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July '05



General Astrological Influences, July 2005

Note: These influences are working during the entire month, and form a substrate for each individual day.

July is a bridge month, or a scales-tipping month. We are moving from a Cancer-Capricorn influence of business-security-establishment into a Leo-Aquarius influence where the human being is dominant.

The transiting Chiron exemplifies this transition, which is occurring all during 2005. All of this year Chiron hovers on the brink of Capricorn and Aquarius. It was February 2005 when it entered Aquarius for the first time in 51 years. Now Chiron is retrograding, and will return to Aquarius in early December, where it will stay for more than five years.

Chiron first entered Aquarius under the influence of a Pisces moon cycle, and it will re-enter under the influence of a Sagittarius moon cycle. These are both universal signs, relating to the whole world. They will support Aquarius, for it too is a universal sign.

In other words, the whole world is changing, at many levels. Chiron’s work is to realign energies so that they can combine in more holistic ways (the Wounded Healer). In the world picture of Aquarius, we are re-aligning (1) the entire social organization, and (2) our uses of energy. Both are areas which are ripe for change.

Capricorn’s rigid structures become outdated, no longer workable, and Aquarius, the next sign, comes along and breaks down those walls, and lets light and fresh air in. Chiron greatly enhances this process.

Idealism, reform, disruption, and unpredictability are part of the process.

(Read about Chiron in Aquarius in the Archives.)

Barbara Hand Clow calls Chiron “The Rainbow Bridge,” because with it we can move from the personal to the transpersonal, from the grounded to the mystical. Chiron is a teacher, and he is the ideal mentor to help us move beyond the traps and dead ends in which we seem stuck, both as societies and as individuals.

But Chiron is not starting this reform journey alone. He is allied with another teacher, Saturn, who lends discipline and focus to the process.

Chiron and Saturn began their journey together in August 2004, when Saturn in Cancer opposed Chiron in Capricorn. They remained more or less in opposition all through the conflictual election season, still in Cancer and Capricorn. In December, just after the meeting of the Electoral College, that opposition separated, leaving the path clear for Bush’s Inauguration.

During those months, the Bush team was extra-challenged.

And in the ensuing months, there has been regrouping and rethinking on many fronts.

Well, Saturn and Chiron meet again this month, again in opposition, but in an entirely different energy field, where the people, rather than institutions, are featured.

On July 16, Saturn enters Leo for a two-year stay. It almost immediately runs into its old friend, Chiron, retrograding in Aquarius. This is Saturn’s first major aspect in Leo, and it sets the tone for Saturn’s two-year journey in the heart sign of Leo.

This is also Chiron’s first major aspect in Aquarius, and it too sets the field for Chiron’s five-year journey in independent Aquarius. This occurs in Cancer’s moon cycle, so that the re-alignments during the next five years will focus on security. It will be security for people rather than security for institutions.

Saturn moving into Leo also sets up another huge change in our general energy field. We enter a period—which will last for much of Saturn’s two years in Leo—of a fixed cross. This means that all four of the fixed signs—Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio—challenge one another. Fixed signs are exactly that. Fixed. Change is hard for them. Their job is to gather power, and to hang onto it. We call it stubborn.

These next two years will be difficult, and filled with power struggles. Money, resources, and rulerships will be major foci.

Again, we begin this process this month, after Sun and Saturn enter Leo. The days from July 21-30 will show us something of what is to come. New Moon in Leo on August 4 carries us into August’s Leo moon cycle, which will push it along.

Saturn in Leo opposes Chiron in Aquarius two more times, in February and June of 2006. This 11-month period, beginning this July, is a crucial time for the U.S. Both of those 2006 oppositions lie right along the U.S. Nodal axis, helping to carry the nation towards its destiny.

Furthermore, this month’s conjunction, Venus and Mercury at six Leo on July 2, conjoins the U.S. North Node. We begin then a 9-month cycle in how we think about and express values, particularly in regard to the U.S. ruling the world. With North Node in Leo, the U.S. does have a rulership destiny, but for it to be successful, the social good of all (Aquarius South Node) must be part of that mantle. This is the year, beginning this July, during which that consciousness can come to the U.S.

