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January '05

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Maya's January Travel Advisory

by Maya del Mar

January is a mixed month. Mercury is the main planet of travel, and in general the long conjunction of Mercury with Venus this month is favorable for travel. Jupiter is the other travel planet, particularly for long trips, and the occultations of Jupiter this month do not favor travel. Both Mercury and Jupiter also have stressful squares. January 28 is the one absolute no-no for travel.

January 1-2. Good.

January 3-4. Bad. We have too much Pluto on both days, plus Moon occulting Jupiter.

January 5-8. OK.

January 9-10.
This is the New Moon window. There is no negative travel energy, but I prefer to avoid travel during this time because we are so very vulnerable to all of the vibrations around us.

January 11-18. Fine.

January 19. Not the best. Energy is unstable.

January 20-23. Fine.

January 24. The entire day is VOC moon. Don’t make plans.

January 25. Some problems of blockage.

January 26. Excellent.

January 27. There could be some obstacles along the way.

January 28. NO.

January 29. Poor

January 30. OK

January 31. Not very good. Moon squares and occultation of Jupiter.

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