On Monday 16 April 2007, 23-year old student
Cho Seung-hui went on a murderous rampage
at the Virginia Technical Institute campus
in Blacksburg, Virginia, killing 32 students and faculty and wounding
29 others before turning the gun on himself. It was the largest
mass shooting in US history.
Born in Seoul, South Korea on 18 January 1984,
Cho emigrated to the US with his parents
at the age of 8. The family entered the
US through Detroit, but settled in Centreville, Virginia,
Fairfax County, a few miles southwest of Washington DC. It
was an affluent community, but the Chos were poor. His parents
scrimped and sacrificed to provide him what luxuries they
could, but these rarely measured up to what others around
him had. Relatives described Cho as “cold” and
uncommunicative in his childhood, rarely
speaking. He was at one point diagnosed
with autism. Taunted and teased in High School due to his
accent and speech difficulties, Cho rarely contributed, and
often refused to answer when called upon in class.
At Virginia Tech Cho was noted chiefly for being shy and reserved;
he rarely responded when greeted by others, who soon simply
ignored him. Many supposed that he was a foreign national with
a poor command of the language; no one knew that he was in
fact an English major. One classmate recalls that on the first
day of a literature class in the previous year, when the professor
asked everyone to introduce themselves, Cho remained silent;
upon looking at the sign-in sheet, the professor noted that
Cho had simply written a question mark next to his name. Cho
is reported as having worn sunglasses almost constantly, even
The professor of a poetry class Cho attended
was so disturbed by his writing and what she described as
a “mean streak” that
she threatened resignation unless he was
removed. Cho had intimidated several of the female students
by photographing their legs under the table, and writing
obscene, violent poetry. Cho also authored two violent-themed
plays, both of which deal with sexual abuse of minors.
In the autumn of 2005, two Virginia Tech co-eds
reported unwanted attentions from Cho,
one who described him as “stalking” her,
though she refused to press charges, and
another who alleged that he pestered her
with persistent emails and text messages. That December a
Montgomery County, Virginia district court ordered his detention
for psychiatric evaluation, and Cho was found to be an imminent
danger to himself or others, but was released to out-patient
treatment after 24 hours.
Cho began preparations for the murders as early
as February 2, 2007, when he purchased his first firearm,
a .22 caliber Walther P22, from an online source. On March
13 he purchased a 9 mm Glock semiautomatic handgun at a gun
store in Roanoke, about 40 miles from the Virginia Tech campus,
where he also practiced shooting on a firing range. He filed
off the serial numbers on both guns. About a week before
the shootings, he began work on what has been described as
a “multimedia
manifesto” which he later sent to NBC News in New York.
On the morning of April 16, at approximately 7:15 AM, Cho
shot and killed a female student at the West Ambler Johnston
dormitory on the Virginia Tech campus, also killing a resident
advisor who attempted to intervene. The incident was originally
taken to be a domestic conflict, but in the aftermath there
has been no evidence of a direct connection between Cho and
this initial victim.
After the shooting, Cho returned to his dorm room to re-load,
then mailed his package for NBC News and proceeded to the rampage
at Norris Hall, where after approximately 9:45 AM he killed
30 more, including two faculty, and wounded 29 others. Cho
had barricaded several entrances, and when these barriers were
breached by law enforcement officers, he shot himself in the
face. He carried no ID.
The package had been mailed overnight express,
but the address and zip code were incorrect, delaying the
arrival at NBC until Wednesday the 18th.
It consisted of an 1800-word typewritten
diatribe, peppered with obscenity and largely incoherent,
a DVD with 27 video clips and one audio clip, and 43 photos
of Cho in various menacing poses with a variety of weapons,
including the two handguns. Within the pages Cho rants against
the rich and their hedonistic lifestyles, and references
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the Columbine High School
killers (whose crimes had occurred eight years before that
same week, when Cho was 15), and two teachers convicted of
sexual molestation of their students, John Mark Karr and
Debra Lafave. NBC News shortly released portions of the manifesto,
including the following quotations:
“I didn’t have to do this. I could have left.