There is another major movement in July, one which adds to the fixed sign stresses. On July 28, Mars enters Taurus, where it will travel until mid-February 2006. Just after it enters Taurus, Mars squares Chiron. So Chiron again sets the tone for Mars’ trip through Taurus. This includes a two-month period of Mars retrograde.

Yes, Chiron is a teacher and healer, but it first disrupts the status quo to make room for adjustment. Chiropracty is an example of Chiron’s work.

Earlier in the month, from July 4 until mid-month, we have a gathering of the ladies. Ceres, Juno, and Venus dance with one another and with Mercury, again all in fixed signs. Neptune joins the gathering to add ideals, inspiration, and lack of clarity.

In fact, Neptune and Mercury are another story this month, quite different from the Saturn-Chiron association. Neptune is both visionary and deceptive, a combination which challenges our ability to discern reality.

Mercury is also in Leo, from June 28-September 5. It turns retrograde on July 22, just as Saturn, Chiron, and Sun are gathering. Mercury is sure to have a lot to think about on its three-week retrograde trip.

Neptune, the planet of oil and drugs as well as visions, will be contributing mightily to Mercury’s Leo journey. Mercury opposes Neptune (now in Aquarius) three times—on July 12, a very eventful day, August 1, and August 26. During that time, the oil story is apt to be rewritten. Again, we begin this month.

Uranus, the planet associated with Aquarius, also has a strong influence this month. Uranus in watery Pisces makes a quincunx with Jupiter for the entire month of July. Expect floods and strange weather patterns in regard to moisture. Emotions, too, can get carried away, particularly those of compassion and guilt. With this combination, we must work on boundaries.

(I had a Uranus quincunx Jupiter experience. Just as I was about to write this, I used my toilet, and when I flushed it, it suddenly overflowed, soaking rugs and towels. Yes, indeed, suddenly too much water.)

And as if this wasn’t exciting enough, we have Mars barreling along in Aries, a sign of aggression. On July 9, Mars conjoins the Aries North Node, a fateful meeting. On July 12, Mars squares Sun to promote post-Fourth fireworks.

All of this is happening at the beginning of a new 30-year life cycle for George W. Bush. He just had his second Saturn return at the end of June. Now, on July 6, he begins his new solar year.

All in all, I feel that the Leo-Aquarius portends hope for the future, but the necessary re-alignments won’t happen without a good deal of conflict, both in the larger and in the personal worlds.

Stay centered in spirit, and put your thoughts and actions into creating a new and better world. In fact, the Leo energy, and particularly Saturn in Leo, can help us to center on our own inner authority, instead of on external authority.

Our real ruler is the central Sun of Spirit which radiates from our hearts.

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Maya's July 2005 Daily Success Guide

Note: A VOC Moon period is when the Moon is making no further major planetary aspects before it changes signs. Moon and its aspects are strongly associated with our everyday behavior, and without those aspects to direct our course, we are left much more free to pursue our own ends in our own way. It is like you're driving down the freeway and find the road signs removed for awhile. On the one hand, plans may go awry, you may miss your exit; on the other hand, inner work is greatly favored as those external "instructions" are reduced.

Times used are EST, because the overall influences for the United States are centered in Washington DC.
Click on a date to jump to the calendar entry for that day:
JULY 2005

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We have two counter influences working today. On the one hand, Moon in Taurus squares Neptune this afternoon to induce feeling sleepy and lazy. We may have a strong desire to be outdoors, especially near the water. On the other hand, Sun squares Jupiter to energize us. Family connections are especially important, but they might not all be pleasant. Travel is also indicated today. Many will be going into a long weekend, and the mood fits both relaxation and moving about. Traffic is apt to be extra-heavy, even for a holiday.


Life flows along easily today and tomorrow. This morning we want to accomplish something tangible, and we do. We can continue that project in the afternoon, even while the moon is VOC between 1:00 p.m. and 4:26 p.m. EDT, when it enters Gemini. With Moon in Mercury’s sign, the pace of activity picks up. Expect an interesting and provocative Saturday night.

Today Mercury and Venus conjoin the U.S. North Node in Leo to give us a new look at national values—just as our Independence Day celebrations are building up.


This will be a long and interesting day, full of activity and people connections. Again, travel could also be featured. We are restless, and do want to be out and about.


