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![]() by Boots Hart In the wake of the Gemini and Cancer solar eclipses which markedhuge shifts, turns, and challenges to our status quo—the way we think (in particular how we think of others and our life)—August is a time when events, communications and situations will ask us whether we understand our own purpose, whether that purpose is viable and whether we know how—or need to learn more about operating in our world. Do we know why we make the choices we make? Do we react to others (and life) in a responsible manner or merely in terms of what suits us? With the month starting with Sun-conjunct-Venus in Leo, hopes are running high. Throw in the fact that Mercury is in Virgo and on station (about to go retrograde) and the question becomes: is this possible? Is it necessary? Is it worth my time and effort? Are my priorities in order? And therein lies the rub. Only you know the answer(s) to these questions, obviously. But put simply, where you're on a good track and have at least learned how to do what you're doing, there gains will yet be made. For those goofing off or cutting corners, things now go awry. Or on hold. Think of this as the "teachable moment" or "time of learning." Mercury retrograde proper begins on August 3 at 3:51am (UT/+0) with Mercury conjunct Orcus. Thus some die has already been cast. With this conjunction in opposition to Neptune (retrograde) at 0 Pisces, there are chances for illusion, delusion and revelations of the most disappointing type. Between August 1 and August 5 a lot of information on "how workable" your position is gets “written on the wall in bas relief,” so pay attention! Big moments prior to August 3 suggest a "reality" yet to formulate. Big moments after August 3 are generally a "playing out" of a tide which has already turned in one direction or another. Either way, there is something which cannot be “undone”—that we know from Orcus' presence in this mix. With Mars also entering Cancer on August 3 (at 9:23am UT/+0, to be precise), we add a dash of that confrontation-with-self/life (Mars in Cancer) to the stew. Cancer is our "basis" for things and "that upon which we build." Mars hits 0 Cancer at a moment when asteroid House is also at 0 Cancer. This suggests two subjects in Big-and-Bold: FAMILY and REAL ESTATE. Plus, not to put too fine a point on this, Mars isn't known for signaling anyone's best behavior when it passes through Cancer. So expect frustrations, irritations, outbursts and yes—even a bit of prima donna sulking! Against this the urge to help, the urge to build, the urge to improve life—that will also be around…though even the most helpful efforts are bound to have their moments of angst and impatience! Especially with Mercury in retrograde (and with this ingress happening in sync with Mercury's station) there may be a need to "hold back" while things "come around" to your point of view. Or when you need to work on things before proceeding. Stomach aches real and proverbial are likely…watch that stress level! The next stop on the cosmic bus has Neptune retrograding back out of Pisces into Aquarius on August 5 at 3:12am (UT/+0). That as Neptune backs into 29 Aquarius it perfects an opposition to royal fixed star Regulus warns us not to project onto others or blame anyone—and NOT to do anything which could be referred to as "vengeance." Envy and jealousy—if felt now can be useful IF you convert the focus on “the other” to recognizing that who you're mad at is yourself. And just so that we keep this in perspective, Neptune began "working over" this vast tendency to project (the opposition to Regulus) back in the latter part of February 2011. And it's going to continue raising this specter (with intermittent breathers) until early February 2012. If you think about it, a lot of bad behavior…and calling others out on bad behavior…has happened during this time. Figure on it continuing—yes, this IS an unsettled time. What's the point? The point is to be realistic about what is possible to do and to NOT point fingers. There are tidal waves of mass emotionalism going around; nobody is as good OR bad as you think…no one is as perfect as you might want. Maybe the big point is that life isn't perfect? Speaking of retrogrades, as Mercury retrogrades back into Leo as of 9:47am (UT/+0) on August 8, by conjuncting Regulus it "sets off" this Neptune/Regulus thinking. Lies or inspiration? Entertainment or deception? The difference between is probably a measure of your realism. Apart from that, for those not “married” to some "verdict" (judgment), matters of the moment may well seem confusing as you can see both sides of the coin. Separating what you hope from what you know is all-important here. Why? Because Mercury/Neptune connections are very often "falsifications" of facts. And that can be the lie, the daydream, the fantasy, the story…or anything else which you employ to "relieve" you of your "hard core" realism. So if you're on vacation—do you really want to splurge? If you're totally boondoggled by some bad time at work, do you really want to go party? "Getting away from it all" is one thing. Escapism is quite another. What you have earned you are entitled to take. What you feel you are entitled to regardless is likely to be problematic—as is the old "hearing what you want to hear" thing. It's one thing to get lied to or manipulated and another to simply not listen or refuse to accept someone else's reality because it doesn't hit your "Like!" button. Come August 10, a transiting grand trine in fire signs forms up, hooking together our Sagittarian North Node with Eris/Black Moon Lilith in Aries plus the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Leo. The "whole" of this transiting grand trine will be in effect from August 10 until September 5. However! During that time the Sun-Venus-Mercury part does a little shifting around. First Sun/Venus is conjunct but Mercury's not around. Then