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![]() by Boots Hart June is a month of "mental reconnoitering" when much that we want to think proper proves unworkable… when things we thought true or lasting begin to fade…and when life as a whole shows us how we need to make some new choices. This all starts with a Solar Eclipse—the first of two of which will occur in successive months. This first one (which remember, is still part of the Aries-Taurus-Gemini quarter!) occurs at 11 Gemini on June 1 at 9:04pm (UT/+0. Talk about starting the month off with a bang, right? A handful of items to note here…first, that this eclipse occurs in an emotional degree of an airy, conceptual sign. So the whole of our current evolutionary thrust is mental, conjectural, and meant to get us to think things through and choose not merely for the moment, but as part of a bigger and more durable plan. Things we choose now will absolutely be tested down the line, so don’t think you can get away with getting by or making do, too! That’s exactly what eclipses wipe off our personal map. Life isn’t about "getting by"…it’s about living life for real, and in a realistic, reality-oriented manner. And if in saying this I then add how this eclipse occurs conjunct fixed star Aldebaran (integrity) and Kallisto (weathering unjust situations), we should begin recognizing that the polarity here is a very Gemini-like duality: some of us will now be subjected (or made to listen) to truly outrageous lacks of integrity/justice as some of us are now emerging from the shadows cast on/over our lives by others who think/thought they could get away with reprehensible behaviors or smokescreens or flights of mental fancy which have very little (if anything) to do with facts. With Neptune taking station to go retrograde as the eclipse goes off and Mercury heading into 29 Taurus, this eclipse is clearly about illusions versus dissolutions which test the stability, purpose and employment of lasting, durable, viable values. And though results of all connected to this eclipse may not be instantaneous (they seldom are with solar eclipses) they are now being set in motion. A day passes, and come June 2, Mercury leaves Taurus and enters Gemini at 8:04pm (UT/+0), squaring Neptune’s 0 Pisces station. For some, this is a time to imagine and be entertained. Yet because Mercury is about being dexterous and facile anyway and is highly (and mentally) so when in Gemini, the combination of Mercury and Neptune can be confusion. Or being deluded—willingly or not so willingly. For some, this is also when the veil lifts and the "finding out" begins. Whichever way these next few days go in your life, what’s important is the working towards clarity and being emotionally accepting, whether that’s in your own life or as pertains to the emotions (or emotional stability) of others. With House (feeling "at home") and Amor (Platonic love) at 1 Gemini, this is a moment of either bonding or the breaking of bonds and you should know that speaking your mind—if done dispassionately and factually—is quite allowable here. In fact, it’s pretty much encouraged. Just try to avoid the emotional appeal…at the moment that’s less about caring than it is about wanting someone to agree so that realities don’t have to be faced. Hiding from one’s own sense of vulnerability will be popular now, but not productive! Why this is all so important becomes more evident as we think more specifically in terms of Neptune going retrograde at 0 Pisces—an event which happens on June 3 at 7:29am (UT/+0). Known as a sign of extreme emotionalism (“deep water and oceans of emotion”!) Pisces is about that plus our ability to separate emotional from "dry land reality." With Neptune doing its turn in opposition to TNO Orcus (consequence) at 1 Virgo (a degree about the functionality of one’s efforts) and Regulus, the sign that vengeance shall not be our goal lest it undermine us as much or more than "them," this is all about the need to own our feelings and accept the facts of life. You don’t have to like them…but yes, you will do well to accept them. And a little (okay, maybe not so little…) note on Regulus. Regulus is a "fixed" star. But that’s a relative term. All fixed star positions do move (relative to Earth)—if very slowly. In the case of Regulus (one of the Royal Stars of Persia and famous for its role in many a historical tale), this particular fixed star moved into Leo back on October 25, 157 BCE. Yes, I said BCE—as in back when mankind was figuring out how to use gears to lift water out of rivers for irritation. Back when the first stone bridge was built in Rome (okay, so that was in 179 BCE, sue me…) and back when Hannibal was trying to get his elephants over the Alps. Back then nobody had heard of Christ (nevermind Muhammad) yet. This was a little after the Rosetta Stone was engraved with royal notifications and when Antiochus IV had just desecrated the Temple of Jerusalem (168 BCE) leading us into the time of the Biblical Book of Daniel (around 165). For all this time, Regulus has been ever-so-slowly moving through Leo. For all these years this has connected the concept of what we want to create (Leo) with the Regulus necessity not to destroy somebody else’s creation (which includes kids, by the by). We have been tested by our own desire. Our wants have been curbed by the recognition that in harming others, we could bring societal retribution down on ourselves. Well, Regulus has just about had Leo: as of 12:35pm (UT/+0) on November 28, 2011 it will move into Virgo. And while this will remove certain creative strictures, it will bring new metaphysical rules into place—such as being mindful of the repercussions of what you do (or how you do it) as regards the health of others. Or our world. Moving forward, success will only be granted and lasting when what you do works and benefits everyone, not just you. The point here is not just about saying "hey folks, an entire era is coming to an end" (which it is) but that right now, how for the next few months, Regulus