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May 2009 Premium




Boots Hart (Saturn)Boots Hart
Astrological Overview

Boots Hart provides an overview and synthesis of the major energies, transits and key dates for the month as a whole.

Daykeeper's May 2009 General Monthly Influences

by Boots Hart

If you’re feeling there’s something you need to do (or be) but aren’t quite sure what it is—or how to get from here to there—join the group. There’s a lot of that going around. It’s a reflection of Chiron conjunct Neptune, which is going to be with us all throughout May.

At least you’re not going crazy, right?

Yet it can be trés confusing. Though we feel unsure, undecided or indecisive (and have lots of company in that regard), others are likely to be saying how sure they are about us. Do you trust anyone so out of sorts with themself? Do you trust your ability to decide whether you trust them? Maybe yes, maybe no. And maybe for a while. Or maybe next week. Then again, maybe not.

So what’s a person to do? Accept confusion; it's a function of the moment.

If you’re willing to try things without requiring a signed promise from the universe that all will turn out fabuloso? Great. Go forth and try. But be prepared to exit your comfy zone in the process. That’s a big part of everything right now—the need to get out of our comfort zone. We know it’s time to stop living in the theoretical, and we know that the only way to find out whether anything is going to work is to give it a try. But the idea of taking a risk seems perilous. Is it? Probably not—with this combination, most likely the biggest peril we face is getting past our own stumbling blocks. Chiron is always about walking the walk instead of talking the chat, and Neptune requires that one have faith. Taken together, these symbols are about taking a chance.

And if we don’t? There is an old astrological rule which pertains particularly to transpersonal symbols (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto included). That rule says use the energy wisely, lest you be used BY the energy unwisely. So give things a chance. Be brave. Try something different. You may be amazed at what happens.

May begins with a Taurus Sun in emotional degrees, Pluto retrograde in early Capricorn and Venus in early Aries. This is another set of indicators telling us that insecurity and dissatisfaction are easy. But with Venus catching up to Mars in Aries over May’s first weekend, an upsurge of positive conviction is beginning to surface. Yes, there will be May showers, but there can also be a blossoming of May flowers. It all depends on what we’ve been doing (or not doing) over these past eight, ten…(even for some, 14) weeks. If you’ve been planting seeds, you may see sprouts. Then again, you may see weeds. With the overarching energy since February having been Venus in Aries, the good/bad balance is all about whether we have been growing who we are, and to what end. Our personal values have all been called into question.

So what have you learned in the past few months? Have you changed? If not, are the old ways working to your advantage? This extraordinarily long passage of Venus through Aries is annoying, painful and trying, to be sure. But it also has a point, and that point is our letting go of what doesn’t work, what hasn’t worked, what indeed holds us back (or doesn’t get good reactions) in favor of growing into a new and more vibrant, expressive self who gets where they want to go.

With Mercury in Gemini that process takes on many variations. There’s a lot going on. The trick is not to get scattered, not to get overwhelmed and not to get drawn off course. We can expect a lot of chatter and input, but if we listen closely, nothing’s really ready yet. So don’t commit. Not yet. Where information is missing, don’t push. Mercury retrograde begins on May 7 (in the UK or parts east) or on May 6 if you’re in the Americas or western Pacific. Traditionally, the period just prior to the "going retrograde" station feels filled with urgency, but it's not necessarily filled with good answers. Like all retrogrades, Mercury’s "inward turn" is about reflection, and about making sure we know all pertinent details. Historically, this cycle brings the "better answer" as it ends.

Because this station occurs at 1 Gemini, don’t be surprised if your mind is racing. Appointments, travel/transportation, communication devices and information transmission (from TV to email to postal service) are highlighted. With the station being trined by asteroid Charybdis (getting sucked in and spit out again), Black Hole M87 (irresistible gravity) and opposition asteroids Hestia (home, family, homeland) and Proserpina (required sacrifices, the need to honor one’s debts), much is at stake now.

