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![]() by Boots Hart As life around us continues peeling away veneers (revealing problems long in the building and long ignored), situations conspire to ask us what our values really are. Whatever the gap is between who we are and who we would like to think we are (or could be), May happenings will prompt us in any number of ways to return to just this question. With May beginning with Vesta entering Taurus, there's a natural "should I?" versus "must I?" choice which underscores our shadowy awareness that just because we can do something, that doesn't always mean we should. Two other important factors: Venus is slowing in advance of going retrograde…and the whole first part of May continues a "break(ing) down" theme in advance of the May 20 solar eclipse. On a practical level, Venus' slowing down (relative to Earth's orbit) is likely to manifest as many a situation becoming "stickier"—particularly in business or where your personal values are being tested by others…and by your choice of who you associate with and/or favor. This Venusian "approach to station" often manifests in not feeling sure, or feelings of insecurity. And well they might: retrogrades are periods which force us to look (and work) within. It's about relying on Self and dealing with who that Self really is—which doesn't go at all well with Venus, as the natural Venusian instinct is to seek reward from others. Those who insist on getting their support from others will feel this most acutely. As external input draws away or lessens in advance of Venus taking station, we either choose to rely less on others or life forces us to rely more on ourselves. Obviously, ill feelings can be part of the equation here, but that isn't necessary. Nor does it mean you're truly "disliked"—only that you have some reconciliation with Self to do during this next little while. There's also a grand earth Sun-Mars-Pluto trine which, having begun back on April 22, now continues to confine or define us. With the Sun now entering Taurus' second (and most emotional) decanate, our sense of "need" is pitted against a realization that some "needs" are actually merely "wants"—and that both can be quite separate from the ultimate Taurus challenge. And what's that? That's about security and self-esteem (which together foster satisfaction). Many of us think that's about money or status. It isn't—it's about how we feel about our Self. Given that the whole of 2012 is going to be colored by Pluto-conjunct-Facies and that Pluto is already in retrograde, we're already churning inside. We're changing—or being changed—whether we like it or not. And yes, our feelings of helplessness-versus-aggression (Pluto/Facies) and all the ego drives associated with that are being set off right and left. It's an interesting celestial note that grand trine ends on May 5 with a Scorpio Full Moon lighting our skies during the wee hours of May 6. It's a reflection of surging of inner emotional conscience. Positioned at 16 Scorpio, this Full Moon will highlight wherever we lack individual responsibility or an understanding of how emotional entanglements function to prompt us to grow beyond the limits of our "comfort zone." With the solar (conscious) end of this figure conjunct Tantalus and calculated Lilith, our willingness to sacrifice something which really shouldn't be sacrifice is only matched by our emotional desire to recognize our own culpability in whatever is afoot. With fixed star Menkar also in this picture, there's a marked tendency to go with those say what you want to hear. But is it the truth? Knowing where you lie on this continuum is all important. And as always—anyone who has a birthday three or four days before or after this event should take note: you'll be dealing with this highly internal conflict throughout your "birthday" year. Those on the "upper side" of this—those with birthdays say, on May 6 through 9? Since the Sun in your natal chart will be opposed by a solar eclipse come November, getting real now is hugely and vitally important. And by "getting real" I mean not in the worldly sense, but in the humanistic sense! No excuses! With Mercury exiting Aries and entering Taurus on May 9 at 5:16 am (UT/+0), we all focus more on the pragmatic and practical. With asteroid Medusa in exact opposition to Mercury's ingress at 0 Scorpio, some of us will "face facts" (and recognize what it takes to be effective) while others will merely capitulate. Since in this choice is a reflection of your internal value system, those with weaker self-esteem/individuated identity are likely to focus on more surface values, while those who know who they are deep inside will struggle with how to "become" that person. Remember, Venus is slowly down to take station. Haste is not necessarily the ticket and you can't expect a lot of support and/or cooperation from others at this time. May 15 is the date Venus goes retrograde at 23 Gemini (at 2:34pm UT/+0). While it's natural to feel "pressured" during the days (even the week) leading up to Venus' station/retrograde, it's not astrologically advised to “push” something which doesn't naturally fall into place. On the other hand, some things will come to fruition now, and providing they're well done, they're an important step forward. Events which happen in the two days prior to a station/retrograde denote things of importance yet to play out. Those which transpire during the two days after station/retrograde tend to indicate repercussions of things which have already happened. Because Venus is a symbol of "rewards," and since during retrograde it's symbolic energetic is turned inward, people tend to think that "nothing's doing." That's entirely incorrect, particularly in this case, as Venus' retrograde is beginning at 23 Gemini, a degree associated with trials. Particularly mental trials, or challenges to how one's