will be moving through the last minutes of Leo’s last degree. That’s intense! So the Leo "I want what I want" thing and the "don’t bother me with facts or whether this works for anyone else but me" thing? We’re likely to see more of it—and reactions against that sort of thing during this next seasonal while. And remember: while Regulus promises an ultimate lack of success to those who break its rules, that doesn’t mean they don’t get to wreak bloody havoc! So expect acts of utter and complete selfishness, narcissism and sociopathic nature…with retribution and collapse of ill-gotten games to follow. Moving on! As Jupiter moves into Taurus at 1:57pm (UT/+0) on June 4 it strikes a sextile with Neptune which, still on station but now retrograde, signals not just an increase of awareness in the area of values and resources, but also a softening of ego walls. This may well be an excellent time to explore options which up until now have seemed impossible to broach without starting a verbal fire-fight (or even a military fire-fight!). And as Venus follows Mercury into Gemini come June 9 at 2:24pm (UT/+0), a spirit of grace and good manners is heightened—as is romance, a general appreciation of the arts and the willingness to discuss instead of demand or argue. Still…watch those factual p’s and q’s. With Venus' Gemini ingress occurring in square Neptune (retrograde) there’s a marked tendency to hear what you want to hear or what someone else wants you to think you’ve heard. So watch yourself! For those doing things serious and/or constructive (even productive!), Saturn’s going direct on June 13 at 3:52am (UT/+0) should be a blessing...at least in the long run. That Saturn does its turnaround at 10 Libra (missing Diadem’s “the crowning glory” at 9 Libra) may seem like a setback, but if greeted as advice on how to improve (then proceed) may be quite useful. However! Given how this station/direct transition happens in opposition to Black Moon Lilith (aka: everything you didn’t want to know about your world and which the world doesn’t want to know about you) and with there being a really-o, truly-o big fat road block named Pluto-conjunct fixed star Facies in the t-square Capricorn position…? Since Pluto is emotional consequence and Facies is the victim/aggressor, don’t count on skipping on through the rest of June humming merrily. This Pluto/Facies t-square is pretty much like curdled milk in your tea, and with Pluto in retrograde the required “work” here is about your need to confront your emotional position. To really move ahead, either you need to get past your own fears or you need to be willing to face off against those who are…well…using every bullying, underhanded tactic in their voracious effort to maintain control. And just in case you’re thinking you can just "sit on this" for a while? Okay, maybe you can. But in many cases, things are going to move into explosive high gear with the Lunar Eclipse at 24 Sagittarius at 8:15pm (UT/+0) on June 15. Feeling a little like a prize fight ring announcer, I’ll just call this one as I sees it: in the Moon’s corner we have fixed star Ras Alhague at 22 Sagittarius, fixed star Acumen standing for all we’ve learned at 28 Sagittarius, and Chaldaea (old ways) pushing to hold or re-establish "rights" and correctness (on the part of others) at 29 Sagittarius…with all this facing off against a fact-of-the-situational Sun provoking us to correct our course. Nicely backed by fixed star Phact (the need to do something new so that you can understand, not for the thrill) and Betelgeuse at 28 Gemini (the effort to make things easy) the Sun indicates the desire to "just do what needs to be done"…suggesting that the dynamic hinge here is Ras Alhague, the closest aspect in what is after all, a lunar eclipse. Ras Alhague is a star with an iffy reputation born of the entirely understandable human dislike for situations which force you to face that which you have denied. Is this yet another form of the "Lilith denial" thing, you ask? Sort of…except that in the case of Ras Alhague, the very temptation which causes us to opt to "make things easier" on ourselves ultimately leads to our feeling isolated, depleted, cheated, robbed and undermined. Recognizing this and owning it is the first step to healing—not what’s wrong in others, but where we’ve gone wrong inside ourselves. Owning those errors…realizing we cannot be "that thing" or "that person" who doesn’t have to “deal”—that’s us injuring our own chances for happiness. Realizing that it was human to want to evade and humane to forgive ourselves our human frailties…that’s Ras Alhague functioning as a healer. This is a star which functions at both the societal and personal level, so take heart. Be courageous! Let yourself have and be more by not allowing fear of emotional reactivity to rule your world. Fairly galloping through the zodiac, Mercury reaches Cancer on June 16 at 7:10pm (UT/+0). Now trine to Neptune and in opposition to Atropos at 1 Capricorn, It’s time to stop lying. To whom? Most of all to ourselves! Life clarifies and becomes more "real" with the Mars ingress of Gemini on June 21 at 2:51am (UT/+0), especially as the Sun moves into Cancer on the very same day (at 5:18pm UT/+0). With Achilles at 0 Cancer there’s an air of determination and certainly much to do. And with an Achilles sort of doughy determination we march on, dealing with a life which seems ever more basic even as it’s simultaneously more complex. With Jupiter semi-sextiles Uranus on June 28 at 12:19pm (UT/+0) some of us break loose from emotional shackles; Uranus' opposition to Europa and giant Black Hole M87 allows us to glimpse the possible…and for some, be inspired to change. Some will reach this place and be unwilling (or emotionally unable) to let go of a status quo now thoroughly established. But why is that? The biggest question now is whether fear rules your life…and if it does, who you’re afraid of. But isn’t that so often the bottom line? Boots Hart, CAP
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