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![]() by Boots Hart Many of us are beginning this month feeling in some way misaligned. Detached or disconnected. Out of step in ways we can't quite define. It's disconcerting. And with everyone else going through the same thing…? Well, the result is a sense of isolation—even with plenty of people all around. We feel forgotten. Or undervalued, even though nothing of the sort may be true. One big descriptor of life now is the ongoing opposition of two Royal Stars of Persia. Antares stands at 9 Sagittarius (societal dramatization/forced growth), in opposition to Aldebaran (the need for integrity) conjunct asteroid Chaos at 9 Gemini (free will versus a belief in fate). The tricky part here concerns Chaos, which originates not as the idea of disruption but about being open to something new. Disruption, in other words, is not bad—at its primal level, it's about being open to growth, and enduring change to one's status quo. With Antares promising success provided obsessive behavior is supplanted by a balance between goals and quality of life, this figure becomes all about our willingness to move forward against or our desire or need to remain rooted in what we know, like and are familiar with. However this manifests in your life, it reaches a maximal effect on April 24. Then Chaos moves on, implying changes having been made, or been avoided, and opportunities lost or taken advantage of. So with this as our starter, we move on. In terms of our standard symbols, Mars and Uranus (indicators of "action') are both in Pisces a relatively placid—even reticent—"behind the scenes' position. And with Jupiter and Neptune in the marketplace-economy-income-societal sign of Aquarius, much is going on, but it's going on out there. Without us! At least that's what it feels like. And yes, we have things to do—that's obvious, what with Saturn continuing to retrograde back through Virgo. But frankly, we're over all this being told to be good and work on our problems stuff. We want action! We want rewards! We want something good to happen! But alas—all must yet wait. With Sun, Mercury and Venus all in the "I/Me" sign of Aries, we're all about our own needs and goals, but with Venus still in retrograde nobody's responding to our desires. And that's frustrating! Irritating. Even (heavy sigh…) disappointing. There's a lot of feeling unloved going around, and even when we try to be noble and loving we feel like we've done a substandard job. Or are (again) going under-appreciated. Heavens! What's a person to do? Well there is some good news. And some bad news—all in one, as it happens: on April 4, Pluto goes retrograde at 3 Capricorn. In conjunction with asteroid House at 1 Capricorn, this suggests the whole housing/refinancing/mortgage debacle will get sorted out within about two months. That's the good news. The bad news? Two months takes us to the beginning of June, which would be just about the moment when Venus finally (finally!) hustles its sluggish little planetary bustle into Taurus. For those looking to buy, this means capital eking into lender pipelines. But without question, this two-month period will also bring tough news to some folks. House is positioned at a degree all about "waste," with the implication that there is a necessary realization on the part of individuals and companies and the collective that some hopes (individual and corporate) must fail so that the greater body of society regains stabilization. There's also a note in this connection (underscored by Mars being poised in opposition to Saturn) about houses of worship and things otherwise held "sacred." Given Uranus' position in Pisces, this indicates a period which may see evolutionary efforts to overcome "corruptive influences." The implied goal is purification, but what that means is (undoubtedly!) a very touchy question considering that while we humans are gifted with life force and free will, the minute we presume to know what's "right" we're probably in the "wrong." Again, with Venus in retrograde, the ideal person to reflect on is probably the person you find in the mirror. Yes, even when you go into the bathroom hoping to find somebody else in the looking glass. In other words, sorry—Alice is busy. You'll have to face facing up to yourself by yourself. (I advise trying to save face.) All proceeds on like a the bowl of overly cooled lumpy oatmeal until, on April 9, a Full Moon at 19 Libra rises. 19 Libra is all about being able to draw on ancient tradition (or failing that, old knowledge lying around inside your brain), imaging a moment when something comes to fruition or reaches a point at which events take a turn. But let's not stop there. With asteroid Lachesis conjunct the Leo South Node, decisions about apportioning your time are at hand. With Psyche conjunct the South Node, they must be made based only on your own "knowing," so don't go looking for opinions, and don't let someone else sway you. With that said, this Full Moon also occurs in conjunction with TNO Rhadamanthus andin opposition to Nemesis, Sisyphus and Eris—with all of this occurring barely a half hour after Mercury enters Taurus in the company of Heracles. That's a mouthful—or for you as a reader, an eyeful—so let's sort it out. A