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![]() by Boots Hart Last month had much of life being conducted against a backdrop of how we live our lives…the "what we do" part, the standards we hold ourselves to, the level of ability we have…or maybe don't even care about. March described a map of our preoccupations—real or imagined, accepted or avoided—and through the lens of Pluto's activation of Facies (the bestirring of conflicts) our relationship to responsibility got some testing. Events and situations evoked feelings. And those feelings forced us to focus on our lives, even when that meant looking away, trying not to see. It all left us wrestling with important questions: who are we in our own eyes? Do we like who we are, what we're doing and how we're going about doing it? Put simply, April is more about acting than reflecting. Reflecting Virgo functionality, as asteroids (aspects of life) go into direct motion, we'll begin to deal with things more directly. But don't think things will go smoothly; the continuing Pluto/Facies effect will surface in each one of our lives as interruptions which challenge each and every one of us in whatever area of life is consistently our most vulnerable. Whatever happens, you'll think it's about "them." It's not—it's about you. With a handful of "minor" points going retrograde in Sagittarius the "flashes" of surface concern or situational worry will be not about how do I make it work, but will it work? Or will others like it? Or maybe even will it work like I think it will? People talk about Sagittarius as "expansion," but the sign is as much about the process of exploration (and finding glitches) as reaching that wild new frontier. Often we try to "bulldoze" past problems, and sometimes that works. But the Sagittarian shortcut or cop-out often ends up short-changing us (or costing us dearly) because we moved too fast. Because we didn't think things through. From April 1 through 7 Juno conjuncts the North Node at 6 Sagittarius. This is a sure indicator that we need (North Node) to put on our big boy-or-girl pants when dealing with things (or people). It's of course easier (South Node in Gemini) to listen, to make excuses, to avoid hard questions. But where the Nodes are concerned, the easy way out doesn't just not hold up, it comes back to haunt us. Anyone beginning to hear a theme? April 2 may…or may not easy. The symbols are Uranus (in Aries) opposing TNO Typhon (retrograde) in Libra: the irresistible force (Uranus) pitted against "primal instinct" (Typhon), giving us a recipe for breaks, breakage and breakthroughs. No one will feel in control now; best bets involve remaining flexible until we get a bit of perspective on things. Those willing to go the distance will gain insight (Uranus in Aries). Something about your own life needs to be recognized. Will you like it? Maybe. Will you be better for knowing it even if you don't like it? Definitely! Venus enters Gemini on April 3 at 3:19pm (UT/+0) asking us where we really want to end up. That Venus makes this ingress on the day before Mercury goes direct at 23 Pisces (on April 4 at 10:12am, UT/+0) points back to situations which started back in January—back when Mars went retrograde on January 23 or 24 (depending your local time zone). Given lingering Uranus/Typhon effects, now you see the results of past choices. Those who have been realistic about facts and Big Picture realities are likely to see sparkles of possibility. Those who've been short-sighted, stubborn or just plain insensitive will be taught a bit about humility. April 6 hosts a Full Moon at 17 Libra (at 7:20pm, UT/+0). Here, life (the Sun) focuses on questions of service (Vesta conjunct Sun). With the Sun in Aries in this figure, there's a continuing conscious focus on Self…to which we add the Full Moon "highlighting" of some evocative subject. Seventeen Libra being a highly verbal degree, Vesta conjunct Sun suggests being conscious of what you say and how you say it. Communication can be highly productive now, but only if you say what you mean. Drama may feel good, but spoil the effect. Industria (industriousness) going direct at 15 Leo on April 8 is a sign of shifting from the "figuring it out" phase into a "doing" mode. This is particularly true because 15 Leo is one of four zodiacal "cross-quarter" points. (Think of them as shifting gears in a car.) This particular cross-quarter point is all about learning to do things on your own, how to do them well and how to deal with those who do and don't pull their weight. We all experience this point differently, but the underlying question is a constant: those who have trouble with self-determination and internal discipline have more problem here than those better developed in these areas. Then we add in Industria. That Industria has retrograded to 15 Leo and is going direct at 15 Leo suggests that something you've been wrestling with for several months is now presented to you yet again. Will you see what you want, or be realistic? Are you only humoring yourself, or are you taking in the full effect your choices have on others—and thus ultimately, on you? April 9: as Venus conjuncts the South Node at 5 Gemini, all is easy to choose, say and like (or dislike), but if what you're looking for is “an easy way out," given that Hybris (personal entitlement) is now conjunct fixed star Scheat (denial to/by others) you may "get away" with something…but it will also probably also come back to haunt you. Oh, it's one of those "theme things" again… Since April 9/10 will also have Sun conjunct Vesta (at 20 Aries) responsibilities of all types are up for critique. The naiveté associated with 20 Aries will get many through a wicket most sticky, but this isn't the time to take on something you plainly don't have the proper ability to deal with. Those who have been irresponsible face repercussions in the form of damage to their responsibility and repercussions from same. All of the above occurs under the auspices of Pluto's station/retrograde. When we talk Pluto, we're