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![]() by Boots Hart July continues the march of change, though when it comes to the emotional weather, we’re in for showers of uncertainty. Why? Well, look at it this way: people are great at talking about how change is needed. And how they want it. But when the moment to change actually shows up? Oh how we kvetch! And yet Uranian change is upon us. If we cooperate, participate and innovate, we will discover new ways to create gain. When we resist or insist on having things our way? Then Uranus signals disruption…even self-destruction. Being willing to flex when/where situations ask you to venture outside your comfort zones? That’s essential. Being honest enough to admit what you can do and don’t know how to do—also important. Rigidity and being closed off to new ways—that’s the enemy. As July begins, Sun and Mercury in the second (emotional) decanate of Cancer signal emotional focus on basics. Meanwhile, Mars' position in the (emotional) second decan of hard-working, function-oriented Virgo tells us that pragmatic productivity and the sensible approach pays off well. Things to avoid? Getting caught up in endless details or allowing yourself to get drawn off track. Bearing in mind what your capacities and resources are is also important as Venus is just moving into the third decan of Leo (degrees 20-29) and plans already in the works now play out—a process which continues through July 10. During this time, expect to be aware of a need to move on to other things, too; with Uranus and Jupiter united in particularly proactive degrees of “I Am” sign Aries, there’s much to do—and many a plus and minus in play. How so? Well, Jupiter can represent happiness, learning/learning better and finding the path to a goal. But it can also symbolize the bull-headed need to be right, sometimes despite proof to the contrary! So when we put this with Uranus (the archetypal symbol of ongoing change) we can get innovation and cures—or anarchy and negative righteousness. Will you work to be free or manifest an urge to rebel? Will you accept the rights of others to be "different but equal"? Or try to inflict your preferences, foisting them on others, asking/forcing them to foot costs, literally or figuratively? Rights noble and ignoble now rise to the fore, producing brilliant insights and just as determined blindness. So expect as much promotion of universality as abandonment of social/societal responsibility. With Saturn is in late Virgo for most of the month, life now asks whether we will or won’t work to make things function or functional and whether we are thinking only personally or globally. There’s a lot of helplessness going around, but are we really helpless? Once Saturn moves into Libra towards the end of the month, fur will fly as people get called out on stuff. Things which have gone (pretty much) unnoticed will suddenly get big reactions and responses. Saturn in Libra can be the soul of responsibility. It can also symbolized getting called down on bad behavior. The good news is that since this is Saturn, and since with Saturn’s move into Libra will also come a time to repent, repair and change one’s ways, now is the time to recognize what needs changing. This "shift" begins getting stirred up (sort of like mud on the bottom of a pond) as Uranus goes retrograde at 0 Aries on July 5. As a degree, 0 Aries concerns the polarities of indignant righteousness against militant determination with the question being whether you’re working from a base of honor or ego. Getting away with murder (literal or figurative) is part of the figure as asteroid Lust passes through 2 Aries, a degree known for lack of follow-through. And just so you know—as a celestial object, Lust isn’t just sexual: this is more about obsession and fixation than relationships per se. So as Uranus stations to go retrograde, will this be a moment of fuel getting added to an already over-the-top Uranian fire? Maybe. But since Uranus has not yet reached "the point of Lust" (Lust being at 2 Aries and Uranus taking station at zero Aries) this "turning point" may be a moment when we turn away from something. Or when something already started gets "turned off." Or when something lost is found again or returns. But let’s not go all Pollyanna. Yes, Chiron (the need to heal) is conjunct calculated Lilith (that which we don’t want to deal with in life) with both in Pisces. Given the Pisces "dealing with your feelings" thing, this may manifest as a willingness to accept the error of one’s ways. Yet with Neptune conjuncting from late Aquarius there will be uncooperative social/societal forces. Or allure. Not everyone’s going to be willing to buy the ills of their ways. Those who don’t will yet learn, but maybe not yet! The dividing line here resembles something of a tug-of-war between conscience/consciousness and abandonment of standards for self aggrandizement. With Nessus (poisonous jealousy) and Damocles (getting in dangerously over your head) in tandem there is blame enough to go