Moon makes its last aspect at 12:35 p.m. EDT—a potentially heavy opposition with powerful Pluto. Any protestors today will run into the heavy hands of the law. Any of us could also run into communication glitches, with either people or machines. After 12:35, Moon is VOC until it enters Cancer early tomorrow morning. This is a very spontaneous afternoon and evening.


Ceres and Juno oppose one another to put the spotlight on women. Juno in Taurus can find her relationship security in things and in money—“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” She can become very panicky about the idea of losing that security. She is opposed by Mother Ceres in Scorpio, who naturally embodies themes of death and loss. This opposition can engender relationship problems, due especially to fears of abandonment or loss of material goods (e.g., property or money)—or perhaps to abandonment itself. Juno, who often represents fear and terror, as well as partnership, is strongly featured on the East Coast.

This is an inner-oriented day. Moon is in the home-family sign of Cancer, getting ready to meet Sun tomorrow for a New Moon. Best to keep the stimulation minimal, for we are extra vulnerable at this time. A grand trine in water signs keeps our emotions flowing.


New Moon at 15 Cancer occurs at 8:02 a.m. EDT. We begin now a new cycle of home, family, and country, those social supports which give us feelings of belongingness and identity.

And the hounds of war are challenging this need for safety.

Squaring this Moon is the Mars-Jupiter opposition, which was set in motion on June 25. Important things which were happening then include The World Tribunal on Iraq in Istanbul, a hardliner winning the presidential election in Iran, a problematic European Union Summit occurring in Scotland, and memos supporting the Downing Street memo continuing to emerge in Britain, showing that the U.S. definitely planned to invade Iraq, and was trying to work out a rationale, in summer 2002. (The war did, in fact, begin then. In August the U.S. and UK began a huge bombing campaign in Iraq, without telling the public.)

Mars and Jupiter together represent the warrior par excellence. Mars is traveling through the aggressive sign of Aries, and Jupiter is moving through Libra, the sign of war and peace.

Unpredictable Uranus is at the lever point of a Finger of God, a double quincunx which outlets on Bush’s progressed Sun in Virgo. Bush is at the mercy of this fateful configuration.

Mercury and Jupiter, which represent expanded thinking, are at the ends of the quincunx arms. Quincunxes are prone to sudden, surprising shifts, and particularly when Uranus, always full of surprises, is the key planet.

The asteroids are also prominent, along with Venus. Thus women and domestic concerns show much influence in this Cancer cycle, ruled by the Moon.

The degree of this New Moon is very close to that of the U.S. and Bush Suns. Thus it sets in motion a very new cycle for both U.S. and Bush.

Bush in particular is experiencing a rebirth with this lunar cycle. Not only is he beginning a new solar cycle, and a new Saturn cycle, but he is also beginning new Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter cycles. His life and outlook is changing enormously.

This Cancer lunar cycle will be both an assertive and a defensive cycle. Open conflict will be a part of it. That conflict may be aimed at unearthing secrets, for Moon, Sun, Saturn and Venus are all in the 12th house of hidden things. However, with Mercury on the Ascendant, those hidden things must be revealed.

We will feel energized by this day’s aspects. The afternoon, especially, can be loving and lovely.

The Sabian Symbol for 15 Cancer is

“IN A SUMPTUOUS DINING HALL, GUESTS RELAX AFTER PARTAKING OF A HUGE BANQUET. The need that exists at an early stage of human growth to materialize the concept of fulfillment. This is perhaps the keynote of American life: THE MATERIALIZATION OF THE SPIRITUAL.”

New and Full Moons this month have almost identical chart wheels. This emphasizes their energies enormously. One can see it clearly in the Astro-Carto-Graphy maps for both moons, which are almost identical, pinpointing the same locations.

The maps also clearly show the out-of-bounds moons. “Out-of-bounds” means that a planet is orbiting outside of the ecliptic, shown by the sun’s path. That planet goes a little wild. Usually Sun and Moon lines are close together. You can see Sun keeping Moon in line. However, this month Moon has its own path, quite distinct from that of the sun. Moon in mundane maps represents the people.

In both maps, Uranus and Pluto are together on the West Coast of the U.S. This shows great disruption there, perhaps earth movements or weird weather, certainly rebellion in the ranks.

In both maps, Uranus, the disrupter, runs right through Iran. Pluto, the transformer—often through violence—runs through India.

In both maps, Mars and Jupiter, who together are the Warrior, run through North America, Europe, western Africa, and China and Bangladesh.

