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![]() by Boots Hart After several months of thinking about whether we should change and what we might change, now come the indicators of why we should change. For those who took the early 2012 Mars retrograde and the more trying May/June Venus retrograde (with the added pleasure of May's Gemini Solar Eclipse)…for those who took the first half of 2012 as a cue to grow, change and give up "comfort zones," all now proceeds forward—if with effort. You will have some sense that you're “getting the hang of things”…and that helps. But August remains taxing. Productive, but taxing! On the other hand, if you're one of those who insisted on maintaining some status quo or "doing things as they've always been done" (however that applies)…OR if you've made personal desires your sole priority, August is likely to feel a bit less than inspiring. You may stumble across some unsuspected glitches in various plans. For everyone, August is a month when problems yet to come will begin to sprout like tiny (but prickly) mental weeds. How problematic those problems are—that depends on whether you're currently in "growth motion" or resisting making changes. As the month begins with Mercury in a Leo retrograde, most of us are caught between necessity and preference, between shor-t and long-term decisions and how to reconcile all so that it's all sensible and workable. While you may be yearning to be released from "having to deal with this" you will be sorry if you slough off too much responsibility. Doing so is likely to produce results which while probably not disastrous, are not the way you would have wanted them to be. The whole of this concept is about recognition of self. Whether you sigh and chip away at every task and every job or you delegate and return to find things not as you might have wanted them to be the ultimate lesson here is about how much you really value your own standards. Your own opinions. Your own style. Barely will the month have begun when a Full Moon at 10 Aquarius occurs on August 2 (at 3:29 a.m. UT/+0), emphasizing a different issue. Here the question is about "connections" and the difference between the vision and what actually works. Because this Full Moon has the Moon in Aquarius and the Sun in Leo, we're "reflecting" (Moon) on how well we fit in and if we're dealing with the right people. Or allied with the right people. We're sizing up challenges, which makes sense as Aquarius is all about how we interact withthe "group" (groups of friends, organizations, society, the public) as an individual. And to all of this, the Full Moon applies a level of emotionality. It may be about "them" and what they're doing. Or whether you feel at home with how things are. Full Moons don't generally have a "predictive" quality, except to say that our feelings are "heightened" at this time. If we've been relatively placid, things may happen to provoke us, driving us very much towards some group or organization…or away from it. However this sorts out for you, this Full Moon is one of "heightened awareness" which has a connection to the "outer world." It serves to remind us how precious time is and how foolish it is to waste our time on unfulfilling efforts (or relationships). The Aquarius "business" side of this reminds us that the world is the world and that we don't "get" from the world until we are fit to and in position to give to that world in the manner which the world, the marketplace, the society (all Aquarian precepts) dictates. The easy thing now is to ignore problems and the productive thing is to tackle problems. Even if this Full Moon "highlights" a success, the balance of the lunar cycle is a time to capitalize or solidify gains. And yes, this can be a time of surprising triumph. Those who have spent the first half of this lunar cycle (which let's remember began in Cancer, not Leo!) are learning how to get where they want to go, (whether that's a personal or professional goal) and the rewards can be wonderful. Even dazzling! Just don't get dazzled. Successes are to enjoy—yes! Absolutely. But then comes the need for attentive thoroughness in "follow-up." Don't think just because all the pieces fell into place that you have nothing left to do. Either way, this is a moment for deciding what to do next. Or (since Mercury is in retrograde), to think, ponder, envision, ask questions and investigate new possibilities. That Chaldea (the "old way" and status quo) goes retrograde in Aries just a couple of hours after the Full Moon, AND that Chaldea is doing its "turnaround" conjunct Uranus speaks to the difficulty (reluctance?) many will now experience. This can range from the "should I try?" to the "Do I dare think outside the box?" to the "Do I have to?" and the ever-popular "What if…?' Everyone will be asking these sorts of questions. With the Full Moon's Sun component coming from Leo (where Mercury is retrograde) this is a moment to think creatively and plan carefully. It's also a good time to work towards long-term rewards. Especially new ones! Yet as we say all this, let's also be honest. Any Aquarius Full Moon which ties directly to Uranus (outcome ruler of Aquarius) can spell rebellion, refusals, rejections, collapses and explosions. Yes, it can represent the new and brilliant idea, but it can also represent the price we pay and sometimes the refusal to toe some line. Plus, here in August we're halfway between May and November's solar eclipses. Considering that November's eclipse will be in a "reactive" degree of Scorpio and May's was at 0 Gemini, the natural inconjunct between these two signs denotes karmic adjustments which we undertake or have thrust upon us. It's a good time to for building, changing, modernizing, updating and otherwise changing our tune—particularly that which affects how we interact with others and thus how (and whether) life's “Gatekeepers” will stamp our ticket and grant us passage to where we are truly able to capitalize on our efforts. This applies privately, this applies publicly, and this applies particularly where those two things interact—whether that means the search for a job, the investing of money-time-effort-emotion, the effort to become a leader in whatever field you are devoted to, the wanting your effort to earn a "stamp of approval," or the solving of a challenge within an ongoing relationship. That we are likely to be wrestling with internal demons productive/constructive or ego-oriented is greatly defined by an ongoing and ever-tightening square between Uranus and Pluto. With both planets in retrograde (and in cardinal signs), there's an awkwardness which feels like it's "all about" the world but is really about who we are in that world. Hardest hit will be those who resist Uranian changes which need to be made…or who are wanting to change things up (or making problems) simply because they're bored or as a bid for control or power (that being a classic Pluto marker). The productive side here? The straight-up productive side of retrograde Uranus/Pluto in square involves restructuring. But that can't be done from the outside in—that has to be done from the inside out. It's a big mistake to think something (or someone) can "solve" your problems, though sure as shootin' a lot of people are going to do just that. Detoxification is another key challenge, especially where old life patterns are involved. To be sure, there will be some floundering with this square. Some will evade and attempt to avoid (or escape) responsibility, particularly for things they have done. There's a lot of energy being activated in this moment which will come out as a "how life could (should) be" sort of statement and much projecting ("it's their fault') is likely. To (Uranus) make a plan, to (Pluto in Capricorn) test its feasibility and to think through the (Capricorn) realities of application rather than (Aries/Uranus) suppositions and hopes is useful. All this will come to a head next month when this Pluto/Uranus square perfects (reaches its "turning point') as Pluto goes direct on September 18th. Until then, with Uranus still in retrograde at that point, flexibility will still be needed—nothing is in concrete just yet. Those who have refused to change are likely to have change thrust upon them (or an undeniable need for change thrust upon them) while those who have been working to change their lives or some situation now make headway—almost by magic. Europa going direct late on August 6 (at 9:50 p.m. UT/+0) just ahead of Venus entering Cancer on August 7 at 1:44 in the afternoon (UT/+0) is an interesting pairing. Obviously Venus will be at 29 Gemini just before it enters Cancer, which means the Sagittarian Europa "getting carried away" quality has an implied Venusian opposition (Sagittarius being the polarity sign to Gemini). For some, this is a heck of a moment for a party. And for others, this two-day evolution will become a giant headache without the party. Since all this happens as Mercury heads into its station to go direct at 1 Leo on August 8 (at 8:41 a.m. UT/+0 time), the classic Mercury "station rule" applies: if something doesn't move forward NATURALLY AND OF ITS OWN ACCORD in the days before Mercury goes INTO retrograde, wait. There's something you don't know yet which you will find out as Mercury comes out of retrograde. Given the whole of this construct, Europa-opposition-Venus may well be a giant "Ahaaaaa!" for those who have had cause to wait and/or who have been patient more or less voluntarily. (Note: this does NOT mean you should put your whole life on hold going into Mercury retrograde!) Since this Venus-Europa opposition occurs just before Mercury goes direct, those who are looking towards (working on) something yet to come get a particular boost where those who are dilly-dallying are more on the self-indulgent, "making myself feel better about things" side. As for the combination of a Leo Mercury and a Cancer Venus, it has a particularly testing quality. The main question is will this take me where I want to go? And that applies to your latest date, the opportunity to go on that cool vacation, an invitation to participate in some organizational event…Venus in Cancer being the "outer" of the two planets here, (not to mention the largest) there is a natural "weight" on "the basics" which