talking emotional consequences. And though Pluto transits delineate moments and periods which evoke, provoke or thrust upon us matters, feelings and situational dynamics we really need to learn about…or understand…or admit to…or take note of (or responsibility for), such transits are also notoriously (a) involving and (b) trying. Humans like stability, whilePluto is the symbol of destabilizations which affect us vitally. Personally. Viscerally. The real question is what we're invested in and how we made the choice to become invested in it. The Pluto dynamic is not about the "thing" as it is about why we made that choice. Those who choose wisely arrive at Pluto transits and experience pleasureful rewards. Or transformative opportunities. Meanwhile, those who choose not so wisely (in terms of their own makeup, we're saying) experience Pluto as the sorts of denial, loss, humiliation, rejection, isolation, helplessness, dissatisfaction which come at a "cost" to their life and/or lifestyle. And from those Plutonic seeds will great motivations grow. Going retrograde on April 10 at 4:22 pm (UT/+0) at 9 Capricorn (a degree associated with wisdom-as-wealth), Pluto's presence here—especially in the light of its ongoing, year-long transit of Facies (victim/aggressor energies)—can bring people down…or buoy them up. Are we surprised that world economics are in such an uproar? We probably shouldn't be. Nor should we be surprised if personal or professional "worth" (financial worth or self-worth) is in a muddle. Though known colloquially as a "fixed star," Facies is a nebula—a massive cluster of stars so far away they look like one thing. Metaphysically, Facies has a nasty-ass(trological) reputation, and with Pluto rolling back and forth over this degree from January through December 2012 (with a touch of re-visitation during September 2013) we can expect bizarre situational collages which goad (victimize) one party into attacking someone/something else. (Learn more about Pluto-Facies here.) For those into political history, a reference: the last time this transit came about, England and its New World colonies were headed towards America's Revolutionary War. As Pluto conjuncted Facies, Parliament issued the Declaratory Act (March 1766) insisting that England's Parliament had the full power to make laws for its colonies "in all cases." Sounds something like the political rhetoric being heard today, doesn't it? The more things change, the more they don't change. Cycles are cycles. Though you may be tempted, emotionally cutting people off is an invitation to have people come after you, fangs at the ready. And in this moment—with Mercury still in Pisces—escapism and wanting to evade, avoid and otherwise do anything but bare your feelings and get real (even with yourself) is to be expected. The productive path here is to have the conversation, and to include a discussion of your feelings in that conversation. We're not talking psychotherapy here (though this is a good time for therapy)…no, this is about admitting to having feelings and vulnerabilities…and what those feelings (and vulnerabilities) are. Such conversations, especially with anyone who might be (highly) aggrieved with you, is likely to buy you some time in which to sort big(ger) issues out. Just don't use the cooling of rhetoric as an invitation to get out some big conversational hatchet. April 14–15 offer the most complicated astro-image of the month, starting with Mars going direct at 3 Virgo, a sign that surfacing convitions and decisions backed by motivation now set things into motion. The emphasis is on perseverance and functional determination based on knowing WHY what you need to do what you're doing now. Given Neptune and Niobe sitting in opposition to Mars (at 2 and 1 Pisces respectively) you may feel uncertain or confused by internal niggling over what's comfortable versus what's moral, workable or ethical. Some will pause to try to "make a deal" with their soul. Whatever you do, Niobe warns not to let pride get in your way. Smart folks will admit where they've erred and apologize if they've been arrogant. Neptune can work with you if you do that, getting you a "pass" where you otherwise might not get one. Just don't try to fool anyone—only a fool tries to fool others under this transit! In fact, taken together, Mars-Niobe-Neptune warn us not to fool ourselves most of all. Your "better self" may not seem popular in the short run, but with Neptune in exact opposition to Orcus this is a "get out of jail free" card for those who need a "start again" chance. (Just don't blow it!) Two other notes get added here as well. The first concerns Venus at 9 Gemini being in perfect trine to Pluto. You know…the same Pluto which has just gone retrograde while conjunct Facies? Changes are likely—especially in areas which you rely on, or want to rely on. Understanding the risks is essential. The second involves Eris (discord) being conjunct Vesta (service) at 22 Aries. This is either "luck in the moment" (often unearned) or an opportunity which may well be fleeting. Passions run strong; those trying to help others are more apt to get the up side here. April 16's Sun opposition Saturn (at 26 Aries/Libra) complicates or modifies things. Being that this Sun/Saturn connection occurs just as Nemesis conjuncts fixed star Ras Alhague (at 22 Sagittarius) furthermore, we get a mix of "sympathy for the underdog" (22 Sagittarius) being abused…as well as the difficulty in discerning underdogs who, while nice to you, are vicious with others. Here, Nemesis represents the comprehending (or need to hear) unpopular statements on same with the positive touch being that Ras Alhague can be damage or healing, depending on how you work it. With all "encased" in Sun opposition Saturn, the big question is whether we have the facts…or whether we're willing to face realities. Willful disregard of same—or lack of responsibility now creates losses. As Mercury conjuncts Scheat on April 16-17, don't expect applause. This isn't any big deal unless you're on a