mentality works. (Or doesn't work, yes!) There's an emphasis on "the business of relating" (or business relationships) due to Saturn (in retrograde) being positioned at 24 Libra—in trine to Venus' station. That's worth some serious (Saturn) consideration. Just don't expect things to be all posies at the moment. With Jupiter at 23 Taurus as Venus does its station/turnabout, the exact 30-degree Venus/Jupiter semi-sextile suggests friction (read: ego-bruises) which are set off by differences in opinion (values). The reality of such ego bruises is this: they feel like they're all “about” the other person. They aren't—they're about you. If you're in sync with Self, you'll simply recognize a disagreement and talk that through. If you're not, you're likely to fire a few verbal (Gemini) rounds at someone who has been drawn to you because their glitches match the degree and nature of your glitches. So words get said. Then Venus' turn to retrograde prompts us to think about why such a thing happens. It's very Metaphysics 101: people and situations arise in our lives to test us. They aren't about the "other" so much as they're asking/prompting us to be/become the person we can respect and love ourselves being. It may not be convenient, no. But this is about the reality of who you are. Can anything supplant that and foster happiness? Probably not! With May 16 having Jupiter (in Taurus) inconjuncting Saturn (retrograde in Libra) at 10:43pm (UT/+0) the sense of life challenge is maintained, though here the real question is whether relationships (and what you're getting out of them) is really worth the investment—or resulting cost. The medium may be time, money, love, interest, attention span, effort…whatever rewards you are realizing through being connected to someone or some situation, the strain in that balance is about the reality of effort. Put simply, inequalities now create friction. However uncomfortable this feels and however inconveniently it manifests, the real question is whether those connections are assets. If they are, you'll realize you need to put more focus on the situation. If they aren't, partings are inevitable. Two words to the wise here: (1) Think long term, and don't just think in terms of "your group," think "public;" and (2) any changes undertaken now are likely to be difficult and exacerbation of problems in the areas of worth, worthiness and/or worthlessness are certainly in line with Venus retrograde. Taken together, though "paying the price" now is hard, it's likely to be less difficult and costly than if you wait until the next edition of Jupiter-inconjunct-Saturn (on March 24, 2013)…and far, far less problematic than if you wait for Jupiter-square-Saturn (with Saturn on station) in early August, 2015. Just be careful. If you cut the wrong cord you'll truly regret it—big time. Jupiter stands for knowledge and understanding. Saturn represents time, achievements, durable structures and personal standing in the world. These transits between Jupiter and Saturn (known as their synodic cycle)are global and 19.86 (call it 20) years long and the medium (element) in which they start out tells us what world value is going to be challenged and developed throughout the years. Our current Jupiter/Saturn cycle began back on May 27, 2000—in Taurus. The degree of the conjunction was 22 Taurus, a degree very much about what we can make of ourselves. The "job well done" is cited here as that which in utilizing the best of who we are makes the best contribution to this world. As someone who wrote about this conjunction when it occurred, it's interesting to now look back with the aid of better tools and astronomical knowledge. Today we know that asteroids Child and Photographica were part of this picture; it's to be assumed that purity of heart and image matter. With a pulsar positioned at 24 Taurus, we can also expect that this cycle will include opportunities for brilliance and intermittent displays of our falling into darkness. Then we add in Sedna, a difficult point which in use seems to represent our being challenged not to behave like spoiled children. Discovered in 2003, Sedna tempts us with "the easy way out" and "ease," whether that involves physical luxury, today's focus on "looking good" or the abdication of effort, responsibility or self-development. The mythic Sedna tale ends with a lesson about how it's only when we let go, only when we allow ourselves to become "drowned" in the "cold water" (of individuation and reality) that we achieve our true potential and become able to provide not just for others, but for ourselves. That does seem very Taurus, doesn't it? Moving on… May 17 is likely to be a day when we see flaws in our plans. Mars opposing Chiron from 9 Virgo to 9 Pisces pits functionality against an emotional reaction to viability—or a lack thereof. With Medea (loving something to death) conjunct Mars, you may have gotten "dug-in" on some point and realize now (reluctantly? painfully?) what you indeed have to do. And with Niobe at 11 Pisces (conjunct Chiron), it's so easy to point fingers, and so hard to realize that far from knowing the solution, you're causing your own problems! With Bali (paradise) conjunct Fomalhaut (success predicated on lack of corruption) and Neptune (ego denial) on the other side of Fomalhaut and in square to the Lunar Nodes, the answer to all difficulties arising now (and for the next few days) involves admitting your errors and owning/expressing your personal fears—and yes, maybe even where they come from. Unfortunately, few are likely to be that brave. Pallas (intellectual wisdom) stands conjunct nobody's favorite fixed star Scheat, which tells us that May 17 is a date when facts are going to be getting tossed out right and left. Why? Because it would be mighty uncomfortable to do the brilliant thing and get real. There are times when everybody would like to pretend that the