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![]() by Boots Hart With Saturn now in direct, late-Virgo motion, June's underlying theme is effective productivity, particularly in areas which are meant to bear fruit in a longer run, involving others and/or the greater world. What we do/how we go about doing it also ultimately works best when motives are about accomplishment rather than self pleasuring, but this doesn’t mean we can’t have fun. Nor do you have to be "conservative" or fuddy-duddy about your aim or approach—far from it! With Uranus having just sounded the bell of change by moving into the “I Am” sign of Aries gives us a June during which things are on the move and energy, focus and attitudes are shifting. Do new parameters mean we have to rethink? Maybe. Will some of us resist? Absolutely—count on it! But when we consider that not only has Uranus moved out of emotional, fantasy-oriented, inspirational Pisces into the do-or-die (or at least be really ticked off!) sign of Aries, with June also being a pre-(solar) eclipse month…? This is a double dose of status quos beginning to break down. So resistance isn’t likely to work. July’s eclipse highlighting twists and turns of destiny, we can all expect a few shake ups and shake outs. So we can change with the times or be changed by the times—that’s the option! But let’s focus on June…the first few days of which are likely to bring adjustments and the recognizing of things unfinished and things that just need dealing with. The more we try to avoid, the harder life comes at us about these things; while you may be able to run away, don’t be surprised if that brings about some sudden crunch of (apparent) "fate." For those willing to work through what shows up, there may be interruptions, discomforts, annoyances (maybe even an upset or two) but this isn’t about negatives: its feedback. Life is trying to teach us where we need to be more "solid" with/in ourselves. Why? Because the more internally connective and self-responding we all, the more we will get out of things soon to come. So if these days are stressful, try to focus not just on immediate feelings—ask yourself why you’re so reactive. That answer will be important to your ability to achieve goals going forward. The next step in June’s process is Mercury conjuncting Sedna and Achilles in Taurus on June 4, a little test of maturity. Personal petulance surfacing now may manifest as entitlement, projected hostility or emotional selfishness which you may feel or have thrust upon you. No matter which way the door swings, the real question is whether you have the strength of willingness to resist the (Achilles) temptation to fight only for the vain glory of victory…which if you remember the story, gets Achilles killed (not good). And because Sedna is all about our ability to accept that true potential is only discovered after we let go of what we want in favor of what we’re capable of… …yes, we may have to exert ourselves a little. We may have to put out effort. But this effort isn’t about the thing or other person—efforts now are about growing into a new understanding of the need and benefit which comes from governing the person we are. Interestingly, since Jupiter enters Aries on June 6 (June 5 in the Americas and Pacific region) there’s reason to think all this has a positive personal purpose. Those who work through challenges are likely to garner some sort of "earned opportunity." Even those who don’t pass "Go" and collect their cosmic allowance are likely to experience a resurgence of confidence under this influence. Is it a rainbow after the storm? The dawn of a new day? Maybe. But given that Jupiter in Aries (especially early Aries) is very pro-active, all will be better for your taking new opportunities and really running with them. Or running with them in a new way. Or to a new purpose. Or using new tools or contacts. There is a down side however…some folks experience Jupiter in Aries as arrogance. Or overblown grandeur. Some will overspend or overexert themselves. Under Jupiter in Aries, we often "finally" see things we denied under Jupiter in Pisces. Or which were there but we didn’t see the true potentials of. You may not have felt emotionally in the right place to deal with these challenges before—now you do. So go for it! For those who are truly brave, Jupiter in Aries is also a useful time for restructuring your life. That may be financial, that may be personal, physical, moral, emotional or intellectual. During the next year, many people will "reinvent" themselves. Or find they need to. Uranus in Aries carries a big dose of this theme to which now we’re adding Jupiter in Aries. This is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so: who do you really want to be when you grow up, considering what you know about yourself as a person? The stability