Or, others may be trying to make you think much is at stake. You’re likely to feel like life is dragging you haplessly or helplessly along. And while that may be true in some regards, the station/retrograde occurring at this point is a suggestion to "dig deeper." The answer is not what the world is doing, it’s what you’re being (or have allowed yourself to be). With Proserpina, the key is what you feel you owe yourself versus what you feel you owe others. With Proserpina in Scorpio, debt, taxes, negotiations involving money and intimate relationships or professional partnerships (along with inheritances, capital gains and luxury taxes) are highlighted. With Mercury going into retrograde, don’t assume that anything is a done deal yet….explore your options, and take a good hard look inside that person in the mirror.

And as always, if your birthday falls a day or two before or after this station—or if something outstanding or particularly meaningful happens during this time—pay attention. Birthdays marked by a planetary station point to an entire ensuing year when life takes a "turn." Events (or birthdays) before the station indicate something which started before now which you are adapting to (in terms of current "themes"). Events a day or two after the station indicate changes yet to come. The closer to the actual station the event/birthday occurs, the stronger the effect.

But that’s not all! Barely will we all have begun complaining about how annoying Mercury retrograde is (which it often is!), but then comes a Full Moon at 18 Scorpio on May 9 (or May 8, should you be in American or Pacific Basin longitudes). Full Moons are always emotional times, typically marked by things either coming to a head, or reaching completion. With Scorpio, this full moon may also mark a time when someone says "no" and tells you precisely why. (Ouch!)

Scorpio Moons typically pertain to emotional issues of a very sticky type (Scorpio being a fixed/tenacious sign about joint or joined values and agreements/disagreements between parties). Expect promises and finger pointing (past or present) to get brought up. Try to listen at least as much as you speak, for the real issue is often hidden behind smokescreens at such a time; don’t assume strength, or weakness, is really as portrayed. Be your own person, don’t expect to get rescued, and whatever you do, don’t lie or act out because of a sense of entitlement.

With asteroids Hidalgo (heroic determination) and Scheherezade (fantasies including clever, valid and evocative ideas) coloring this Full Moon, it may indeed be the time to think of trying something new. Or to take a new and more emotionally appealing tack. But with the opposing Sun situated alongside dwarf planet Sedna (the need to integrate or grow up), expect to feel reluctance of the "Do I REALLY have to change?" type. Considering the rest of what’s going on, the picture which is building is all about being willing to be an adult, the ability to be your own person, the shaking off of ideas and goals you may have been holding on to…nearly forever. What it means to be an individual in today’s world is being tested, and with Sedna and the Sun in Taurus, internal tumult (stormy emotional waters) are part of testing our own willingness to grow versus our desire to cling to old definitions of security and ways of being. With asteroid Sisyphus just ahead (endless tedium), what we’re looking at having to do seems incredibly daunting. Or we may simply feel emotionally exhausted by the internal questioning going on. It won’t last, but we’re likely to feel bogged down for a day or two after this moon passes.   

And in case you’re thinking of trying to preserve that status quo…? Think again. The Moon’s South Node (the easy way out) is tied up with Hel(l). Yes, there is an asteroid named Hel and someone in the naming department either doesn’t spell well or is very PC. As for the North Node—the direction we should go in, whether we want to, know how to, or feel fuzzy about it—that North Node is conjunct asteroid Polyhymnia in Aquarius, promising great things if we’ll make the effort to be in harmony with the greater world.   

Yet be forewarned…whatever you do, it’s going to take a bit of time, as indicated by Saturn taking its station at 14 Virgo and going direct on May 17 (or May 16, in the Americas or points west). With Saturn, the symbolism consists of everything that involves and comes from our reaching out into the greater world to the full extent of our reach. This image arises out of the fact that Saturn is the planet farthest from Earth visible with the naked eye, from which fact comes Saturn’s strength and weakness as seen through the signs and houses of the horoscope:  

1. Problematic in Leo and the 5th (a sign and house all about what pleases you to express or do as an individual), Saturn is the primary ruler of Aquarius and the 11th house, where individual talents, abilities and perspective are "fit" into a greater system, marketplace or society in the earning of desired responses. You don’t decide what works in the world, the world does.

2. At the farthest boundary of our reach (the full extent of personal growth), Saturn rules the idea of work through its symbolic power in Capricorn and the 10th. The tenth house is the top of the chart, the purposefully driven house. As opposed to that, Saturn is said to be in detriment (weaker) in Cancer and the 4th house, the realm of family, home, sleep and habits/attitudes that are based on childhood or immaturity. That the 4th (and Cancer) also rules real estate, national heritage and culture tells us that those things are separate considerations—a balance to what we do in contributing to the world and best kept in balance…an interesting commentary on matters political, economic and even religio-cultural.