emperor's new clothes are truly real. And hey—if we're all emperors for a day, need anyone worry? As with other astrological events, should you have a birthday within two or three days of this confluence, you're going to deal with this challenge until birthday 2013. Recognizing the past and all it's meant is wonderful. Still, you do have to move on. As of May 18, Pallas enters Aries and conjuncts asteroid Child, signaling an awakening of inner vision. Some will find a path forward out of difficulties now. Some will see value in adopting ideas which just yesterday seemed beneath them. Ah, what a difference a day makes! Then comes May 20: no sooner does the Sun enter Gemini than a Solar Eclipse occurs at 0 Gemini at 10:48pm (UT/+0). The image of a solar eclipse—the disc of the Moon (daily reality, feelings) blocking our conscious will (the "light of day"—our Sun) is a metaphysical statement about some facet of our "Gemini life" being "blacked out." And since Gemini is all about our "mentality," our thoughts, communications and choices (including all means by which we communicate ourselves, our money or thoughts and choices), those whose horoscopes are directly affected by degree or aspect will feel this eclipse most acutely. Throughout history, solar eclipses have been associated with the rise and fall of kings, societies and religions. Solar Eclipses time the making and breaking of lives and life paths. Astrologically, they're the real-deal marker of life-changing events. So…how do you know if the eclipse "hits" your chart with acuity? Simple. This eclipse is positioned at 0 Gemini. If you have any planet, node or axis point (horizontal or vertical)…
FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE THEIR NATAL CHARTS: The chart casting engines at www.astro.com (Astrodeinst) and www.alabe.com (Astrolabe) are reliable free horoscope sources. Solar eclipses repeat on a 19-year Metonic cycle…so when in doubt, think back. The situation will not be exactly the same but absolutely—themes repeat! Some we need to still learn. Others we need to excel or build on. When an eclipse "hits" your chart with any acuity, expect eclipse effects to take a full 36 months to evolve and, interestingly enough, not reveal the "true purpose" (the "aha moment") until that three-year period is almost up. Not to be outdone, May 21 and 23 are tied together by the first having Mercury conjunct Sedna (at 22 Taurus) and the second having Sedna move into 23 Taurus. Twenty-two Taurus is a degree known for a strong attraction to all things "domestic" and homey, where 23 Taurus is known for strong spiritual instincts and the will to defy the logical through a sense of being "divinely directed." With Mercury conjuncting Sedna just as Sedna is about to change degrees, one would expect a deal of conversation—or at least thought—to be going into the difference between the mortal and spiritual Self and how one is really completed by the other. Are you wondering why an object changing degrees is astro-news? We never talk about such things with regards to Jupiter or Uranus—or even Pluto, right? Well, when you're talking about Pluto, you're talking about an object which takes 248 years to go once around the Sun. And though true, none of us (currently) will live to see a full orbit of Pluto, that's still a time span we can mentally manage. But Sedna is different. Not even the mighty minds at NASA (and their mightier computers) have as yet nailed Sedna's orbit down with exactitude. All they'll say is that Sedna orbits the Sun once in 11,400 years…you know, give or take. One thing we do know however: Sedna will be at its closest approach to the Sun (and therefore Earth) around the year 2075, which means issues of maturity, maturation, entitlement, vanity and general selfishness (waxing into narcissism) are going to be with us yet a while. (Happy days, right?) But to the above, the point is that Sedna only changes degrees (on the average) every 31 years. So yes, this shift from 22 Taurus to 23 Taurus is worth noting. Thirty-one years ago was the beginning of the 1980's, and the early 1980's was when the cycle of financing and debt which now threatens economies personal and public took hold. That's when the great surge of materialism which has since undermined (challenged) many a life—in various ways—began. We all have lessons to learn. Some are harder than others. Mercury enters Gemini on May 24 at 11:13 am (UT/+0). In passing through the degree of an eclipse which was after all, just a few days ago, Mercury's Gemini ingress will surely provide us with news of interest, if not import. The balance of the month has the Sun, Mercury and the South Node all playing "trading places" with Circe (under the spell of—in this case—an idea) and Tantalus: the being tantalized by things you know you shouldn't do. As the Sun and Mercury unite at 7 Gemini on May 28, we're all likely to be partly preoccupied…and in part, blind to ourselves or blinded by our desire to get ahead. The biggest danger of the 28th involves the 7 Gemini tendency to consider yourself an observer. For some, this will be like standing there watching an interesting scene—only to realize all eyes are on you. For others, this will be thinking "no one will notice"—and then they do. No matter which way we go, we feel unprepared. With Venus in retrograde, some of this is to be expected. So long as you're learning from what you see and thinking on how to improve your own plans and priorities, you'll likely be okay. We all have some stepping up to do—in our own lives first and foremost. But that's what eclipses—and the daily events of our lives—are for. They're about giving us opportunities to evolve and grow. When we take them, life responds. When we don't, life provokes. And with that in mind, I hope you have a very growth-oriented month! Boots Hart, CAP
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