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![]() by Boots Hart Letting go, reformulating and finding possibilities in what lies ahead is July's underlying theme—one which begins with a Solar Eclipse on July 1 at 9 Cancer. Occurring at 8:55am (UT/+0), this eclipse is modified by Agamemnon and fixed star Alhena, a combination which most of us will tend to "feel" like fate being strongly "thrust" upon us. Against this, there's a strong sense of (Alhena) purpose. Even "fated purpose" which has to do not with today's specifics, but with the whole of your life in greater perspective. Humans being the egocentric critters that we are, we tend to think our lives are all about what we want. But if we accept the great metaphysical statement "unbeknownst to us, the universe is unfolding as it should" as part of the time-space-mass-energy which is the Universe Manifest(ing), even that which is painful, even those we consider “evil” are serving some purpose. We may not like it. We may not understand its ultimate benefit. But can we accept that it may have one? Neptune retrograde at 0 Pisces would certainly seem to be asking whether we can accept that life holds not only that which we like, but that which we don't like one little bit! Do we understand how that provides us with motivations and something to "react against"? Do we see how confusion and problems which may feel like defeats can also gift us with internal perspective? Are we willing to accept that life isn't personal—that it doesn't happen “to” us and how energy isn't positive or negative bias, that most (if not all) such judgments come from our preconceptions, ego and expectations? As last month's solar eclipse in Gemini (sign of limbs and "transporting" of things from one place to another) signaled new thoughts, a breakdown in/because of old patterns of communication and various gaps in our thinking, July's Cancer eclipse highlights those kinds of "basics" which we tend to take for granted. Physically, Cancer is the sign of the stomach and digestion along with the generalized ability (not merely bodily) to “absorb” things in life. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer reflects our instinct to be "protective of our own" as well as the foundation upon which we build. Family, real estate (homes, housing), culture/heritage, “old tapes,” nationality, citizenship and our relationship to the rules by which we are made to live—all such things are Cancerian. Mercury enters Leo on July 2 at 5:39am (UT/+0) and signals a…bit of "spark." Will this be a headstrong spark or the spark and sparkle of lightheartedness? That pretty much depends on what else is going on—how responsibly and realistically (as opposed to simply emotionally) you're dealing with greater concerns. But your thoughts…they are likely to be personal. And preferential. You know what you want…and to some extent, happiness and frustration are simply all about whether your "wants" are being delivered on, silver tray or no silver tray. Against this…there is that Leo question of what we have as yet earned the right to enjoy. Achilles at 4 Cancer as Venus ingresses Cancer on July 4 at 4:18am (UT/+0) is an interesting "other side of the coin" against Agamemnon's association with the eclipse. Why? Well, let's remember our Homeric tale of Troy. There's Achilles, warrior of great talent—and yes a bit vain and certainly bull-headed about his own sense of destiny. Technically one of the CEOs (on the Greek side) in that war, (King) Agamemnon was more of what we might call a voracious pragmatist, what with the whole war having been caused by his brother Menelaus' wife (Helen) having been stolen away. Agamemnon wasn't one to pass up using someone else's conflict (or loss) as a tool for personal gain and power. To him, Achilles was a tool. To Achilles, Agamemnon was an irritating dullard prone to using blunt-force power-of-position rather than skill. Venus being the point representing (and timing) our ability to attract or create that which we have earned, this gives us July 4 through 8 (when after entering Cancer, Venus catches up with Achilles) as a time when the vainglorious is exacerbated and/or “exploded”…and maybe in conjunction with bullheaded (Agamemnon-like) "strong-arming" behavior on someone, anyone's—or even everyone's—part. And with Jupiter in Taurus (an expansion of values, resources, abilities, worth/self worth) trining Pluto (retrograde in Capricorn: evolving life-structure changes) on July 7 at 1:53pm (UT/+0)…these are days of portent. Or importance! And it just depends on circumstances and how you use said circumstances. How realistic are you about life? You think of yourself (Mercury in Leo) as the star in your own life, but everybody else thinks of themselves as the star of their life. How realistic are you about this…and how well do you take that "sameness in different forms" into account as you do things, take positions, make plans and in general, go through this world? Considering Uranus will go retrograde at 4 Aries at 36 minutes past midnight (UT/+0) on July 10, this is a time for breakouts, breakthroughs and revelations—particularly where the "emotional grasp" (Cancer) on such basics has been suppressed, oppressed or just plain ignored. And since as Uranus "turns around" it confronts asteroid Scheherazade, we can expect this to be all about "fairy tales." Some will prove out, some will simply prove impractical, some will be revealed to be not what you thought they were and some you simply will need to get over. But no, it's not that simple! (Is it ever?) With Uranus going retrograde at a point which opposes Saturn's January 2010 Libra station, in square to Pluto's April 2010 Capricorn station and in square to this month's Cancer solar eclipse…well, let's just say that this moment "bears fruit" on much seeded early last year. Being that an eclipse is part of this picture, this also becomes a moment of evolutionary portent….particularly if your chart "answers" to 4 degrees of any cardinal sign (Aries, Libra, Capricorn and/or Cancer). So check your chart—do you have anything positioned between 29 Pisces and 9 Aries? 29 Virgo and 9 Libra? 29 Sagittarius and 9 Capricorn? 