In Europe, New Moon runs hand and hand with Mars and Jupiter. In the west, New Moon runs through western U.S. and Mexico. In the east, it runs through China and southeast Asia.

Full Moon runs through central U.S., Europe, and the east coast of China.


We’re in a brand new moon, and this morning we are ambitious. We can set in motion something enduring. At 12:54 p.m., Moon goes VOC, and we may slow down, although the serious mood remains. Moon enters dramatic Leo at 3:11 p.m., and we can plan for some fun this evening.

Mercury and Venus are nearly conjunct in Leo. They conjoin GW’s Pluto, and honeyed words may come from him, particularly regarding the Ceres-Juno situation which is now in the air. Does Ceres in Scorpio refer to Bush’s plan to give Social Security a knockout blow? Ceres has been traveling in Scorpio since last December, and it was a key planet in the Presidential Inauguration chart, where it squared Neptune. It will remain in Scorpio until late September. Scorpio does deal with the transformation of resources. In Bush’s case, we think about the transformation of resources to corporate pockets—even if it means taking from children, young people, the poor, the weak, the ill, the old, the workers, and the earth herself. Ceres also relates to denying nurturing. After her daughter Persephone’s abduction, Ceres let the earth go barren.

Bush’s own Ceres, at 11 Aquarius, makes a very close grand fixed square with the aspects of these days. Also, Bush’s Ceres conjoins Cheney’s Sun, showing that Cheney is caught in the stress of these squares.

Many of the month’s key aspects are around 11-15 degrees. This means that they connect with GW’s Pluto, which is 11 Leo, and his progressed Sun, which is 11 Virgo. His pride and power are being heavily stimulated during July.

Anyone with planets at those degrees will also be especially energized.

Mars in Aries now begins its fateful encounter with North Node. It will be exact on July 9, when Sun begins to square Mars, giving Mars a shot of extra vigor for the next few days. We may all feel more energetic.


Moon continues in high-energy Leo, with happy, creative aspects. Create yourself today. Invent your own form of being. Enjoy yourself.


Moon remains in dramatic Leo, with fire and spirit strong. It has just passed over Venus and Mercury, who have their conjunction early this morning at 14 Leo. This conjunction speaks to the love of pleasure and, in Leo, luxury. It also relates to creative communication, and in Leo, communication which will promote one’s own story. Ego can be very tied up in communication, and one can use communication for self-aggrandizement and for self-promotion.

However, Venus and Mercury both just met with Saturn, and Saturn can throw obstacles in their paths, and make communication difficult. In addition, Venus and Mercury now square Juno in Taurus—exactly. This adds a large element of greed to the conjunction. Art would be a great way to express these energies, particularly something with form, like sculpture, or color, like painting, or line, like architecture.

This conjunction, with the Juno square, seeds a 9-month Venus-Mercury cycle. It will be a crucial period for GW Bush, for it reflects his natal chart placements.

This is an assertive day. Warrior Mars is very strong, for Sun has begun its square of Mars, vitalizing it, and Mars conjoins North Node, point of destiny.

Moon goes VOC at 12:49 p.m. EDT, but we will continue to feel energized, just less directed.


Moon travels in busy Virgo. This is a good day for solving problems and cleaning up loose ends. Tonight we may be restless, and feel a need to escape.


Today’s energy is much like yesterday’s, but tonight is exciting. During the next two days, there is apt to be miscommunication with loved ones. Along with the extra aggressiveness in the air, that could lead to misunderstandings and fights. Put conflicts on hold for a few days, until the air clears a bit.


Moon continues in Virgo with Saturn pushing it along to work even harder. At 3:12 p.m. EDT, Moon goes VOC, but within an hour, at 4:09 p.m., it enters sociable Libra.

Sun in security-oriented Cancer squares Mars in gung ho Aries today, to set off aggressive action. Mars is inexorably climbing towards George Bush’s midheaven, and will reach there in less than a week, to spark him off. In the meantime it’s opposing George’s Jupiter (King of the Gods), which sits in the third house of his mind (“I’d like to be dictator. It’s a heck of a lot easier.”)

Venus and Mercury are opposing Neptune, which greatly stimulates the imagination. This would be great for artists of all kinds, but at the same time it is confusing to rational thinking, and we have the potential to be carried away by visionary and/or deceptive schemes.

