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February '11




Boots Hart (Saturn)Boots Hart
Astrological Overview
February 2011

Boots Hart provides an overview and synthesis of the major energies, transits and key dates for the month as a whole.

Daykeeper's February 2011 General Monthly Influences

by Boots Hart

High power, low tolerance and great polarities busily sprinkle the whole of February. This trend is typified by Sun in Aquarius conjunct Mars from February 2 through February 6. Aquarius is an airy sign of "theory" and of all areas where society interacts with the public, or we interact with society. With this conjunction happening in emotional degrees, "fervency" is probably a good word. It's the idea which gets stressed and the idea of the thing which stresses us out.

These days start off a bit challenging. We may hear of rejections, intolerance and pronouncements which as February 2 and 3 evolve to become February 4 mellows into understanding and comprehension. By February 5, some degree of idealism has taken hold which motivates some and frustrates others come February 6, depending on how concrete your solution, plan or methodology really is. With Mars and Sun in Aquarius it's the ability to bring others into our process (or to join theirs!) which gains real support—the going alone or the "my way or there's the highway" sort of stance doesn't work well. A big determiner here is the general we versus you, which is a mixture of willingness and responsibility.

Brainstorming and joining in builds momentum, especially with the New Moon on February 3 at 13 Aquarius (2:32am UT/+0). Bearing in mind that with Aquarius, the greater the network, the wider the net can possibly be cast we arrive at this, lunation Number Four (out of six) in a row at 13 degrees. This having all started back in November (2010) we are reminded that we will continue to need to be aware of our emotions and emotionalism. The more we can harness our drives or deal with them productively, the better off we will be!

That said, this month's theme focuses on how well our group or community works and our relationship to the world around us. Income, reputation and our ability to accept how our world works determines many a gain and stoppage now, with some situations hinging specifically on how well we deal with not merely our own feelings, but the emotional needs of others. With universalist Sappho just behind and Charybdis ahead of this New Moon there's a sense of standing alone which may indicate a dawning of awareness... or a sense of having not the shred of a clue. Whichever side you find yourself on, Charybdis tells us there's more to do and that only those who keep at it will in the end achieve their aims. So if you were thinking this would be an "easy, over and done" month—think again!

Also on February 3, some hours after the New Moon, Mercury enters Aquarius (at 10:20pm UT/+0)—a sign that alternatives may come to light. With so much energy now in Aquarius, it's to expect some goofy moment—and that humor is a good way to relieve stress, and promote good will. Granting that some may go over a line into what seems insensitive now, there are those who will really make important points using the fabled Aquarian a sharpness of wit. With this Mercury/Aquarius transit lasting a couple of weeks it's a great time to get real, a good time to work on productive plans and a terrible time to be overly sensitive! When in doubt, clarify; the wag who seems rude may have a point—or even good intent despite their approach being about as subtle as a sledge hammer!  

As Venus leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn on February 4 at 5:59 (UT/+0) a sense of pragmatism and practicality begins sorting possible from improbable from pragmatic. For the goal-oriented, this is a definite plus…for those who really hate settling down and putting nose to proverbial grindstone, it's a drag.

No, we can't please everyone! Not even if you're the universe can you please everyone!

But then, the universe simply Is. It has no feeling quotient, however much people would like to think so. Yet that may well be good—isn't the neutral playing field the very best opportunity one can have?

A good example of this may become visible on February 8 and 9 as Venus conjuncts Vesta, then Pluto…obviously while in early Capricorn. The Venus/Vesta meeting at 5 Capricorn brings out the best in many. The Venus/Pluto hookup at 6 Capricorn on the other hand, can get us into trouble—particularly by being too trusting, too grasping, or out-and-out manipulative. With Chiron enter Pisces on February 8 at 7:57pm (UT/+0) within orb of a triple conjunction composed of Neptune (idealism vs. illusion), Amphitrite (willingness to give in to what actually works) and Circe (reducing all to animalistic desires) like as not, something's "up in the air." But what?

The triad conjunction occurring at 28 Aquarius makes effects difficult to predict as this is a degree all about "mastering the idea while remaining aware that it could still succeed…OR fail." While what this suggests is "attempts" or "efforts," when combined with Venus/Vesta, Venus/Pluto and Chiron's ingress into Pisces, there's a need to feel our own feelings. In a world greatly devoted to emotional ownership of the comfortable, we have only to look back one Chiron cycle to the 1960's, which were anything but emotionally peaceful.

Words like "tumultuous" and "upheaval" spring to mind.