I could have fled. But no, I will no longer run. It’s
not for me. For my children, for my brothers
and sisters that you fuck, I did it for them. When the time
came, I did it. I had to.”
“You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul, and torched
my conscience. You thought it was one pathetic boy’s
life you were extinguishing. Thanks to you,
I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak
and the defenseless people.”
“You don’t know how lucky you were, it all wasn’t
enough for you, was it? ... You have never felt a single ounce
of pain in your whole life. Did you want to inject as much
misery in our lives as you can, just because you can? ....
You had everything you wanted. Your Mercedes wasn’t enough,
you brats. Your gold necklaces weren’t enough, you snobs.
Your trust funds weren’t enough. Your vodka and cognac
weren’t enough. Those weren’t enough to fulfill
your hedonistic needs. You had everything.”
“This is it. This is where it all ends.
End of the road. What a life it was. Some life.”
Born 18 January 1984, Cho’s nativity is a very odd one.
With the exception of the Moon approaching Full Phase in Cancer,
all of the planets fall between Pluto at 2 Scorpio and the
Sun at 27 Capricorn, compressed into less than one quarter
of the available space of the horoscope. Due to this
constriction, there are virtually no aspects except conjunctions,
apart from a sextile from Pluto/Mars at 2 and 3 Scorpio to
natal Mercury at 4 Capricorn. But otherwise, Cho’s astrological
energies are broken down into successive
but ultimately unrelated chunks: Pluto/Mars at 2 and 3 Scorpio;
Saturn alone at 15 Scorpio; Uranus conjunct the South Node
at 12 and 15 Sagittarius; Venus at 21 Sagittarius conjoined
a precise union of Jupiter and Neptune at 29 Sagittarius, with
Mercury still within orb out of Sign at 4 Capricorn; and the
Sun alone at 27 Capricorn. Additionally, the Nodal axis bisects
this densely populated zone almost precisely, from 15 Gemini
to Sagittarius, creating a very startling geometric symmetry.
This compression says much about Cho’s
closed-off, emotionally isolated nature, his inability to
connect with others even on a superficial everyday level.
Given this restricted space, aspects to galactic points or
asteroids in other regions of the chart might be seen as
even more important, representing desperate attempts by major
planetary energies to reach out to something, anything,
to find a connection and express themselves. Similarly, with
so little interaction between major energies, asteroid conjunctions
to major planets might take on a stronger inflection of those
more minor, “second-tier” energies than would normally be the case.
The Pluto/Mars conjunction is within orb of
two Black Holes, at 29 Libra and 7 Scorpio, with both also
conjoined the 5 Scorpio Quasar, opposed the 5 Taurus Quasar,
and squared the 3 Leo Black Hole. Cho’s connections with violence and death
are not normal, tinged as they are with the ability of Black
Holes to bring parallel realities to birth in this one, and
the Quasar’s innate ability to manifest and achieve its
desires, making an unforgettably visible
impact while doing so.
Saturn, ancient ruler of Death, at 15 Scorpio
is precisely conjunct a Pulsar, connected
with communication, information and the media. It is also
square to a Black Hole and a second Pulsar at 13 and 16 Aquarius,
opposed to a Black Hole at 16 Taurus, and squared a volatile
Maser at 13 Leo. Cho’s
capacity for self control and ability to ground himself in
common reality (Saturn) is threatened by the Black Hole’s
intrusion of alternate dimensions into his
diseased mind, and the visions he finds there are of destruction
and violence (Maser), which he has a strong need to communicate
(Pulsar), as witness the plays and poetry, as well as his manifesto.
Uranus at 12 Sagittarius conjoins the Black
Hole at 10, while Venus at 21 Sagittarius conjoins another
at 19 and opposes a Pulsar at 23 Gemini. Jupiter and Neptune
conjoined at 29 Sagittarius are within orb of the Galactic
Center at 26 and a Pulsar at 28, square a Black Hole at 28
Pisces (the venue of the total Solar Eclipse which fell in
square just a month before the shootings) and opposed the
Quasar at 26 Gemini. Again, all these areas are subject to
Black Hole inter-dimensional distortion and refraction—his
intuitive sense and sanity (Uranus); his sense of self worth
and values (Venus); his ethics, morals and belief system
or life philosophy (Jupiter); his spiritual sense and empathic
capacity (Neptune).