around—and the temptation to blame or even avenge. So whether the problem is personal, governmental, corporate or whatever else, the real question is "who’s in charge?" and who is allowing them/that to be in charge? If we buy the products or don’t object and take action, if we’re so involved with our own "stuff" that we don’t do anything—why are we surprised when bad things happen? With both Nessus and Damocles in retrograde, we struggling with facts, realities and desires. And given that the Uranus station of July 5 gets a standard two-day leeway (causing it to be in effect from July 3 to July 7) that’s a good long time to be up in the air. Bottom line, things may change now. Ultimately however, the real question is whether we change. Also…on July 7, Saturn opposes Hebe at 29 Virgo/Pisces, promoting finger-pointing, guilt-mongering and references to damaged futures (or future damage). And though this is all very meaningful, with the horse of the moment long vamoosed from the barn, we really have to ask ourselves why we didn’t deal with this sooner? Why did we insist on being so blind? Answer: we didn’t want to face the issue. But since that makes us the responsible party…oh how irritating! As Mercury enters Leo on July 9, there’s either a push to get creative/fix things or a general outcry of "not my problem!" which lasts a couple of weeks…you know, sort of on and off along the way. Specific to July 9, with Venus conjunct fixed star Regulus, it’s a rancid time to play the "I told you so!" card, but count on it—somebody will (they always do)! Given an Eris (discord)/Amor (non-sexual love) hookup, expect some differences of opinion, too. They’re not the end of the world, but…as Venus conjuncts Orcus upon entering Virgo on July 10, this isn’t the moment to try manipulative or underhanded moves. Especially with this pair opposition Chiron/inconjunct Uranus, the July 10 is something of a mousetrap—so keep those karmic whiskers clean and no poking, lest the trap snap shut on you! All this leads us to the big event of the month: a Solar Eclipse at 19 Cancer on July 11. All eclipses are about vital changes: the "eclipsing" of some part of one’s life. When they hit your chart with any exactitude, they’re extraordinarily powerful. The image of the Moon moving in front of the Sun is that of some part of our life being "blacked out" by forces beyond our control. Yet with the halo of the Sun’s corona remaining visible, the greater message is that we need to call upon something special and unusual about ourselves. "Business as usual" requires unusual resourcefulness at this time. Since this eclipse is in Cancer, we know areas of life we think of as basic and "foundational" are those going to be affected. And since Cancer is an emotional (water) sign and 19 is the final/cumulative degree of Cancer’s most emotional (2nd) decanate (degrees 10-19), primal emotions may now get aroused. Solar eclipses do not take away things you need, though they may take away that which you love and are used to. On a more detailed level, this eclipse occurs in a degree known for upheavals which trigger "instinctive courses of destiny" which, with an oppositional Black Hole at 19 Capricorn, indicates shockwaves being sent through long-established concepts of being. Like all solar eclipses, that this was coming probably began being signaled as much as a couple of months ago through transactions, news, information, encounters or events. Now the pressure erupts, and from here, the eclipse transit will unfold over a full three years. And no, from here you don’t know where you will end up. But we do have one clue! Since eclipses repeat on a 19-year (Metonic) cycle, try thinking back to July 1991. That eclipse was at 18 Cancer. The degree was different, yes. But if your life was hugely impacted back then, like as not this will also be an evolutionary period. It may even open a "new chapter" on what began way back then. As if that’s not enough, come July 21, Saturn enters Libra in opposition to Uranus, Jupiter, Hebe and (the ever un-popular) fixed star Scheat. If nothing else, this is a recipe for unpleasant revelations, difficult decisions and public exposure which may be highly judgmental. Essential questions involve how well you deal with consequences/choices and how well integrated you are with the "greater group." And don’t rest on your networking laurels; it’s entirely possible to undo all the goodwill in the world through haughty, self-righteous defensive-aggressiveness. Yes, it may be tempting to assert your rights (or a conviction that you are right) but that’s not going to make you an ultimate winner if what you do now is ruled (or motivated) by either sheer necessity or love of naked power. And we know this is going to be a very intense moment. How would we know that? We know it because the Sun enters Leo on July 22, which means it would have been in the last (and most intense, critical) degree of Cancer on July 21! Considering this happens with Saturn in a stabilizing sextile means you have an opportunity to be