and sobriety for the month comes from several sources. Part of it is Saturn moving through late Virgo (the challenge to "do better" and "more effectively" towards a worldly goal which can support us as a person). But the engine’s power-pack is all Mars, a planet which describes not the pace of life, but the pace at which we tackle our life. Having been in exuberant but self-testing (and testy!) Leo, Mars moves into Virgo on June 7 (June 6 in the Americas and Pacific Basin). And as it does so, it encounters TNO (Plutino) Orcus. Mars in Virgo ("very steady wins the race") tells us this is a good time to tackle big tasks and projects which require patience, stability and perseverance. It also brings with it the usual Virgo sense of pragmatism, carefully focused choices, responsibility and the need not to get stuck in details or focused on others, lest we spend our time nitpicking and critiquing them instead of dealing with our own stuff. To this we’re now adding Orcus, a verb-like symbol where unemotional, dispassionate judgments work best. And which may say that some things go while other things stay. Are you really going to repeat that thing which hasn’t worked the last ten times you trotted it out? (Yes, pattern repetitions are about us, not “them”!) This is necessity versus the tempting of fate: do what should, not what you think you can get away with. None of this is to say life will be routine, dull or boring. But with Saturn and Mars in late and early Virgo (respectively) you may be pushing so hard that when on June 8 transiting Jupiter conjuncts Uranus, you may spin off into haste—or find you have overstepped yourself. And yet…this can also be a moment of inspiration. Or triumph. It can manifest as an opportunity you should jump at! And as for how you should know the good from over-extension? Ah…so glad you asked! Lore suggests the difference here is simply knowing your abilities…and the limits of your limits. Not your pleasure—your ability. Out of breath yet? Well don’t sit down, because as Mercury rolls into Gemini come June 10 (or on June 9, should you be in the Americas or Pacific arena), the whole pace of life picks up. Because Mercury is making this ingress in sextile (opportunity-promoting) to Jupiter/Uranus, it’s a good time to get things done, though sextiles seldom compel one to act. Do you want to get things done? What do you need in order to get things done? What do you need to plan out—your use of time, maybe? That’s apt. Do you need to get organized? That fits the bill too. Just don’t spread yourself too thin—that will bog everything down. And as if all that’s not enough, we get our first real seasonal eclipse taste (test?) when the New Moon of June 12 at 21 Gemini occurs in conjunction with fixed star Bellatrix. All New Moons indicate a "start" of something, or a new phase of an ongoing project. And when combined with Bellatrix (enormous potentials which require challenging thought and/or soul- searching), this sounds like a time to be on one’s proverbial toes. Occurring in Gemini, the facts not the hunches are important now—don’t go with what you think someone else thinks (or wants), go with what you know or can logically figure out. With all this happening at 21 Gemini, we also know a couple of others things. First of all, like any third decanate degree (a degree between 20 and 29 of any zodiac sign), whatever this "new" thing is, it requires that we let go and see what happens. Think of it as a product: you can know the product is high quality, but until you let it go out there onto the market, you don’t know how well it will do. There’s also a theme here about "eyes" and "seeing." So with Mars in Virgo, do you need to have your eyes checked? Or maybe there’s something you’ve chosen not to "see" but really would be better off having clarity on? Whatever the venue, lore suggests this degree often centers in matters concerning career, immaturity and mathematical skill (or one’s ability to deal with "the numbers"). Given this New Moon and our Mars “action verb” in Virgo, especially as Venus enters Leo on June 14 we may encounter a tug-of-war. Venus in Leo is all about wanting things your way (yes, that does sound like a commercial…) and with the Gemini New Moon in testing/testy tension with toe-the-line Virgo twins Mars and Saturn (oy!), Virgo in Leo isn’t likely to get enough latitude to feel pleased or pleasured. But that seems the lesser of possible evils considering how this could also indicate a very "expensive" moment. And if you happen to be someone whose chart is strongly aspected by July’s upcoming solar eclipse at 19 Cancer, you’re already experiencing uncertainty. This isn’t necessarily bad—you may be on the brink of something truly excellent! But you just don’t know yet, and who likes sitting on hold? Answer: nobody. Nor do we like the idea of