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![]() by Boots Hart When many of us think of Libra, we think beauty. Attraction. Relationships. And yes, that most primal of relationship gigs, marriage. Some, being more pragmatic, think of Libra starting with verbs like negotiating, from whence we get to Libra as the sign of negotiators and counselors—which yes, implies that marriage is a negotiation, and that through relationships we get input on who we are or what she should do, an apt thought in the case of the advice one gets from counselors. Libra is also the process of peacemaking…which when it comes to divorce can be "piece-making," underscoring how everything in life, by its existence, defines an opposite. Light, shadow. Win, lose. Loving care, lack of caring. All of this emphasizes two ideas. One, what I bring to the table (and am to others or in this world) defines what I earn or get in reaction to what/who I’m being. This is a core idea to Venus as a symbol and thus why Libra, the sign oppositeMars ruled Aries (the "I Am" sign) is about relationships. And love…or disagreements. Through Libran portals we get what we earn: for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. By element, Libra is an air sign—meaning it expresses itself in the idea of the thing. Thus in Libra, the relationship is a negotiation and the marriage or partnership is a contract. It’s where we think yes, I can get along with that person—they think like I do. And that’s not all that a marriage entails (not by a long shot!), which tells us that Libra is not the only sign which describes our most intimate adult relationships. The whole third zodiac quadrant (Libra/Scorpio/Sagittarius or houses 7, 8 and 9) describes the mental (Libra), emotional (Scorpio) and (Sagittarian) experience of/learning through committed relationships, personal and professional. With this now in mind, suffice it to say that the Sun is in Libra as October begins. To be specific, it’s in Libra’s first and "physical" decan for the first couple of days. So at this point, we as people are on the line: who we are and what we’re being is getting a bit of a workout. Meanwhile, with Mercury, Venus and Saturn in Virgo’s 3rd decanate, the "object of the game" has to do with the Virgo themes of what needs doing in order to maintain or improve the status quo. So expect problems, discussions and opportunities which arise now to be in this arena: what needs doing and what we each can do about it, or have/have not done or done well. With Saturn in the equation we know there’s a long-term question in the mix: personal planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars) are about everyday doings, while generational planets (Saturn and Jupiter) symbolize longer term, life-structural growth. At the moment we have an itchy situations being indicated by Saturn against the Sun. Sun (life/will) in an adjacent sign to any major planet (generational, transpersonal, TNO or dwarf/Kuiper) links energies of distinctly different origins and purposes. It's a recipe for ego bruises, confusion and (considering Libra is in the mix here) debates, confrontations—even out-and-out conflict. Virgo is an earthy sign which focuses on the practical, methodical, honorable, responsible—and yes, earthy and tangible. Libra, is airy. Conceptual. So with these two in a juxtaposition of will (Sun) against responsibility and structural necessity (Saturn), we get a classic discussion of talking the talk versus walking the walk—hypocrisy, impracticality on one side, and pragmatic imperatives and timeliness (tick-tock, folks!) There will be those who say they care but whose actions prove otherwise (proving that in life it is by our deeds that we are known). This combination doesn’t have to be incendiary, but it does need to be inclusive. Caution is apt but refusal to consider or act on dealing with problems, undermining. With Mercury (communication, daily activities), Venus (making things happen) and Saturn (building for the future) in Virgo’s 3rd decan (degrees 20-29), being confronted with results calls on us all to deal with realities and the need to fix things which aren’t working all that well, if at all. Given the current Mars in Cancer, expect emotional polarization to run high (whether based on realities or not!). Often driven by the emotional need/concept of security, Mars in Cancer at its best displays courage. And when not doing that…well, let’s just say this passage often marks periods of downright crankiness, ill-temper and righteous stubbornness of the unproductive, destructive or even totally illogical, self-undermining type. Go figure, right? That all this is likely to stand out in bas relief now is indicated by the structure-versus-limit themes associated with Saturn, which is still in technical opposition to Uranus (universal change, explosion of illusions) in Pisces (fears prompted by ego needs versus faith as a function of boundless acceptance). That Saturn is moving away from a year of tense opposition to transiting Uranus is sort of like the drawing back of a karmic veil. And what will be revealed? The best and worst in ourselves as part and parcel of the same thing, amounting to a lesson all about considering how not to be so hard on ourselves and others; how what we lack perhaps isn’t strength but the ability to see how a hard-hearted person may simply be just so scared of the kind of vulnerability which goes with caring that they can’t get there. Or how the person who can’t bear to see anyone be anything but joyful and happy may