon at 9 Aries occurs at 5:15 a.m. EST. This is a Total Solar Eclipse, a fairly long one, with totality lasting over four minutes. It begins on the coast of Brazil, travels across the Atlantic, and into Africa around Nigeria, where there is a combination of oil and locals rebelling against the exploitation of people and of nature which is accompanying its extraction. The Eclipse path then goes up through Africa, across Turkey and Georgia (also trouble spots), and on into northern Russia.
Again, we have many aspects this last night which might have promoted wakefulness. Also, the intense bombardment of vibrations now can keep us awake and alert. Autonomy is a guiding need now, as we tune into power in a new way. Moon goes VOC at 10:41 a.m. EST, and we have much of the day to absorb the new intensity. At 4:01 p.m. Moon enters Taurus, and our energy is noticeable slowed down. Perhaps for the first time in a week, we can relax. With Moon traveling through earthy Taurus, we are sensible. We can start to think about how to grow our new seeds. This is a super good day for constructive, even brilliant, thinking, and perhaps communication as well. Our minds are clear, and we know that we are on a new road. Its also a great day to get our finances togetherand to do our income tax return.
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