more creative and Leo-like. But that means thinking beyond one’s self—and that’s always a bit of a Leo trick. At its best, Leo is the essence of happiness. But we can’t insist on that happiness, we have to inspire it—and that takes paying attention to and understanding others. It takes sharing—not mandating. So this is a moment when you can really inspire a lot of lasting respect…or when you can just be (and look like) a jerk! It’s so your (Leo) choice! Let’s hope you arrive at this moment in a mood to make the most of all you can truly do, right? There’s another influence which, depending on how you play it, may make these days more or less successful: Jupiter going retrograde on July 23 at 3 Aries, a degree known for an "all or nothing" quality which fits with 3 Aries being the position of a resident pulsar. Given that this is Aries (I Am), this may means you get involved in some "now-you-see-me (in that light), now-you-don’t" game. Or you may demonstrate (or witness) sudden brilliance. Or you/someone else may get totally "turned off" to something as all goes dark. With Jupiter being at its station/retrograde, this may be a “high water mark” moment. But whatever happens, Jupiter’s going retrograde also means things will (and need to) percolate for a while….like say, until next February, when Jupiter returns to 3 Aries. Whatever happens, since like all planetary stations this one gets a two day leeway, the "theme" of this station goes may have begun back on July 21—as Saturn entered Libra—and continue on until July 25. So take it all in stride. Learn from events but…maybe they’re not done yet? And as if that wasn’t enough (tired of July yet?) there’s a Full Moon at 2 Aquarius on July 26 (July 25 for those in the Americas or Pacific Basin area). Occurring as Libra Saturn opposes Uranus retrograde (still at 0 Aries), this is a classic “I/thou” polarity: expect feelings/convictions/needs to come to a Full Moon head. Given that Saturn (reality/realistic structures) is at this moment encountering an "alternate reality" (supermassive black hole M87), expect the unexpected. Maybe even the unanticipated. The more expectation-driven and candy-floss your thinking tends to be, the greater the chance disappointments and/or moments will tempt/cause you to go into escapist or denial mode now. But wait! This is not soooo simple! Remember that Uranus-Jupiter and fixation-prone Lust in early Aries thing which started back on July 5? It’s still ongoing. That’s right, pretty much the whole of July is a test of rationality versus desire, entitlement versus reality. And making (Uranian) changes so that things actually work…not just now, but on into the future. Two more items on the July roster, the first being Mercury entering Virgo on July 27. Given that Mercury symbolizes "thinking" (if not always "thinking things through"!) having Mercury in "get it done" Virgo is a positive sort of discussion. On its own, Virgo can get a little soft, fuzzy and nostalgic. It can succumb to "being nice is the lesser price." But since Mercury is entering Virgo and instantly meeting up with totally dispassionate, "find the real truth, screw the niceties" Orcus? AND that Mercury will move right from Orcus into a cosmic/karmic meeting with "cut the cord…let’s get this over and be done with it!" Atropos? It’s a pretty no-nonsense moment. Not only that, but it’s the beginning of a trend. And not just one which lasts a couple of weeks—no sir! Because Mercury will go retrograde in Virgo about half way through August, we can expect over two months of Mercury/Virgo "get it done, and done right" efforts. Fun? Maybe. Maybe not. Productive? Count on it—or else! Last note: Mars enters Libra on July 29. As it does, it meets up with Saturn—the proverbial encounter of motion meeting resistance. Or rock hitting hard place. And there’s a whole slew of colorful characters joining this mix…asteroid Lilith (that which we don’t want to admit) adds a bit of shame, guilt or reluctance, while asteroid Echo (don’t kill me, I’m just the messenger! I was just following orders—honest!) tries to pass the buck. There’s also a little note of placation from Panacea (sugar pill, anyone?) opposite Hebe (I can be servile, childish, childlike or noble, depending…) which tries to justify. And of course, there is that Aries Jupiter-Lust-Uranus thing still hanging around. So expect July to end with a bit of a personal tussle (a BIT?) And though we will want to think it’s all about "them," it…alas…just isn’t. Really all we can do now is (Mercury in Virgo) do our best. We don’t rule the world (Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus) but we do need to be responsible for what we do in this world. The way to get where we want to go with others (and society) is not by wanting them to be the way we want them to be, but by inspiring them to be join in through showing them how…and by proving that we have standards for ourselves. Who we require ourselves to be means a lot now. Happy eclipse.
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