really be not so afraid of your pain, angst or anger as of their own. Not everyone understands the incredible strength which is displayed when someone reveals their vulnerabilities—and those who do are often invisibly ashamed that they are the ones too afraid and too untrusting to do likewise. Part of this revelation patterns is reflective of Saturn’s departing from its "breaking down barriers" theme with Uranus. But that it’s doing so while perfecting a fairly chilling inconjunct with Neptune in Aquarius (boundless ideals versus denial of realities) is what is working to unlock the priceless asset of human mercy long "frozen" (like the credit markets were so recently) by an over-reliance on materialism. Human beings are not made to exist on things…to paraphrase the song, people need people. That we have such an intrinsic (and sometimes desperate) need is fair testimony not to the intellectual mind which makes the stuff which fills the market which is bought with money which is earned through labor (which is brought home to the house that Jack built)…but to the emotional spirit which embodies the essence of our humanity. It is our feelings, and our ability to live comfortably in our feelings which allows us to use our intellect as a means by which we connect and earn honor, appreciation and satisfaction in all its many forms. But is that easy? Heck no! Not ever and maybe especially not now, seeing that in the current equation Uranus and Neptune (symbolizing different forms of helplessness versus helpful, victim versus savior, abandonment versus acceptance into the collective (etc.) issues) is indicating we’re all likely to experience such conflicts in many ways, maybe just starting with the discussions, debates and (yes,) even fights over same which are likely to be taking place in our lives and world in general. And if you’re thinking you just want to ignore it…join the group. But that won’t fix a thing. This Neptune/Uranus semi-sextile (with Saturn symbolizing all the chickens coming home to rest in reality) is a real ego-bruiser, but success isn’t going to come from playing escapist or idealist or playing Pollyanna—no matter how good you look in pink gingham pinafores! Many will try to retreat into family, community, some personal enclave or activity, into work…or maybe they’ll just cover up with freshly laundered blanket of belief. But today’s challenges aren’t likely to simply "go away." That we don’t deal with now (personally, in groups, nations or as a species) will arise in even more vital form come late 2011 and early 2012. And for you "2012 as the end of the world types," think again; astrology says nothing about the end of life itself. Life as we know it? Maybe. But that’s just a question of mortal ego—the quest to define life (and maybe afterlife) as we want to. You know….that li’l ol’ Neptune thing. Yes, again. All this rises like a tide as come October 3 the Sun moves from Libra’s first person personal decanate into the "selling on the idea" second decanate. With which comes a Full Moon at 11 Aries early on the 4th if you’re in the UK or eastwards, but on the 3rd if you're in the Americas and Pacific Basin. And with Full Moons always being indicators of things coming to a head, we can all expect that too—although given the image here being that of a Moon fully reflecting sunlight, that often means things come to "a" head so that we get same through our head! Yes, romantic though may be the idea of the Sun’s brilliance being filtered through the human lens of lunar longing, Full Moons also bring recognitions and realizations which yank us down out of the emotional clouds, allowing us to get on with the reality of life. With this Full Moon in Aries, there’s a classic indication of understanding in the (Aries) Self or about one’s (Aries) self. So you may finally come to understand someone’s problem—with you or a situation. Or their pain. Or that you’re being one (a pain, I mean). This would also be a classic moment to realize that what you’ve been trying to do isn’t really going to get you where you truly want to go. Aries being about the Self, the point now is to get that through our actions, priorities, standards and willingness we create results—which is one reason why it doesn’t pay to beat around the bush, placate, take the easy way out or substitute talking for doing. Lackluster or fudged efforts only earn lackluster and fudged results. So this is a bit of a karmic "get with the plan" lunar turn. And with Sun conjunct Icarus (whose failure to listen to one who understood more than he did sent him plummeting into the sea)…ask yourself: have you gone too far? Have you brought about some personal downfall? Have you been unwilling to listen to what may not be comfortable or fun to hear? Come October 10 (which would be the 9th in the Americas and Pacific region) Mercury reenters Libra—at the gateway of which stands super-massive Black Hole M87. Astrologically, Black Holes are potent figures: their enormous gravitational force suck everything in. People, events, situations—anything poised a degree or two prior to this anomaly gets affected. Yes, even light (inspiration, will) and time (productivity). Yet in the greater astronomical/physics sense, Black Holes also appear to be primal balancing tools. So if you are born with a planet atop a Black Hole (and there are many such cosmic whirlpools), you have a choice—you can simply be a sucker, you can suck everything which comes within range in (i.e., be selfish) or you can utilize the great depths of capacity for