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![]() by Boots Hart March is all about reconciliations which begin as internal reflections. Looking at a bigger picture of our solar system (and universe, yes) there's a scattering of celestial objects (asteroids, comets, etc.) moving in or out of retrograde in Scorpio and Cancer. They tell us that these periods of reflecting are emotional—or they're driven by emotional situations, values or encounters. But maybe more importantly, there's a notable gaggle of objects which will be retrograde in Virgo all month, telling us that questions of functionality, feasibility—the very effort it takes to get from here to there—and morality…they're all in the mix. And maybe at stake. Virgo is an earth sign. And to have a bundle of "metaphysical considerations" poised in this particular earth(y) sign points to the "health" of the matter. Or your health. Duty, the job, employees, and where (or if, or how) we should or shouldn't subjugate our will to the greater good. When is that a good idea or not such a good idea? This is the backdrop against which all else happens during March. In other words, we're going to be thinking about things—and things will occur because this is the time to be thinking over what's worth what, where duty meets desire, where our actions meet up with the boundaries of others—all that. So keep that in mind. Like as not you'll find that one idea helps tie things together so you don't feel quite so "pulled in one direction or another" all month! March starts with Mercury entering Aries on March 2 (at 11:42am, UT/+0). Considering that Mercury in Aries expresses as anything from feistiness to bravado, enthusiasm to courage, determination to assertiveness or bloodshed, impulsivity, self-awareness or selfishness…well! Let's just say we're starting the month feeling our ego…and maybe our oats! And since a mere day later Edisonia (ideas) goes direct at 14 Cancer, we're "getting the idea" of what's at stake. Do we know how to proceed yet? Maybe yes, maybe no. Safe money is on temporizing, but the better return comes from figuring out what works long term, what truly expresses who you are and (very importantly!) what will garner the results you really want. A vaguely raw, somewhat "disconnected" feeling melts away as on March 5, Venus enters Taurus at 10:26 in the morning (UT/+0). That it does so with Circe (casting or being under a spell) just ahead speaks volumes. Venus is a sign or symbol of our willingness/ability to "be" effective (and get what we're after given to us in return). This begins about a month's worth of opportunities to improve our abilities, means, methods and results. People tend to think Venus is "magic beauty" but it's more about presenting the right quality to get the job done. So think earning…not posing. Venus in Taurus is good for developing projects, getting our point across and creating/building alliances which ultimately prove satisfying. Just don't be greedy. And count on today's selfishness becoming tomorrow's karmic debt. However! (Yes, there's always a "howeve"'!) Considering that Mars is still in retrograde and how Mercury is about to go retrograde…? The simple suggestion is this: don't think you have all the answers—and plan on some changes to your plans. The trick here is to be who you are and to take the courageous stance while slowly persuading others as to WHY that's important…in other words, a good idea which ultimately will be to their benefit. With March 8 comes a Virgo Full Moon—yet another in a long string of Full Moons at 18 degrees of successive signs. It's likely to be a time of emotional growth and "growth of feelings" or "feeling qualities"—the ability to understand, perhaps? Since this Full Moon occurs at 9:41am (UT/+0) this Virgo Full Moon brings all the many considerations and "life quantities being tested" represented by all those retrograde asteroids and such into Full Moon high focus. With the Virgo Sun of this figure conjunct Kassandra (disbelief of truth) and Lachesis (duration) there may be a whole "how long can this last?" quality to events and feelings of the moment. Also important: this is happening in the days preceding Mercury's station/retrograde. And since the days prior to any Mercury station/retrograde tend to be rushed and feel pressured, add a Full Moon and the symbolism comes to be all about "release." Or perhaps "overflow" or "overwhelming" circumstances—good or bad. Given how the Moon part of a Full Moon figure is always in the sign opposite that of the Sun, this gives us the lunar version of Pisces: intuition, the experience of our own feelings, issues of conscience and such—all of which have to do either with things we're now confronting…or which we long for. Maybe what we wish for…or maybe what we wish wasn't true. With asteroid Medusa going retrograde at 11 Scorpio (in exact conjunction with TNO Deucalion) at the time of this Full Moon, there's a "destined" quality to things of the moment. Life is trying to teach us something—what is it? So maybe things are lovely…maybe you feel unsure. Whatever is up, that Venus (now in Taurus) connects to