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August 2005
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by Maya del Mar
Most of August is fine for traveling. However, Mercury, the major travel planet, does get a bit confused and sidetracked at times. And there are many VOC moon periods, when outcomes are unpredictable. Best not to set out on a journey during VOC moon. Air and water travel are better than land travel.
August 1. Excellent.
August 2. OK. Moon goes VOC after 11:59 a.m. EDT.
August 3. Not favorable. The entire day is VOC plus it’s vulnerable dark-of-the-moon time.
August 4. Good.
August 5-7. Excellent.
August 8. Poor, although air travel might be OK.
August 9-10. Good.
August 11. Mediocre. Saturn could bring delays.
August 12. Fine.
August 13. OK, except don’t start during VOC moon from 8:06 a.m.-3:47 p.m. EDT.
August 14. Excellent.
August 15. Not so good after 4:43 p.m.
August 16. Fine.
August 17. Fine this afternoon and evening.
August 18. Good.
August 19. OK.
August 20. Excellent.
August 21. Fine after 7 p.m.
August 22. Excellent.
August 23. Good.
August 24. Take care.
August 25. Not so good. Moon is VOC plus Mercury square Mars. Be careful.
August 26-27. Fine.
August 28. Good.
August 29. Excellent.
August 30. Good.
August 31. Iffy.