understanding you have to affect this life. Yes, for good or ill. This is a little Alice in Wonderland (or Star Trek) like, but the point is that now that science knows Black Holes also emit great jets of particle-level matter, the metaphysical function of Black Holes seems to be about purification. Toxic, non-toxic, good or bad, all goes in…and comes out broken down into raw component parts, useful and available to all who are willing to build and start anew. To have M87 positioned at the entrance to Libra suggests the passage from our purely personal and individual lives into the realm of the worldly and interactive involves a form of "starting anew," of allowing, even insisting on starting fresh. This means every day. Or as we pass from child/teenhood into adulthood. So as Mercury passes this point, much of what we were before—that has to be surrendered in format but not in essence as we go out into the world. Or as we deal with people in our lives, be they the boss, perfect strangers or that most Libran of all people, our Beloved. What’s implied here is a conscious (or maybe conscientious) shifting of gears. And maybe that’s the point—why M87 sits at the entrance of Libra to begin with. On a practical level, as informational/communicative/transit and transitory Mercury passes over the Black Hole, we can expect things to seem very "loud." Some things will even get lost in the roar. And to some extent, we can expect to feel very isolated in the Sea of All. With Saturn entering the shadow of its January 2010 retrograde simultaneous with Mercury’s parade into Libra, a certain focus is likely to be born, creating the urge to knuckle down and get things done. Don’t be surprised if you become increasingly aware of time now—or being under deadlines. With Uranus (change, innovation, disruption, discovery) conjunct Juno (constructive nurturing, shrewish behavior, wronged spouses, defense of innocents), and both opposite dwarf planet Makemake, this is also a general time of wrestling with problems and looking for practical, broad-based solutions. With all of these symbols facing off from Virgo to Pisces, the tendency will be to think protectively, but more long-term productivity is likely to result from thinking universally. In other words, try to get ego and preconceptions out of the mix while remembering that what works for one must work for all. With that still being sorted out, October 13 arrives in the UK (and points eastward, though we’re still talking October 12 in the Americas and Pacific arena)…and with barely a blaring of cosmic trumpets Jupiter goes direct at 17 Aquarius with Damocles (the sword over one’s head) barely trailing at 16 Aquarius. Jupiter is ending its retrograde and going forward in Aquarius, a sign which is about profitable acceptance. This manifests in life as all things societal/social/income-related, suggesting that Jupiter’s retracing of its steps has stopped just short of the real problem—which with Damocles is egotism born of entitlement. In some ways this is like backing a car up and stopping just short of a wall (like, whew!). Yet this can also be a sign of stopping just short of the real problem—the sword hanging over our heads, both singular and collective. Given the Jupiter theme, we can expect both ends of this spectrum (avoiding the problem or just not quite getting to it) to appear in areas of life affected by religion, travel, media, education, medical theory and the judicial process (the trial as opposed to a verdict or sentence). And with Mercury just exiting its shadow at 6 Libra adding in a soupçon of Scylla (being the object of hatred) and a theoretical measure of Pallas (wisdom), we are probably being asked to tolerate ills and ill will and to learn from what has either been done, done badly, or left undone. Put simply, not everybody’s going to be happy. That Mercury rushes past Scylla in exiting its shadow suggests compromises which get pushed to a conclusion with anything from irritation to sulking being stirred up. But since 4 Libra is really about the strength which is found when we function to construct a greater good which may not all be exactly what we like (and which like Rome, isn’t built in a day), the whole point may be to do what needs doing now with the understanding that this isn’t an end, it’s a beginning. Once we get past the moment we’re likely to learn what works, what doesn’t .The image for 4 Libra is about a woman feeding chickens while protecting them from hawks. After all, it does no good to feed chickens without protecting them, and to protect them but not feed them is just as unproductive. Scylla is emotional and Pallas is intellectual. In passing both up, Mercury hits a "trip wire" which brings us to realize both are equally necessary if our world is to run well—and be well run. On October 14, Venus enters Libra, stirring up a couple of days of fiscal storminess involving validity, self-worth and reputation as it passes through the M87 Black Hole purifier. With this happening as Mars (energy, action, assertiveness) enters the shadow of an upcoming December retrograde turning on the degree of the summer Solar Eclipse…well, let’s just say feelings will run high. The trick here is to move forward with what we know we want to commit ourselves to. Don’t be pressured, but no copping out, either. And yes, I know you don’t feel sure about where life’s going at the moment. None of us do, and this nebulous sense of karmic evolution is going to continue through the end of this year and on into early 2010. It’s reflective of Neptune