There will be a lot of energy available, but it could be a little nutty.


Today carries confusion, plus another occultation of Jupiter. I think the record number of Jupiter occultations this year indicates the weakening of established governments, which are associated with Jupiter. This one is total throughout South America, although not visible, for it occurs in the daytime. Tonight is a great music night.


First Quarter Moon at 23 Libra occurs at 11:20 a.m. Cancer New Moon encourages us to focus on securing the ramparts. Now Libra comes along to say that we need allies if we are going to defend ourselves. The entire morning preceding First Quarter is very active. We’ll probably be up early, maybe calling friends and associates. We’ll want to take the initiative in contacting people.

Mars continues to be the star player. It squares Sun and opposes Moon. Aggressive energy is the name of the game. And it is nothing light, for Pluto sits at the same degree as these three explosive planets, and will add its violence and intensity to the party.

22 and 23 degrees are featured now. These are crucial degrees in Dick Cheney’s chart. In particular his Moon at 23 Pisces is being squared by Pluto all month. These are emotional crises times for him.

Vesta has been quietly moving into a significant role. She is about protecting our home and turf, and about money. Now she connects with Mercury and Neptune, those of the confused mind. And Neptune in this place and time also refers strongly to oil. Thus protecting oil is a major focus of the month.

This Moon was seeded by the Cancer New Moon of a week ago. But it was also seeded, in its larger cycle, by the Solar Eclipse at 22 Libra of October 13, 2004. At that eclipse, violence by both the U.S. and Israel picked up enormously. Also, it was then that Bush refused to sign the international treaty regarding women’s equality—because it mentions sexual freedom. (This sounds more like a hard-line Islamic government!) The insurgents also (of course) picked up strength. Now the next act opens. And we move into a very new (and difficult) energy field, as described in General Influences.


This is a very hard-hitting moon. Moon is in forceful Scorpio, and at the same time Scorpio’s two planets, Pluto and Mars, are working together beautifully as they trine one another. Transformation of power is happening. Moon trines Uranus, to throw some dash and excitement into the picture. We can do hard things today, things which promote our desires.


Finally! Saturn enters Leo! And bang—very big challenges confront us. For starters, Moon is in intense Scorpio. It is part of a very close fixed grand square, which is almost the exact degrees of the August 11, 1999 Great Solar Eclipse. Remember that the path of this eclipse went from New York across the Atlantic, over Europe (now having many problems), the Balkans, and the Middle East, into India.

(The Great Solar Eclipse was at 19 Leo, opposing Uranus in Aquarius, and squaring Saturn in Taurus and Mars in Scorpio.)

Here we have Mercury opposing Neptune, Moon opposing Juno, and all squaring one another between 17-19 degrees of the fixed signs. In addition, Saturn just entered fixed sign Leo, and opposes Chiron in fixed sign Aquarius. (See General Influences for more detail.) Plus Venus in Leo makes a very close grand fire trine with Mars and Pluto. Fireworks!

Fixed signs change with difficulty, conflict, and crisis, but their changes tend to be permanent. We see here the kernel of the unfolding story of Saturn’s two-year journey in Leo.

Every planet and asteroid is closely involved now. That translates to everybody and to all of society. The squeeze is on. A fixed grand square can sometimes feel like a being in a pressure cooker, or being held against the wall. There is no escape.

In Washington DC, Juno is overhead. Juno represents fear, terror, and abuse—as well as partnership. In Taurus there can be an overwhelming fear of not getting “my due.” One can never get enough. Moon in Scorpio sits at the bottom, tough and ruthless about getting what it wants. These are the two instrumental energies. We’re hearing about the U.S. torture policy. We haven’t seen anything yet! Mass torture may become routine. All IN OUR NAME.

Leo Venus is close to the Leo Ascendant. I consider Leo to be the strongest sign. It is indeed the sign of the Sun, our source of life. Venus in Leo creates its drama to express its values and desires. Venus now runs the show, from a bit behind the scenes. It conjoins the Bush Venus.
Neptune is the fatal flaw here. It leaves reality behind, and at some point, reality will intrude. The U.S. cannot go on with this destructive rampage. We cannot put up with it.

We are now entering a period of great trial and tribulation. We cannot let the U.S. open the gate further by going to war with Iran.