forces us all to ask ourselves whether "this" or "that other thing" is more important. With asteroid Child going retrograde on August 9 (at 16 Aries) there are some childish—or at least gleeful and childlike moments now. Or maybe that's petulance? Or whining? Not to worry. As Child goes retrograde there is an opportunity to draw on the best of who we are in the spirit of personal renewal. Laughing at ourselves and the foibles of others seems apt. Then we arrive at the August New Moon of August 17. With that occurring at 25 Leo (at 3:55 p.m. UT/+0 time) there's an emphasis on feedback. Productive people will look to that which works for others, not just in their own minds and the good news is that any New Moon in Leo is an invitation to start…or start anew. With this one occurring in Leo's third decanate, there's a decided opportunity to connect to others. Or your world. Or the greater society. And the greater you realize how the idea of "earning" works, the greater your ultimate satisfaction is likely to be. In other words, try to serve your audience. If you do, they'll reward you for it! The next cluster of astro-signals come again all in a row. First, Hidalgo goes direct (at 7 Sagittarius) on August 20. This is an emphasis on how we do things—our manners, mannerisms…even our "working protocol." Then Mercury exits the shadow of its Leo retrograde on August 21 as asteroid Echo goes retrograde at 19 Aries, exposing where we've been particularly mindless or dealt with things on a trite and not truly meaningful basis. This combination is likely to cause moments of self-consciousness. And if that serves to teach you more about what you value and want to be or become, that's a good result providing you're not trying to fool people and you're not "stealing" someone's thunder or otherwise pretending to be something you simply aren't. As the Sun shifts into Virgo on August 22 it conjuncts fixed star Regulus. This is a sign that life's functionalities are coming to the fore and it's not the moment to strike out or blame others. (Just in case you're peeved at somebody!) For the next few weeks (while the Sun remains in Virgo) "coloring outside the lines" is problematic, and given the Mercury, Uranus and Pluto influences floating around here, there's good reason to think events of the moment have evolved over situations long-standing. With Mars entering Scorpio (on August 23 at 3:25 p.m. UT/+0) a day after the Sun enters Virgo, the urge to get something done may override practicalities. Famous for trying to maneuver, manipulate and control circumstances to suit one's liking, the real Mars in Scorpio issue isn't the "thing" you're dealing with, but your own feelings of security and value. Situations will challenge us over the next six weeks, and that's exactly what Mars in Scorpio is supposed to be about! The real question is what will you risk?...and that "risk" has everything to do with how emotionally stable and solid we are in ourselves. This is a classic time to make the mistake of thinking that somebody or something can "save" you or provide you with something you haven't actively worked for or earned the right to. (Remember, Mars is pretty much an action verb!) Those open to manipulation will often find people to manipulate them under this influence and with the Sun in Virgo, nowhere is that going to be more active than in areas where we feel basically "not in control"—as we might feel with regards to our health or health care, for example (health/health care is an entirely Virgo subject!). The individual solution is to make choices based on an understanding that everyone will have to make choices. You aren't responsible for their choices but you are required to acknowledge that other choices are being made and that any subject where everybody (or at least man) have a stake in the operation or outcome is not yours to control. Since Mars represents highly individualistic drives, this makes for a lot of contentious dynamics and situations. Just be aware—this is the time for them. If nothing else, let others have their say—the worst thing to do under Mars in Scorpio is to control feelings (your own, or those of others). You have a right not to want to have to listen to “it” but others have a right to voice their opinions and feelings. To the extent that we can tolerate differences and come up with ways which offers everyone a chance to win as they define winning (don't try to sell anyone on what you want them to want!) …if we can do that, everyone will support everyone—and that's with heart, soul and bank account. Control, imposition of dictates and exclusion are the negatives here. And don't kid yourself—Scorpio referred to as the sign of karma for a reason. From August 23 through October 7 (when Mars will move on into Sagittarius at 3:22 a.m. UT/+0 time), karma will be seeded and karma will emerge from the shadows as consequences unwanted and ill-planned for. That Lachesis goes retrograde at 0 Taurus at 4:13 a.m. (UT/+0) on August 24 adds a note of needing to recognize that we tend to be impatient and how even that which is on track needs to be nurtured while everyone has their say or sufficient