Mercury at 4 Capricorn is exactly conjunct
another Black Hole, opposed a second at 4 Cancer, and squared
the Quasar at 5 Libra. Cho’s ability to communicate with others was cut off,
trapped within the confines of the Black Hole’s supergravity,
and the world he created in his isolation with the power of
his warped, dimension-straddling mind was brought powerfully
into being in our physical reality when he embarked upon his
shooting spree. Black Hole and Quasar energies combined allowed
him to envision and then manifest a reality so at odds with
our own.
The Sun at 27 Capricorn is conjoined the Pulsar
at 26 Capricorn, squared to two Black Holes
at 27 Aries and 29 Libra, and opposed a
third at 28 Cancer. Cho’s ability
to manipulate reality via Black Hole energies
was matched only by a canny understanding
of the Media conferred by the Pulsar conjunction. Cho gave
them the image of himself which he wanted to convey to the
world stage at his premiere—and farewell—performance: not
the shy, disconnected loner witnessed by the few whose paths
he crossed; but the bold, dramatic figure from a Quentin
Tarantino film, decisive and brutal, which is how millions
will now remember him.
What is especially startling and revealing,
however, is the placement of key asteroids
in Cho’s
nativity, which seem particularly relevant
to his self-image and his actions; his
personal myth, if you will.
First, Cho has the prominent Ixion typical in the charts of
serial killers and mass murderers (see my previous article
in the April 2004 issue of Daykeeper Journal); Ixion
is a Trans-Neptunian minor planet which is
named for the first murderer in Greek mythology, a sort of
Cain figure. At 18 Scorpio, Ixion conjoins Saturn at 15, and
is joined there by both Eros at 17 and Cupido at 12 Scorpio.
These two points, named respectively for the Greek and Roman
gods of passionate love, would seem to indicate that the initial
killing was in fact related to a fatal obsession, even if it
was one of which the victim was unaware. The linking of these
highly erotic energies with the authority figure and instructor
aspects of Saturn explains Cho’s fixation with and references
to teachers or other adults sexually abusing children, and
could suggest that he was also a victim of such abuse.
Asteroid Nemesis at 29 Libra conjoins Pluto/Mars
and is exactly sextile the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction. In
addition to the obvious implications of the term “nemesis” in modern
usage, this ancient Greek goddess was noted for meting out
justice, often in the form of vengeance, to mortals who were
insufficiently thankful for the honors and rewards that had
been given to them. This theme of ingratitude for unearned
benefits is impossible to miss in Cho’s hate-filled rants
about the spoiled, hedonistic rich.
Asteroid Apophis at 12 Sagittarius is an exact
match for natal Uranus. Named for the primordial Egyptian
deity who was the personification of all evil, Apophis’ epithet was “Eater
of Souls,” and Cho’s everyday zombie-like non responsiveness
may be seen as a manifestation of this influence.
Asteroid Requiem at 0 Capricorn conjoins Mercury at 4, a sadly
apt image of grieving for the loss of so many students and
All three of the Fates are significantly placed
in the horoscope: Klotho the Spinner, who weaves the thread
of life, is exactly conjunct the Black Hole at 12 Aquarius
and squared Saturn/Ixion; Lachesis the Alloter, who determines
the span of life, conjoins the Sun from 5 Aquarius, and is
exactly opposed to Atropos the Cutter at 5 Leo, who severs
life’s thread at death,
with which it forms a T-Square to Pluto/Mars.