not feeling pleasantly secure about what we have to do, which may be the case now. So think first, lest you blow yourself out of the water! Next item on the agenda is the late Gemini Sun conjuncting Betelgeuse opposition Ceres in Sagittarius on June 16. Sun/Betelgeuse/Gemini seeming to be about ideas and moments of effective/un-resisted choice or communication (having your say!) is one thing…But in opposition to Ceres? The overarching theme with Ceres is generally "providing for" and basic "provisions." So an opposition suggests someone proposing or doing something which threatens some "basic necessity." Or being faced with basic need. This could even manifest as situations where resistance is mounted against some idea. No matter which way things go, what’s "best" is really impossible to know now in theory: truth-in-experience is the only real teacher. As the Sun enters Cancer on June 21 life focuses more on basics. What provides our ability to go on living our life? With Pluto transiting Cancer’s opposition sign of Capricorn, we know basic structures as we have known them are changing—or need changing. That Mercury enters Cancer on June 25 in opposition to Moon-conjunct-Pluto tells us that something is up (personally) in this moment. And because Pluto is retrograde, this really is about our "rethinking" our life. How did we get where we are? Where do we need to go? How are we going to get there? What hasn’t worked? What has worked? Why have we framed our life as we have and is that structure working or in need of rebuilding on other premises? All this leads us to the big event of the month: a Lunar Eclipse on June 26 at 4 Capricorn. First, lunar eclipses are always emotional times. The figure is that of the Sun opposition Moon with Earth smack between. Think of it as Earth being torn, being tugged in two directions between lunar longing and solar rationality. And that eclipses only happen when lunar nodes are involved—that tells us that there’s a social if not a societal quality to such events. So when a lunar eclipse hits you hard, it’s about something interactive which is very right—or very, very wrong. Let’s start with the basics: this is a first decanate position, meaning it’s about something we’re doing. Or can do. And the Moon is exactly conjunct Pluto (transformative energy) retrograde. The retrograde part of this means it’s internal, so this moment represents a challenge to us, what we’re doing—or what we can do (and may not be doing as yet, or may not even want to do!). The degree here (4 Capricorn) sounds a note of the balancing of assets. Given that Capricorn is always about social/public standing and/or where we want to get to (be that a personal goal, career, or standard of lifestyle) this degree can be about gathering resources. Or deciding which of several paths you want to take. Reports on this degree suggest a certain frustration being an innately part of the situation because we can’t just do something for everyone, we need to do everything for everyone. It sounds impossible, but that’s just the point—we are being forced to focus on our ability to do all that is needed/required for those/that we choose to associate with (or dedicate ourselves to). With Pluto conjunct Moon there is a highly obsessive or "retentive" feeling to this emotionality and with Pluto being retrograde, though the temptation is to ask "them" to change, the message is about the need for "us" to do our own changing! Add in the nodes and we get the old want versus should thing. Yes, yet again! Other pieces of information in this picture…the South Lunar Node (what we like doing) being at 15 Cancer conjunct Sirius (making the ordinary special) is a clear notice that being gifted or the knowledge that you have some sort of charismatic quality may be easy to wield, but unless you aim towards some truly encompassing vision (like, greater than yourself—nodes—hint, hint?) you’ll eventually just come to a bad end with yourself. Given that 15 Cancer is about not just getting the title but actually doing the job, choices of the moment may be either very simple or exotically difficult. Just try to avoid the "easy way out," lest you enjoy today and regret for many tomorrows. Underscoring this is the position of the North Node—the direction we should go with regards to the social/societal point of any eclipse. At 15 Capricorn this is about the ability to do something, but being soft about it, or "soft" in doing it. Does that mean a soft touch is needed? Or that we need to toughen up? Do we need to know more? The clue comes from knowing 15 Capricorn is the position of Vega, a star about charismatic power which is either of great assistance or dictatorial in its mandates. So which one are you being—or meeting up with in life? Do you need to call someone on their behavior—or be called on yours? Are you