As Mercury, Ceres and Sappho meet up at 16 Aquarius on February 13, insights and solutions can be found in/for many a situation. However, with the Sun moving to perfect a conjunction with Neptune on February 17, it's also likely that answers, timetables and commitments are either hard to come by or not quite what anyone thinks. The idea is great—but are we willing to back it with the required blood, sweat, time and possible personal sacrifice?

People playing "personal poker" may get called out as a Full Moon at 29 Leo occurs on February 18 at 8:37am (UT/+0). With Scheherazade at 26 Aquarius (just behind the Sun's at 29 Aquarius) this is a signal to "get real!" Considering this Full Moon occurs within orb of fixed star Fomalhaut at 4 Pisces, the dream (your aim) must not be corrupt or it will not succeed. And whatever happens, with royal star Regulus at the Moon's end of this configuration, not grabbing at revenge is vitally important. If someone tries something on you, resist it, but only resist. Let them get caught. And yes, you can turn on the "light" so that what they're doing can be seen for what it is. But you must do this for the right reasons—not merely because you want to win!

Come 0:29am (UT/+0) on February 19, the Sun enters Pisces and conjuncts Chiron, raising an awareness of need(s) even if there isn't necessarily any motivation to deal with them. Indeed, an opposition of asteroid Lilith to Juno from 26 Pisces to Virgo would seem to suggest conflict and denial (particularly when it comes to responsibilities) in this moment.

And for those who know astrology, all I have to say is Mercury, Mars and Neptune conjunct to get a predictable "deceit, lying, lack of realism, deliberate denial" sort of reaction. And yes, this is what's going to happen. Coming together at 28 Aquarius on February 20, this trio (in particular the Neptune/Mercury part) is an infamous sign of delusion. Sometimes it's a positive, such as with that starry-eyed thing we call "romance." But then again, sometimes the "untruth" of the moment is merely that—a lie. A denial. A refusal to cope. A rejection of realities.

The Mars part of this trio may be a "spark" which ignites some moment. Then again, it could symbolize the emphasis with which something gets said, heard or experienced. Good, bad, true or untrue, the Aquarian touch adds altruism, but is the idyllic always the best way to go?

This conjunction may also denote a period of "weakness" physical, mental, financial or ethical. Or the exposing of a weakness. Or the denial of a truth because it would expose your weakness.

This all isn't helped out by Mercury entering Pisces on February 21 at 8:54pm (UT/+0) though for some, Mercury's immediate conjunction with Chiron will manifest as a resolution to deal with difficulties, whatever they may be. Doing that, and having the patience to see the process through would be a plus here—but don't count on clarity. Mercury in Pisces is highly creative but not all that precise.

Of course there will be those for whom Mercury in Pisces is a time for wholesale avoidance. Such folks can be expected to "get busy being too busy" to deal with anything real. And what with Mars enters Pisces on February 23 (at 1:07am UT/+0), this will create not only two very separate modes of operation, but a good deal of alienation between them. It may be personal—you may be totally focused on one thing with something else (important) going wanting for attention. Then again, you may be all gung ho and your partner may be lackadaisical. Or maybe even entirely unavailable. With Sun conjuncting Mercury as Mars encounters Chiron on February 24 most folks will feel some degree of indecision and/or confusion…just don't count on them admitting it!

At this point there's as much (or more) focus on Pisces as there was on Aquarius at the beginning of the month—a classic sort of shift which for some is very bewildering. There are also those whose natal charts are strongly pro or con one sign or the other; expect them to go from positive to negative or vice versa as February progresses.

As Jupiter in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on February 25 (at 8:29pm UT/+0) there's a question of whether we can keep ourselves focused…or whether we will succumb to some temptation to be distracted or drawn off track.

This vacillation can also prompt an uptick in insecurity.

To the extent we understand the real question here is a validity of aim (its ultimate value and integrity) we move forward into February 26's Venus conjuncting Pallas at 26 Capricorn knowing we're on our right track. For those who for whatever reason are not about to let go comparing, trying to control others or unnecessary competition, this can be a disruptive moment which through "crossing wires" reveals flaws.

Of course, the good news is that mistakes are human! So those who "wise up" now can join those who are living their own process. Thus does February evoke the dichotomy between who we are and who we think we want to be, and who we are, against who we want others to think we are. Those who have to lowest tolerance for others starting out may in the end realize that the vulnerabilities are theirs. And thus does the bridge from Aquarius into Pisces teach us how to transform Aquarian information into Piscean Wisdom—the very definition of turning high power to highly empowered, which is the best solution of all!

Boots Hart, CAP

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