In addition to Lachesis, Cho’s Sun is
conjoined by asteroids Sphinx and Tantalus, at 20 and 26
Capricorn respectively. Cho was certainly sphinx-like—mysterious,
stony, inscrutable and enigmatic, known to some of his classmates
as simply “the
question mark kid,” a suitable representative of this
mythic Greek figure seen as a demon of destruction
and bad luck. Tantalus (from the Greek, “most wretched”)
was one of the most heinous murderers in
Greek mythology, who dismembered and boiled his own son to
serve as main course in a banquet for the gods. Tantalus was
the forbear of the ill-fated House of Atreus, ancestor to Agamemnon
and Orestes, and after his death he was consigned to Tartarus
in Hades, a region reserved for the worst evildoers. There
he stood chained in a lake, whose waters receded whenever he
bent to drink, overhung with fruited boughs which lifted up
and out of his reach whenever he attempted to eat; from his
name we derive our word “tantalize.”
Transits for the day of the shootings are also
significant. The Nodes were in exact square to their natal
position, forming a karmic grand cross that suggests a predestined
or fated quality to the event. In Cho’s own words, “When the time
came, I did it. I had to.” Transit Uranus at 16 Pisces
was closely conjunct the North Node, providing
the explosive spark which became a tragic conflagration.
Transit Nemesis at 13 Scorpio had come to conjoin natal Saturn,
Ixion, Eros and Cupido; transit Ixion at 13 Sagittarius conjoined
natal Uranus and Apophis; transit Tantalus at 19 Aquarius met
Neptune in the sky and the pair squared natal Saturn and companions;
transit Requiem at 26 Gemini exactly conjoined a Quasar, opposed
the Galactic Center (affording global prominence and visibility
for the acts) and natal Jupiter/Neptune; transit Apophis at
6 Pisces exactly conjoined a Quasar, opposed the 7 Virgo Black
Hole, squared the 7 Gemini Maser and the 5 Sagittarius Black
Hole, and lay in trine to natal Pluto/Mars.
Of the Fates, Spinner Klotho at 14 Cancer was
trine natal Saturn and possibly with the natal Moon, while
Alloter Lachesis at 24 Aries conjoined the transit Sun on
a Black Hole at 26 Aries and squared Cho’s natal Sun,
a pattern which Cutter Atropos at 28 Libra conjunct a Black
Hole transformed into a Galactic T-Square.
Cho’s manifesto repeatedly asserts in
various ways that his actions are a product of our own. He
sees himself as molded by the influences around him, and
his reaction to them; the fatuous self-absorption of the
rich who lead charmed lives, the hedonism of the general
culture, the exploitive, predatory attitudes toward children.
It is difficult to argue against this line of reasoning,
even when the argument is made by one whose reason has been
If we assume that Cho was cogent and honest
enough to actually believe the statements he presented, then
his assertion that his life and death would, like Jesus’,
be an inspiration to future generations of downtrodden may
not be as absurd as it appears at first thought. The essence
of the Myth of Cho, as his words and his biography seem to
express it, is that even marginalized, ridiculed outcasts
can grab hold of their destinies and make an impact in the
lives of millions. Christlike, indeed.
But in the Myth of Cho we have public school
bullies and spoiled, vicious rich kids instead of Roman soldiers
and Pharisees, and Cho takes up the sword which Jesus laid
aside, as his particular answer to deliverance for his people.
In its politics of chastising the rich and powerful, and
elevating the poor, it mirrors much of Jesus’ message; it is largely in its methods where
the difference lies, for Cho, desensitized by the culture and
brutalized by his peers, chose to take life instead of selflessly
giving his own. The fact that Cho’s myth originated in
a diseased and untreated, possibly autistic mind, and resulted
in horrific violence, does not negate its actual message, and
much of Cho’s story could be mythologized as a call to
action or admonitory parable for these post-millennial
generations, which are likely to feel disempowerment on a pervasive
Cho fits the definition of a “monster,” in
the sense of lacking humanity, more than
most who receive the appellation. There was no sense of Cho
as an ordinary person who had snapped; Cho never seemed normal,
commonly humanlike, in any of his interactions, long before
he planned his massacre, which he perceived as his martyrdom.
But is his failure as a human being solely his responsibility,
or are we culpable in it?
