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December '04

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Maya's December Travel Advisory

by Maya del Mar

In general, December is a fine travel month. Mercury is retrograde until December 20, which does suggest a few limits. For instance, be prepared for occasional travel glitches, and don’t let them upset you. Another limit is to pay extra attention to details, and make sure you clearly confirm all arrangements. If you’re traveling in your own vehicle, double check that all parts of it are in good repair. It is especially during Mercury retrograde times that our tools which are, unbeknownst to us, on the edge of breakdown, give out.

Traveling during a Mercury retrograde period has a special advantage. Impressions are etched more intensely into our imaginations, we think about trip experiences more deeply, and we have a much richer context of past experiences in which to place those experiences. It is especially good for renewing connections with friends and family.

DECEMBER 1-2. Excellent.

DECEMBER 3. Fine for moving along, but not the best day to start a trip. Moon is VOC from 9:52 a.m. EST to 6:00 p.m.—not good for starting.

DECEMBER 4-5. Excellent.

DECEMBER 6-7. OK. Jupiter, a travel planet, is being occulted by the Moon, and I just don’t know how that affects travel. I’d appreciate feedback. Otherwise these are excellent travel days.

DECEMBER 8. OK, beginning at 9:44 a.m.

DECEMBER 9. Mostly OK, although there are a few slightly problematical aspects today. Night is best.

DECEMBER 10. Fine. Just don’t set off during VOC moon, from 6:03 a.m.-11:54 a.m. A VOC start lends an air of unpredictability to the whole trip.

DECEMBER 11. This is New Moon day. We are especially vulnerable around the New Moon, and I prefer not to travel then. Nonetheless, today’s aspects are good for travel.

DECEMBER 12. Excellent, especially after noon.

DECEMBER 13. Fine.

DECEMBER 14. Excellent after 11:00 a.m.

DECEMBER 15. Excellent.

DECEMBER 16. Mornings seem to be our VOC times this month, not convenient for travel. Moon is VOC this morning until 12:24 p.m. After that, travel aspects are excellent.

DECEMBER 17. Probably fine, but tonight there is apt to be a serious problem somewhere on the road. If you’re driving, take special care.

DECEMBER 18. Best after 8:00 a.m., although avoid starting during VOC moon, 11:40 a.m.-4:52 p.m. EST.

DECEMBER 19. Travel situations could be unpredictable early this morning, thanks to Uranus. However, after 7:00 a.m., all should flow smoothly.

DECEMBER 20. Mercury turns direct early this morning. This should help speed us on our way.

DECEMBER 21-22. Fine.

DECEMBER 23. Again we have a morning VOC, from 8:41-11:42 a.m. After that the day tends to be a little jerky for traveling. People are apt to feel irritated.

DECEMBER 24. Fine.

DECEMBER 25. Moon is VOC again, from 8:30-11:38 a.m. EST. Travel should be rapid after that (and probably before as well).

DECEMBER 26-27. Excellent.

DECEMBER 28. Excellent after 1:00 p.m.

DECEMBER 29. Excellent.

DECEMBER 30. Travel aspects are fine today, but there are two difficulties. One is that after 9:54 a.m. EST, Moon is VOC for the entire day. The other warns to stay off the road tonight. Around midnight we experience the impulsive, unpredictable Mars square of Uranus, famous for accidents.

DECEMBER 31. The accident aspect carries through until 9:00 a.m. this morning. After that, travel is fine for the rest of today, and tomorrow.

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