Full Moon indicates completion, a shifting of gears or a turn of events already in progress. Libra is all about how we relate to others, methods by which connect, how we present ourselves (our physicality, ideas or works) and all the reactions/feedback/critique (or applause) we get in return. With 19 being the last of Libra's emotional degrees, we can thus expect interactions to be emotional, about emotional issues—or about issues which incite emotional reactions. Next: Rhadamanthus. One of a zillion Kuiper Belt TNOs orbiting beyond Neptune (Pluto's part of this crowd), Rhadamanthus is an object associated with "new" information arising seemingly from beyond knowing (an allusion to Neptune). There are various versions of the Rhadamanthus myth, but all describe Rhadamanthus as a judge embodying wisdom, integrity, law and justice. So this Full Moon (completion or turn of events) is about emotions, emotional issues, how to affect someone's emotions express yourself emotionally with a great need for integrity and fine eye to how much time you have to give—and being willing to devote proper amounts of time. You may need to bring great wisdom to a task. Or get sage advice (or act sagely), lest things turn in a difficult direction. Someone may call you on your naughtiness. Or you have to tell someone to (and how to) toe the line. Negotiations may figure and if so, mind the "p's and q's". Be fair. This much Libra energy may give someone an edge but not favor their using it. Be not selfish. Part of what we face now involves a truth we may not want to hear (Nemesis), or which is just plain old disruptive (Eris). Something we're tired of but can't afford to be tired of (Sisyphus) may get in our way or in some strange way prove the very truth which we would rather wasn't actually true. Don't be surprised if you feel like you're jumping through hoops; this is a rocky patch of road which moving into the Full Moon and beyond it challenges you to develop your self worth and to know what you think is "worth it" (Mercury in Taurus). On April 11, Venus retrogrades back into Pisces where it merges with the muse asteroid Terpsichore (art, dance, frivolity), and Apollo (brilliance, enlightenment which cures), initiating a two-week period when feelings ease and we regain a sense that we will yet make it through without losing our mind, heart or soul. With Easter falling on April 12 and Passover having just begun, the Piscean theme of freeing the spirit from whatever holds us bondage—without forgetting what we have learned through emotional trial—is certainly now in the air. Whatever you know and have learned therefore, this becomes the moment to share equally with those who are discouraged and those who've never recognized just how much they have—and have to give. The one caution here: in backing into Pisces (where it will go direct on April 17), Venus also comes to oppose asteroids Circe, Karma and supermassive black hole M87. M87 seems to represent all those longings we have for relationship, while Circe is a fairly famous sorceress who changed unwary men into animals. That the hero Ulysses (Odysseus) got past Circle because he was forewarned by Hermes (Mercury) tells us that we need to think about what we're doing, look before we leap and to communicate what we think. Yes, in spite of the fact that everyone's busy hunting for bunnies and colored eggs or otherwise delivering this year's culinary critiques on mom's matzo balls. In spite of that, think. Speak. Be not sucked in by celebration—be the person the season has gifted with things to celebrate. As for asteroid Karma, there's an expression which comes to mind (an off-color reference about a female dog being a "bitch") … but let's just say that if you've been awry, gone astray, been kidding yourself, been doing no-no's behind somebody's back (or any other part of their anatomy)—whatever you've done, the Ghost of Errors Past may just jump up and bite you about now. Right—Karma! You remember Karma? It's truly sometimes a dog-eat-dog world. All this intensifies as Venus goes stationary/direct on April 17 in conjunction with Minerva at 29 Pisces. Minerva is another form of Athena, reiterating the idea of wisdom but here, the keynote is the degree. Being the last zodiacal degree, 29 Pisces symbolizes the internalizing and (to some degree) becoming all that we have learned and idealized, setting the stage for advancements yet to come. This is a symbolic matriculation, a shedding of old identities as we set course and sail on to new discoveries—an image apt indeed, what with asteroids Itokawa and Pelion (united at 2 Aries) poised just ahead. Named for a Japanese space pioneer, Itokawa embodies the energy of discovery. Currently known mostly as an object which crosses the orbits of Mars and asteroid Apollo, the metaphysical suggestion is that in three "somethings" (Days? Weeks? Months? All of the above?) our current course(s) of action will be "crossed" by, or come to a moment of, discovery or enlightenment. And this in turn will either pose a great Pelion-like challenge or cause us to scale to ever greater heights in a direction we already know. But first…the Venus station. Any planetary station can be an important "turning point" (in life, knowledge, relationships or