Jupiter over the next five days is a signal of "expanding perspectives," which can be very positive. Yet with Medusa as part of this equation, you know certain "scary truths" will/would have to be faced in order to move past where you are right now. Medusa's turn to retrograde happening at 11 Scorpio plainly indicates at least the feeling that to have what we really want involves risk. Risking what? Almost anything: from money to reputation to self-esteem to having to face the idea that gosh darn it…you just don't know everything! Or that you've made some bad decision or commitment which now amounts to shooting yourself in the foot. Since Scorpio always involves others (at some level), feeling inextricably bound would not seem unlikely here—especially with TNO Deucalion pointing to events which pit public/cultural morality against the need to change and the fact that being who we are is the primal moral necessity. (Ed. note: see Boots' full-length articles on Medusa and on TNO Deucalion.) That asteroid Agamemnon goes direct at 19 Cancer on March 9 suggests a "basic issue" which just won't "go away." And though this Agamemnon effect will last only one day, it may be worth noting that Achilles (also in Cancer) is only retrograde until March 20. If you know your Iliad and Odyssey, you'll understand this suggests that a stance taken at the time of the Full Moon (or just after) gets challenged OR moves into an active/assertive phase come the 20th. And since what's we're talking about is a shift from retrograde to direct, we can discount that this March 9-to-March-20 period may be all about moving you from reflective into "active" mode. Asteroid House going direct at 2 Leo on March 11—(the day before Mercury goes retrograde at 7:50am (UT/+0) at 6 Aries highlights all which would emphasize how you're going about being creative in, and with your life. 2 Leo to 6 Aries being a natural trine, questions of taking the "lead" in your own life or on some project are tested by our ability to see beyond our own vision enough to include others, appeal to others…or at least not alienate the tar out of them! And lest we think this is all which is afoot, while House-trine-Mercury leads into Mercury's station/retrograde (this being an example of how our thinking—Mercury—can "take a turn") …that station/retrograde is going to be bookended by a Taurus Jupiter trining Pluto in Capricorn at 4:31am (UT/+0) on March 13, leading out of Mercury's station. What does that mean? Well, remember that connection between Venus and Jupiter we mentioned a while back? That was about directions, hopes, opportunities—and with Medusa-Deucalion added to the mix, the cost of getting there…or even freeing yourself up to go in such a direction. Next, Venus (the ability to manifest) perfects its Taurus conjunction with Jupiter (expansion) on March 13 (as Jupiter trines Pluto, adding a dollop of transforming emotions). All this gives us a picture of where wants meet up with whatever others will accept—or even be interested in. The greater Taurus/Capricorn meaning here is about our place in the world and what creates security and satisfaction with our Self in our own life. It brings up questions of "worth" (wealth, social approval) versus worth…as in self-worth, or what we think is "worth it." And that this Pluto-Jupiter connection occurs the day after Mercury goes retrograde? That's a signal that we're considering and reconsidering. Do we need to make changes? Mercury is going retrograde in early Aries (6 Aries), which definitely points to this being all about us—that very personal us. And since Mercury retrograde doesn't end until April 4, there's likely to be a lot of thinking about who we are in our own lives going on for the next few weeks. Meanwhile (back at the cosmic ranch…) on March 19, Ixion (entitlement involving others) goes retrograde at 19 Sagittarius—conjunct Hidalgo (noblesse oblige). Silt hits the sluice now where people are acting noble…but really only so they can get their own way. And considering that this happens with the Sun is at 29 Pisces (conjunct nobody's favorite fixed star Scheat), even if you are right, you'll pay for that "being right" because nobody wants to hear an inconvenient truth. Today the emperor is wearing clothes, everybody else is naked…and the emperor is getting flack for mentioning that it's snowing. Maybe more interesting—and of more long-term import—is the fact that as that happens, Mercury, in retrograde, has backed into 4 Aries, creating an in-your-face (or gut) conjunction with Uranus. Can you spell "unpredictability"? Seriously, this could be a moment of genius. Then again, it could be a moment when fracas unbidden erupts from the nether regions. Either way, since Uranus will return to 4 Aries in December 2012 (after going retrograde in July), this becomes a "marker" of sorts for all that we will try to invent, break free of, evade or change through the balance of 2012. And yes, this is the famous 2012 of Mayan calendar fame we're speaking of here (the calendar isn't ending but this "creation round" is!), these would be some handy-dandy handwritings on our walls…Or in