Moon is in Sagittarius, and the mood is more optimistic. It is also easier for us to work with spirit. The current energy is very creative, and artists can have a field day.


Moon is traveling through Sag, with excellent aspects. We can fly along with whatever we want to do. It’s also a great day for travel, and for enjoying nature. Late night can be very loving.


Moon is in ambitious Capricorn. Aspects are fine, geared to success. This is a good time to make business contacts.


Full Moon at 29 Capricorn occurs at 7:00 a.m. EDT. This is almost the degree of the U.S. Pluto, emphasizing U.S. power.

Moon goes VOC after its fullness, and enters Aquarius at 8:55 a.m.

Strict Capricorn gives boundaries to Cancer’s limitless emotions. Together they can manage business, government, family, or any institution which promotes security.

Mars remains the star player. And now Mars is featured at the top of the chart, where the whole world sees it fighting. It is at 26 Aries, right on Bush’s 25 Aries midheaven, ready to act out the image of the Texan cowboy which Bush likes to project.

This chart has an almost identical wheel to Bush’s chart, and five of the ten major planets are even in the same houses as they are in Bush’s chart. This is a major new projection of Bush.

There is one notable difference now. Saturn is back in the 12th, but now instead of in the timid sign of Cancer, it is in the bold sign of Leo. Perhaps he feels more his own person.

Juno in Taurus still sits in the 10th house of purpose, as she has in the last few charts. Her desire nature, along with her insecurity, is very strong and very apparent. Juno, in Taurus, was in fact, at the heart of several strong quincunxes during the last week of June.

Yes, she does have problems of over-attachment. Now they will be challenged, for Juno quincunxes Pluto and squares Mercury, insisting on (1) letting go, and (2) that we be conscious of this energy.

Sun is in the 12th house, Moon in the 6th. This is an axis of re-alignment, of problem-solving. It works not out in front of the public, but rather behind the scenes.

Those problems might be financial, among other things, for Vesta is just about to come to her exact opposition to Pluto, the great Destroyer. These two will make a T-cross for Cheney’s moon, possibly producing health problems for him.

The biggest event in the sky today is Saturn opposing Chiron, which is exact three hours before the Full Moon. This means structural change, in this case with the Leo-Aquarius polarity, which combines creative self-command with the welfare of society. This is the first of three such oppositions.

Leo-Aquarius is the polarity of the U.S. Nodes, and this process means very big change indeed in the nation. The next opposition is in February 2006, and the third and last one is the following June. Our stance in the world will be truly changed by then.

These are not the first of these oppositions. Chiron and Saturn held a long opposition in Cancer-Capricorn 2004 during the months of August through November. That opposition defined the election season, as I wrote. Saturn was then transiting the U.S. Mercury, and Chiron opposing it. Much questioning in the minds of much of the U.S. electorate was beginning then.

Chiron’s orbit lasts almost 51 years, but it is very skewed. Oppositions are culminations and illuminations, just as is the Full Moon. The conjunction which began this cycle began in 1966-67 at 23 Pisces, right on Dick Cheney’s moon. The seeds sown then were of great conflict between the state, and those who wished to humanize and democratize it. This period, from August 2004 until June 2006, will mark the flowering of those times.

Will the state crackdown, which has been increasing during these intervening years, be successful in finally stamping out democracy? Or will the people assert their right to democracy, justice, and equal rights for all?

The government hopes that fear is on their side. Can we prevent ourselves from letting fear run us? As Franklin Roosevelt said during the great depression, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”

As they oppose one another, Saturn and Chiron are in the second and eighth houses of money and resources in Washington DC. This will be our ground for re-alignment. Chiron conjoins Moon today, which conjoins U.S. Pluto, showing disruption of the U.S. power structure. Uranus is overhead in Washington, showing unpredictability in world affairs.

Truly, this is a momentous time. Interesting that it’s the great grand finale of our Cancer solar energy field influence. Tomorrow Sun enters Leo, still with Saturn and Chiron in very close (4 minutes) opposition.

And tomorrow Mercury turns retrograde. We need to think about what’s happening.

In general, this is a serious day.