being a dictator, being dictated to or (given that this is an emotional degree) being dictated to by your emotions? One more note here: because this eclipse has Jupiter/Uranus positioned half way between the Moon and Sun, this is a figure known as a "t-square." With the "t" being in Aries, no matter how much we need or want, we need to be a contributor to a process which is bigger than ourselves. The better we can hold to an embody this, the better things go—and that so many of us are in such stressful positions going into this eclipse is the set up of the test. Got it? It’s a test. Survive the test and you get what you want; aim for what you want (that which is easiest for you) and you won’t get where you want/need to go. Good, bad or indifferent, lunar eclipse effects are generally prompt in manifesting. And they play out over three months. After that, the sober and solar side (recognition) of this figure (and the solar eclipse which will occur between now and then) takes over. But when exactly is that three months from now? Well, that would be September’s end, just when a Full Moon occurs at 0 Aries. Seeing as how Uranus and Jupiter have just moved over this degree, setting off a starting gun labeled "ready, set—grow!" that tends to draw a big ol' dotted line between late May (when Uranus entered Aries), June (when Jupiter enters Aries) and late September—when we shall see the results of what we undertaken to do or refused to grow/go through or get real about. For some, this suggests May and June are times for "daring shifts" which pay off come fall. But there’s daring and there’s reckless, just as there’s assertive growth and arrogant resistance to same. Adding Jupiter to the already energizing electric quality of Uranus in early Aries can easily manifest as an urge to goof off—or to overplay one’s hand. It can be brilliant innovation or a classic "my way or the highway" act which turns into self-undoing. Wanting to change is great. Insisting on your "right" (or rights) to change or not change at expense to others…? Not so hip—and Jupiter rules hips, so there’s a little astro-joke which may for a few become too painfully true. Pulling it together for a last note on June: Saturn in Virgo inconjunct Neptune in late Aquarius on June 28 (June 27 for those in the Americas and Pacific Basin). Virgo being the hallmark of getting it done effectively and efficiently while minding all parameters joins here with Saturn as taskmaster of responsibility. And as the faster planet in the pair, Saturn’s "do it right or pay the cost" quality is being brought to bear on Neptune in late Aquarius—a signature of illusions, delusions or ideals about "how things should work." Yeah, right…in your dreams! From society to your bank account, this is a sign about getting real, earning trust, and taking care of your own needs, not at outrageous cost to anything or anyone else. For some, and on some levels, this will be all about figuring out what’s wrong so we can let that go and make things right or functional again. In other cases this will be a time when reality (Saturn) does away with the "veil" of ignorance or secrecy, leaving just the naked (and sometimes ugly) truth. It’s also worth remembering that Saturn is in the process of moving towards finalizing its shift from the more internal/personal/self-development world of Virgo (and the bottom half of the natural zodiac wheel) into Libra and the more worldly, public sector. This trend began back on the last weekend of October 2009 when Saturn first entered Libra—and for some has played out in "fling" of irresponsibility. Or instability. Or unwillingness to get real about how the game is played if you want lasting, positive outcomes. Given that as this Saturn/Neptune "adjusting inconjunct" occurs as the Sun conjuncts Mercury at 6 Cancer, the standard Sun/Mercury "didn’t know," "didn’t see" stuff applies. Does that mean we’re not seeing it now, or that we didn’t see something back when? That depends, but given that 6 Cancer speaks to a "likeable personality" and "boastful vanity" with a warning to be careful of who we choose to associate ourselves with, our ability to be practical, pragmatic and moral as viewed from a (Saturn/Libra) public point of view seems apt as a basic consideration. With a solar eclipse in the offing, the status quo is shifting. We can be part of the forces working to change the world or get changed by that world; we can change our life or be changed by life. Eclipses never take away anything we really need, but often eliminate options we’re used to, or prefer. So as each day clicks by, blink if you must, but don’t look away…the thing you don’t want to see may just be yourself—and you know that old saying: wherever you go, there you are! Until next month then… Boots Hart, CAP
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