the case of the Maya, chisel marks or murals. Who do you want to be? What do you want to be? Is that who you are? With the Sun entering Aries at 5:16am (UT/+0) on March 20, Planet Earth changes seasons and we shift from a "big picture" emphasis (Capricorn-Aquarius-Pisces) into our yearly "personal learning" phase framed out by Aries (recognizing we exist and that what we do matters), Taurus (self worth and talents which when developed and used well generate acceptance and satisfaction) and Gemini (thought, communication, organization, choice of goals, personal accountability and use of time). During our world's last phase we were "players" in a larger play—now we center more in our Selves, bringing those experiences in as reflections providing us with grist for our "growth mill." But that Hidalgo goes retrograde also on March 20 (at 19 Sagittarius)? That brings out the need to "qualify" who we are (have been?)—and how well that is or isn't working for us at a new and vital level. Successful or not, are we satisfied with our life as a human person? March 20 also being when Achilles goes direct gives us a double-dose of "deciding to do something about something"—or barricading ourselves inside castle walls of family or established mindset. And that's fine, unless you're susceptible to flattery…in which case, watch out for Trojan horses of personal proportions. And yes, there is that Greeks bearing gifts thing. Here the Greeks are situational. And their "gifts" are actually the difficulties or challenging moments which force you to acknowledge the truth—if to no one else, to yourself. Ixion is not about what the world will put up with or what others will tolerate—Ixion is about our own sense of entitlement and where that simply crosses over into self-destructive overindulgence (even when we think it's harmless, yes!) (Ed. note: see Boots' full-length artcle on Ixion here). With a New Moon at 2 Aries on March 22 (at 2:38pm UT/+0), life focuses on what problems are at this very personal level, asking us what we're going to do about the situation…or maybe the values we bring to said situation. Atropos—a symbol of being cut off (or "endings") is a strong modifier here, as is the temptation just to "eat it" (Tantalus). You may need to cut your losses or something simple…you may be faced with letting go of something "easy" or that you're liking/wanting very much (that Ixion thing) in favor of long-term improvements. With Klotho in opposition to this New Moon (at 2 Libra) the desire to "start with a clean slate" is offered or desired, but either way, there's a cost. Uranus hanging out at 4 Aries guarantees that this moment will be unbearable for some and for others…it'll be enthralling. But let's not forget: Mercury is in retrograde. So no matter what you think you know…you don't yet know everything. With Mercury at 0 Aries as the moment of this New Moon, those aiming to save/improve their own lot will gain less than those looking to act or elevate their standards of integrity. And as Mercury continues its retrograde and backs into 29 Pisces (on March 23 at 1:23pm, UT/+0), there comes a moment of weathering the (Scheat) displeasure of others. Still, that's pretty much the question: are you what others want you to be…or do you stand and live for who you really are and the deepest urgings of your soul? This is—of course—a continuing saga, so the end of March is by no means the end of this particular story. But for convenience's sake, we have to deal with only so much at a time, so the last major note of the month is Uranian. Uranus "officially" enters the shadow of its upcoming July retrograde on March 25. That this happens in advance of Mars going direct at 4 Virgo during April is something like cattle being herded down a chute: we're heading towards a point where the morality of functionality becomes all and where we will be forced to "break through" (Uranus) our individual and very (Uranus being in Aries) personal misconceptions about our limits, capacities and responsibilities. Uranus enters its shadow as Juno goes retrograde at 7 Sagittarius. This may feel isolating in that it confronts us with our willingness to be influenced by others, for good or ill. With Juno's making this turn to retrograde just shy (but certainly within orb) of the famously juxtaposed concepts of "what I like to do" versus "what I should do" as presented by oppositional fixed stars (Antares vs. Aldebaran), it sets all of our personal stuff against a social and societal background clearly battling through its own issues with responsibility and the many costs of effort and leisure both. Our motivations…our willingness to be genuine rather than popular (or that which is "popular" with us!) are being challenged. We think things are going wrong "out there" but the real issue is not about a soulless society or the selfishness of others but the cost of the power we take on…and that we reject. We all can be good and decent and productive. The question is whether we can be bothered to be good and decent and productive. It really is that simple. Boots Hart, CAP
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