Sun enters Leo with a blast, and immediately runs into Saturn, who says, “Golden Boy, you’ve got a lot to account for.” Chiron in opposition will really shake up this Leo sun. Insecurity will be rampant, and proud Leo can do very foolish things to show he still has a grip on himself—like start a war, the tried-and-true U.S. way to gain confidence.

The top of the chart exactly conjoins the U.S. North Node in Leo, and Bush’s Ascendant. Sun and Saturn are in the 9th house of foreign affairs. Two degrees of Scorpio is rising, and squaring the gang of three—Sun, Saturn, and Chiron. Moon in Aquarius conjoins Neptune in the 4th, full of the flowery visions which underpin the intense action now.

Juno in Taurus conjoins the U.S. Vesta (securing one’s turf, money), and they are both squared by Mercury in Leo, a greedy, determined and stubborn combination.

Here we go, U.S., on towards destiny, with GW Bush as our navigator.

This is an active day, with much transformational energy available.

Tonight Venus enters Virgo, to begin emphasizing the military (services), and problem-solving in general. Just afterwards Mercury turns retrograde at 21 Leo, with Taurus interests on its mind. It is indulging in a long-lived square of Juno in Taurus, which lasts for a few days. 22 Leo is the degree of Bush’s Venus, which could lead to some rethinking of his adventurism.

Sleep may be difficult, for the aspects continue through early morning.


Yesterday’s significant energetic changes continue throughout the night, and well into this day. At 8:11 a.m. EDT, Moon enters Pisces, the sign which is now home to Uranus. During this whole major time, Moon has moved from Neptune to Uranus, two of the outer planets which are associated with deep changes in consciousness. In particular, Moon represents the people.

Moon encounters Uranus at midnight—the midnight rendezvous. Our day is dominated by the Sun-Saturn meeting. This is when Saturn gets its script for the next year from Director Sun.

Saturn is authority, responsibility, proper discipline and proper hierarchy. He helps us focus on the real world, and how to make something of it. Now in Leo, we focus on our central command systems, and how we can use them to develop our own authority. With Saturn in Leo, our self-authority does get called to account. Adolph Hitler was born with Saturn in Leo; so was Bill Clinton.

Chiron dominates now, as he opposes Sun and Saturn. He is certain to disrupt Saturn’s path of propriety during this next year. The U.S. people will be the instrument. War is part of the picture, for Vesta now is on the U.S. Mars, opposing Pluto, the powers that be, who is now squaring the U.S. Neptune, as well as opposing the U.S. Mars. Sounds like a lot of force opposing the U.S. Mars—as we see in fact on the ground.

And more Mars. In the chart set for Washington, Mars in the 7th house of relationships challenges powerhouse U.S. Pluto—sure to respond in kind. Mars has this same location in the U.S. chart, showing this nation’s propensity for conflict. In this chart, Mars has an almost exact mundane square with Sun-Saturn, and with Chiron. And we have seen all month how strong it is in all of the mundane charts.

Mars at this degree, 27 plus Aries, sits astride the Saturn of the U.S. Stock Exchange. This means, then, that today’s Saturn is also in mundane square with the Stock Exchange Saturn, challenging it. It is Saturn that holds structures together.

More Mars: This Mars is at the degree of Black Hole Persephone, one of the underworld goddesses. (So, then, is the U.S. Stock Exchange Saturn.) Black Holes have an affinity for high energy, and they can suck energy endlessly. Persephone was the daughter who was gone into the underworld with Pluto. It was grief over her loss that caused Demeter (Ceres) to make the world barren.

Saturn, Sun, Chiron, Mars, planets that mean business. All of them are very prominent on the East Coast. All of them are at significant degrees, and all of them are in stressful relation to one another. This is Saturn’s program for her two-year trip through Leo.

The Sabian Symbol for Saturn at 1 Leo is:

“BLOOD RUSHES TO A MAN’S HEAD AS HIS VITAL ENERGIES ARE MOBILIZED UNDER THE SPUR OF AMBITION. An irruption of bio-psychic energies into the ego-controlled field of consciousness. Leo represents Solar Fire, the energy which is released from an integrated person, either through spontaneous radiations of apparently nuclear forms of energy or, at the conscious level, through conscious emanations.

