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Maya's November Travel Advisory

by Maya del Mar

There are some travel cautions in November. Fixed sign squares can cause problems because when there’s a conflict, neither side gives. Strong Aquarius speaks to a potential for problems in the air, and strong Scorpio is often related to crisis and death. For instance, when Paul Wellstone’s plane crashed, Venus in Scorpio squared Pallas Athena in Aquarius.

These Aquarius-Scorpio tensions are most prevalent during the first half of November.

Nor is Mercury in Scorpio the greatest travel energy. Mercury is in Scorpio until November 19, when it enters the travel sign of Sagittarius—and for the rest of the month speeds us instead of impedes us.

Another caution is Mars and Juno traveling together in Libra. Mars is the go-getter, a travel planet, especially related to automobile travel. Juno often indicates victims. Again, when Paul Wellstone crashed, his Juno at 28 Taurus was exactly conjunct the November Lunar Eclipse. However, Mars does not actually catch up with Juno until December 5.

I would definitely not travel on December 4-5.

An additional caution is that we are within close orb of two Eclipses. Again, this was the case for Paul Wellstone.

However, despite all these cautions, I am traveling in November. Something inside tells me to do it while I can.

November 1. Poor. There are too many squares today. Squares simply show turning points, but when one of them involves Chiron, as today, that turning point could be destruction of the familiar. Again, Paul Wellstone’s crash occurred just after Mars squared Chiron. Furthermore, a mundane square between Pluto and Uranus traveling along latitude 39N shows explosive possibilities along that entire latitude.

November 2. Good, but today is like an island of peace in the midst of turmoil—and the turmoil could overlap into today’s time.

November 3. Poor. There are mixed indicators, but over-riding all is Uranus turning direct. This is an unstable moment, especially for air travel.

November 4. Mixed. Uranus direct is still potent, but now we have a New Moon birthing a cycle, rather than, as yesterday, an old moon ending a cycle.

November 5. Poor. Neptune and Uranus squares, plus VOC Moon, show that anything can happen.

November 6 and 7. Excellent! Moon is in the travel sign of Sagittarius, and makes fine aspects.

November 8 and 9. Good. Jupiter comes on strong. On the one hand Jupiter gets us moving, but on the other hand it can indicate carelessness due to over-optimism.

November 10. Good. Moon is in Aquarius, good for air travel.

November 11. Mixed. For the most part, energy today moves us right along. However, there are accident indicators—fixed squares, quincunxes, and a mundane Churn-Mars square across 39N latitude.

November 12. Excellent. However, avoid starting during VOC Moon this morning—from 9:06 a.m. EST to 12:42 p.m.

November 13-14. Good.

November 15-16. Fast, but risky. Moon is in rash and speedy Aries. Pay attention to your speed, and that of others. Mercury square Uranus shows the possibility of sudden disruptions.

November 17. Good. Just avoid starting during VOC Moon, from 9:06 a.m. EST until Moon enters Taurus at 1:23 p.m.

November 18. Good.

November 19. Risky. We have a Full Moon in the potentially violent Taurus-Scorpio polarity. In addition, that Moon is a Lunar Eclipse, which facilitates big change. In addition, that Moon is part of a fixed grand cross which includes disruptive Uranus. Stay home.

November 20-21. Poor. Moon is in Gemini, excellent for travel. But—and there are "buts" all month—Venus turns direct in Scorpio. Planetary stations are inherently unstable, and besides, Venus has just conjoined Mars and Juno, and is filled with that victim mentality. On balance, not very good, especially on Thursday morning.

November 22-26. Excellent. Sun enters Sag to move travel energy right along—just in time for Thanksgiving.

November 27-28. Iffy. We have an intense Last Quarter Moon which finishes at midnight Friday with a series of difficult aspects.

November 29-30. Very mixed. Moon in Libra makes excellent aspects. But we have two big contra-indications. Mercury, the main travel planet, conjoins Pluto, the agent of deep transformation. Pluto is often associated with the death of something. Juno, the victim energy, has moved into Scorpio and sits tightly between Mars and Venus, the creative pair.

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