returning to its point of discovery—and though Neptune obviously didn’t "become" in the moment it was found, its discovery represents how one’s perception of life can change in but a moment. The many passings of people, the many methods, standards, habits, expectations and traditions which are gone—they really are gone. Many people will go through periods of mourning of many types. Some may grow highly resentful. Why can’t life be as it was? Answer: because change is life’s one and only constant. With Mars entering the personally arousing sign of Leo in opposition to Industria (hard work) on October 16, some will move naturally into a "what can I do about this?" mode (whatever "this" is). And some will just dig in, wanting to either do it their way or have no part of anything. Which tactic is most useful? Answer: the one which improves things to the greatest degree—and you don’t get to determine what "improve" means. That’s judged by others, and the more people you can affect, assist and help—even if that’s through contributing to a process where you aren’t the star—is probably the best way to go. There’s an appetite now for the "new," but don’t insist to the point you arouse opposition. When in doubt, put your ego on hold. You’re not going to want to, but try—teamwork may just be the ticket. And more than that, it could be fun! The "new" theme seems to gel and take shape as on October 18 (October 17 in the Americas and Pacific Basin), a New Moon occurs at 24 Libra. In opposition to Achilles (courage and strength) and Eris (social discord/activism) in Aries (personal existence), this is a moment for starting anything where you are willing to embody an energy of improvement. Improvement of what? Of almost anything: yourself, your image, your relationships, your health, your living situation, a social cause—pretty much anything. The only caution to remember is pictured by Eurydike; positioned at 25 Libra: it’s important to recognize what you’re getting yourself into. All this brings us to the Sun entering Scorpio early on October 23 (which would still be October 22 in the Americas and Pacific Basin). Scorpio is step two in our "relating" process, where we move from the airy Libra realm of interacting through the idea of the thing, into the watery deeps of Scorpionic emotion where we face our own ability to deal with our emotions. During Scorpio, anything which can stir you emotionally will stir you emotionally—and the trick is to remember that your emotions are yours. So own them. Whether the matter at hand is work or play, finance or romance, the point is to understand not merely how we feel but why we feel that way. During Sun in Scorpio, patterns rooted in our past tend to get raised, creating a desire for inner security. The bear of this is that all now rests on how well developed and how stable our self-worth really is. Everything is now teaching us that we can survive—and better ways of surviving. But to get to that knowledge? It sometimes feels like walking a mile over emotional broken glass. Like, ouch! As Mercurial activities enter Scorpio on October 28, questions of commitments and responsibilities get tested as Saturn and Orpheus (undisciplined talent) come into focal aspect, confronting us with truths—possibly uncomfortable truths. Then as Saturn enters Libra on October 29 and encounters M87’s transformational grip, we recognize many things—most of all perhaps how limited we may have been and how important it is to be a player not only in our own lives and personal communities, but in the Big World upon which that life and community depends. To set this in perspective, think back: Saturn entered Virgo’s earthy, practical, methodical realm back in September 2007. To the extent you’ve done well, things have been stable. But where you may have been a bit myopic, you’ve met up with difficulties in, or through arenas having to do with health, work and service. Before that—way back in April 1996—Saturn entered Aries. Since then our development has been greatly personal. The first six signs of the zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo) are innately personal and oriented towards our "private" and less public life. But with Saturn entering Libra, all that changes. Saturn is the marker of what we do with our lives, and as it leaves the zodiac’s personal hemisphere and moves into its public realm, our lives pass through a reorientation symbolized by Saturn’s passage over the point marked by Black Hole M87. We are brought back to a level of elemental essence. This process is all about the cleansing of toxic and maladaptive within ourselves and within our associations—or our way of associating with others and our world. This passage can be trying—but also cleansing. Even curative. This is nothing to be afraid of—the Moon encounters M87 every month. In the case of Timelord Saturn, this cosmic purification will take place during November, with Saturn beginning to emerge from the Black Hole’s effects around the 20th, "freeing us up " to move on. That means that as October winds towards its end, many of us will feel inexorably drawn in by something. Or drawn towards a conclusion we may not even like. Does this mean we just give in? All I can suggest is that you consider what the situation is, and what it represents in your life. If the answer is growth, or the lifting of some limit or rejection, there may well be good you haven’t yet thought of which awaits. Life’s funny that way. And wondrous. Boots Hart, CAP
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