it's just the Sun. Then Mercury/Sun. Then just Mercury. The whole of this delineates a couple of weeks when what we do and what we need to do against what we want to do (or how we sure would like “it” to work) never lets go of us and doesn't quite work how we want. And though there are many ways to look at this, one would suspect that because this configuration starts with Sun/Venus being in the Leo corner and ends with Mercury retrograde in the Leo corner that what we want or hope (Sun/Venus) slowly gets tempered by realism and realities of various sorts. Oh…and expect a few "pokes" to arise in your Leo "I want what I want!" life on August 18 and 28 …those being the dates when the Moon moves through Aries and Leo, “activating” the grand trine in resplendent present tense. (Or very tense, depending!) The next event on our August calendar is a Full Moon at 20 Aquarius on August 13 at 6:59pm (UT/+0) highlighting skill…and how others may react to various demonstrations of skill—or the lack thereof. (Feel free to substitute “responsibility” for “skill” if you must!) And no, it's not quite this simple. Remembering that the Full Moon is a Sun-opposition-Moon configuration, here we have Damocles (realization of dangers) and Nessus (poisonous jealousy) on the Aquarius (Moon) side…and Venus (making things happen) and Medusa/Polyhymnia (reflecting on frightening realities) at 21 Leo conjunct the Sun. This is a moment which favors those with steel backbones, clear thinking and steely resolve. Those who deny or try to avoid having to think about things (or who have) here meet with realities which are unavoidable. And if you MUST ask (which yes, I know you must), the tip-off to this whole configuration is that Sedna and Eros are sitting at 23 and 22 Taurus…halfway between Sun and Moon. And THIS makes our simple “Full Moon/opposition” into a t-square. So what's the rule about t-squares again? We have to get past our own issues to succeed. And those "issues" are pictured by whatever is at the "t" of the t-square, which here is the annoyingly vibrant pair of Sedna (the self-centeredness of immaturity) and Eros (passion). Thus the question of this moment is really whether what we're aiming for (or how we've acted) has been in keeping with the maturity of our status. Or are we just wanting what we want because we want it and trying to get away with whatever else is around annoying us? You know that old saying, “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it?” This would appear to be one of those moments. Once past that we arrive at Venus entering Virgo on August 21 at 10:12pm (UT/+0)—a call for pragmatic effort (and the need for same). Venus in Virgo is seldom a frolic, against which is the thought that it can be a time when much gets done and done well. This next three-and-a-half weeks—especially with Mercury in retrograde—is a good time to consolidate your position and “clean up your act.” Come August 23 the Sun rolls into Virgo at 11:22 in the morning (UT/+0) and "necessity" strikes us all. The Sun's passage through Virgo is always down-to-earth and often a time when we get sufficiently motivated to breeze through what seemed like mountainous problems just yesterday. But just in case we're feeling lackadaisical, as the Sun enters this sign of "health, work, service" (Virgo), Venus will conjunct TNO Orcus AND oppose Chiron. Something not yet done or left undone (or not done thoroughly) now causes problems. This doesn't have to be major, but it can be. With Chiron retrograde in Pisces, like as not we have managed to put ourselves in this bit-of-a-sticky position and with Mars in Cancer you may be sure the sounds of frustration being vented will be symphonic. Fortunately, as of August 24 Mercury will be on station to go direct at 18 Leo on August 26 at 10:05pm…and then things will start (slowly) getting straightened out, if only to the degree they were taken on under Mercury retrograde. What you don't tackle, you don't fix! With Mercury doing this mental station/turnabout with Klotho-Medea (the possibility of beginning to care too much) right behind and Psyche (the mind) just ahead, this is a time to be mindful and when thinking things through before you go any farther is essential. For some, this station is going to be a moment of "revelations"—and some of what you learn now may startle you. But if you think it through…yes, probably back about the time Mercury opposed Neptune there we signs. Did you heed them? Things begin to fall in line as on August 29 at 3:05am (UT/+0) a New Moon at 5 Virgo opens the way for us to comprehend how to work with various opportunities. Okay…with fixed star Thuban just ahead at 7 Virgo and royal star Fomalhaut in opposition at 4 Pisces (plus Chiron retrograde at 2 Pisces), this isn't a picnic and we don't just get to "do it our way." There are compromises to be made and learning curves to be tackled. And let's not forget Fomalhaut's royal rule! Only the uncorrupted dream succeeds and actually bringing us happiness. The last note for the month concerns the fact that this New Moon occurs as Jupiter goes on station to go retrograde on August 30 at 10 Taurus. Let's see…Jupiter is Pisces" first ruler, Neptune rules the Pisces outcome. This New Moon is in Virgo and Virgo is Pisces" polarity sign. In short, the fantasy, the illusion, the "dream" which is only a dream doesn't work. But the universal idea—the Pisces reality of acceptance of differences and despite that, the core sameness among all humans? That works. With Jupiter going retrograde in opposition to TNO Deucalion (the moral path) and Sisyphus…how we treat others, how moral and ethical we are…and those we "partner up" with are…that will end up being how we are treated. Jupiter will now be retrograde for several months. Will you "learn better" or recognize that you have already learned how to be your better self? Therein lies the question! Boots Hart, CAP
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