The key symbol for Leo depicts a rising of energy from the heart to the head, a 'mentalization' process. However, this process is a potentially dangerous one. The sun can destroy as well as vivify. For the realization of atman, the spiritual self, the ego needs to be formed and steady so that it can become a lens of pure crystal focusing the all-pervasive cosmic light of the Brahman without introducing the shadows of pride, possessiveness, and showmanship. This transmutation of 'life' into 'mind' is a difficult process. CONFLAGRATION.”


My, we are having fun! Vesta opposes Pluto today to give us another jolt. Vesta is about protecting one’s investments—money, territory, resources of all kinds. Pluto is about change and crisis. We will want to hang on, but Pluto takes the path of inevitable evolution, and is unstoppable.

In Washington we have Juno overhead again, a retrograde Mercury rising, Neptune setting, and Ceres on the nadir. The grand fixed square continues, and it is reflected in the wheel as well. Lots of push, lots of resistance, and nowhere to go.

Being near water would be very healing today. We have a bit too much fire in the heavens for comfort.


Let’s relax—hah! Try and relax with an Aries moon for the next two and one-half days! The aspects are terrific, and we can move right along with our projects. More fire, though. Is the heat getting to you?


This is a high energy morning. Best to do something really active. Moon goes VOC at 1:23 p.m., and enters Taurus at 1:54 p.m. EDT. Taurus is good, solid work energy, and we buckle down. After Quarter Moon, the vibrations are loving and sensual.

At 11:19 p.m., we experience Last Quarter Moon at 6 Taurus. Last Quarter is time to evaluate what was important in this Cancer cycle, and release the rest. However, Taurus is not a good moon sign for release, especially when we now have Juno in Taurus in the 2nd house of money and resources, hanging on for dear life. But that very Juno might force release, for she quincunxes Pluto in Sag in the 9th, who is ready to spend it all on foreign adventures. And Pluto beats out Juno, or any other planet (except perhaps Neptune), any time.

Mars begins now to stimulate the Chiron-Saturn opposition, a process which will last through the end of the month. Tonight Mars, at the very end of Aries, squares Chiron. It continues to do so as it moves into Taurus early in the morning. Be alert to major events.

This moon family began with the Taurus New Moon of May 1, 2003, when Bush appeared on the deck of the SS Abraham Lincoln and declared victory in the Iraq war—at the very same time that tensions in Iraq were greatly heating up.

A few days later the Pentagon declared they wanted regime change in Iran, and Bush, with the Senate’s help, began pushing the development of “small” nuclear arms.

This is the final phase of the current Taurus cycle. It will last for 9 months. What with Taurus getting carried away with greed, Leo getting carried away with arrogance, and Neptune in Aquarius getting carried away with truly unrealistic visions, we see the worst of these three fixed signs running the U.S Administration.


Moon continues in Taurus, with visionary aspects. The future calls. Early this morning, Mars enters Taurus to begin a six-month fateful journey in that sign. On October 1 Mars turns retrograde at 24 Taurus. It was here that Jupiter and Saturn joined in 2000 to start the final earth-sign (for 600 years) 20-year social cycle. Mars will be penetrating that spot for most of September and October. Its Taurean character means that the current social cycle, for all of earth, emphasizes material and money. (The last Taurus cycle was during the age of the Robber Barons.) I believe that next fall, Mars will render a blow to the value system which now prevails, represented by money. This will, in fact, begin now. Watch the signs.

Mars begins this long Taurean journey with a square to Chiron, who does disturb the status quo, especially in Aquarius. Next (Sunday) it squares Saturn, who puts obstacles and realism in its path. Mars will carry this Chiron-Saturn energy with it for its entire trip through Taurus. This is a much more sober Mars than was the free-wheeling Aries Mars which we’ve been experiencing since mid-June.

What a month of ups and downs, and energy changes!


Moon is VOC in Taurus for the entire day. If you can take off now for the weekend, do it. Tonight, at 10:02 p.m. EDT, Moon enters Gemini, and we’ll feel more active. But still, the mood is serious.


We have another Saturday with moon in Gemini, and we can do a lot of running around, and communicating. This should be a pleasant, quirky day, with a fine evening.


There is surprising news today. Perhaps people in the U.S. are mobilizing against the actions of their government. Mars squares Saturn to arouse harsh energy. Mars is on the midheaven on the west coast, with Saturn on the Ascendant. This is also potential earth movement energy; Saturn is associated with earth.

Mercury is retrograde now, and we leave July with a lot to think about.

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