3. That Saturn is exalted (strengthened) in the 7th house and Libra tells us that the quality of what we do, how we interact with others and what we offer of ourselves is what governs the good or bad of responses we get from others in our personal life as in business. We don’t control what others want or like; to get along or appeal to others, we have to take into account who they are.     

Because Saturn is now going direct, things which have been stuck may loosen up. Or we may find out/resolve issues that have been holding us back. It can also be a time for putting something new out there, and seeking feedback. With asteroid Icarus (flights of fancy which can lead to disaster) in attendance, perspective and not going overboard are thematic. So reach out, but try not to overreach. With asteroid Eurydike also in this picture, you can’t play helpless, you must help yourself. But while doing so, don’t volunteer for anything you aren’t prepared to deal with fully and pay the full price for.

What next? An interesting note we can all enjoy: on May 20 the Sun moves into Gemini and Venus and finally (FINALLY!) exits the shadow of the incredibly long Aries cycle begun back in early February. It’s not out of Aries just yet, but this is a sign that we can stop treading the water stirred up back then and move on. Conjunct the Moon and asteroids Demeter (reward for deeds well done), Toro (perseverance), Terpsichore (frivolity, dance, creativity), Achilles (strength of personal purpose) and Atlantis (letting go so as to seek one’s true path), this moment plainly favors those who have been in "personal redevelopment" mode. With the Sun entering Gemini, choosing to build towards goals is apt now, but remember—Mercury is in retrograde. So be prepared to work a while yet behind the scenes. Or in your mind. With Saturn having just gone direct, directed, constructive efforts are likely to pay off, but don’t act in haste. Let things develop; choose your moment.    

Speaking of which, on May 24 a Gemini New Moon sets off new discussions and decisions. Early in the day, the Moon will pass asteroid Niobe, calling up feelings of regret, pride and loss. But that’s a moment, a mood, so don’t let it rule your whole day. With Chiron and Neptune in Pisces both semi-sextile Uranus through month’s end, we need to not worry so much about "what it looks like" (ego), and be a bit more willing to admit our weaknesses and needs. With asteroids Pandora (a box of problems) and Persephone (the need to divide efforts between serving self and others) in the mix and with all of this energy manifesting through 3rd decanate degrees where everything must go out into the world before results can be realized, the challenge is obvious. As are our feelings of vulnerability.

Don’t be shocked if a little boat rocking occurs come May 27 when Venus conjuncts Eris (discord). Call this the fly in the ointment, but with asteroid Kalypso just ahead, there are a few days to be spent learning the difference between what we want, and what works. Thinking of being fussy? Fine—but it won’t help. And it may even hurt your ultimate aims. Mercury is still in retrograde so there’s a lot of weirdness going on...Remember, you don’t yet have all the information. Nobody does.

Now for a bit of thinking back…Last year, as May rolled to an end, Neptune went retrograde. As it did, the media and presidential candidates and people everywhere went into rumor mode. There were howls of innuendo and accusation. Remember? Well, it’s about to happen again as on May 29 (May 28 in the Americas and Pacific Basin), Neptune goes retrograde at 26 Aquarius. This degree is all about important values/issues which don’t usually get much play. Because this station occurs with Neptune conjunct Pandora, the unexpected is likely. Don’t be shocked if a rush of negativity and idealism erupts out of nowhere. Some will be totally blown out of proportion, so don’t judge and don’t freak out. Once Mercury goes direct on May 31 (May 30 in the Americas and Pacific Basin), things will get sorted out. But because Sedna and asteroid Bacchus color this station, the result may be brilliant…or simply immature and patently petulant. Knowing not just who you are but who you should be is the challenge now, as is knowing where you come from and being willing to separate your Self from other influences. It sounds trite, but the re-enacting of childhood dramas is a crippling force. So! Not to launch the Freud & Jung show here, this is the moment to recognize potential and for jettisoning unworkable emotional baggage.

And while you do that, I’ll be off about my cosmic rounds, looking to see you next month.

Boots Hart, CAP

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