situations) with the standard "rule" being that notable events which happen a day (even two) before or after are markers of greater timing. Things which happen before a station indicate changes yet to come. Events which happen after indicate a growing understanding of/coping with things which have already occurred. Another rule of thumb: the closer to the actual time of the station, the more important the event. With all that in mind, let's not forget Karma/M87 hanging out over there in Libra. By April 17, Circe is no longer involved, but Karma and M87 are quite enough to cope with. So in the days following the Venus station, try not to fall into any galactic black holes, lest the gravity (of the situation) turn you into cosmic (emotional) spaghetti. Take care with entanglements and be prepared for your actions/choices to get "all or nothing" responses the nature of which will shift as the Sun enters Taurus on April 19. Where Sun in Aries is raw and intensely personal, Sun in Taurus centers on gathering, containing and weighing up options. Again, Taurus is all about worth—so expect to hear much about money all through this zodiacal month. But Taurus isn't really about money—it's more about "what's worth it?" Or "what's worth what?" The greater Taurean issue is bigger and more human than money, centering on how our sense of security works. This is why Taurus is associated with so many things which give us comfort: nice things, good food and all things lusciously sensuous. This month, expect a lot of people (companies and nations) to be taking on reprioritization and reorganization. There's much work to do, and with Sisyphus lurking at 2 Taurus, some of that work is likely to be rote or just plain boring. The good news is that this isn't a long-term sentence, so if you see the task through, it will cooperate and go away. Actually more than fine, which should help with the errands, missives and tasks we'd rather not bother with. What am I speaking of? Well, as your local astrologer I have the privilege of throwing in a few side notes, this one being the opposition of asteroids Phaeton (in Taurus) to Scheherezade (in Scorpio) on April 20. Most folks hold that an asteroid without a planet (or node or whatnot) to hang its orbit on has little effect, but I'll take this one as having some meaning. And if you're in the mood for a bit of fun, I'll bet you will too. Scheherezade is a sensual fantasy which in Scorpio indicates the "disrobing" of the subconscious/unconsciousness in arenas pertaining to the Scorpionic ego, that being where our desires, our fears, our psyche get stripped down to naked. In opposition to Phaeton (the image of young male aspirational haste), the possibilities are tasty. But realistically? Not likely. Both these symbols being in third decanate degrees, this is likely a fantasy of the moment, and if it does bear fruit that will take time and require you to take plans to fruition before you get those truly exciting rewards. Another notable moment of small-time angst: on April 22, Mercury enters the shadow of the retrograde it will annoy us all with in early May. We may all care about this more because April 22 is when Mars enters Aries, firing up our gung-ho instincts. But before you pull your drag racer out of mothballs take note—this combination clearly speaks to a need for pacing. So do what you can (and a little of what you want), but don't scatter your efforts. This is particularly important as Venus reenters Aries early on April 24 (or late on April 23, for those in American longitudes). And I probably don't have to remind you how boxed in you (and your government, and your economy) have felt since early February when Venus first undertook this annoying passage, but if you don't want to be mired (or re-mired) in the feelings of personal ineptitude, ineffectiveness and overwhelm that so inexorably and inordinately (not to mention fruitlessly) cluttered up our past couple of months, watch yourself. That's all…just watch yourself. As almost the last act of April 2009, a New Moon occurs on April 25 at 5 Taurus (which would be late on the 24th should you be in the Americas or some Pacific Basin location). Conjunct a slightly ridiculous-sounding combination of Sisyphus (endless effort, boredom) and centaur Asbolus (haste leading to self undoing), we're definitely in mixed message waters. With Industria situated just ahead of the North Node, the need to get things done lies immediately ahead. With two TNOs in opposition (Ceto, unknown terrors, and Deucalion, a Greek variation on Noah, of Ark fame) with all points in first decanate "depending on what you do" positions, a need for caution seems implied, but deliberate action is required. So while the sky probably won't fall, we're probably not at the end of the Yellow Brick Recessionary Road, either. Or if we are, the Wicked Witch is still alive and wielding a nasty broomstick. Keep a bucket of water handy. Absolutely last in line? Well that's Mercury entering Gemini on April 30. Though entering its home sign of communications and choice, Mercury is slowing to a halt (as am I). So until next month, think carefully about being you; nobody else knows how to live up to your potential. Boots Hart, CAP
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