29 Gemini and 9 Cancer? If so, figure on mid-July as heralding some "next step" to be taken. Considering this is Uranus going retrograde, this may feel (inside) like jumping off a cliff. But in very, very general…? This is the difference between how well you deal with voluntary change against change being thrust upon you. As Mercury enters the shadow of its upcoming (August) retrograde on July 14, cracks in the system—and our dreams—begin showing up. Because this Mercury retrograde starts in Virgo and backs into Leo, it's all about getting us to "finish things properly" and attending to the functionality (Virgo) instead of just the glossy finish of (Leo) appearance. Considering how the Sun will be in Leo when we get to Mercury backing into Leo and how that combination has often spelled volatility in financial markets and personal money matters, this may be a time to curb enthusiasm with practicality/pragmatism, too. That old saying about one should never risk what you cannot afford to lose seems apt as a byword…particularly once Mercury goes retrograde—which it doesn't actually do until August. But Mercury's "shadow period" is often tense. Many people "rush" to get things done during the Mercury shadow prior to retrograde. How you employ this is up to you, but let's just say the productive money is on making a few frustrating sacrifices up front (during Mercury in Leo) so that once Mercury hits Virgo and goes retrograde you are well, good and free of some overhanging responsibility. Those who work it the other way around (skimming through things, deferring work for “later”) are more likely to find themselves in an August bogged down pickle! A Full Moon occurs on July 15 at 6:41 am (UT/+0) just a day after Mercury enters its retrograde shadow. What does this mean? Well, let's just take it as something of a "double signature": we've pushed our efforts out far enough for the moment…it's time to take a breath, consolidate…or maybe cut our losses. With the Sun at 22 Cancer against the Moon at 22 Capricorn and Sun conjunct Arachne (entanglement), this is a pretty standard message (and secondary image) of not bulldozing ahead without consider repercussions and dealing with what it takes to get where you want to go and have what you want to have. Those who have diligently ignored such parameters now meet up with consequences…or the distinct possibility that what they thought they wanted doesn't really work. But again…the whole of this month is really all about whether you're "counting" on something. Or "clinging" to some idea that life could/should be “like it used to be,” or "my nirvana." Those who are carefully building…? Okay, so you hit a few bumps. But those who haven't been realistic are falling off a cliff. So it really is a matter of degree and perspective. So we unravel from that…then come July 23 at 4:13 (UT/+0) Mars conjuncts the Lunar South Node as the Sun enters Leo: a door opening into our future. Question: do we really want that future? Have we thought that future through? Even for those who hit this moment and realize they're on a "wrong" track it won't be easy to cut one's self loose. Mars/South Node here is pictured conjunct fixed stars Bellatrix and Phact (why does the new and interesting have to come with problems?) and Athena and House (dispassionate estimations of whether and how well something works). With all of this happening in Gemini's 3rd decanate we know it's "coming at us" from others and life. But with Gemini's ruler (Mercury) about to go retrograde, let's just say chances are the fresh jar of ointment already has some flies in it courtesy of someone else—or general life itself. This is a recipe for ruffled mental feathers…not only are the waters ahead not pretty and glassy, but either something can't happen as fast as you'd like (Leo) it to, or it needs tweaking. Or someone whose participation you need has conflicts of time. Or mind. Or something else sublime… Those really "into" Mercury retrogrades (you know who you are!) will sense this slowing down of the works and go "ohhh….I get it!" and stop pushing. And that's apt: the rule with Mercury stations is to let things go at their own pace. Don't rush it, don't push it, don't insist. If something happens, fine. Also: there's nothing wrong with taking care of business under Mercury retrograde, just don't plan on it being finalized. Someone once wrote me to ask whether it was “okay” to order new glasses (as prescribed) under Mercury retrograde. Answer: theoretically, the "eye exam" and all that comes of same is one long process. Since this person's glasses wouldn't have been ready until Mercury was again in direct motion, it seemed fine to me to order them. But when it became clear that this person would have a problem committing to the purchase, that changed the playing field. Astrology doesn't rule your life…it's just clockwork telling us when various facets of your life are likely to chime out! In the end your life is your life and you need to live it! Astrology isn't a dictate, it's a series of signposts. Think: opportunities to learn more about me and about life. Just because there's a cross-current doesn't mean you can't swim the river, it just means you need to be prepared for a tougher swim. So…what do you choose? All this comes more to the point as Mercury enters functionality-oriented Virgo at 6pm on July 26 (UT/+0). Known for being "nit-picky" or "overly detailed" (which can be true!) the strongly wonderful side of Mercury in Virgo is the clarity of vision for those willing to maintain some perspective on the fact that the object of any task is to accomplish the goal—not to obsess about the task in minute detail! Functional, in other words, is not necessarily perfection…and there are various ways to do things. This last part is underscored by Venus entering Leo at 3pm (UT/+0) on July 28. With Klotho at 3 Leo, Sun at 4 and Psyche/Medea at 5 Leo, we now either face making things difficult for ourselves (Medea) through creating (Klotho) some mental (Psyche) flight-of-Leo-fancy…or we enhance (Venus/Leo) our life by finding means and methods which work both in the Mercury-in-Virgo functional/useful sense while also being Venus-in-Leo rewarding and fun. Again, your choice. So…what choose you? Boots Hart, CAP
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