chance to think things through. Sun in Virgo speaks to "the details" and Mars in Scorpio digs deep. To rush now is to generate suspicion. To bulldog people into things is to create resentment. It's a bit of a tough time which requires focus, tolerance and perseverance, particularly as dwarf planet Sedna going retrograde at 23 Taurus on August 25 (at 1:31 p.m., UT/+0). Those with a deft touch will now be able to encourage others to "just try it…" which is a big step with Sedna in Taurus. And if your touch is not so deft? Well, in that case, Sun-Sedna-Mars will like as not manifest as a great big "I don't have to." In fact, those who push the hardest are likely to rile up even those who are usually dedicated and cooperative. So when in doubt, suggest and explain your perspective. Outline the goals and necessities. And then listen. There are some who will be dead set against necessity. Then again, there will be those incapable of rising to the standards dictated by necessity. Just as Mars in Scorpio can stir up "toxic" situations it also asks that we "detoxify" what we do, how we do it and whom we do it with (or to). In other words, you may have to make some decisions now. Making them based on proven facts rather than any emotional desire is best and when in doubt, remember the old maxim: the best predictor of future performance is past performance. Don't go with the promise—go with the proof. Given all of the above, these last days of August are likely to feel challenging to our sense of security, our values, our concept of “belonging” and our ultimate feelings of self worth. This last (self worth) many will translate as “worth” as money is the popular way to "offshore" self worth. But money is not satisfaction. Time and time again we see people who have money trying to substitute "things" for satisfaction. The more "married" to some status quo or traditional "dictates" we tend to be, the more this time will test our sense of internal balance through external promptings. August 29 has Neptune-controlled Plutoid Ixion moving on station to go direct on August 31 as Phaethon (stubborn self-will drives) goes retrograde, with all being underscored more poignantly by August 29 being the last day of the Lunar Nodes transiting Sagittarius and Gemini. What should we expect? Strange and exotic things. Some will merely speak out of turn (way out of turn!) and some will commit some seriously impetuous (Phaethon-like) acts. Then, at 3:41 in the morning on August 30 (UT/+0) the Nodes enter Scorpio and Taurus. With Mars in Scorpio and the Uranus/Pluto square still ratcheting up the pressure , a huge sense of challenge—or being challenged—is in the air even if and where everything is otherwise all right. To have both of Scorpio's rulers (Mars and Pluto) highly active at this time really tells us that North Node/Scorpio issues need attention. On a mundane level this spells joint finances, intimate relationships, taxes, war, debt, occulted (hidden) matters, and that old Scorpio question of how to earn respect through finding solutions everyone can endorse. Famous as a sign of assertive control, Scorpio only succeeds on that level where expertise (say, of a surgeon or other highly trained person) is used judiciously and with full respect and regard for those being affected by the personal use/utilization of power. The Nodes will be in Scorpio and Taurus until February 18, 2014. Clinging to "our own" and segregating by groups, be theyt strata defined by ethnicity, nationality, religion, interests, profession, social status, wealth, intellectualism (etcetera)…to separate and segregate is the easy and "comfy" thing. As defined by this nodal passage however, that is not the productive way to go. For the next couple of years we will want what we want and sure as shootin', the "have's" will be blinder than ever to the plight of those who "have not." Since this is North Node in Scorpio, and especially since Saturn will take up its 2.5-year transit of Scorpio as of October 2012, there are likely to be seriously odd and karmic effects sprinkled throughout this time. For those looking to build stability, this is accomplished by applying one rule in all situations: I succeed where others to contribute to my success with the caveat that morals, ethics and standards must be observed. The media of success may not be the same (in other words, isn't not all about money or sex!) and we have to always remember that as convinced as we may be of our own values and priorities, we do not always know what others value most. Even when you asked them yesterday what they wanted, today's answer may just be different. The reason for that "needing to keep asking" is simple: it promotes connection—and connection (not control) is Scorpio's basic tool. We ascribe much mystery to Scorpio processes yet in the end everything Scorpio is all about knowing our Self, growing our Self and knowing whether that will or won't work in conjunction with others…or what someone else suggests. It is through this self-exploration and bonding mechanism that we—and our aims—ultimately succeed. Boots Hart, CAP
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