deadline or getting results back on something done prior to this date. People are in a mood to deny the simplest truths today, so pick your battles. April 19 sees the Sun moving into Taurus in conjunction with Scheherazade (at 4:13pm UT/+0). The desire here is for good times and emotional comfort, and were Eurydike not going retrograde at 29 Sagittarius on this very day, all would be luscious. But since Eurydike requires that we "know the cost" of what we're doing and it's turning retrograde at 29 Sagittarius…well, let's just say the "cost of getting ahead" without dealing with gaps, glitches and out-and-out problems is going to catch up with a bunch of people at this time. Being that the basic Taurean drive is for security and satisfaction, Sun-Scheherazade-Eurydike may also call our attention to how telling ourselves "tall tales" (Scheherazade) can cost far, far more than we had thought they would (Eurydike). Many think of Taurus as materialism and money and that people born with Sun in Taurus tend to want big houses, nice cars and all the trappings of a "good life"…but here's the catch: if they couldn't be just as happy without all that, they haven't met the basic Taurus criteria—which is all about our values and how they reflect our self worth, and whether we've developed our talents and done some good in this world. Self worth is the Taurus challenge and reward; substituting financial worth for self worth never works! Considering this, it's useful to note that as the Sun enters Taurus, Hebe goes direct at 0 Virgo, conjunct Regulus, having just moved into Virgo (after some 2,000 years in Leo). Humanity is making a huge shift from "develop our willingness to do" to "doing correctly" while not punishing others for our own lack of standards, knowledge, effort, ethics or morals. With Hebe going direct conjunct Regulus, we can expect situations to arise which highlight Hebe's connection to being the "cup-bearer" to the Olympian gods—a position both of trust and of basic support. Those who have run afoul of standards (their own or those held by collective "others") are likely to hear about it now! April 21 brings us a New Moon at 1 Taurus at 7:20am (UT/+0). Like all New Moons, this is the beginning of a new breath, a new part of the process. Occurring at 1 Taurus, there's a note of sensitivity…and a tendency to "trip switches." So try not to be too reactive. Unfortunately this degree also has a "dark side" where it balances between "defensiveness and cruelty" (shades of Pluto/Facies!), so it won't be shocking if we see some of humanity's inhumanity surfacing now, or in the weeks ahead. This would—in many senses—be the time for us to see all such things in order to reflect on ourselves and our Taurean values. In essence, to paraphrase: what cost Self? This New Moon also rings a harmonic back to the Juno/North Node energetic of April 1, which suggested that our sensitivities are meant to remind us of everyone's feelings. With this reprise taking place at 5 Sagittarius, so long as you're growing there is value to sticking things out. Considering how calculated Lilith conjunct fixed star Menkar is also part of this New Moon picture, though we don't want to see something, we'd benefit by doing so. Add in Venus conjunct Byblis and there's a trio of points telling us how important it is to recognize that wherever we try to achieve or defend something immoral or "wrong," we cripple ourselves. Some will see these lessons happen. Some will have them occur now. Some will find that from this point forward—on through this lunar cycle—situations, events and relationships demonstrate why these concepts are so very important. It's not that we can do something—but whether we should. Our lives, our choices—they're all being called into question. Serious question. April concludes on two seemingly quite divergent themes. The first involves a transiting grand trine in earthy signs involving Sun-in-Taurus, Mars-in-Virgo and Pluto retrograde-in-Capricorn which starts on April 22 and ends May 5. Some will feel "drawn in" to something…others will feel they were drawn into something they can't get out of…and some will simply be solidifying a status quo they neither desire nor intend to let go of. Others will be dealing with inertia, trying to bring some seemingly "immovable" objective into being. Still others will simply be enjoying something which at least at the moment is working well in their lives. The point is, (a) this is a transient period. In other words, it won't last. And, (b) there's a difference between what you can do and what you want to do. Choices will soon need making! The other issue concerns three asteroids going direct in Virgo in quick succession. On April 23, Arachne (entanglement) goes direct at 5 Virgo. On April 26, Psyche (knowing our own mind) goes direct—again, at 5 Virgo. (For more on Psyche, see The Astrology of Eros and Psyche: Falling in Love with Our Minds.) Lastly, late on April 27, Medea…(loving something/someone/some idea to the extent that we undermine our own aims)…goes direct at 9 Virgo. Taken together, this is all about how lost we can get in our own mind and how important it is to sort out not just what we think, but how we came to think that. And that April ends on a note of our being asked to rationally evaluate what life—especially our life—is about and worth, while the Sun is in Taurus—that is an exhorting of our awareness. Since nothing satisfies like satisfaction, and satisfaction cannot exist without personal security…and since internally, security cannot provide us with warmth of spirit where there's a lack of self worth…? Not to put too fine a point on this here but, just so you know: Venus—ruler of Taurus—will be going retrograde next month just steps ahead of a Gemini Solar Eclipse. So it seems apt that as we finish April, life begins reining us in, forcing us to evaluate what our values are truly—in our heart—really about. May we all have the courage to be our very best Self. Boots Hart, CAP
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